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Port Angeles, Washington
May 21, 2002
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Wiggins called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Wiggins, Councilmembers Braun, Campbell,
Headrick, Rogers, and Williams.
Members Absent: Councilmember Erickson
Staff Present: Manager Quinn, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B.
Collins, M. Connelly, G. Cutler, D. McKeen, Y.
Ziornkowski, T. Gallagher, L. Dunbar, S. McLain, and C.
Public Present: L. Lee, T. Price, and L. Rasmussen.
PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Attorney Knutson.
FINANCE: 1. Puget Sound Pilots Lease Amendment
Puget Sound Pilots Attorney Knutson asked that the Puget Sound Pilots Lease Amendment be pulled from
Lease Amendment the agenda to be considered at a later date due to additional changes and a return to the
Real Estate Committee. Councilmember Braun moved to refer the Puget Sound
Pilots Lease Amendment back to the Real Estate Committee. Councilman
Campbell seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Verizon Communication 2. Verizon Communication Lease Amendment
Lease Amendment
Attorney Knutson provided a brief summary of the proposed lease amendment with
Verizon, which was requested in order to accommodate an expanded building.
Attorney Knutson noted that Verizon has a generator that will be made available to the
Police Department as an emergency back-up if needed. The lease amount increases
from $1,400 to $1,800 per year, with an annual escalation clause.
Councilman Campbell moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the Second
Amendment to the Communication Site Facility Use Lease between the City of
Port Angeles and Yerizon Wireless. Councilman Braun seconded the motion,
which carried unanimously.
May 21, 2002
LATE ITEMS TO BE Manager Quinn mentioned moving Agenda Item G.3 to D.3 and adding the Francis
PLACED ON THIS OR Street Park Change Order No. 4 as Agenda Item D.4.
Mayor Wiggins then introduced Bob Harbick, 1006 South Lincoln Street, owner of the
Five Seasons Bed & Breakfast, who distributed pamPhlets on "Jettin the Strait," a jet
ski race held annually in June and who announced that this year's world-championship
qualifying races will also include races on both Saturday and Sunday to help raise funds
for the Public Safety Challenge. The events will include a Saturday Celebrity Race in
which City Council members and City staff may partake. Mr. Harbick extended an
invitation to all to participate.
FINANCE: (Cont'd) 3. Standardizing After Hours Connect ~Reconnect Fees
Standardizing After Hours Finance Director Ziomkowski reviewed the need to standardize electric utility service
Connect / Reconnect Fees connect and reconnect fees and answered brief questions from the Council. Mayor
Ordinance No. 3115 Wiggins then read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington,
establish~g a fee for electric utility service turn-ons and
mm-offs and amending Ordinance 3085 and Chapter 3.70
of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Councilmember Rogers moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title.
Councilman Campbell seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Francis Street Park Project 4. Francis Street Park Change Order No. 4
Change Order No. 4
Public Works & Utilities Director Glenn Cutler explained the urgency in the need for
the allocation due to unexpected erosion problems, following which a brief question and
answer period ensued regarding elements of the finishing touches and allocation of
funding from Government Fund Project Reserves and staff labor transfers.
Councilman Braun moved to approve and authorize the City Manager to sign
Contract Change Order No. 4 in an amount not to exceed $18,320.55 to perform
the additional work to complete the project, and allocate an additional amount of
$15,000.00 to the project budget, $10,000 from the Government Fund Project
Reserves and $5,000 City staff labor transfer. Councilman Williams seconded the
motion, which carried unanimously.
CONSENT AGENDA: With no discussion forthcoming, Councilman Campbell moved to accept the Consent
Agenda to include: 1) City Council Minutes - May 7, 2002 regular meeting; 2) Check
Register - May 13, 2002 - $410,105.76; 3) Electronic Payments - May 24, 2002 -
$1,613,277.00; 4) Appointment of Watershed Planning and Salmon Recovery
Representatives; 5) Electric Utility Rural Revolving Fund; and 6) Marine Life Center
Contract. Councilmember Rogers seconded the motion. Following brief discussion,
a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
CITY COUNCIL Councilman Headrick attended the Law and Justice Committee meeting. Topics
COMMITTEE covered were changes in the by-laws, as well as the possible addition of 1/10 of 1% for
REPORTS: Corrections. Councilman Headrick discussed the proposed utilization of the funds, the
division between the cities and the County, and the fact that the County would like each
of the cities to take a position in support of the additional tax. Mayor Wiggins
requested further information that would enable the Council to make a decision as to
May 21, 2002
CITY COUNCIL whether support should be forthcoming. Manager Quinn agreed to have staff provide
COMMITTEE the information at the next meeting. Attorney Knutson reminded the Council that,
REPORTS: (Cont'd) before a position could be taken on a ballot issue such as this, a public meeting must be
held whereby opponents and proponents of the proposed legislation would be allowed
to speak. Following the public meeting, the Council could then take a position in the
form of a resolution.
Councilman Headrick also met with Jack Anderson at the Rayonier site, along with
other staff members, to review the plans for the trail which were approved by Mr.
Anderson. Bids on the bridge should be coming in the latter part of next month.
Councilman Braun attended the Historical Society meeting and the Clallam County
Transit meeting. He informed the Council that on May 25, 2002, Leo Sunny will be
celebrating his 92nd birthday at the Port Angeles Senior Center at 11:30 a.m. He
informed the audience about Mr. Sunny's accomplishments in his life and asked if the
City could prepare a Birthday Proclamation to be presented at the gathering.
Councilmember Rogers has been working on telecommunications issues and stated that
things were going very well.
Mayor Wiggins rode in the Sequim Irrigation Parade.
ORDINANCES NOT 1. Northland Cable Franchise
HEARINGS: Director Cutler introduced Deputy Director of Power Systems Scott McLain and Power
Resource Manager Larry Dunbar. Deputy Director McLain also introduced Pctc
Northland Cable Franchise Grigorieff, Regional Manager for Northland Cable, and Mike Sturgeon, Plant Manager.
Ordinance No. 3116 Mr. Dunbar opened a PowerPoint presentation by focusing on franchise acceptance,
'summary of the franchise, and broadband and economic development aspects of the
franchise. With the franchise acceptance, Northland Cable Television complied with
all of the acceptance requirements such as the completion of the City-required Form,
the Franchise Bond, they have provided a Certificate of Insurance, and they have also
made a payment toward the City's cost of renewing the franchise. The four categories
addressed were 1) Subscriber Needs, 2) Community Needs, 3) Other Terms and
Conditions, and 4) The Broadband Economic Development Needs. Thc Subscriber
Needs included broad programming, a variety of programming on television such as
local news, sports, Canadian channels; a local programming requirement where
subscribers just wanted local news; and channel capacity.
Mr. Grigorieff began by thanking the Council and addressing the issue of a Cable-
Modem service based on customer requests. Northland has explored different ideas and
has created a partnership with two local ISPs to provide services to their subscriber base
or to new subscribers. These services shouldbe available in late June for approximately
sixty days of testing, then permanently available sometime in September. !n addition
to local subscribers, Northland will also seek businesses interested in two-way service.
In response to an inquiry from Councilman Williams, Mr. Grigoricff indicated the
modem would be available to cable customers at a rate of $14.99 and to non-cable
customers at a rate of $29.99 for stand-alone service. Councilman Headrick asked if
ISP costs would be higher or lower because of this service, and Mr. Grigorieff
responded much of this would be determined by the size of the pipe coming in to their
facilities, as .well as the cost of additional equipment.
Addressing the next aspect of the franchise, Mr. Dunbar described the community needs
for access channels and an emergency alert system which was further explained by Mr.
Sturgeon. Information regarding the emergency alert system, according to Mr.
Sturgeon, has two major components of testing and actual emergency alerts required by
the FCC. He further explained the three types of alerts: those issued by the President
May 21, 2002
ORDINANCES NOT of the United States, those issued by the State, and those issued locally.
HEARINGS: Mr. Dunbar then summarized requirements and elements of the franchise: the
(Cont'd) broadband and economic development components of the Community
Telecommunications Action Plan, the Fiber-Optic Backbone Business Plan, and the
Northland Cable Franchise Broadband Economic Development. The management of the franchise will be an effort
Ordinance No. 3116 of the City staff. Three key efforts are the emergency alert system, cable casting
(Cont' d) equipment for Council chambers, and the institutional network, including the backbone
construction performed by Northland, the advance availability of the I-Net, and the 18-
month approach to the activation of the I-Net.
Mr. Dunbar briefly referenced three language additions to the franchise ordinance, all
of which were documented in a paper distributed to the Council. Discussion followed,
with members of 'the Council speaking in support of the franchise. Councilman
Campbell stated that he was extremely pleased with the outcome of the entire process,
because the City has achieved its economic development goals as they relate to the
provisioning of broadband services for commerce and industry in Port Angeles. He
then commended Northland Cable people for the way they have "stepped up to the
plate" and taken on this substantial investment in providing the local service. Having
followed this through the National League of Cities and Association of Washington
Cities with other communities that have been dealing with cable franchises, Councilman
Campbell expressed that the City is fortunate to have reached this agreement.
Following further questions and answers, Councilman Campbell moved to approve
the proposed cable television franchise with Northland Cable Television, inclusive
of the added language of May 21, 2002; to approve a $2,824.80 expense for the
Institutional Network fiber option recommendation; and to cancel the fiber optic
pilot project. Councilman Williams seconded the motion. Mayor Wiggins read the
Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles granting to Northland Cable
Television, Inc., doing business as Northland Cable Television,
non-exclusive franchise for the purpose of constructing,
maintaining, operating, repairing, replacing, upgrading, rebuilding
and using a cable television system in public streets, alleys, and
rights-of-way in the City of Port Angeles to provide cable service,
and repealing ordinance 2470.
Councilman Campbell opted to include adoption of the Ordinance as read by title
in the motion. Councilman Williams, as seconder of the motion, agreed. A vote
was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
Break Mayor Wiggins recessed the meeting for a break at 7:50 p.m. The meeting reconvened
at 8:10 p.m.
Municipal Annexation 2. Municipal Annexation
Community Development Director Collins informed the Council that the three parcels
being considered for annexation are City-owned property. He distributed copies of a
letter from the County identifying certain issues that need further attention, one of
which is the location of the UGA boundary in that area. Director Collins suggested that
this matter be continued to the next Council meeting. Following a brief question and
answer session, Councilman Campbell moved to continue the annexation to the next
Council meeting. Councilman Braun seconded the motion, which carried
May 21, 2002
OTHER Ennis Creek Estates Subdivision
Manager Quinn advised the Council that staff would like to remove the Ennis Creek
Ennis Creek Estates Estates Subdivision from the agenda in that further questions have arisen that should be
Subdivision addressed by the Real Estate Committee. According to Director Collins, the June 12
public hearing scheduled before the Planning Commission will also be delayed.
Councilman Braun moved to remove the Ennis Creek Estates Subdivision from the
agenda until further notice. Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which
carried unanimously.
INFORMATION: Manager Quinn mentioned the June 6th Gateway meeting has been cancelled, and he
reminded Council that the June 18 Council meeting has been moved to June 17. The
Council set a special meeting for June 4 at 4:30 p.m. to consider the CFP. Manager
Quinn confirmed the June 11 joint meeting with the County Commissioners, and Mayor
Wiggins clarified that the June 15th Council retreat will be held from 9:00 a.m. to
Noon. Leland Lee advised the Council that the next Law Enforcement Advisory Board
meeting has been moved to May 29. A report on terrorism response was requested for
the next meeting. Also requested was a statistical comparison with last year on the
Benefit Dump Day. A report on the recent fuel oil spill in the harbor was presented by
Fire Chief McKeen.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
~-~Glenn Wiggins, Mayor ~eck~ ~. ~pq, C--~Cler~ ~