HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/25/1956
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
Unier the head of introduction of Resolutions, the follOliing were introduced and read for Council
A RESOLt1rION creating "Sidewalk Construction Funi No.. 2" to provide for tIE payllIlnt of sidewalk construc~
ion constructed in fron to Lot's 3 and 5 of Block 34 of the TOI-IDsite of Port Angeles.
It was moved by Councilman Brown that the foregoing Resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by
Councilman Neer and carried.
A RESOLUTION transferring budget appropriations within the Salary and ~Iag~ Classification of the
Sanitation Fund.
It was mClVed by Councilman Ncar that the foregoing Resolution be approved. a!ld adopted. Seconded by
Councilman Brown ani carried. '_C'.
Mr. Vergeer advised that as per request of Attorney Thorgrimson, the Council will recess until Fridtq
Ma;y 25 at 7:30 P.M. and the Public is propeJ;'ly infonned of sqch meeting.
There being no furthe r business recess was declared.
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City Clerk
Ma;y~ '
MAY 25, 1956
The City Council met purauant to recess of previous . meeting de~lared. Officers present were: Mayor
Smith, Councilmen Brown, Neer, S=dison, l-latthieu and Woll'e, Manager Vergeer, Attorney SeveryTIS and
Clerk Law.
The following Resolution was introduced and read in full for Council consideration:
RESOLUTION ro. 20-56
A RBSOLU:crON of the City Council of the Cii;y. of _ Port Angeles, Washington, providing for the ~ssuance
Qf ~nds. of Local Improvement District No. 169 o! the.city in the principal sum of $58,923.01.
It was moveB by Counci1m9.n Brown that the foregoing Resolution be approved and 1dopted. Seconied
by Councilman Woll' e ,,;nd carried.
No further business appearing, the recessed meeting was declared adJourned:
1-' e 'f-~
Cit)' Clerk
CITY OF POUT ANGELE8:l pr'S91S mus~ ue upoft me\..._ ~
\VA. regularb ani< forms and must be I N01'lC&;
RELOCATING 1': DY CREEK I a.ccompan1~d by cash. certified. CA ,~
CROSSJSG" ~ ER"'01,R check or bid bond payable to the Notk:e
NOTICE p~p~, ACTORS ~;:sh~~~~~~~r I.~fa:g~~t ~n~~e.io
s~;i1ed prup'sMs fur furnJ:;hing or exceeding. five per cent (~~ I of
and IMtallmB' ~for relocation the rotal bId. A One HundI'oo Ane;€\Ie2i
~e th~ peabody p~l;r~~8~J ~:~f~~~n~~~~c~rt;:~e~~r::a f~~~, p bllcly ~i~::~~t c~!::::ng P%~ ~~l::s
~~necu :Ut1~~&i~YSre~ ~~~a:h~ec:i~~~~~gr~; ~~ ~~e . ri,~ g;~~:n!~I~~~~/~~iclI~S.t ~~
WJU be t the off1ce of opened and award wlJl be made III bel.s at 120 'North Oak Street fo.r I house and aCCeBsor bulld1lW is lo~
~~o~~~ Clt~n~rk :~t ~~:~r;~i~~!J~ vt:3 ~t~~~~~~1 m~~ ~~~ ~p?,.;~i~~~ a~~~i~~~3 Quantl- ~:rd:i~~~ Lg~e Tj'f~n<j~JnaN-gr~~~
~,~ J~e pJ~h y opened ~~e;:~~r I ~~~~r t~~~ o~O~o ~ej~~,>~~;b~{ 41 :;g~~ ~~~ )ard~ Wlclasslfied' b~e) (1:~, fti:~~~n~t~:~~ P~d
Th rlt propo.<:ed l~ the re.1 all blds, for If!OOd and sufficIent 26,7:'lll CUblC )o<lrds. bunk: ~u n par~y' completed house and 8.eees-
J e ""t f existing 20 inch wood reaSOns, a.nd, to accept the pl'O~ gravel In place sor)' bulldJng.s are located upon
Piace~eJi ~o inch iN:lde diameter po.sa.l decJ'l'l.eQ, be.-n for the cIty 4,445 eubtc yard!; 3, inch mmus1Lot8 Slxteen 06. and Seventeen
C p~ lllch yucll: welded steel pipe By order of the Mayor and City Ct"UshE"d ~Qqt'!, to place te (17) of Block Two Hundred Nlnety~
w1ili4 cOll1 tar enamel Il.ning" andl[counc:ll o! Port Angeles, Washing- 23,J24 Wa. {tl.J~lP'al concre eight (298), Townsite (8th and Tum~
b ;to felt wrap f<)r the reser.1 ton, Dated at Port Angelcs, Wash- curb I1M-SUJ...1fJ: III place r water )
~lre~u~JPIY llne c;o5..--.lng peabody mgton May 31. 1956. 1'1,000 WD~ 1},n. "p" A:;phalt, f Bidder Bgree.s to remove sald
creek w t~ re~~J\~~ r:::~Oi~ ~;: gtyS M~~IEER. 18~5f~I~~e ft storm ,ewers an~ I~~~I~~ ~~~~ ~r 6-;~gf ~~~~~~
g~:~ 11m: ~m8:~~f1ee~ :~~~~t Pub' JUm~ 1, 8 195tJT Det.~f~rJf~ri:~.cil~~ :ipe~lfleaUon~ ;;~~rr:nJ&e r~~otit/~ r~~V~~
m te y 00 f t f th reservoir CALL FOR ~ms mll.3' be obt1wed flom lht" off1~ at payment made therefore as a
tlon3.1 1,2 to ~t1fl odlstr~butlOn sys- Bids will be receIved at the the City -Clnk UPOll 1\ de-po;:otlt of I guarantee of the condition of sale
~onnec,~fnbe 1n.eluded in the con- office of the City Clerk 140 West tWelJ.ty !lve dol1ar~ f$2S 00 f, which I and such fallu.:e to remove b\lU~-
ternt ~f Ute tot.al cosl t(} the Oiy Front s~reet, P01t ..-\n.gele.s, Wash. depu--.ft wlIl bt" returned to a.I1 biJlm- lngs as provided for herein shall
rae 1 WIU'llll available funds mgton, up to 5:00 O'Clock PM fide bidders Ikparate or <<omb.ned I entit.1e the City to clear the prem1-
~u faik IncJudes clearing exca- June 21, 1956 for one only one-half Ibid! cn dralnuge and strt>~l \,\ork ses after slxly (6{1) days from date
g wo d b kfill laying plpe ton pickup Chassis, inclUding utllitYj mb.Y be ~ubU'\ltted prequahflcatirlll of awal d
va d on l~~ :~l Uttmgs or !ipecl. service body equl~Ped with five of bld~er.. 1:; required and the CJ'r. A twenty five percent bid de~
:rs ~~nect~d WIth mc:~~~~~~ r;~~i~~. a~?re~il~a' e:tterRI:~dfrgii fr;e~~;s ~~d~~iJbJr~~rnt~~~ X",Rn: PO;~l shall accompany each pro-
rOUP~g8. ;~;~~~~~e.n' furnbh. and roar bumpers, OIF.futer and ing 01 bWs and the 'City rE'senE',. po CITY OF PORT ANGELES
j~~C andcO~~taUlDg a 20 ~ v~f~ t~a~Pdu~;~iw~.amp 12 volt, ~e afl~;O Aat~vefl~:;c~~Je;l t~ril &t s M~=~ER,
v~~e b ant u~ v~r~ KinCh east Bidder shall allOw net price to bid depaslt dkek. m\ht ~ccompany Pub' June r 8 1956T
fron R mOe~hamcal Joint blow-Q r f : g:es;.~fet ta~~-ha~ tr::; o~1c~~~~ I ~~~~~r~it ~e a ~~t~~~~1d of equal .. "
Pi~e following quantities for pr1n. ,~~d;:n :iC~~:i:' ~~~i~~u~~~~~~ ~. git:' J:=n~~R
f~~~lofl~e~rv~~~C~~~~t1~tolJI~ ~trCh Is to be rerpoved by t?e t.~: ,.M<l.1 25, June I, lt5~ S
trlbllUon ,system)# 1ndicu.t, the lrlce quoted shalt'be net f.(l.b, ~~ N~,TI~~F p~~~n. BID
scope 0.. f the wor~. n krill 2 gr.O port An.geJes lesS Federal taxes NoTICE Is herebY. given that
Exc:.wtun 811 ~c. -.::J fQr Which exempuon certlftcateieated bid.s will be r~f!lved by the
C"2llnCh J.D. Welded Steel Pipc- will be .(u~'VEJWEER. t:ity Clcrk .~tlth~ Clt) ~e ~~ f;
3 750 lin ft I ctt Ml.nBger - - - Angeles, Wu.=. ng n. a - '5
'Welded steel FlttinCs or Specials Pub: June l 15 "1956T' ,Hall 0( said CJty, n201t l~~~r f'::ra~e
---4~~U~ifications Instrue- . . ~fli~r:l ~ri~iln~~ the CUy of Port
g~~ ~r~~~~r2on<;:~h~.r~~~ci ~ ~ig~l~y 1~rl~5~.th,r'W;;"~~,::'gm~nE~ I
forms can be Seen at the office of be in nonpareil or s1x point type,.
the City M9.na.ger in Port Angeles. lllnd published In regular issu€s 0
%~~i~tO&n~fnJi~mth~ngff~~oc1: t~:cre~TE:~: ~:~~e:1t~~~h ~on~
ates lli2 porUand Trust Build- basis or charge per line and con.
lng, 'Portl:a.nd 4, Oregon. CoPies. . ~lract will b~q~r~i ~r ~ei~
may be obtain~.C:~ ~~~tta~ .' ~:~~~id" ,e r go.,
hlcl1 amount will .J E. L.a.w I
be r ell-~ a regular and City Clef}l
~~~ments rctu~":a:~t ~~e~~s~ r~ _ .lun,. ~ JJl. ~T
hvill be retalne. d to cover the. cost .r
lof~~" =eo.