HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/28/1951 "I I I II Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 133 " Ma,y 2B, 1951_ '"<_ . _'""". "on". .,.""~"'. ,"'",,,. no" .... IThe City Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A;M., and was called to order by Ma,yor Feeley. Officers present were: Ma,yor Feeley, Commissioners Robinaon and Taylor, Attorney Trumbull and Clerk Law. \~linutes of the previous session were read snd approved. lUndeI' the head of app)Jcations for building permits, the follo\dng were granted: I, /1700 -- stanley Yoder Foumlation & Add. Dining Room to Present Dwelling; Lots 5-6, Blk. 336, Townsite 1,500.00 jJ.E. Waldron Build Bedroom & Front Porch to Exist. Bldg.; Lots 6-7, Blk. 129, -D.~l.Morse Add." 1,500.00 iWilliam Hubner Build 3-Room House; Lot 16, Blk. 317, Townsite 3,000.00 Paul Kesler Remodel Office Bldg.; Lot 10, Blk. I, Tidelands East of Laurel 4,500.00 jIROY: Britton Reroof Existing Dwelling & Garage; Lots 14-15, Blk. 65, P.S.C.C. :300.00 ,John P. Brown Enlargin Kitchen & Bedroom; Lot 8, Blk. 122, Townsite 500.00 'Glen McCallister Stucco a House; Lot 15, Blk. 132, Townsite 400.00 lundeI' the head of unfinished business, Gene Heiss, Representative for Electrical Workers, appeared on behalf of the local union and submitted schedules and other information concerning wage rates. Commissioner .I'Robinson informed that no decision has been made and the Attorney has advised that rates should be decided before the Ordinance is drawn. The Commission accepted the information submitted and Mr. Robinson will srl'ange for meeting after consideration of the same. Dick Amiot, operator of Radio Cab Company, requested information regarding proposed Taxi Cab Ordinance, 'passed first and second reading, and if the Ordinance limits his company to one cab when other companies are Ipel'IDitted to operate three cars. It was the opinion of the Commission and Attorney that 11r. Amiot could apply for license to operate two cars if the cars are in operation within a reasonable tiE,e, and the action ,was not taken to wilfully evade provisions of the Ordinance. iBids for construction of a storage building for the light department were received from the .following: ',Harold Donahue, $10,500.00, completed in 60 days. DelGuzzi Bros., $5,617.00, completed in 30 days. It was {moved by Commissioner Robinson that the contract be awarded to DelGuzzi Bros., if the construction is not in lviolation of any Federal regulations. Motion seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. liThe Commission also discussed the Local Improvement District for lighting fixtures on Lincoln and Eighth Stneets and priorities governing use of material for the same. Commissioner Robinson suggested that the lmatter be referred to the Attorney and Light Superintendent. Gundar Iverson, Mrs. Waldron and others appeared regarding inadequate water service in the vicinity of Tenth land "I" Streets, requesting that larger pipe be installed to provide better service. Commissioner Taylor I informed that the Water Superintendent is compiling data on material required and availability of the same, IWhiCh will be completed by next Monday. : Under the head of new business, Ray Petersen .irquired regarding a 2" tap for water service at Ninth and iChambers Streets and requested permission to bulldoze for water line on Chambers Street from Ninth Street I to the Boulevard. It was' moved by Commissioner Taylor that the matter be referred to the Water Superintendent. jSeconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. 1 Andy Carls complained about cars being parked on Chase Street betw4en 1st and 2nd Streets, which interfere Ilwith traffic. This was referred to the Police Chief. The report of Police Judge Phillips showing $2,410.00 fines collected during the month of April, was approved and ordered filed. II The Commission instructed that bids be published for Official Legal City printing for the year 1951-1952, bids to be opened June 11th. : :Other business considered was preparation of budgets for City Departments for the year 1952. It was moved I by Commissioner Taylor that the department heads be provided with necessary forms and requested to file estimates of expenditures and receipts for the year 1952 not later than July 1st. Motion seconded by Ma,yor Feeley. All voted ~e. Motion carried. lUndeI' the head of reading and passage of Ordinances, the following were placed on third and final reading: , i ORDINANCE NO. 1249 I 'AN ORDINANCE fixing the hours during which all City offices of the City of Port Angeles shall be kept open, repealing Ordinance No. 806 of the City of Port Angeles, and all other ordinances and parts of ordinances 'in conflict herewith, and declaring an emergency. ~ It was moved by Mayor Feeley that the foregoing Ordinance be passed third and final reading and adopted. I Seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted ~e. Motion carried. ORDINANCE NO. 1250 I I i AN ORDINANCE relating to and providing for the regulation of Taxi Cabs and For-Hire Cars; providing for the 'inspection and control thereof, fixing the rates to be charged therefor, and for the licensing and 'controling of drivers thereof, defining offenses, prescribing penalties and repealing Ordinance No. 1156 , and all other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith. ~It was moved by Mayor Feeley that the foregoing Ordinance be passed third and final reading and adopted. l Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted ~e. Motion carried. ~The Commission exmained and approved the following claims and ordered warrants issued in p~ent of same: t./ / !G CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: Vernon J. Robinson Emerson G. Lawrence Janish Motor Co. G. P. Lockwood First National Bank Stuart Filion Port Angeies Motors Port Angeles Auto Supply Co. I Natural Gas Corp. of 1,ash. j ! Traveling EXpense Travel Expense, Telephone Calls Lock, Cap St'4te EXaminer Income Tax .Jithheld Wax Car Repairs Parts Gas 12.27 6.19 3.45 512.95 48.05 15.19 9.53 1.13 3.00 I ~ 134 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington CITY STREET FUND: Olympic Salvage :Puget Sound Naviagion Co. ~ash. Machinery & Storage CO. IE. A. Jensen, SheU Jobber Crown Zellerbach Corp. (Tacoma-Pt.Angeles Auto Frt. ICi ty Treasurer .Owens Bros. Eng. & Const. Co. I . 77 WATER FUND: 5fl- iGeneral Electric Co. iSeattle Plumbing Supply Co. lPalrner Supply Co. IHersey Mfg. Co. ~g ~IGHT FUND: .2.;( G.t;, 1-- - 'ClaUam County P.U.D. No.1 Shell Oil Co. Lambert & Lent ~.5" I /77 iSANITATION FUND: '1mvMs Firestone Service ,port Angeles Auto Supply Co. ! ~ 2.7 ,PARK FUND: b'{,- 'Ci ty Treasurer !EklUnd Lumber Co. I CEMETERY FUND: .City.Treasurer , if< ,ANDlAL CONTROL FUND: 'f-'ll- ,Clallam County Humane Society I :c l.. 1. D. REVOLVING FUND: .::L~ .City Treasurer I " C_S rL. I. D. GUARANTY FUND: :;;t,..:.;)- ICity Treasurer I rre ,,;'" ~ ",,'''''' ,"",i~.., "'" ...H", ... u... "',,,,",, ..<. . ._.... ~m~ ""..'.... ."","'..... ..... :<:77'0 _ w 6" 10 - Q. c. XCUAr. ~ e.' 1.1. FUlt, i.ful" Fun ("J'I'\' l'IU'\'I'l\4.'- . ~;~\fJii~i!~Er~:;~1!:2;~ ~(" l)\~ In 11"11 pur"ll "I" "."- l"IHl1. t"I;", !~i~\l~~[~~~!t~i:,lji; .... M~y 2Rth, continup-dJ 19-5L Roller Chain Sprocket Frei ght Norse Sprocket, RoUer Chains Oil, Grease Lime Freight Recording Fee Ediz Hook Contracts, Payment in Full Radio Equipment Pipe and Fittings Pipe Meter Gaskets April Power Gss and Oil Test Oil Three Tires Tools and Hardware Light, Water, Garbage Lumber ,Tater Dog and Cat Licenses, Pound Fees Taxes Docum. & Ex:cis e Taxes City Clerk ltd//l4 /1 " 8.76 1.47 56.38 5B.54 83.74 1.43 .75 2,529.61 62.1-7 .373.58 137.21 B.81 22,629.76 4.82 30.00 175.26 1.99 75.56 10.71 10.00 448.00 2.05 2.55 Mayor I 11 I I