HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/24/1939 57~ Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington M<iY~_l~~ ___ _19_ I .1 ~ . The Collllllission met in regular session at 10 A .J!.. and was c aUed to order by Mayorllavis . Roll call showed the following officers present: Jlayor. Davis, Commissioners Henson and llasters, Attorney Conniff and Cle rk Hawkins. A The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of Applications for Building Penn its the following were granted: Ray Bartholomew, Construct House, Lot 6, Block 415, Townsite 1200.00 O. Swindland, Construct House, Lot 18, Block 1, Cain's Subdivision of Suburban Lot 18, Townsite BOoo.oo I -LEfi.\1., l'URLW.\TJONS ;;'- -_..__._--~---_.> ('\1.1. F'IB IUJ)~ :<,;"n",. ll"1 [,,'1'''\'.' ,\"jl"' II il1;11 ,,,.,,Il',j ! ~il:;t:~. /;i~,'{~'::~c;~: 111'.1 ,- I" ",,,-.1 il ",'I II". i \I~' ('k,:,1- '111,-" r: I"'.H"":,,,,, "',;0':'\'" 1:11' hi~'IlL "..i'~.' ~lt>lIr.'\\\I;~~~/~' L'ub. .,];-': ,_,~t;:\\.l'kl]l Pursuant to the published call for bids to furnish pipe for the Port Angeles Water Department, the Clerk reported that 7 bids had been filed. The bids as checked by the Superintendent of Utilities being as follows: f-. -- ~ IbRC~: a.G. ;r.wlVILLB: & :R1RCILL 1l1ILLIAm : li'RAllSl'1'I:UBInIlSAL:U .S. 01 1'!PB OIl PIPE :.wE!IICAIl :PACIfIC 01 : S'l'i\1'JiS 01 :AI.!SIl. 01 : P.B. 01 :RI&9Sm.AJa B.D. .,.u.n lo:lLER I .12~.0 0 por. n.: 1.'1ll: jOllltllli1. or 41ao - . 03ll T"tl\l cost In 1.1'111 lIeight 1ft 6 .0.6 10~ Q , per. n.: 1.38 Jolllt m'tl. or diac - .02'7 Tob1 coat In. 1.3~3 Veight 1ft I 29.6 : B- 0 . par. n. 1.06: Joint mt1. or diac - .02. Total coat In 1.02: Veipt I n. I 19.1 : 6" 0 C por. n. .44: Joint ctl. or diaa -.009 !ota1 aoat In. .631 Wolght In. I 7,9 a" 0 0 per. ft. .211. Joint mU. or dlao -. .00ll 1"oia1 aoat In. .261l l1a1ght I ft. I 3.8 .~: 7.~ I . 1.76 '72.& 1.38 56.'7 : .9B: .9S: 6:l.5 : .63& 17.0 l!AIIl or VALVE Ia:TA loP BJa'rB 12- Yaln B. I '76.68 12" YalTO U or '1' 7:1.80 81.1fi -.... ~ 10~ Yaln H I 116.84. , 10~ Yal TO II or 'f 116.llll 62.67 I e~ Yaln B I M.55 8~ TAl,.. U or or :l3.71 U.1l6 6" Yaln a E A 'f 13.09 13.26 6" ,",1" U Ill. 00 2" Yaln H E A '1' 7.1l5 '7.315 2~ ,.a1,.o U 7.84. J'ltUIl4l8 12%12%6 'ha 19.90 211.110 10xlOx6 '1'ee 16.20 17.64 '.1 818%8 'fee 111.90 13.02 4x2xll 'fee 6.76 5.58 D.l1nry ti= da7S l4. 711 1.76:. 1.72 .03 1.'75 611.6 1.89: .03 1.92 66.1 1.69 .02~ 1. illS ~2.2 : 1.10: .02: 1.12: 38.6 .48 .Ol~ .49~: 16.1 .26 .01 .26 6.t 2.066: .0., 2.~ 611.6 1.63 .02ll 1.61l1l 1l1.8 1.206: .02 : 1.226: 38.3 .1l211: .0111: .114 16.6 .26 .01 .27 6.0 RINSSILAEit CBiU'K\lI 69.118 611.66 68.90 78.52 711.117 112.92 69.98 1l8.4fi M.ee 116.90 :U.36 30.38 31.69 32.M 33.M 12.01 13.23 12.22 14..70 14..08 7.11 8.82 7.04. 9.80 7.61 1.38 1.36 .02ll 1. 3815 1l1.8 ~1.00 22.90 26.91 18.00 16.90 18.20 l'T.611 16.70 111.1lO 7.20 ".80 10.00 60 60 21 t:~ t:~ Repair Parts, etc. Rear. End Assembly Oil I After due consideration, it was moved by Commissioner Henson that the contract for the valves be let to the Rensselaer Valve Company, also that the purchase from the John JlansviUe Company of not less than 1 car load of Transite Pipe be authorized at this time. Motion seconded by Commissioner Masters. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Disposition of the balance of the contracts for furnishing pipe was continued for further consideration. 1.00 .02 1.02 38.3 .6315: ... . .Ol~ .6Illl Ul.9 .ellll: .26 .01 .27 6.0 Under the head of Unfinished &sioos;- The further consideration of bids for furnishing equipment for the Fire /Alarm System came up and it was moved by Conmdssioner Henson that the contract to furnish the equipnent for the Central Station Unit be awarded to the Converse Company of Seattle. Seconded by Mayor Davis. On roll call all members voted aye. 'J.he Mayor declared the motion carried. '. LllDLOil 7~.00 117.00 36.00 13.00 7.110 CURRENT EXPENSE FUND The Commission examined and allowed the following claims ond ordered warrants drawn for same: Automotive Parts Service Anton Frederickson Standard Oil Co. 65.67 45.90 BO.24 ..... ,... ,58 Proceedings of the City Commission of the. City of Port Angeles, Washington May 24, 19B9 19_ .1......... ~ "U""'Y, "'TTL~. ,.,..TtOM"OO&. ...,..n.., oo~oo , WATER FUND ! Family Shoe Store 1 City Treasurer Angeles Cooperative Creamery ; A. G. McKnight : Olympic Stationers . S. H. White \ LIGHT FUND ~acker-Scott Co. ] City Treasurer I Olympic Stationers , Line Material Co. ~ :::: ~ -- I Westinghouse Electrj.c Supp1;r Co. : City Treasurer Hoare & H9IIdri ck " " . I Angeles Tire Recap Service James Hardware Co. ! c. W. Merrow I CITYWIDE SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION FUND i Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Cement, Sand, etc. I There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. I Automotive Parts Service nil" 'I tI h n I Port Angeles Business College i National Clean Up and Paint Up Cempaign Bureau National Fire Protection Association I Railway Express Agency Family Shoe Store C. N. Buclmer Line Material CoiIpany R. O. Ide Co-operative Laun:lry Tookers Motor Freight H. l'. Dodge John Wiley & Sons Olympic Stationers II'. M. Hawkins 04'mPic Stationers D. A. Masters Fred P. Henson . " CITY STllliJ<:l' FUND I Howard Rand Howard-Cooper Corp. , Marshall-Wells Co. Automotive Parts Service I Ol3mPic Peninsula Auto Freight Co. Marshall-Wells Co. I Howard-Cooper Corp. II ., n J. M. Davis ~~< ,- ~ City Clerk .... Pyrene & Spot Light Psrts Mimeographing Window Display Posters Express '11arges Boots Stakes Fire A1ann System Equipment Expense Account Laundry Freight Expense iAccount Supplies " Expense Account Supplies Expense Account .1 II ~J '7 VI Cribbing Rolle r and Shaft Hardware Battery Freight Bolt O1tters Parts Hardware Insurance Premium \,9y VI Boots State Taxes Cups Expense Account Supplies Expense Account /I~ i~l Disinfectant Misc. Cash Payments _ Supplies~. Materi81s Cable . State Taxes 't'ruck Repairs n " Tire Repair Lamps Janitor Services "/ \,,~ ;{1. 12.41 17.19 8.10 5.00 .5.86 3.00 1.28 6.00 6.00 B76.Bl 54.60 6.00 2.4B B8.05 2.77 1.00 35.B5 5.00 25.41 B.50 52.85 I I' 207.90 7.50 2B.46 5.66 5.97 5.26 57.00 1.48 129.45 8.06 511.73 2.96 5.B6 4.05 65.62 6.50 72.91 55.41 .53.35 90.57 780.94 .1.01 1l.68 21.22 B5.Bl 9.00 I 199.72 -' Mayor I I