HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/29/1934 "... 214 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington !.lay 29, 1934. 193_ The Uommissioll met pursuant to adjournment at 10 a.m. and was called to orde~ by Mayor Davis. Roll call showed the following officers present: Mayor Davis, Commissioner, Lutz and J.[astcrs, Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session vlere read, <'.nd a}1proved. Under the head of ,lpplications fOl' licenses, the followin{' vlere granted,- L.E, Stark, Dance a, LO.a.F.Hall, I.lay 26, 1934 Rhododendron Tea Room, Restaurant ;~5.00 l~~ I The Commission examined and allowed the follo\'1ing claims and ordered warrants drawn' for same,- CURRSU~ EXPENSE Jtreet Department ray Roll 1,193.G5 :L'f3R FU:rp ~ater De ,artment Roy H. Harris Pa" Roll .Ja~er Dep't Ins~oc~i()n 8"'0.:12 $>' 22.50 1')-1;/ I LIGHT IllV::: ''1'U:::Jl'2 lCUliD City Tro1surer 1arrants Purchased 1,914.67 UGH T DEP ;,.I~TI,[]~lT Light Department ,~raybar Electric Co. R. L. Price Ci ty '.'reasuror J. H. ','/hi to Po." Roll Cr'8osote Janitor Service Supplies Car Hire ").10 ,,,.0 1,1,;;8.5<": 3:) .65 5.70 13.23 "-5.0,0 PARK J''ill1D ~~Sh. Emer~enoy ReVef Admini~tration Labor 17 ~1 49.77 42,90 Under the h 3ad of Introduc tion of Resoluti0ns, the following -'esolutions vlere intrJduced,- RESOWTIon TO SUPPLY I.lATTI:'UALS FOR USE HIi!H ST,'.TE E:l,!E"G;~;CY 2ELIEF"m,iIITIS _ 'Un~l" FO" '.'IASlIIl:GTON Al,CmJED, I ;mE,ZAS, The State Ener'gency Relief Administration for '.Iashington has arranGed to su'p,ly certain labor .fo--,~ improvements -,-lithin the City of Port .<:.n-:el~s, it being reQuired that the Oi t~1 of Port "n,:oles arranee to 3upply tho materials necessary in making said improvements, and ~IHE'1EA3, iml1roveman t of Lincoln Park is deer"ed to be a desirable improvement and it is determined that materials in amount and for urices as hereafter set forth are necesso.r' to carrv out said ~or~. ~ ~1H:REAS, the previous res01ution in the said natter ado}1ted May 9, 19:14, did not pro- vide a sufficient amourtt to cover the labor onffaid matter, I'lhich sums must thel'eford be increased by adopti~n of an amended resolution. TllERZFOIC, BE IT RZSOLV;~D, That the resolution of Hay 9, 1934, on daid matter, GO far as it relates to amounts, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: nO',I, TH:>:RSFOR3, :;:3:; 1'1' T-::SOLV:~D That the Cit:;:T of Port "n("eles fo furnish, provide and deliver all nec,ssary and prop~r materials and labor as follows, to wit: 35% of labor on this application Form Lumber 1050 feet for use in connection wi th the State Emerg'Cncy Relief Administration for labor u90n said project in the sum of 0184.~3. ~161.2:; ;:::1.10 ;181.3:;- \lash incton, It Vias moved by Cimmissione.' !lasters thRt the fOl'egoing resolution bo approved and adopted. Seconded by Commissio'ler J;utz. On roll cu}l all members voted aye. 'The Mayor declared the motion carried. ~ I RESOLUTION TO AUPPLY I.!ATE'<ULS FOl, UCiE ':lITE ST:,TE S!.L';;,GEnCY W,;U SIC ",m.iIns'C't.\ 'IOl! FOR . ,'A3lIIT:'J.'1\..'I'J .J,C!TDED. ';,'HERBAS, The :/aahington Emergency ;telief Administl'a tion has arran,:;ed to supply cer- tain labor for imp1'Jvamen ts wi'thLl the City of l'ort An,:;eles, it bebg l'eC1,uired ';1l3. t the Ci ty of Port ..n:;clcs al':'ane,',e to supply the materials necessar~T in making se.id imIJrove- ments, and ~1[ER~\S, improvement of Port tngeles Public Parks b~: cons~ruction or a tennis court in Block 4, Cain's Subdivision of Lot 21, at 4th and ,aGe Streets is dJemed to be a de- sirable improvement and i ~ is determined thct materials in ,'mount and for prices as hereinafter set forth ure necess'll'Y to carry out said nork. '7Hl':llSAS, the previous resolution in the said nc.tter adorted !.lay 9, 1934, did not provide a sufficient amoUnt to cover the :j.3.bol' ,m said matter, \'1hich sums must thereforc be increased by adoption of an amended resolution. TEEREFORI;, BO: IT R,SOLV1\D, That the resolution of [Jay 9, 19;\4, on said matter, so far as it relates to amounts, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follo\'ls: NO", THERSFOR~, BE I~ RESOLVED That the City of Port Angeles do furnish, provide and deliver all necessc.ry and proper matel'iu::'s and labor as follows, to voit: 35% of labor on the application Concrete 100 yd3. Lumber }'o:-ms %10 F.B,I!. Expansion joints 80 lin. ft. Total ma terial furnished for use in connection \'Ii':h the Vlashington Emel'cency Relie:!; Administration I t' 8.30 €-17.00 (' .05 ~86.62 830.00 3.57 4.('0 .J924.T9 for r1ashingtoll ~ Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ww ~9. 1934. 193_ 215 ~ I I I I I labor upon said prOject in the sum of $924.19. It waD movej by Commissioner Masters that the foreGoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Lutz. On roll call all members voted aye, The Fbyor declared the motion carried. 'Chereoeing no futher business th~ Cornuission t;'en~~ /-tad ?1~ City Clerk Hayor ~