HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/26/1948 (2) I I I I ... . I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 449 M'lY 2fith, 19~ ftOIll,.IIl""".'._Tt\L.,.....-.............lll:77l!l~ IThe Commission met in regular session at 10,00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Epperson. Roll call ~showed the following officers present:. Mayor Epperson, Com~issioners Steele and Johnson, Attorney W~lson land Clerk Law. Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. junder the head of applications for building jBrmits and licenses, the following were granted: .. OC '!Bu11ding Permits' ,;J.~ .3'l;;L - Dan Robertson Remodel Garage; Lot 6, Rlk. 203, Tovmsite Sig Larson Relwdel & Add Hoom to Present DVlelling; Lot 15, Blk. 57, C.C.Leighton Adq. Sig Larson Put in Lamineted Partition; Lot 9, Blk. 16, N. R. Smith Add. !, Tony FUchs Remodel, Add 2 Rooms to Present Dwelling; Lot 6, Blk. 85, Townsite 'I Frans Victor Peterson Construct 4-Rcom Dwelling; Lot 13, Elk. 114, T.W. Carters Add. Fred Radke Addition to Existing Dwelling; Lots 19-20, Blk. 59, P.S.C.C. 23 Add. Byron Campbell Remodel Front of Ford Garage; Lot 10, Blk. 17, N.R.Smith Add. Petersen & Craver Construct 5-Room D{(elling; Lot 1, Blk. ~99, Townsite I Ray P. Dwier Remodel Woodshed & Porch; Lot 16, Elk. 53, Townsite Herman Wentworth Build a Garage; Lot 2, nk. 210, TOVInsite C. 'c. Churchill Remove Cu.rb, Pour Driveway; 724 East 1st St. IveL~ Riedel Reshingle Part of Roof; 1325 Geo. . Werner Englund Build 5-ncom Dwelling; Lots 9-10, Blk. 71, Townsite .~ Licenses: 53 Close Cafe Close Cafe Close Cafe Close Cafe 300.00 il 1,000.00 ' 300.00 i 800.00 i 5,000.00 ' 150.00 i 2,000.00 7,000.00 100.00 5QO.QO 100.00 , 142.00 ' 4;000.00 'I Restaurant ![usic flachine Soft Drink 2 Amusement h~chines 12.00 12.00 5.00 24.00 . ., Under the head of unfinished msiness the bids to f\lInish one dump trnck for the Street Dept. were opened lias.follows: Samuelson Motor Co. $5,453.02; George's Service, Inc. $6,ll7.13; Aiken Motors $5,842.57 and :$4,761.02; Truck and Equipment Co. $5,957.01, $4,834.31, $4,831.01 and $3,708131. It was moved by Commissioner Johnson that the bids be referred to the Engineer and ![echaniesl Department for further : cOIlsideration. Seconded by l.~ayor Epperson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I Bids to paint the building and fence at the Civic Stadium were submitted as folloY/s: Er.\il'Schilke, sta.in ~~540.00, oil paint, $596.00; Harry L. Austin $660.00; Olympic Painters & Decorators" for painting, $348.00, for staining S265.00; Allen Vlare, $600.00; G & L Pa.int Supply Co., $743.54. All bids were referred to the .City Engineer for further consideration. Pursuant to bids published for City printing for the year commencing July 1, 1948, the following were submitted: Port An.geles Evening News...Seven cents (7~) [5er nonpareil line, single column measure for.no;o- tabulated matter for each insertion. Tabulated matter: first insertion fourteen cents (14~) per non- pareil line, single column measure and each additionel insertion of same matter, seven cents (7t) per non- pareil line single column measure. Peninsula Herald.. .Six and one-half cents (6M) per nonpareil line, , single cohm measure. Tabulated matter also at six and one-half cents (6~~) per line, single column measure, for each insertion unless published only one time, in which case the rate will be twelve cents (12~) per line, single column measure. It was moved by !.layor Epperson that the foregoir.g, bids for City i printing be filed for further consideration. Seconded by Commissioner Johnson. All voted Aye. l.'otion carried. I The hearing on e petition for vacation of that portion of Fourth Street between C and D Streets in Blocks 109 and 110, Townsite, was opened. There having been no objections made or filed, it was moved by !f.ayor , Epperson that the petition be grS!l1.ted. Seconded by Commissioner Johnson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. , I Under the head of new msiness, Don Ii-orrison introduced Mr. George Green, County Sanitarian assuming duties: I of Roy Welch, resigned. Mr. Morrison also presented a resolution regarding the Mobile Chest Clinic to be ' here in June. The resolution was referred to the Cit;y" Attorney. I I Mr. Emory Stewart and others appeared regarding adoption of daylight saving time in this City. After discussion, it was moved qy Mayor Eppe~son that Port Angeles adopt the daylight saving time beginning June 1st to September 1st. !.lotion seconded by Commissioner Johr.son. All voted Aye. 1;otion carried. The iI;ayor instructed that Proclaoation be published confirming the same. I A petition signed by property owners was presented, requesting that a Local.Improv~ent District be i established for construction of concrete vmlks on portions of east Fifth Street. The petition was referred I to the Engine er I s department. ! !lels Sutherland and Co=ittee, representing the Lions Club, requested information regarding installation of [ street signs purchased by them. The Engineer informed that two inch material for standards is not I available. Under the head of reading and pas8~.ge of Ordinances, the following was passed thi.rd reading and finally ado pted : ORDWANGE NO. 1197 I AN ORDU:klCE authorizing the General Petroleum Corporation to lay, construct, maintain, operate, use and i repair pipe linas for the transportation of petroleum and its by-products along, across, and under the surface of certain portions of a certain alley in the City of Port Angeles. It was moved by Commissioner Johnson that the foregoing Ordinance be passed third and final reading and [adopted. Seconded by Mayor Epperso~. All voted Aye. Uotion carried. 'I under the head of introduction of resolutions for the sale of real property by the City, the following was I introduced: I VI. W. Pattison Lots 11 to 15, Inc., Blk. 373, Tovmsite , It was moved by Comrrissioner Steele that the foregoins resolution be approved and the property sold. Seconded b-.r Commissioner Johnson. All members voted Aye. ),;otion carried. 250.00 The Commission examined and a pproved the following ... i ClnlRENT EXPENSE l1J1.lUIATII'E RESERVE Fl!:ND: /600- . Chiarelli & Kirk, A.I.A. Architectural Fees I claims, and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: in full, City Buildin,:; 1,500.00, 450 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Mav 26. continued, 19ML CURIlAITI'.J;.:fi'EIISE _FUJrn.i.. 1.2. fJ f 'Paul T. Poulsen II United States Treasurer Statewide City Emp. Retire .Sys. Willson Hardware Co. Irvdn & Johnson Harold Thompso:1 , ::;r'PY STREET FU 1m : .?.5 '1 -!. ~ Al'l:an Dist. Co. Western Tractor & Equipment Co. Willson Hardware Co. Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. I - WATER FUllD: .,l 0 p: !:<. - General Elec. Supply Corp. Palmer Supply Co. H.' V. Meyer Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Hugh G. Purcell Olympic Foundry CO. I' Willson 'Hardware Co. J5' LIGHT FUND: .z 7 11'1 ~ City Treasurer Ol,'lIlpic Printery Carl W. Price B. W. Lean II Harold Hibbs Plbg. Co. Willson Ee.rc.hvare Co. The E:lectric Co. James 'N. Caven Thos. Hutchings Line Material Co. General Elec. Supply Corp. Schreiner Chevrole t Co. " Peterson & Craver IWestinghouse Electric Supply Co. oQ o[ PARK FJIID: . I C. S. Baker Pacific Telephone /.: Telegraph Co. City Light Dept. 61 P. M. & T. C. FUND: 3 ~ Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. oS I' J". 1. REVOLVmG FUND: 'I--"i -. City Treasurer Convention Expense Annual rental portion of Ediz :look Lighthousa Res. Contract Tcg-31279 Administrative Costs i:!J 10.00 per member Lead Arsenate Truck Repairs Expense Trip 21 Gals. M.lI. filOC Pal'ts, Lallor Lead Arsena te Nails, Concrete Charger Fittings Truck Rental Pipe Bands Joint !,!at'l Crosse s Lead Arsenate Cash for Postage Supplie s Washing Cars Exp. Supt. Supplies Lead Arsena te Wire & Condui t Fittings Expense Wrenches J Transformer Water HeRter, Pins Truck Book-case Meter Sockets 2 vrorm Gears Service 1051 Labor Concrete Taxes Pa id There being no further business, the session was declared adjourned. Ot~, o City.Ci~ Jl:; A L7 .Jy-A.~ . Mayor ~ 55.58, 100.00 950 .00 37.36 48.74 21.03 3.03 ' 219.47 I 18.68 I 18.18 23.131 .17.67 20.00 40.11'1 53.99 50.22 18.70 ' 305.00 47.95 ' 6.00 39.15 1.75 18.70 9.51 2.67 12.80 ! 339.60 i 98.75 1,741.01 I 40.22 128.26 12.56 ',I 7.57 69.12 i 3.61 : 49.05 I I I I I -