HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/26/1937 r' 492 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Mav 26. 19m 193_"_ The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was called to order bv Mayor Davis. Holl oall showed the following offioers present: Mayor Davis, Commissioner; Henson and Masters, Attorney Conniff and ~lerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of Applications for Building Permi ts and Lioenses the following were granted: R. A. Iverson, Build ~ddition, Lot 14, Blvck 73, Townsitp. Mrs. M. Galloway, Construot Garage, N 40' of Lot IG, Block 107, Townsi te J. H. Bronner, Remodel House, Lots 1, 2 & 3, Block 1, London Park Addition Donald & Ivor ~mith, Build frame building, Lot l~, Block 2rO, Townsi~e George ~. Bowers, Repair House, Lot 8, Blook 81, Suburban ,'dd i tio n J. A. Pringle & D. J. Moffat, Construct G duplex dwellings, Lots 1 & G, Block 163, rownsite K. McMillan, Restaurant, 50.00 75.00 500.00 1000.00 W.OO I 70ro.00 15.00 The Jommission, under the provlslons of the resolution recorded in Vol. 19, Page 44G of Commissioners' Proceedings, creating Marine ur:tve Construction ~'unil, instructed the City Treasurer to muke the follo\7ing transfer,- Suspense l"und to Marine JJrive Construction ,,'u.nd ,j70.00 The Commission examined and allowed the follovlinB cla 1ms and ordered warrants drawn for same: CUR!'tENT EXPJ:NSE I1UND , Martin J. Schnuriger II 11 II D. ft, Uas ters Fred 1'. Henson J. Lloyd Aldwell J. ,I. Hooker Pac Tel & Tel vo. Olympic Jtationwrs Evcning News Pac Tel & Tel CO. ~, D. Mor rissey Pac Tel & Tel Co. Getchell & Gagnon J. R. 1Ic;)onald H. .I!;. JJodge The Fehlv "tu<fio City Treasurer Olympic ~rintery Getchell-& Gagnon J. 1.1. Davis Salary Bal. of Jan. Salar'y Expense "ccount 11 " Premium on Eond " II f1 Service Supplies Publications Ser vic e Special Police Servic e Oil, etc. Servic es Expense .'ccount Copy and Enlarcem'ill t Via ter Suppli es , Lubricate "ar Ba 1. due on B,'nd ~} q1;.-- I , I CITY STREE';' FUND t , Marion Jagger 1 It 11 ! D. A. !.lasters I Olympic Printery Automotive Parts Service Harry Johnson Lovell McGoff Harris & Schuller Leader Dent. Store V. A. Sam~elson & ~o. Hauling Dirt II " ear Hire Sheet Holder Mach ine ',Iork 'rruck Hire Sheet Metal Supplis s Repairs ,/ ~!; .35< WATER FUND E. Kohler City Treasurer S. H. .Ihite Madge H. Na ilor Fred P. Henson E. R. McKnight Oe orge J. Zeh C. H. McDon eld II If rt Repairs Tax Exp~nse '<"ccount " Kerosene " Seattle Plumbing & Jupply Co. Ford Meter Box Co. . Grinnel Co. ~ Seattle PlumbinB & Supply vo. I Purmaid Dairy Pac Tel & Tel Co. I Ci ty Treasurer A. G. McKnight LIGHT FUND Tire Repair Pipe Fittings & Pipe Me ter Se t ters Pipe Fi ttin;ss " .so r ~yO Rent Service Cash .l.'aymen ts Garage Rent ~ S. H. ',1hi tc Citv Treasurer ! Gen~ral El ectric Supply . Line Material CO. I' Marshall ',Iells Co. I Pac Tel & Tel Co. I General Electric Co. Harris & Schuller i P. A. Evening News Car Exp eos e lUsc. Ce.sh Payments Screw Knobs Ma ter ia Is Lawn I:lower Servi 0 e Me te rs Repair Signal "dvertising Corp. I 100.00 :05.00 13.85 10.15 70.0n 70.00 1.GLl 50.75 27.16 ".15 6.00 3.50 4.95 G5.00 23.60 ~.i..;.5 41b.00 .75 1.00 135.27 I 40.25 69.13 25.00 G.IO .50 93.63 70.00 2.e::: 1.25 50 .15 1. 50 505 . 19 17.05 10.35 13.45 17.80 12.55 1.02 1.02 .75 85.81 62.86 11.26 29.29 40.00 4.G5 3.35 3.00 I I 35.00 5.37 16.35 146. 68 17. b9 13.90 121.75 4.77 7,~0 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 493~ May 26, 1937 193_ T">l;K .. ..u....r lE~n\.... .....TOO~~.. ""NUU _\,n City Treasurer Tax 815.87 , oS. H. ,Ihit e Expens e Account OJ :\1.07 : N. M. Hawkins II " p,.....b 10.15 I LIBRARY FUnD I I Pac Tel & Tel C Service 4.25 o. PARK FUnD I Clifford ~u.11er Labor ~o 4.00 Hall Stark I"" '/ 5.50 Ed \Xakin 3.00 There being no further business the uommission adjourned to meet at 10 ,I.M. Saturday, May 29, 1&~ 1937, I City Clerk Mayor May 29. 1937 The Commission met pursuant to adjournment at 10 A.M. and was calleo to order by M~or Davis. Roll Call showed the following officers present: Mayor .Javis, Commissioners Henson and Masters, and vlerk Hawkins. The 00mmissioll examined and alloweJ the follol'liniS claims and ordered warrants dravm for same: CURRENT EXPENS~ FmID Street Depart~ent Margueri te "ue I Olympic .i:'rintery Pay .toll Salary Supplies )f )f1 .- 178.50 75.00 3.75 I CITY STRSET FUllD Street Department Pay 1<011 1185.52 \'1 AT 3R FUND I ;"/a ter Departme nt Pay Roll 895.00 LIGHT FUIlD Light Department L. T. Guy Chas. };. Beam Pay Jioll Jan i tor Gara"e Rent [: 1223.50 5.00 3.00 }"',3 , ?7,7YJ:1L~ Ci ty vlerk ~~ There being no further b~siness the ~ommission then adjourned. Ma yor I I ..lIIIIl