HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/26/1952 ,..- 262 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Hay 26 19~ '"",' ","...,mm"",,, ,m",.. moo _ The City Conunission convened in regular session at 10:00 A.M. an:! was called to order by Mayor Feeley. Officers present were: Mayor Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumbull am Clerk Law. Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of app;Lications for building permits and licenses, the following were granted: EUILDING PERJlJTS: ~1J50," apartment LeRoy H. Jagger Build 5 room/house, Lots 19 & 20, Elk. 258, Townsite Kenneth C. Erickson Build 6 room house, Lots 19 ~ 20, Blk. 127, Townsite Frank Lindberg Build back porch, Lot 10, Elk. 108, Townsite Alden T. Nelson Five room house, Lot 7, Blk. 316, Townsite Oscar J. Brager Build a two-car garage, Lots 5,6, & 7, Blk. 9, Puget Sound Co-Op Colony Finish attic space, Lot 3, Blk. 227, Townsite Put foundation under house, Lot 6, Blk. 278, Townsite Five room house, Lot S! 8 & 9, Blk. 329, Townsite $ 3,000.00 8,000.00 200.00 7,000.00 250.00 400.00 500.00 8,500.00 Stan Yoder Oliver Conrad I'wayne Williams LICENSES : Jack Ri vers- Public Dance 5.00, Under the head of unfinished business, John Goneis again appeared regarding removal of obstructions on East Second Street. Commissioner Taylor informed of necessity for the Engineer to prepare authentic plan before any court procedure, the same to apply to all street obstruction. Under the head of new business, Sterling Long, operator of the Transit System, filed numerous requests that bus service. be continued. The Conunission discussed operation by the City and legal procedure for the same., Also the operating an:! financing for which the Council would be responsible. Attorney Trumbull was question-' ed regarding legality of the City tocperate bus service to which he replied that Muneipalities may purchase and operate transit systems if the operation can be shown in interest of residents of corporate cities. Also that this should apply inside and outside of cities, although more study is required before opinion confirmed. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the requests be filed and the Attorney instructed to acquire information regarding operation outside the City, the same to be submitted to the Council. Motion seconded by Conunissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. jThe Park Board informed in writing that expenditure of $5,000.00 for the Recreational Program as provided 'in the Park Budget, is out of their jurisdiction, the amount being classified as maintenance and operation only. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the matter be referred to the Attorney and Supt. of Parks, and if necessary, a resolution providing for proper expenditure be prepared and passed at the next meeting. IMotion seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. )The Commission received from Architect Field, a letter with voucher att~, the claim being in amount of $500.00 to tbe City of Seattle for jail cells and equipment. Also advising tbat necessary arrangements will jbe made for bonds and liability insurance on the part of the contractor assuring repair of damage caused by removal. It was the opinion of Commissioner Taylor that the contractir sbould be responsible and according to specifications the City relieved of liability. The Attorney advised that the claim may be paid without ;objections unless the City decides not to purchase equipment. After further discussion, it was moved by Y~yor Feeley that the claim be approved. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. Oommissioner Taylor voted jopposed. Moti,on carried. ICommissioner 'sylor recommended that steps be taken to protect the fill at site of police station informing that it will be necessar,r to place retaining wall and eventually rip-rap. Icorrespondence was received from Ernest Minor, Secretary of the State Finance Committee, regarding publicat- ion of sale of police station bonds and noting certain information of importance to prospective bidders whicb !was not included. Attomey Trumbull advised that notice as pUblished, complies with Statutes and is in . Iproper form. Also that according to the Statutes, the State is exempted from good faith deposit requiremen~1 It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the matter be referred to the Commissioner of Finance and Attorney to amend if and how they see fit. Secomed by t>layor Feeley and carried. IJ. W. Allstot requested tbat the Commission authorize construction of an apartment house at 533 East Tenth IStreet as provided by the Local Option Clause in Ordinance No. 1167. The property owners in the required Iradius having signed agreement to the construction, it was moved by Commiss1oner Taylor that the matter be !referred to the Engineer. Secomed by Conunissioner Robimson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. 'Mayor Feeley announced a meeting at 7:30 P.M., Monda:y, June 2. At this time the Councilmen-Elect will be jpresnet and have requested that all department heads attend. 'Mayor Feeley moved that the City Hall be closed Saturday morning, May 31. Motion seconded by Commissioner iRobinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. IThe Treasurer info~ed that certain individua~s ~e interested in t~e punchase.of Lots 12 to 20 Inclusive, :in Block 249, Towns1te. It was moved by COlIllIlJ.SS10ner Taylor that b1ds be pubhshed for sale of the lots land opened June 19. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. "11 voted Aye. I''otion carried. lunder the head of reading am passage of Ordinances, the folla< ing was pJa ced on third and final reading: ORDINANCE NO. 1283 AN ORDINANCE stating the facts of an emergency affecting the public safety, welfare and convenience of the City of Port Angeles; requiring the unforeseen ~penditure of funds; provding for the issuance of emergency warrants; and declaring an emergency. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the foregoing Ordinance be passed third and final reading and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The Commission examined and approved the following claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of same; CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: '" ~ oJ. d b Bryan Studios Olympic Printery jArneriean Ranken Copy Co. Puget Sound Navigation Co. Edwards Mfg. Company Middleton Motor Parts Evening News Press C. A. Wolverton $ 1.55 6.03 17.20 1.43 60.58 114.04 23.28 15.03 One print, for 0 & D. Survey-ComIn. of Sts. Pad, envelopes-clerk Steel tape, tape repair, etc.-Engineers Freight charges-Engineers' 2 cord reels-Fire Fit tings and repair-Fire Fire reports 1 roll stamps-Fire ...... I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission.of the City of Port Angeles, Washington May 26 continued 19~~ 263 " I I I I ,.~. ,"~",."",""-"'. ~"'... ..... .... [CURRENT EXPENSE FUND (continued) J. B. Mathews Glass Co. I P. A. Auto Supply Co. , Johnson and Bork Willson Ilciwre Co. Woodies Harley-Davidson Wheel.er Hardware and Furniture Olympic Electric Co. , Bussing Office Supply i Olympic Seed Co. R. O. Ide Natural Gas Corp. of Wash. Schreiner Chevrolet Co. CITY STREET FUND: "f 3, b-P; Crown Zellerbach Paper Co. \~es tern Tractor and Equip. Co. Peninsula Truck Lines, Inc. Taylor Htg. and Plbg. Union Oil Co. of California Puget Sound Navigation Co. I~ I WATER FUND: ,11 , 1 W. T. Vickers Western Utilities Co. Eklund Lumber Co. Hugh G. Purcell Co. LIGHT FUND: 'j 7 , .' 5 Remington Rand, Inc~ Schreiner Chevrolet Co. Zellerbach Paper Co. W. T. Vickers Puget Sound Navigation Co. Maydwell and Hartzell Line Material Co. Westinghouse Electric Supply PARK FUND: Ij~,,fl,. puget Sound Navigation Co. Todd I s Cycle Shop P. A. Auto Supply City \'/ater Dept. Glass and installation - Fire Batteries - Fire Paint, laquer, sandp'P'r- Fire Glue-Fire Flash lights-Fire Garden Hose and tools-Fire Lights-Fire Office Supplies-Fire Weed Killer-Fire April car mileage-Police Gas-Polcie Adjust brakes MX 3902, \'/ork on MX 3901 Flange, coupling, nipple, etc. Washer, block 1 box Mack parts, frt. bill #362737 Inv. #8526, pipe Oil Freigh t charges Refund water charge Tools, inv. A 1544 Lumber Pipe, inv. 9839 Service Repairs, etc. Lamps Refund Freight Charges Insulations Wire Transformer Freight on fertilizer Repair pm;er mower Paint, gun, tail pipe, muffler, oil filter Pipe PARKING ~lETER AJ,D TRAFFIC CONTROL FUND: 11'. -.. A'uto Supply 1 can Pyroil FIRE AND POLICE STATION STATE DEVELOPMENT FUND: City of Seattle Steel I j There ~eing no further business the meeting adjoumed. I 'I I CEMETERY FUND: 1 Todd's Cycle Sho? FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND: Clallani County Medical Service , Corporation q.~~. () City Clerk Repair mowers premium on 11 firemen ~"...t ~ .e';r ~ -1 ayor $ 7.02 2.85 6.78 .32 3.81 44.40 5.16 13.49 6.70 21.35 1.80 69.24 26.64 3.27 1.43 2.63 42.97 16.64 2.50 2.37 15.81 150.48 38.42 143 . 69 65.07 6.88 23.86 69.53 412.48 210.10 11.50 45.25 9l.11 5.60 .23 15.45 33.00 500.00 ....oIIIIIl