HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/22/1935 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Ma.:v 22. 1935 193_ 297 ., I I I I I . The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was ca;Ued to order by Mayor Davis. Roll oall showed the follow ing officers present: Mayor ~avis, Commiss ioners Lutz and Masters, Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins. . The minutes of the previous sessio'n were re ad and app roved. Under the head of Introduction of Resolutions, the folli:lwing Resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION VnIEREAS, on or about the15tn day of March, 1935, a break occurred in the municipal water main causing damage to the stock of goods of adjacent stores and to the floors and walls of adjacent building; and the respective owners of said stock of gpods and certain occupants of the said building have filed clailrl1l for damage against the City of Pont Angeles; and ~HEREAS. it appears after due consideration by 1he City Commission that parts of the said claims for damages are proper and reasonable and that, in the event that suit is brought on the said claims, it is likely that the judgment for damages could be recovered and that it is for the best interest of the Ci1iV to compromise and settle said olai ms. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY lliE CITY COMMISSION OF lliE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, that the claims of said persons to the extent of and in the amounts hereinafter set forth ,are proper and reas ona ble ahd should be allowed and pa id by the City of Port Angele.s, to-wit: ~tone G. Smith $309.96 International Longshoremen's Ass'n, Lloyd Getchell, Sec'y 12.00 Lloyd Snodgrass ,21.75 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the clai me in 1h e am oun ts above s ta ted be and the same are he're by allowed and ordered paid by warran ts drll\\n agains t the municipal Water Departmen t. . It was moved by Commissioner Lutz that the foregoing Resolution be approved and 1", adopte.d. Seconded by Mayor Davis. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor decla~ed the motion carried. , i Warrants were ordered drawn for the following claims purSllant to the above resolu:t1on: A'ntone G. Smith International Longshoremen's Ass'n Lloyd Snodgrass, Club Cafe $309.96 12.00 -.21.75 S~J. 7f the following claims and ordered warran ts The Commission examined and allowed drawn .for same: I CURRENT EX1?ENSE FUND IL. Lloyd Aldwell. Inc. Kissner Motor Parts Go. J. B. Mathews Automotive Parts Go. S. J. Lutz R. E. Davis II!) ~...p.{ J _ ,212.50 21. 90 43.00 6.55 5.55 55.40 Insurance Lamps Pai nt Rep airs Expense "ccoun t " W!A:'I'ER FUND Water Department Sta te Treasur er Seattle Plumbing Supply Co. Federal Pipe & Tank Go. Pay Roll Bus. Tailt April Pipe Fi t tings Bands 1935 154.00 232.11 37.92 9.07 ,0 "" '7'? /' 'I' '3 cL3 " 1 ., / t.d LIGHT ~'l1ND State Treasurer General Electric Co. Kissner Motor Parts Co. Fred Pollow State Federation of Women's ~lubs Bus. Tax April 1935 Meters Lamps Build ing scaffold Advertising -11 ,{7 -; -- 294.01 71. 60 187.26 10.40 10.00 GUARANTY FUND I . Ci ty :l:reasurer L.1.]I. ASSBssment Dist. ~104 32.63 There being no further business the Cpmmission then adjou.rn~ed' ~ <><:9~ /, / ?7.~ Gity Clerk Mayor ; ~