HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/22/1950 ,. ~ 4 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington May 22 , 19~L ..c' , "".... ....... ""'_", '''",,'' ,.... .... The Commission met in regular session at 10 A. M., and was called to Drder by Mayor Feeley. Officers present were: Mayor Feeley, Corrmissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Tr\Jlllbull, and Clerk taw. Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications BUILDING PEID'ITS: Frank Kno~ C. R. Gallacci Arne rredricksen James larson VI. E. Johnston JJ. C. Adolphson for building permits and licenses, the following were granted: Build gara!:e Lot 16, Blk. 6, P.S.C.C. Build 5 room dwelling Lot 6, Blk 359, Townsite Build 6 room house Lots 11 & 12, Blk. 321, Townsite Build porch' on dwelling, Lot 20, Blk 106, Townsite Build garage, Lot 12, Blk. 575, Townsite Build addition & repair foundation, Lot 13, Elk. 54 Tnst. 550.00 7000.00 5000.00 250.00 600.00 1000.00 LIC&'iSES: Howard Oliver Journerman Plumber, renewal, 2 years 1.00 Under'" thS , head of unfinished business, Frank Fountain, merchants and others appeared before the Commission requesting that Front Street from Lincoln to Ennis Streets be included in street improvement program. Emery Stewart spoke regarding negotiations between the former Con'mission and State Highway Department concerning a' survel of Froflt Street and cost of same. Also suggested that program be iticluded in bond issue and earmarked for 'Front Street improvement when drainage and w"ter line replacement could be considered. Charles VTillson cited traffic problem on First Street which could be eliminated by another outlet which ,w uld also be definite advantage for fire protection. Bill Welmer also cited hazards to childred at IWaShington School an:! interference by traffic noise. ' .1 Wayno Saari expressed definite interest in ~ront Street improvement, informing that residents east of Lincoln and North of First would have arterial and be more favorable to bonds. Also informed of recent traffic checks taken and read a letter from T. T. Aldwell favoring improvement. It was Mr. Sarri's opinion that bonds for I 'Front ,street paving should be included as the east is as vitally interested as the west, an:! each must pay 1\ their portion of taxes, therefore the 'Front Street improvement should be brought to vote in July. John Wilson, Ban PhUJ;ips, Jim Robinson, Frank Fisher, J. M. Davis, and others also spoke in favor of including Front Street improvement, emphasizing importance of required number of "otes vast, and all merchants agreed to 'advertising campaign for the seme. I 'Fred Strange of the Planning Commission displayed maps showing contemplated improvenents necessitated by topographical conditions. Informed that the Planning Commission is not opposed to Front Street im~rovement" That th!, ,,[hole City must support the project and if 'Front Street improvement is included, the project may not be approved. Also that Front Street parallels First Street which is already paved. Mr. Strange discussed the financial breakdown and how the whole scheme as now considered would help everybody. He also cited necessity of improvement of West Third Street trestle wi thin two years at which time 'Front Street could be included and completed in 1952. Commissioner Robinson agreed that the matter was apparently in the lap 0 f the ConlIDission, all arguments having been presented, and logical. Also infonned that the Commission do not want to wait for the State, an:! moved that the meeting recess until Thursday and try to include the Front Street project. There Was no I second. ' IcommiSSioner'TaYlor informed of a former meeting with the state Department, at which time it was proposed ! that Front Street take part of traffic load. The City at that time aul;horized origin and destination surveyl which should be avails ble by July. That if traffic requires, First and }ront streets might be made one way i traffic. Mr. Taylor also infonned that he at no time had plans of his own, but has been working in conjunct~on l'with th,e Gity ConlIDis~io~ and the Planning COli"J1lission and had no intention of leaving out a?y feasable project,'s. It was moved b,r COli"~lSS10ner Taylor that the Commission meet at 4:00 P.M. for fUrther conslderation. Seconded Iby Colllmissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I iMayor Feeley informed that he wanted no changes without the recommendation of tr.e Planning Commission, and thanked the Planning Commission and those present for time spent and interest shown in City affairs. ;COmmiSSiOner Robinson also expressed appreciation, as did Co,TJIlissioner Taylor. Frank Fountain also expressed appre:iation of the Connnittee for study and time spent. 1 lJoe Morrison again appeared concerning deed to the City for access to gravel pit. It was moved by Mayor I lFee1ey that Commissioner Taylor and the Engineer be authorized to preceed if advisable in the interest of the City. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. llFrank Fou.;'tain, of the }~r8t National Bank, presented a proposition whereby the City would refinance the Industrial Elwha River Water Bonds. May 22, 1950. !Honora ble Mayor and City Commis sioners !Fort Angeles, Washingtcn. ! Gentlerr.en: I I In 0 rder to make it possible for your City to re:f\md $405,000 of ou.tstanding Water Revenue Bonds bearing 2% interest and subject to call on July 1, 1950 and to make an interest saving thereon, and to additionally borrow ~l300'000 of new money for capital outlay, we are pleased to offer to pllrchase herewith a new issue of $705,000 Port Angeles Water Revenue Bonds to be paid solely from the net income of the conbined domestic and industriaJL water systems and to be a first lien on said net income. Our proposal to purchase is as follows: SERIAL MATURITY SCHEDULE $70,000.00 70,000.00 70,000.00 70,000.00 $70,000.00 ?1~009.OO 71,000.00 71,000.00 $71,000.00 71,000.00 1959 1960 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 Maturities may be either January 1, or July 1. \ I I '. I 'I I I~ 'I l. I I .5~ Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington May 22, 19~O_ Continued, "., . ''''', ,,"'.., """... '''",'", ..". ..... Said bonds are to be dated either January 1, 1950 or July I, 1950, and to be in denominations of I $1,000, each, interest peyable semi-annually January and July 1. Said Bonds to be subject to call on July 1'1 1955 'or any interest date thereafter at per as a whole or in pert, in inverse numerical order. ' We will pay for said bonds a price of war, plus accrued interest from July 1, 1950 to date of deli very, for bonds bearing the following rates of interest: I $492,000 due January 1, 1951 to and including January 1, 1957 - 1-5/8% 213,000 due January 1, 1958 to and including January 1, 1960 - 2% I This is an over-all effictive rate to the Cit~, of 1.8098. , This bid is subject to our receiving prior to delivery the unqualified approving opinion 0 f Messrs. I Preston, Thorgrimson & Horowitz, Attorneys, Seattle, Washington, as well as a complete certified transcript , of all proceedings should that be required by us. The cost of this opinion is to be peid by us. I Also, as a pert of this proposal, we agree to furnish printed blank,'bonds ready for execution. , As e..idence of our good faith, we enclose herewith a certified check in the amaunt af $35,250., being 15% of the amount of our bid, said check to. be applied upon the purchase price af said bonds if they are I awarded to. us at this time and delivered to I.<S on or about July 1, 1950; otherwise, said check is to be ret\lrned to us upon request. , ' , This bid is also subject to your City publishing on or before June 1, 1950 in the official peper notice 10f call of the outstanding $405,000 Water Revenue Bonds for July 1, 1950 and that a sufficient amount of the: "]fundS aefived from the sale of this new issue will be used for the purpose of paying off said bonds. I ' Respectfully submitted ."".... Blyth & Compan;}', Inc., Seattle The Pacific National Bonk of Seattle Wm. P. Harper & Son & Co., Seattle 'First National Rank in Port Angeles By F. O. FountaL, Vice President , 'The above offer to purchase $705,000.00 par value of bonds is hereby accepted by proper authorization of ~ : City of Port Angeles, and we hereby;,<lcknow1edge receipt of the good faith deposit check in the amount of 1$35,250.00. jATTEST: J.E., taw I' Clerk It was decided Frank A Feeley Vernon J. Robinson Ed. B. Taylor Commissioners to re-convene at 4:00 P. M. regarding the foregoing proposal. The Commission examined and appraved i CURF.ENT EXPENSE RIND: :z 'I ~, :i1 / ,Radio. Service Appliance 'R. L. R. Service I Fitchard I s Associated Service ,Olympic Stationsers Luvaas Firestone Service 'Smith Ice & Bottling Wks. i Johnson & Bark IJ. C. Penny Ca. C. A. Wolverton Thompson Studio , J. W. Caven ~Leo Walsh Studio Angeles Machine & Welding '/forks iOlympiC Electric Co. Angeles Mill Work & Lumber Co. : Goss Stationery ,CITY ~ f!!.@.: (Samuelson Motor Co. 'IJames Hdl'fe. Co. i Richfie ld Oil Corp. :Ecklund Imnber Co. I City ,Treasurer ISO. If? WATER RIND: ~ Z 8', '10 'Seattle Plumbing Supply Co. Co,. Western Utilities Supply iJ. W. Spencer Olympic Foundry Co. 1- iLIGHT FUND: ,Westinghouse Electric ,Remington Ren:! Inc. United Seal CO. Pacific Marine Sup,lly Co. Olympic Stationers So 7, ~. Supply Co. PARK FUND: /JI,1/ WUlsOrlHdwe. Co., the following claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of the same: 1 vibrator Tire repe ir Car repeir Stationery Wheels & t1r.es Recharge Paint Su pplie s Express, freight & postage Picture Reoairs Photo Bolts &, Nuts Electric Fan turn bar Chair 5.79 1.19 17.05 3.71 29.00 3.55 1.80 48.82 16.22 2.06 6.65 6.18 2.69 51.50 14;<11 56.31 Tube, tire, repeir Broom Cleaning Solvent Lumber Express 118.48 2.52 15.15 15.77 .75 Pipe, fittings Pipe dies Backfilling Crosses 547.57 4.09 48.00 28.74 Meters Parts Seals Rope Supplies 420.10 .55 7.62 78.49 1.04 Saw Blades, Washers, Bolts, etc. 21.91 6 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington May 22 . Continued 19....5-0_ "" , '."", ..",. .,."..,~ ,.,.".., ..... .... SANITATION E!l!!!.: ;;3 ~, :l 7 Dobson Auto Electric G. & L. Paint Supplies Distributor Paint, etc. 11.52 27.05 L. I. D. REVOLVING RIND: CityTreasurer - I b ~.J-13 Taxes & costs, Lots Ut16, Block 555 103.45 There being no further business, the meeting was recessed until 4:00 P. M. iMay 22, 4:00 P. M. The Commission convened pursuant to recess declared, with all officers present. Mayor Feeley announced a vacancy on the Planning COlllmission, the term of H. G. Horstman having expired in lI.8rch. The Mayor then appointed E. A. "Buck" Stewart as member of the board for a six year term, and it was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the appointment be confirmed. Seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Under the head of unfinished business, !.lr. Strange opened discussion for improvement of Front Street, informing that Engineers estmate for same ia $BS,?13.5S. That a lOa' concrete bulkhaad is necessary at cost 10f $10,000.00, $2,500.00 to be paid by abutting property owners and $7,500.00 with bonds. Mr. Strange also informed that the improvement would -require increase in total bond issue of approximately $54,000.00, and proposed that Front Stroet improvement be included and the total bonl issue be $560,000.00. lIt was moved by Commissioner Robinson that Ordinance No. 1226 , as passed first and second reading May 15,1950, jbe amended as follows: by changing the figures $300,000.00 appearing in the title thereof to read $360,000.00, By changing the figures $500,000.00, appearing in section 2 thereof to read $560,000.00. By changing the I ,figures $300 ,000.00 appearing in the "Proposition" on page 5 thereof to read '560,000.00. By inserting itherein a new section denominated section K to read as fol101'!s: Front Street from the west margin of Ennie Street to the east margin of Lincoln Street by the installation of 24' wide cement concrete pavement in the lcenter thereof, an:! by the installation of stub storm sewers in the illtersections of Front Street with ,Liberty, Jones, Chambers, Washington, Race, Frances, Eunice, Albert, Vine, and Peabody Streets. Motion seconded by Commissioner Taylor. On roll call, all members voted Aye. Motion Carried. It was understood that this amendment is py advice of Bond Attorneys Preston, Thorgrimson, and Horowitll. It was further moved that the following Ordinance es amended be placed on third and final reading: ORDINANCE NO. 1226 AN ORDINANCE of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, providing for the subinission to ;the qualified electors of said city at a special election of a pr9Positfuon authorizing the construction and installation of certain storm sewers am the paving of certain streets, all within the city, and providing !further that the city issue general obligation bonds, to be paid by unlimited annual hx levies, in the 'principal amount of not to exceed $560,000,00 for the purpose of providing funds to pay pert of the cost of 'said improvements. I ' I , tIt was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the foregoing Ordinance be pas sed third end final reading and 'adopted. Seconded b;y Mayor Feeley. On roll call, all members voted Aye. The l''''yor declared the motion carried. [ ! Mayor Feeley cont:ratulated the merchants group for putting up a good fight, and Cor,;missioner Robinson sdmitted 'it was a good and clean fight, also informed that work will be done by contract, not by City employees. I !The Commission again considered the contract of Carl am Lois Green who purchases Lots 19 and 20, Blk. 144, ,Townsite, and being delinquent with payments as per contract. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that thE! 'recoll'mendation of the City Treasurer be approved and contract cancelled. Seconded by Commissioner Taylor. 'All voted Aye. Motion carried. I Norman, Larson appeared regarding vacation of B. Street North of the alley between Fourth am Fifth Streets, 'opposing. VIlcation of the same. The COlTJnission will inspect said street requested vacated end consider at the ~ext session. I !Pursuant. to calls for bids for the sale of Lots 17, 18, 19, and 20, Elk. ~55, Townsite, the following was received:, L. O. Madison, $225.00. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the bid be ~ccepted. Seconded Iby Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye, Motion carried. i '. 'Iunder th~ head of reading and passage of Ordinanc es, the following was placed on third reading: ORD INANC E NO. 1227 AN ORDINANCE relating to public health and sanitation, the collection and disposal of garbage, trash end ,'refuse, and amending Sections 5 and 12 of Ordinance No. 1129 as amonded by Sections 1 and 2 of Ordinance No. 1163. I :It was moved by Mayor Feeley that the foregoing Ordinance be passed third and final reading and adopted. Seconded by Co;nmissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion Carried. I rnder t)h~ head of inttllduction and reading of ordi~:::N::ell:~l:~ng was placed on first and second reading I : AN ORDINANCE vacating that portion of Alder Street lying between the south toun~ary line of First Street and Ithe North boundary line of Second Street in Port Angeles, Clallam Count,', Washington. , ':It was moved by Mayor 'Feelay that the foregoing Ordinance be passed first and second reading. Seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. 1!otion carried. I '('here being no further business the session was recessed until 1:00 P. M. Wednesday. 1 i j I ~I I '. I I