HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/25/1949 ,.. 550 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington May 25. 19~_ The Comnission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Feeley. Officers present were: Mayor Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumwll and Clerk Law. 1~inutes of the previous session were read and approved. under the head of applj;2,ations for lllilding permits, the following were granted: IS >so - O. H. Weyand' Construct Garage; Lot 19, Blk. 52, Townsite Ma.thew Trickey Construct Porch on Existing Thvelling; Lot 1, Elk. 162, TOVInsite ,Frank D. Florence Construct 5-Room House; Lot 12, Elk. 432, TOToTIsite Gunder Iverson Construct 4-Room Thvelling; Lots 15-16, iJlk. 307, Townsite Petersen & Craver Construct 4-Room Dwelling; Lot IB, Blk. 109, Tovmsi te ,W. J. !lakeI' Construct Woodshed; !tot 19, Blk. 94, TOTmsite Earl Zahn Construct Add. to Existing DVlelling; Lots 9-10, Blk. 45B, Townsite Mrs. Donald Coburn Construct 3-Room Dwelling; Lots 19-20, rllk. 390, To,vnsite 500.00 100.00 3,000.00 2,000.00 8,000.00 100.00 350.00 1,500.00, Under the head of unfinished business, the bids sul:mitted for trenching, tack filling , and material for the Water Department were again considered. It was moved by Cormnissioner Taylor that the bid submitted by J. M. Jruch to trench and backfill 22,200 lineal feet for ~7 ,446.00 be accepted and bond approved. Also that bid by Pacific States Cast Iron Company to furnish Item 1, or 10,000 feet of threaded iron pipe for $6,500.90 and Item 2, hubs and valves for $1,481.74, be accepted. That Items 3 and 4 for crosses and plugs at ' ~353.90 and joint compound and hemp for i;374.50 be awarded to E. N. hallgren Company. That Item 5, corporations, elbows and stopcocks for $606.00 be awarded to Western Utility Supply Company. Motion seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. !,BidS to construct a septic tank at Lincoln Park were opened as follows: A. Contesti, $390.00; Byron ,Campbell, $700.40. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the low bid be accepted and A. Contesti j:authorized to proceed with installation. Seconded by CDmmissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Attorney Trumbull reported that easement to correct and control Peabody Creek had been returned, and Mr. Stevenson had refused to sign. 'Mr. Carstensen appeared on behalf of resort owners requesting permission to erect a sign on City property on North Laurel Street. The request was granted. Rex Oakes'requested permission to use space at First and Laurel for taxi stand. Permission was granted temporarily if the stand does not interfere with the Coast Guard or commercial zone. Under the head of new business, A. H. Matthews, Jr., expressed desire to purcr.ase pulp wood timber on City proper~J west of Ocean View Cemetery. The matter was referred to Barl Davidson, to report at the next session. Mrs. Jacobs spoke regarding water shortage at her home, 1528 West 4th Street. Commissioner Taylor agreed to give immediate attention. Fairbanks Morse Company requested in writing, permission to exchange stator on the diesel generator. The I~Attorney General having approved transfer, the Cmmnission agreed to the same. ilcommissioner Taylor informed that the State HigllVlay Department has requested permission to rent city oiling equipment. It was moved and seconded that by recommendation of Commissioner Taylor, the City equipment be ;rented to the State. It was also moved and seconded that the City edopt sprinkling regulations as follows: residence with even numbers to sprinkle on days of even numbers; and residence with odd numbers on days of odd n\.Lwers; two hours per day pennitted, and open hose prohibited. Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following was read in full and placed on first and second reading: ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDIANCE repleading Section 11 and amending Section 13 of Ordinance No. 1169 of the City cf Port Angeles entitled, AN ORDINAN:E Relating to traffic and regulating the use of public streets and highways of the City of Port Angeles; prcviding for the installation, regulation all!! contrcl of the use of parking meters; requiring the deposit of coins for the use of parking meters and parking meter ZOi.8S; defining parking meter zones; providing for the dispcsition of rbvenues derived from par:cing !Teters; providing for the enforcement thereof; defining offenses end providing penalties; and declaring an emergency. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the foregoing Ordinance be passed first and second reeding. Seconded by COffiQissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. ~otion carried. The Commission examined and approved 70 CURRENT EXPENSE AfND: {,7'-1 - E. E. Lescher, Court Reporter 8th St. Repair Shop R. O. Ide : Jerry Nelson Agency The Stationers, Inc. Schreiner Chovrolet Co. I'Harry J. Sprague ,!Peninsula Electric Co. Fitchard's Ass. Service Peninsula ~el Co. J. B. ^~thews Glass Co. ; Smith Ice & llottlir,g Works I'Lincoln Welding 'Truck & Equipment Co. Howard-Cooper Corp. ;l. 0 CITY STREET ~UND: / s9 Port Tie '" Lumber Co. Feenaughty Kachinery Co. the following claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: 2 Copies Transcript of Hearing Grinding Hand Mower Cash Paid for Truck License No. TK Q1895 Insurance Premium ~imeograph Correction Fluid Car Repair & Parts Traveling Expense--Wi~~ess called from Portland Parts Spark Plugs, Car Lubes, Tire Puel Oil One Light Glass Paper Towels, etc. Welding Wedges Expansion Rings 116.95 1.55' 5.50' 5.00 .69' 71.36' 26.50 113.25' 29.46'1 228.09, .751 34.61, 1.03!, 1.17, 11. 79 LUmber Grader Blades and Dolts 53.79 135.41,' ~ I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington May 25th, cont,j:1\.Jp.d liM.9_ 551 ~ !I I I I I ~~. '_.,,_.,~no__..no .- I'LIGHT WND: ,R(PSG..f''' City Street Fund City Treasurer Mrs. Sam !land j' Line Material Co. General Electric Co. I'Vfestinghouse Electric Supply Co. Graybar Electric Co. "s & C Electric Co. I ' gS , SAN ITA 1'1 ON FUND: <1- G & L Paint Supplies 30 IPA!lK RIND: 10- I', 8th St. Repair Shop State Examination Cash. for Postage Pole s Hardvrare Dema nd Meter Wire, Cable Stearine Fuse-clips Paint, etc. Sharpen Power Mowers ,There being no fUrth.er tusiness, the meeting was declared adjourned. I ' ~,~~. () City Clerk ~~ 226.29 \' 64.60, 309 .2~ I 13.9l' 251.06 I 1,742.79, 1.13, 47 .~,5 I I 9.86 ! I 10.30 I Mayor ....