HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/23/1945 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 109 ., May, P5 19~ ......"~"..."~fl.. ....n...'"'' ~ The Commission met in regular session at 10 A.~., and was called to order by AmYOr Robinson. Roll Call showed the following officers present; Mayor Robinson, Commissioners Beam and Masters, Attorney Johnston, and Clerk Hawkins. The WJnutes of the previous sessien were read and approved. Under the head of applications for licenses, the foUlJWing were granted: Port Angeles Transit Co., 1 28 passenger bus, $28.00 I Under the head of introduction of resolutions, the following was introduced: RESOWTIDN I WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles is the cymer of the following described real property, having acquired , Lots Three (3) and Four (4), Block Three Hundred Twenty-three (323), Townsite of Port Ang3laS, By Treasurer's deed dated l.'ay 7, 1934, and Lot Five (5), Block Three Hundred Tv<enty-three (3<3), Townsite of Port Angeles, by Treasurer's deed datea llay 5, 1945 under and by virtue of the authority of Section 9393 of Remington's I Revised Statutes, Chapter 143 of the Lav,s of 1929, paee 365, and, I I 1\~lEREAS, Errett R. Fleener and Irene A. Fleener, husband and wife, have offered to purchase the above deKcribed real property from the City of Port Angeles for the sum of $600.00, and WHEREAS, the City Commission has viewed the said property and is of the opinion that the offer is fair value and at this time it is the best interest of the city that it should be accepted and the sale made. I: NOW, 'IHEREFCRE, BE IT RESOLVED that the said offer oe accepted and that the City of Port Angeles sell the . said property at private sale to the said Errett R. Fleener and Irene A. Fleener, for the s~~ hereinabove I set forth, subject to arlO' oth~r "alid liens against the same; that the City Attorney be instructed to ' prepare a quit claim deed conveyiDg said property to the purohasers, and that the City Clerk of the City of Port Angeles be and he is hereby instructed to execute said quit claim deed, and that the Mayor of the City of Port Angeles be and he is hereby instructed to countersign said quit claim deed. I Ii I The Commi,ssion exam.i11ed and allol.'red the following claims, and ordered warrants draTm in pa;y-:nent of the same:: I !I II It,was moved)by .Corrui1issioner Masters the foregoing resolution be approved am adopted. Seconded by Co~~issmoner beam. Roll call showed all members voting Aye. The I~yor declared the motion carried. Current Expense Fund: H. E. Dodge Joseph H. Johnston Traveling ERpense, Seattle, Traveling Expense, $ 3J.~o 5.87 27.43 I Wa ter Fund: Johnson&Bork Clalla~ Adjustment Corp. Marcbann & Willia];,s Shop Supplies Comm. on Collections Pipe & Fittings }/o."'9 3.21 3.55 503.95 Light F1ind: Paramount Flag Co. Line Material Co. Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. Tri de & l.:Urra~' Home Electric Co. Chas. E. Beam Clallam Adjustment Corp. ClaUam County P.U.D. #1 Flage Cutouts & Lamp 3rackets Meter Plugs & Sockets Office Supplies I.:eter Supplies Car Expense Comm. on Collections Power for March 31, to April 30, 1945 9.26 114.40 27.40 1.77 2.18 20.95 16.98 10, '17J.17 110,281.00 ~!lj.tary Fund: Kelly & Devine Tire 49.91 Pa rk Fund: King & Folle Musi c Co, Records 7.07 War Liquor Tax Fund: Samuelson !<lot or Co. Hoare 8< Headrick Arnold Levy Tires Labor & Supplies Rent for May, 1945, - Parakeet 11. 02 12.24 12,!,:;'~ 100.00 ,I Guaranty Fund: City Treasurer City Treasurer City Treasurer City Treasrure Ci ty Treasurer Ci ty Treasure r City Treasurer City Treasurer City Treasurer Taxes, Lts. 5 &9 Bll:. 222, 1 & 5 Blk.225, 14-21,B1.5, 446.60 Assessts., Lt. 15, 14, Blk 114, Carters Sub.LID 131 237.59 11 Lts.17,18,19,20,Blk. 127, Townsite,LID 142 441.74 Taxes, Lts 11 & 12, Elk, 128. To.msite 54.31 Lt. %, Blk, 325, Tmmsite 70.61 Assts. Lts. 2 & 5, Elk. 124, Morse's Subd. LID 131 77.82 Lts. 11 & 12, Elk. 128, LID 142 58.80 Lts. 9 & 10, Blk. 324- 395.19 Lots 15 &16, Blk. 317, T0\7nsite 1/?'8':<'.r.'t 110.02 11. I L.T.D. Revolving Fund: Ci ty Treasurer City Trea surer City Treasurer City Treasurer Taxes, E~ It. 13 & Lt. 14, all; 256, Tmmsite Asets. Lt 16, 31k. U5, Tmvnsite, LID 101, 142 Lts. 15,17,18, Blk. 196, Townsite,LID 104 Lt. 8, Blk, 324, I~"t.q'f 53.09 30.35 36.57 59.93 There '~eing no further businessJ the ffit!etitIg I\TRS <'ldjourned. "i1, Yh;j'J C4w~ Cit:r- Clerk ~Jff~ b!ayor ~