HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/27/1936 ,.. 390 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington I.ray 27,1936 193_ The Commission met in reQllar session at 10 a.m. ,and was called to order b;:r lKa;:'or David. ~oll call showed the following officers present; Mayor Davis ,Commissioners Lutz and Maste~s Attorney Conniff and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head applications for building permits the following were granted,- D.I.Miller, Dwelling,Lot 8 Block 340 Townsite ~ J.A.Pringle,Remodel building,LOt 2,Block 34,Townsite ! E.C.Totten, Dwelling,LOt 6,Block 340,Townsite 'I Under the head of unfinished business ,- The Matter of the hearing of the Petition to vacate that pottion of thc Alley between 17th.and l8th.Streets,abutting upon Lots 1 to 10 Inc. and 11 to GO Inc. Block 449, Townsite,came on: $1000.0Q 1000.OQ 500.0 I IN THE 1~TTER OF THE VACATION OF THE ALLEY BET~EEll 17th. & 18th. AND B & C Streets. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That on April 22,1936, a petition was filed with the City Clerk of the City of Port Angeles,executed by the state of ~ashington and other owners of abutting property,requesting the vacation by the said city Commission of the following described portion of an alley in the City of Port Angeles, to-wit: ss. Notice of Hearing on Petition to Vacate. I That portion of the alley between 17th. & 18th. Streets, "B" & "C" Streets which abuts the following described lots, to-wit$ Lots One (1) to Ten (10), inclusive,and Lots Eleven (11), to Twenty (20), Block Four Hundred Forty-nine (449) ,Townsite of Port Angeles. The said petition was signed by all of the proper~y owners abutting on the purtion of the said alley so to be vacated. You are further notified that WednesdaY,thc 27th. day of May 1936,at 10 a.m.of said day,at the City Commissioners' room of the Fire Department Building at Port Angeles, at the regular meeting of said Commission,has been fixed as the time and place for the hearing on said petition to vacate. All persons having objeotions to the vacation of the said portions of alley are hereby notified to be present at said time and place and make or file their objections. By Resolution of the City Commission passed April 29th.,936. N.I.l.Hawkins, City Clerk of the City of l'ort ;.ngeles. I In the Matter of the Vacation of the Alley Betweenn 17th.& l8th.,"B" and "C" streets, abutting on the following desoribed lots, to-wit: Lots One (1) to Ten (lOl,inclusive,and Lots Eleven (ll) to Twenty (20) ,inclusive, Block Four Hundred Forty-nine (449), Towns~te of Port Angeles, AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING STATE OF ITASHINGTON, l ) ss. COUNTY OF CLALLAl.l, ) HARRY llALC1L\U,being first duly sworn,states that he is of full age,a resident of Port Angeles,Clallam County,State of ITashington,and a oitizen of the United sta~ United States,and of the state of ~ashington; That on the First day of May,1936,he posted four true and complete oopies of the original notice of hearing on applioation to vaoate the property above entitled as follows: One at the front door of the Court House in Clallam County ,washington; One at the front door of the Evening News,in Port Angeles,Cla11am County,ITashington,and one at the southeast corner of Front and Oak streets in Port Angeles,Washington; also one in a conspieuous plaoe in the alley between 17th. and 18th. Streets and "B" and "C" Streets, I in Port Angeles,which is sought to be vacated in the petition in the above entitled matter. I'l.Malchau Subsoribed and sworn to before me this 2nd. day of May,1936. D.H.Lutz Notary Public in and for the state of ~ashingtin,residing at Port Angeles. I (Notary Publio (Commission Expires (July 26,1939 The City Clerk reported that no objeotions had been made or filed. After due considera tioD it vias moved -by. 'Commissioner },ias ters that the peti ti on to vacate the alley between 17th. and 18th. Streets and "B" and "c" streets ,abutting Lots One to Ten inolusive and Eleven to Twenty inclusive Block Four Hundred Forty-nine IDl. Townsite of Port Angeles ,be granted. Seconded by Commissioner Lutz.On roll call all members voted aye. The Hayor declared the motion carried. ~ 391" May 27th 1936 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 193_ RESOLUTION DESIGNATING TAXI STAND Under the head of Introduction Of Resolutions, the following was inrtoduced:- ~rnEREAS, W.A.Sullivan has made applivation in writing for a portion of the street area in front of Harrington & Giles Building at the corner of Front & Laurel Streets to be used as a taxi stand, and VIHE:l::US, the oVlner of the building and cigar store in said building ha ving'.'consented in writing to the settlling apart eertain portions of the street area abutting said prop- erty as a taxi stand, I NO'" THEREFORE BE IT RE'JOLVED, That the follwoing area is hereby set apart and fixed as a taxi stand for .1. A. Sullivan; Commencing at the property line at southwest corner of Front & Laurel Streets, running thenec West, meClsuring along the curb a distance of thirty feet. Said space is named for a taxi stand reservation for two taxi cabs of VI A Sulli van. The taxi-cabs to be parked at the taxis tand in the follwoing manner; one car parallell \'Iith the curb on H'ront street facing Laurel Street; the second car to be parked at a 30 degree angle to the curb at the rear of the first car, and BE IT FUR'i"lER RESOLVED, 'that the street area 0>1 Laurel at the Southwest corner of Front and Laurel Streets fixed as taxi stand for d A Sullivan by resolution recorded in Vol. 19 of :ommissioners Proceedings on page 379 , be and the said taxi stand is hereby cancelled and annulled. I This resolution is adopted in conformity wi th authority and provisions of Section 15 of 6rdinance No 960 of the City Of Port Angeles. It was moved my Commissioner Masters that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted, seconded by Commissioner Lutz,on roll call all memebers voted AYE. The Mayor deoalred the motion carried. ***** The Commission examined and allowed the following claims: I CURRENT EXPENSE FmJD Street Dept. S J Lutz Ulmer Printing & Eqipt Co Brighten Up Shop Guy Burrows H E Dodge D A HAs ters; R E Davis Pay roll Expense Acct SuUlies Paint Hammers Expense Acct Car Hire Expense Ac ct WATER DEPT FUND Wa ter Dep t City Treasurer S H White sea ttle Plumbing & Sup ~o Rensselaer Valve Co Ford Meter Box Co Pay r 011 Business Tax Expense Ac ct Tools Valves Meter Setters LIGHT. DEPT Fl.JND LightDept " City Treasurer L T Guy Stewart V/hi te Chas Beam Generl Eleo Sup A S Knight Co General Elec Co Eveing News EIGHT STREET BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION FUND Engineers Dept Corpn Pay Roll Business Tax Ja ni tor Uork Car Hire Garage Rent Ma terial Meter Boxes Meters Advertising Pay roll I **** There being no further business the Commission adjourned at 11 oclook A.M. Signed ?J ?n:J~0~ , , Signed. I CITY CLE~K 955.50 9.50 14.35 4.50 1. 90 15.20 ~ 25.00 /O;?1> If!:> 5.00 ...., )6 c;.) 7 b --, 860.CO 466.80 14.72 16.22 <:29.22 54.80 I1r {, ~r 1,064.00 72 7.24 5.00 35.00 3.00 7.37 39.91 107.67 7.20 450:00 1936 MAYOR ...4