HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/26/1981 109 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington May 26, 1981 I CALL TO ORDER I The special meeting was called to order by Mayor Haguewood at 7:00 P.M. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the construction and financing of the City's proposed Corporation Yard. II ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Haguewood, Councilmen Buck, Hordyk, Polhamus, Quast. Members Absent: Councilmen Boardman, Duncan. Staff Present: Manager Flodstrom, Deputy Clerk Headrick, Finance Director Orton, public Works Director pittis. III - V Suspended. VI LEGISLATION 1. CORPORATION YARD: CONSTRUCTION AND FINANCING During the May 20, 1981 continued Council meeting, the Council requested additional information from staff on the various options available for financing construction of the City's Corporation Yard at l7th and "B" Street. I At this meeting, Public Works Director Pittis briefly reviewed the five bid proposals for construction of the Yard, and the qeneral layout of buildings. Finance Director Orton outlined the various alternatives available for financing construction as follows: (A) General Obligation Bond (excess levy - voted - limited tax); (B) Limited Tax General Obligation Bond (non- voted, no additional taxes); (C) Revenue Bond Issue by Water Utility; (D) Funding In-House; and (E) Interest-Bearing Warrants Redeemed by Revenue Sharing Funds and/or Sale of property. The Council, Manager Flodstrom, and Finance Director Orton discussed these alternatives at length. Subjects discussed included the favorable bids received; the advantages and disadvantages of funding in-house; the advan- tages and disadvantages of funding through a non-voted general obligation bond; and the possibility of compromising two alternatives (i.e. $lOO,OOO funded in-house and $200,000 funded by a non-voted gener~l obligation bond). The Council then concurred that funding for the project would come from a combination of accumulated Revenue Sharing funds, participating utility reserves, and, if necessary, interim bonds to be serviced by future Revenue Sharing funds and/or lease rates charged to participating City Departments. 2. AWARD OF CORPORATION YARD BID I Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt Proposal No. l, with a heat pump alternative, and award the bid for Phase III, Construction, to the lowest responsible bidder, Advance Building Systems, with a bid of $461,921.40. The motion VII ADJOURNMENT was seconded by Councilman Polhamus and carriedr -----1 I 0325 . I ADVERTISEMENT fOR BlD5 City 01 Pari Angeles DATE Of BID OPENING- Sealed bids will be receIved by Ihe alliee 01 Ihe City Manager. 140 W..I front , Slree'. P.O. ~x 1150, Part Angeles, Washlnglan 98362. un HI 2:00 p."". Wednesday. April 22, 1981, and nal!aler, , nd will be opened publicly 01 ~ J ~hat time In Ihe City Council Chambers. , Canslruclion at Ihe C.ly 01 '<<"9' "" _lo. ~'...."'" 4ayor Yard eansisHng at ap' proximately 23,000 square feet of pre.engi neered metal office. shops, storage facilities ond open front parking sheds, Delailed plans and specilical!anS moy be ab- lalned tram lhe altice 01 Ihe City Engineer, Clly at pr~ The meeting adjourned at 8:4S P.M. /fr~~.~ City Clerk City ~n9Intnn. ....'7 -. . ~ Angeles. upon payment of 0 non-refundable fee of Twenty Five (S25) 'Ool'on. Bidders'sha'I be qualifil;K! for the type. of work proposed. A Bidder', Con- struction Experience Form is included in Contract Documents. All Proposals or Bids shan be submitted on the pres.cribed form and in the manner as indicated in the Propo$(I1 Requirements and Conditlons and soid Proposals or Bid $h(lll accompanied by Q certified or cashiers check or a bid bond in tne amount of five percent (S~.) of the total amount of the Proposal or Bid, said bid bond $1'1011 b. issued by a surety authorized Dnd 'icensed to issue said bonds in the State at Washington. The City of Port Ange\es reserves the rignt to accept the Proposa's or Bids and award contracts to responsibl. bidders which . ore in the best interest of the City; to postpone the ac- ceptance of Proposals or Bids and the award of the con. tracts for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days: or to relect any and aU Proposals or Bids received and further advertise the proisct for bids. When awarded contracts, the successful bidder sholl promptly execute contracts and shall furnish bonds of faithful performance of the contrac'$ in the tun amount of the contract prIces. Bids must be s8CIled with the outside of the envelope mork.d BID OPENING DATE (Apri I' 22, 1981 ) PROJECT (CORPORATION VARD). Nome and address ot the bidder should also appear 00 the outside of the envelope. Bids should be addressed to the City Clerk, 140 West Front Stree', P.O. BoK 1150, Port Ang.les, Washington 98362. Andrew J. Rose City Engineer Pub.~ March 25. n, April 3, 1981