HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/29/1950 F' B Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington llA;.r ?9, 19_5~_ "". . "",.., ...".. ...,,~,.. ,,,...,, ..... .... The Commission met at 10:00 A.Jl., and was called to order by Mayor Feeley. ,Officers present were: Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Taylor, and Clerk Law. Mayor llinutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications for building permits and licenses, the following were granted: 00 Building Permits: la,59:; - 22, N.R.Smith Add. 1,000.00 350.00' 400.00' 145.00' 7,000.00' 800.00: 900.00! 3.001 under the heed of unfinished business, the hearing on assessment rolls for L.I.D. No. 152 was opened. Mr. Skidmore appeared regarding assessI:lent against his lot. The Engineer informed that the property was included by request of Mr. Skidmore and cost properly distributed. There being no further obJections made or filed, it was moved by COJIllllissioner Taylor that the assessment roll be accepted as submitted, and raferred to the City Treasurer for collection. Motion seconded by Commissicner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Paul Brevik J. A. Haglund T. R. Usllory George SinclBir M. C. Adolphson Richard Keller Stanley Yoder Construct Addition to Existing Dwelling, Remodel; Lot 8, Blk. Move Garage & Woodshed & Rebuild; Lot 2, Blk. 294, Tovmsite Add 1 Bedroom to Present House; Lot 8, Blk. 319, Townsite Re-roof House & ~ Woodshed; Lot 9, lJlk. In, Townsite Construct 5-Room Dw~lling; Lot 6, Elk. 252, Townsite Construct Garage; N2 Lots 1 and 2, Blk. 322, Townsite Construe t Garage; SLot s 17-18, Blk. 177, Tovmsite , Licenses' E. T. Middleton Journeyman Plumber & Renewal Pursuant to bids published for sale of Lots 11 to 16, inclusive, in Block 355, Tovmsite, one bid was received as follows: Dick Amundson, $280.00. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the offer be accepted. Seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted A~",. Mction carried. The Engineer informed that the thirty day period has expired since completion of Pine Hill sewers by Hugh Govan and recommended as foll~ts: To the Honorable Mayor and Cit;r Commission Port Angeles, Washington GsntleI:l8n: The thirt~. day period sinee the completion and acceptance of the work done on Local Iniprovement District No. 152 by Hugh Govan, Contractor, has elapsed and no incompleted or defecti ve work has been discovered for which the city makes claim, I therefore recommend that the 15% retained ($1,182.31) of the cost of the work be paid the contractor Hugh Govan. Yours truly, Herman Ahlvers, City Engineer It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the 15% retained, or ~1,182.31, be paid to the Contractor. Seconded 'by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The Commisaion again considered the request by J. R. Wray for vacation of B Street, North of the alley between 4th and 5th Streets. Mayor Feeley informed of recommendation from the Planning Commission against vacation and COJllll'issioner Robinson also recommended t~~t the street not be vacated. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the petition requesting the vacation be refused. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Acie. Motion carried. l'later Supt. Dodge informed that Fox & IUrrows want to trade eighty acres of logged off land in the Morse Creek water shed for the timber on City owned property near the water intake. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the Water Superintendent be authorized to look over timber and count trees on City property to ascertain approxima te value and report JEter. Motion seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Commisaioner Taylor requested that the work be done by selective logging, if the City accepts the trade agreement. Under the head of new business, Mrs. Francisco, Motel owner, requested permission to erect a small sign- board at First and Alder Streets. The re'luest was referred to Commissioner Taylor. Written request was read before the Commission from Dick Wray, Secretary of the Clallam County Associated Contractors, wherein the Association recommended that the Commis sion insert the following clause or rider in a proposed building code which the City has under consideration for adoption, "all residences shall [Il'.eet F.H.A.. minimum requirements." It was the opinion of Commissioner Taylor that the clause should have due consideration, and it was agreed by the Commission to consider the same. The Engineer informed that time did not permit mailing of notices for the hearing on L.1.0. No. 155, Cherry Hill project, by June 12th, and it was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the hearing date be fixed for .June 19th. Motion seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I ! Jackson W. Granholm of Seattle, submitted a bill from Janish Motors for towing his car from a pit of mud at ! 12th and 1,incoln Streets, caused by a leaking water nain. The charge was in amount of :;10.00. It was I moved by COJIllllissioner Taylor that the same be referred to the Jerry lIelson Agency for payment. Seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Light Supt. McLean submitted en agreement bstween the City and State Highway Departmer.t whereby the City will service, repair, and maintain the traffic control signals, signs, and devices, located on State highT/ays within the City, for which the City will be reimbursed in amount of ~20.00 per month. Supt. McLean recommended that the City enter into said agreement, and it was moved by Commissioner Robinson trot the recommendation be approved and accepted. Seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I The Commission again took under consideration amount of bond issue and date fixed for special election in Ordinance No. 1226, and it was moved by Com~ssioner Robinson that the Commission re-consider the action of the previous session regarding the said Ordinance No. 1226. Motion seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. It was then moved by l'ayor Feeley that the Commission rescind the action on Ordinance No. 1226 at the previous session. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I" I I II I' I I I AN ORDnlANCE of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, providing for the submission to the qualified electors of said city at a special election of a proposition authorizing the construction and installation of certain storm sewers and the paving of certain streets, all within the city, and pro- ,viding further that the city issue general obligation bonds, to be paid by unlimited annual tax levies, in ,the -principal amount ,of not to exceed ~360,OOO for the purpose of providing funds to pay plrt of the cost of ,said improvements. , ,It.-was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the foregoing Ordinanoe No. 1226 as amended, be passed first and !secOfld reading. Seconded by Comissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. ] ?nder the head of reading and passage of Ordinances, the following was placed on third and final reading. I ORDINANCE NO. 1228 AN ORDINANCE vacating that portion of Alder Street lying between the south boundary line of First Street and ithe north boundary line of Second Street in Port Angeles, Clallam County, Washington. :It was moved by Mayor Feeley that the foregoing Ordinance be passed third and final reading .and adopted. Seconded bJ' Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion osrried. I The Commission examined and approved the following claiI:1s, and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: 'cURRENT EXPENSE FuND: (,3i'?f ired C. Strange Expense Trick & Murray Ledger Sheets, Voting Forms Fire Appliance Co. Supplies Olympic Laundry & Cleaners Laundry & Cleaning Harris & Schuller Repairs and Rebuilds A. O. Smith Corp. Special Oil Dobson Auto Electric Generating Eq)liprent Seattle Radio Supply '1~' Public Address System brTY STREET FJND, 9~, Automotivs ~arts Service Fageol Motors, Inc. pwens Bros. :>.,5:' WATER RlND: (P"- City Treasurer Seattle Plumbing Supply Co. E. N. lI811gren Co. Taylor Heating & Plumbing Co. rensselaer Val va Co. '1-" LIGHT RIND: ::(5.<()Jf- Glallam uountr, YoU.D. No. 1 Washi State ~iremen's Assn. Ci ty 1'reasurer Tri-County Typewriter Co. Eugene E. Williams The Texas Co. She 11 Oil Co. Park & Shop Store Peninsula Fuel Co. Gsneral Electric Supply Corp. Il.adio Service & Appliance Co. Wlestinghouse Electric Slipply Cc. General Electric Co. Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington May 29th. continued. 19~ '"'' . '""^', ""^" "."~,,,. '''''''' "'" .... Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the follOlVing was int:rroduced: I , ORDINANCE NO. 1226 Parts and Supplies Exhaust Tube Changing Peabody Creek Channel Enve lopes & Postage Pipe Joint Mat'l, Pipe Sleeves Pipe Hydrant April Power Adv. Cash for Envelopes Repairs Ca r Mileage Oil Gasoline Soap Jourance Oil Tools, etc. Tubes lI8rdware Controllers , SANITATION FlUID: Automoti ve Parts 3i' 30 .... Service Parts & Supplies 77 CONTROL FUND, :1'17 ' B.1ildi:Jg Sta ir s to Pa rking Letters, Numerals Flex Wiper, Blade & Arm Head & Case Assy. Railway Express Agency Lot PARKING METER & TRAFFIC Sig Larson Sargent & Sowell, Inc. Automotive Parts Service M. H. Rhodes, Inc. Hurd Transfer 00 hREMEN'S P.:NSION ruND: 33- Cla llam County !:ed. Servic e Corp. pr. J. C. Hay & Associates I CIVIC ADVERTISING WND: /07 ~lacVrilkins, Cole & Weber June Ued. Fees--Firemen June Med. }'ees--Firemen r-,5" Production Sf 152 FUND: //S.:J ... 15% Retained on Work to:;AL n:PROVElIENT DIST. NO. Hugh Govan I There being no further business, the meeting was then adjourned. I , Done & Mat'l 'Furnished, L.I.U. No.15? ~44 ~. rJ f: ~, City Clerk 26.05 7.69 28.20 21.15 186.89 11. 96 164.70 192.14 53.44 8.29 41. 20 45.65 58.74 43.50 457.64 533.72 19,846.70 50.~ 44.65 15.59 35.84 28.92 17.66 1.05 42.16 31.23 3.76 58.56 5,070.56 30.38 174.56 73.80 1.98 88.06 9.77 211.00 9.00 107.65 1,182.31 M~.or 9' ..oIIIl