HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/24/1956 I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 499 ., 'I Mav 17 Cont.; 111lAd 19---56 ,.., . ""~". .."m. ".,~... .,,",n. ..... -<>- i No further business appearing, it was properly moved and seconded that the meeting be continued until 7:30 P.M., May 24. I I i I f e. ;L~ (J City Clerk ~)4lh~- ,. Mayor . HAY 24, 1956 The City Council Jn3t' at 7:30 P.M. pursuant to continuation of the May 17 session. Officers present were: MaiYor Smith, Councilmen B~own> Neer, Saniison, Hatthieu, ~roll'e and McFatlden,' Mamger Vergeer, Attorney Severyns, and ClerK Law.. Coun::il considered an Ordinance proposed by the lierchants Bureau concerni1l:\ licensing, regulation and control of photographers, peddlers and solicitors. It was moved by Councilman Neer that copies of the proposed Ordinance be referred to the touncil and City' Attorney for study to deteIllline legality of the saIl>3 or repetition of existi1l:\ OrdinanCes. Report of Consulting Engineers regarding feasibility of Cherry Hill improvement as per specifications, was read in full for Council consideration. Jaclde Loe>/en questioned the recommendation for six months settling time through .the winter months and if this was included in the original specifications. Mr. Vergeer confirmed same. Councilman Neer asked Engineer Collier if in his opinion the City has plarmed well and conformed with , Engineering practices in past and present improvements and construction. ~[r. Collier replied, "I certainly do". No objedtions or discussion appearing, the following Ordimnce was introduced and read in full: ORDINMlCE NO. 1369 . AN ORDINAICE of the Cii;y of Port Angeles, Washington, providing for the improvement of a certain area within.the city by the construction and ins.tallation of trunk and lateral storm swwers, the , improvement of certain streets by grading, ballasting, constructing curbs and gutters where necessary ani paving, and doing all work recessary in connecltion therewith and incidental thereto, pursuant to I Resolution No. 171 of the City, passed and approved April 19, 1956; creating an enlarged local i mprove- ment district therefor, and providing that the payment for said :l.mprovements be nade by special assess- , ments upon the property in said district paorable by the mode of "payment by bonis." It was llIO'Ied by Councilman Wolfe that the foregoing Ordinance be approved a:ni a dopted. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carI'ied. Publication of calls for bids for construction in L.I.D. No. 171 was next considered. It was moved by Councilman Neer that calls for bids be published May. 25, June 1, and opened June fl. Motion seconded by Councilman Matthieu and carried. The following Ordinance establishiQ>; L.I.D No.172 was introduced and read in full: ORDINANCE NO. 1370 AN ORDINAN::E of the City of Port AQ>;eles, Washi~ton providing for the improvement of a certain afea within. the City of Port Angeles by the construction and installation of lateral, storm and sanitary sewers therein, and. installation of a combination stonn and sanitary lateral sewer including semce to each property line, and the ballasting and paving of the alley in said district, ani by doing all work necessary in connection therewith and incidental thereto pursuant to Resolution No. 172 of the City passed and apprond on the 19th dq of April, 1956 creating a Local Improvement DiBtrict therefor, and providlng that the j:ByInent for said improvement be made by special assessments on.the property in said district, pqable by the mode of p~ment by boms. It was moved by Councilman McFadden that the foregoing Ordinance be approved and adopted. Seconied by Councilman Brown and carried. The Treasurer having requested opinion as to whether or not Admission Taxes should be collected from I bowling alleys, it was moved by Councilman Saniison the matter be tabled. Seconded by Counc:ilman Brown ani carried. Coun::il received request from Herchants Conmi.ttee of the Chaniber of Commerce for permission to distribute from the air, 1,000 paper plates each day for three days begi.nni~ June 14. It was moved by Councilman Brown tthat request be approved as experimental privilege before naldng definite decision on suci:1 practice. I Seconied by Councilman Matthieu and carried. Engineer Ahlvers filed report confirming completion of construction ani clean-up by F. H. Jarnagin in L.I.D. No. 169, recommendiQ>; that 15% retained, or $8,583.13 be paid the contractor. It was moved by Councilman I Sandison that report be approved ani contract officially accepted as completed.. Seconded by Councilman I , Wolf e and carried. I I ! Claims paid Ha;y- 2l were approved in total amount of $7,408.06. It \<as moved by Councilman McFadden that claims be approved as paid. Seconded by Coumilman Brown and carried. It was moved by Councilman Brown that operating reports of the utilities be accepted and filed. Seconied by Councilman Sandison and carried. Council discussed establishing policy regarding collection of cOIIllll>rcial accounts. It I<as JOOVed by Councilman I.eer that the natter be tabled for further consideration. Seconded by Councilman Woll'e and carried.. ; The following requests for renewal and transfer of beverage licenses ..ere received: Renewals: B.P.P. Elks. Shamrock Tavern, B and H Grocer,r, Olympic Recreation, .McGlenn's Food Store, Grand View Grocery, Olympic Distributing Comp"'V, LipkletteJ;'s Fine Foods, American. Legion. . Transfer: Little Brick.Tavern from Charles and Verna Marie Binkley to.JohnC. Ha;ys and Doee Benedict. It was moved by Councilman Sandison that request be approved. Seconded by Councilman Brown and carried. ..oIlIl 500 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington MaiY24 cont inued 19_5J~ ".""'"""'"'''~'''''-~''"'"''''''''''' ~ Under the head of introduction of Resolutions, the follO\dng were introduced and read for Coul1Cil co nsideration: RESOLUTION NO. 18-56 A RESOLlJrION creating "Sidewalk Construction Funi. No. .2" to provide for tIE pay100nt of sirl ewalk construc~ ion constructed in fron to Lot's 3 and 5 of Block 34 of the Townsite of Port Angeles. It was moved by Councilman Brown that the foregoing Resolution be approved ani adopted. Seconied by Councilman Neer and carried. I RESOLlJrION NO. 19-56 A RESOLUTION transferring budget appropriations within the SaJary and l'lage Classification of the ?anitation Fund. It was mOIled by Councilman Ncar that the foregoing Resolution be approved, a!,d adopted. Seconded by Councilman Brol"'lIl ani carried. '''' Mr. Vergeer advised that as per request of Attorney Thorgrimson, the Council will recess until Fridaor ~ 25 at 7:30 P.H. and the Public is propeJ;'ly infonned of s4ch meeting. There being no further business recess was declared. (). ;;. tf" Xa~ Cit;r Clerk ?f- J/a-V ~:M M;vo~ "' . ' MAY 25, 1956 The City Coun;:U met purBUant. to recess of previous .llEeting declared. Officers present were: Mayor Smith, Councilmen Brown, Neer, Sundison, Matthieu and Woll'e, Manager Vergeer, Attorney Severyl)S and Clerk Law. I --. The following Resolution was introduced and read in full for CoureU consideration: RESOLUTION ro. 20-56 A RBSOLUnON of the City Council of the City .of.Port. Angeles, Washirlgton, providing for the ~ssuance Qf e.onds.o:('Local Improvement District No. 169 of the.city in t.he principal sum of $58,923.01. It was moved by CouncillMn Brown that the foregoing Resolution be approved and idopted. Secnnded by Councilman Woll'e ~d carried. No further business appearing, the recessed lWeting was declared adjourned: :J-' e :t:--~ . City Clerk ~k M;vor CITY OF ANG'iLES, I ' S CALL FOR BIDS RELO(,.~T~AG Ny CREEK t~~i~~~k ~o;m~~,d ~~rri~ tb:~~reea~ ~:~q~~l ~i~t~O~~~~~ CROSSISG ERVOI~ check or bid bond payable to t~e houses. NOnCE p~ AOfORS ~~~h~~~~~~;r a~f~g~~t :~~:Ie:o se~~~f: b~.s ~1f{~~ r~~V:I~edth~~ ~n:~~alVl~~ l~~ ~~::.sa~~ g;e eX~;~in,giJ:ve le~:ntIi~~reOJ ~f 5:00 r.~.' ~rte .J5, 1956, a~ ~~ of the PoabOdy-OeeIt Crlh;sing of Per C nt (100'" I corpora.~ surety and n(Jt ~ei~te ~ronte Str:e";;t, ~:fe~nga eles, t pply Li;'le, and li'erfor'inance Bond will be required later, pubJicly WlI.!';hingon covt"ring tJu~ bidders U~~~~ys:e~ ~~~a:1~ co~~r~~~&~'Q.r:ff1r~e ~'~~e CJty coun~i ~~~ C~~::nJ~~~~~:r P~~i(d~~s.t ~~. ofIice of opened ~nd a~'l\1'd ~ll be made in b~rs al l:l[) ~ol'th Oak Street for 'house and acce.'>Hor bul1dln:-t Is 10- unUFk :.\r confOl"nl1ty to the City Charter. The the followlOq ~J1'O"Xlm~te quanti. \cated upon Low Two (2) lI.na 'I'hI'ee -thNeofrer ~~h\~ r:~~~3d ft~ P~~~o~~r; tle~ 4i~276o~tbIC Y~~~~~~SSjfied ~~:~en ~~~~~~, ~~:n~t~~~:: a~i~~~: Wi~~e :,~~~cl:ro~o.~:d :~h~'e~~ ~Wg:td~: ~~~:~to n~~e~~m1Je~~ exclivatlon 'body, and the second house Clnd placemel1t of existing 20 inch wood reaSOns, and. io accept the. :plOw 26~;;v~~~C pfu~~ bank 1:. un, ~~;;ly' b~~mrd:~eda~~U~~~~ a.~~~ i y,1th 20 inch inalde diameter ~ pasal deem.e4best for the CIty. 4.445 cubk yard~ s Inch mmus Lots 81xteen <l6J and Seventeen ~~rL inch tJ'lJck welded $teel ptpe1 By order of tbe Mayor and City a'J'She-d. i' tn place !(17) of BJock Two HllDdred Nlnety- with" -coal tal' enamel lining and\ CoW1C1l of Part Angeles, Wa....hing- 23.124 Lm. f ~~a.1 ~oncretc eight (298), Townsite (8th and Tum- a.sbe~to!; felt. wrap, for the reser. ton. Dated at port Angeles, Wash- curl) IUId g ~~.~,place t water) voir .sUIJPly line cro&~ ~eabOdy m;:t.on. May :11. 1956. J'l.noo t..oll.'i t, F &;phalt ees to remove said ~;:;~b... t.te[eariJ"~f re::r~ol~ ~;: i , &tYS.M~a~~ER. 18~5f~~,e f\. ~torm "ewers and (~~r dOa~~e:f ~l~~;~~ P<l1.1liD: ~rn8:~~Meer :~P:~~t.; Pub: June 1, 6. 195(,'T Det:s~ur~f~~"m:a~~ specifltationB Ot~tyS~ r:;;'Il:;~~ ffo'ri11Y 1200 reet of the reservoir C~LL FOR BIDS may ~ obtained from.the offi~ of. payment made therefore as a t.on to the diMribution sys- Bids will be received at the the ClI.y. ..cll!frk upon a de-Po,"ilt 01 guarantee of the Gonditlon of sale ~llne;1h be included in the con- office of the elly Clerk, 140 w~t Lwet.lt)' h~.e dollar:-. i$25.00I., Wh~~bland :;uch fallw:e to remove build. t m t II the total cost to the CIY Front. Street, Port ^~eles, Wash- depostt wIllb(o r"f:'turned tu ".1 b~l'Ulo-. 1ngs &5 provided for herein shall ati fl'lll within ava.ilable funds. logton, up to 5:00 0 Cl~k P.M. fide bidders.. 8E!parate or cumb,nedr entitle the Clty to clear the premi. The work lnclude8 Clearing, exca- June 21, 1956 lor one onl~ onf~-hll.l! bkiR on dru.mar;e and 8!rt:~t ~ork ses after sixty (60) days 11'om date vatlon find backfill; laying pipe ton pickup Cba13sls, lncludin~ utility \m'ay oe ~ubmltt.ed:. Preql]lI.lIfic8ti,~1. of awa.rd. and welded !o>teel ftttlngs or sped- service <body equlpp~ With five1 of .bldd~r~ Is required and the Clef. A twenty nveflercent bid de- als connected with mechanical wheels ant;l tires. heater and de- reserves the fJ.8'ht to.ref'Lisl! to qUft. . .posit shan accomptiny each pro- ~o~;~n~~~c~~~~~:alr: l~r~r.~: ~rnOjter~ar d:i~~~~~ ~:F:ilier r~o~ci 1~ a~:y bel~dX~dP~~~r ~y ~~~~~~~ pomtl. CITY OF POR~ ANGELES i~ and installing a 20 inch gate 50 amp If'volt or, 25 amp 12 volt, -Ule ~bt 'ito sce~pt'01" [r'leet an~' G. S. VEROEER, ~ve. and a 6 inch ga.te vah'e heavy duty alternator. or 8.1 bld~. A tlve percent of total CIty Manager ~th about 100 f&'t of B lneh cast Bltltler shaU aIIClw net price to bid de~1t cJk>Ck must. accompany (pub: June I, 8, 1956T i~on mechanical joint ulow~ f f. ~ie~~fet ta~~f trt:~ o~1c~~~~ I~~g~~~t ~e a "~~e~~~d~ of equal. - p pe. 10 known as car 34, Including service II G. .!'3. VER.G~'ER The fOUowinlt Quantities for yr - bOdy, except1ng radio equlpment . City Manal\l:!r 1 f~~~\')fl~~Srv~~~~~~~t1~to ~r::!.. ~~iCh is to-be reJrloved by t~e l.,.Pu~:y 25# June 1, 1956T ''" tributlon .iY8tem)~ lndicat, the ifrlce quoted shaT1'.be net f.o.b. .< N9:'1Cc~~F P~~~I~R BIDS I scope of the work.. r: port Angeles l~s Federal taxes l . ....-I th t F..:xeaV:l. tun and BackIln-2,9aD fQl' which exemption certutcate : NoTI~ is hereby r~~ ~ C~lf~Ch 1.0. Welded Steel Pipe- wUl be :{~m~~d'VEftOEER $€aledbld:s Wlllt~~ ra~; vor 10 r ~ 3 '750 Un ft I. eft Mana er.... in-gton, at the C l. t y J&8e~~~~1 Fittinzs or SpecialslPub: June la. 15. "lf56T' - ne ~1~ ~~~~~ f~:~h: Plans Sp€cificatlons, Instruc- . bffldalPrintlng of the City of Port ~~~~ ~r~~~~~r~on~;i'ce{~lndCo~~~ ~ tn~g~l~~~: ?~iir5\.th~~cg:~t~ml~ni~ forms can be Seen at the office of be in nonpareil or six pomt. type, the City 'Manager in Port Angeles, ~aIld published in regular Issues of I j6~~hiw:tOt~n~kh~mthin3ffl~~! t~:<lre~TS:per f1warded ~~~h ~on~ ates 1112 portland T1"\L:it Build- basis of c and con. ~~; t~rt~~in:c. ~~~~ec:r~fi~~ : ~rri~ ~o ~e\;a a payment of $10.00 for Plans a~ ;lnY,o#':all ~~~~~~J~Od1n ~~\ ~=~~ ::i k.E bona flde bid Ls made and the ~'"b. ~, documents retumed, but otherwise ~i1~l31tr~:~~~~ ~~_~l. cos~ -r I I