HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/30/1923 .~. PI. f . . '~""';;':d"-~'=::~:'-~~ ': ~"(;J , Prdceedmgs 'of the City 'lJ Jf 'Of the Ci~Port 12;, J D~ -- .._,..............,..........." '.,--,~... . .' 'Ji.iL,: " Angeles, Washington 192_,:L F ~: a '. , I "[U~.~.:....,~__~_~_~_~ ~.~_~_~~_S~,_9f~__~_~_;bL , ~-~.~-~-?{I~--:;~~ ~-~-~-0ic;~C5tO:=-e-.-~--- ,~-,-~-~-~-~.- ~~d~~,~,~-~...~., Itlllf~' c":r.i.,_. IL Bm.!~~?:~ . . .;;~~~'~~;;;;:-;h~:-- that iaealed 'r - ' bIds' wlll be 'ieeel'l'ed by' the elt,. h /'l) . , ' '"'' '" ' " . .' Clerk ot" the CSt). ~ of ~or:th Anf~el-O V ~." -".;I::t,- -i- P .,~ A _ P P .:'~ J ' ~ ~A '. ~!l:~a':~.~~Ilt~I;.,~...t:l"'IJ.~.:;:! '~.,." .'~---~. -0' 0... . .r;r .-.::,~ -;'tJl:'.-,.'~. _rWjt7' ~~errorb:::If~~~t~o~ ~:w~~:.e~:: V JI /} ~ /lJ (} , ... _ ' _' ." '_ _ 0,,"'" , ~_ t P .~,. '.. :- tbe Alley betweeD Second and Tb.lrd. ,....c..--~ _ ~_ ~ - ~ ~c..-rr _. - CbelT]' and' Valley ,.treebl . to . d1s- , '" '" # ' ... .; cllaI'celntotbeValler8treet-COndult.; ~~' ,"", ",' ~'j!I :~ --~p as eaUed ~ for" by -,Reaotutlon No.. n ' , fi-'~" ~ ., ..' - .. .' ~ ~n~jlo~:~~,.'~~~''l:.: ~ , -i.-', ~. . - --- cerUfied check In a .um not leu thaJiI ~ to t:..t ' ftve per cent'of tbe amount bid.. IlJ I) . - .J~ ~ ....J.....I? ll___~ ..:.J-... "'_ _ '/).L''-.,~ and!madi!l payable to tho o1"dl!lr~Or ~_ _~_ _.-----~_./~-~. . ~~~t ~~~p1'er:~::l!lr th:f. b~e w'ilr n:~ - - I' ~ ~ ~;tCOocl:~..;o::rdolo:.a.ft~~~ a.~. ~ ~cX~A-'_~_(J~~__/~ /~,9i:i ~~~Ulm:I~'de~~ ~ f~~~7 ~i!I ~c;. - I ~~r~rulfl"-:: ~~&ttl~::po~~::; :~~~~::~n~ o;f \~~ =e:Ofw:~O .~': wlll be refunded If plana and IlpOCl~- caUODII are' retUrDed. to. the Clerk a omce belore Ume ofOPOD~ billa.... ~' The City Commission reller1'_ ~e .!.ig~,~? reJ~t _. an~..: or ~l ri:1a;;E8T."I ~..:;4-tt ~ijB~;:,~.ItJ' ~!~- f;.:;;:~~A~tb7':tV:~~~;~~' bldll will be. recelyed . by the ~ City Clerk or the City of Port Angeles. Washington. , until MaT' lOth' at 10' A. M. (and not later) at the Clllrk."s g\,:~,~ ' l~, !~~~ CI::n.~~~t1~~, <:,", =~~ ' ;~:kSt:e~t ~~~leN;.~e:ieF~D~i ~ the total Jength of the Job wlq.' ~ ~rro:~~:;ell~,~~:: ~:~ a:~l~.':''i:, %4 Inches as called- for by reaoluUon" '~~l:Sbl~~d:~~teb~~:iI;;ni.d-b;'~ ~~~Ut~:r el~~~~ ~~{a, ~:~. ~~-o~e:t ~~ ,it and made payable to the. order:, of :, the City 'I"reaaurer of the" Cft,. -, or 1 ~~te'o~:~~:~ ;..?rBo~de. ?ol~ ," ~~~ i ::: cent of U\e amouat of thfl: contract ~~~~ulm:I~~e~~ ~ f~rr~~zhe!.~~e _fRlC- ~. Plane and .~IfIC1ltlDnll. may be ob- : tnlned from the City CJerk upon ,Ute depositing or the sum or . U.OO 'for the return ot the aame: which anm will be refunded if plana and speclft- cations are returned to, tho CI om~e befor~ t(me ot: ope - The CUy COInml..lon l' .:Igh\:~,..;~~;l;,:~r ,~~~ ~I D. IH~'t ~>\;~:....tI.t2't.1i.:' tli~~;;;! C1tJ'_ Cl."Jc. i'})~W..~!t~~,,:,, FOR B~~ ~~l -----'-,' . , I Notice Ja hereby slTe-ri lhat lealed (J:J. ~'~. J~'. . ,. . ~"r' ~" ,bldll'wlll be~reclll~ed by' the City V .A-- _._ _ A_. ." ';.. . Clerk'o( the CitY_of Port AngelelJ,._.__:"'--:-......-~r_ _ _ _. -, -'. - -" i Waahhutlon. I' until - May .30th at' 10 r. . 'A. M. (and not later) at the Clerk'a .' . m fi . - J__ _ V. .. - , "17 ,~~~e f;~ t1~fl c;~~rru~ti~~ ~~ ~h~&t:~t_ ~ _ ~~_ ~ :9-9 _ ~_~ _~ _ ~ I,ewer 'In the Alley between' Fourth .'. ' .,; land Fltth Streets AJbert nnd Francl8, .:" '. ..' , ~ .~. ,'~ "'.':d:.'.. ;'~' . Streets through block" 172.. 171 and. ~ .~., . ',0> 0;5 ~f? . . , . , 174 TowDalte to' dlllcnarge . Into tho . _ _ ~1..-A:- _ _ Francia Street Tr-unk aewer.R.II caUell' -- - --- . - . - - - . fDr by l'elloluUon No. :19, Ordinance',. ", " . I ~o. 139. -"F..~', ...._",l,."_~.--","'1..,;-p If) I'} ........ h ~' ~..e p ,,".' '., p '-' _ ~ A ~.., ',\ ce:tll!l:~d~h~kll\nb:=n:a~~:::.~a~ ~~:(~_~_ . --- -~-,~-,/~---~:> - ,~ ~~~'~e:dec~:;.~:fe'~f1/~::O~::."rb~i\ l/i . P_ 0_ I ~. /J'_.,R ~ . m ~..Cl'~ oj/) ~t, I 1~~~~C~~g~T::~II:;erth:t'b~~~w'in7~~~~ _LA.... I~ ._~_~_q~.-<..._L:d do" ~_V~_~_ '1_!.0:(1. lie considered.. Dond fOr Oft)' per ~ ~~rcte o~t1~e b:i~~~~ah~~ hhyfl: tben~~~ I celstnl bidder, _ ..."'"',,-1'1:..... t'!'.h _~ ---- - Plana and IIpecltleaUon. may be O~b ~~no~~tIZ~)lnO(th~h;lt:u~Je~~ ,~~ ~: the return of the IU1me: whleh BUm :r1:~o~: ~~~un~:~r~eJlat~1I ~::: tfi~~; ro~e before time ot opening blcla. ,_ !.Igh~ t;I~~Je;~r:.~;lI~~nalre~~~:.ell ,the ~~~f.2:~~?' ~ ;:t~~~~~~~~;~ ~;\'."~t~.C.u;>..L FOR",DlnS t.tr~~t{.rl}J I bl:Otle<<t I~ -he~;~ - t':t' '';;~~l CI Ilk will be r~elved by. th. . Clt)" -- W~~hln~(t~~~~ u~:fl ~7~O::lh An.~e~~~: ~~c~' I~an~ nO~1 JAtor) at the Clerk'e' ~~~e/O~ thee -eon~rueUU::n ~t ~he~~:/ Angeles n Tumw&ter Bill from Portl 17th and 8Mh t~t the,; Al1e)' between ~CI~rO~b'R~1r1 100~flel~e~.a~~~: :~ I h~he.fto 3D In::e~ln...~t;:uJroroD\ l~ 'l7:ls:OI~~.2l~~I~01 ?rdl~ce tNg;1 ;e~~~1:Jd~h:kIl1 be IlCCO:;;;Ie4 b;'~ "VCIl per~eent h,n,lIgm,llot lea. than ~;: C:~e payatile \06 t::?=:e~ b~i 1"ort . A~ Tre..ur.r' Of;.:!tb6 . CU,. of .. {:UV-'--'''.~~:.e_'''''_,,~~......_, "--,.- be gele.. or' the. bid. w11l ~ Dot t ~turn of the ...me: wlllch IUM ,I ~~:bt ~'Boh~-'~or;c8 "pe,. ~~::;~~~~d'1'CJ:!; c _,. '.M'tO~':"'t~IDIL'Df.:.OPflkl~J~ "'Plane &ad . ,OI\T. r1necl tl'O~ ~ci -......~, 11oo rb' .,>d., -." " , V,. ..'..~~''''.P.Jl.'~ -.. ~,~_;t;;;._~':'~,' -<(J-'-- -7-~-~-~ ~~.&~_~.'ld',_~_~_'~_fi-.r,__ J~:"~., Cl' ' "' ' _~_;t;= ~:'lfP4A--r~-~-'r--~ _~_~~ ~_I_o:-a..~_'~_~ JfJ ' . ' -~-~-.p-.I-' \' . ';"J,', .~t.....