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Minutes 05/31/1928
r,..... '." . .' ...... . ."' .~ 'I' '434 ) ! , I 11, , ! I ! ' I I I i' , I I . .j .1 ,~'.". r .- ..".~ " - ~ Proceedings of e City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washinf{ton ~_$L mL ~L~~~=~~~;I<~-<u.<?,;'v_d/"4~t::k$/._a.du..u .1 ~ ~<cafji/i~2:t!~~;~;~-a~~~;jlf;~:c:)2at<<:..'.2 ::Wgt-.~..~~.av1f; .<f{uud-.'I,,<,(~~{wytl~//7~ ~cA,dal~~ - 0; ../ V/;? j~ {f -, . d'~' ~;_--NYt-L/..J .. ~jU;'~/NtV/;'J/-H!/t.7~;!Z;iZd.aJ/P~4:;f;~'_ ____'_ _ .._ -;;1- ,-.--------- ------------;;;--- -- -----.-'-- -------.----~----.. --7-- _----H - - --I iZ~v. /rtdc2rb j- 2&u i~~1(ZjHt.-c;0'5dl--&'-C'-};?b'/i1t;.f~~i:,t:<'e[4. .'t'7M~d 11Y(ZL1/~Aru [J ~- yf., (J -h / AI#,/ '9 ~ ;{ 1f-'7 /.. (/ ! /J I' IA-/-''!/lr:;t-. -------~~, cttUJ~---(7"-: bCour /f:l/Z~l-ONj v__.__~t:~.!H-,,-//dtJ_.. ~_' l<';)t'~ latj{.._____'fr;.trdfL_ "-~''---~--_ .~_ ~,/_:.!..__.itJ J____-"__ ~_____>, _j.?&,cJ()_ '~Z;1:vt:;,;7/---~5~~~;./f~/ ----~---~----------,--------- -~ ,$0_. u./~<-/.c~rJ(/ u~v~,('"."?~u____ ___.______d_____ _. __~___ _.2- ,?C J~I1{?~v(;4,i<J.uu--~:::=L'rta:__~_. "_d._ ___~__ _ ___ ,t', ,:Fo ~;;,:;y. ;lc:jm"N1]Z(;::f!y:SL'(t~1fi~q ":tdfZ,p:;...:v 4?,~: . -i,;.cn. .~:;';;n~~rfz::~(~W. ;.:Ut~./~~rZ{,'~ Jt44c</h-l~1':~0~=?'=~~(;Z:.~ !~~r<I'ltu~fit~bdf';'~!;-"//'/ff---~#:;-?~' - - ..... 0~~vtZb. .,;;l-Jl-..U!7:l.f' ~,' ':_Z:"d~'."'~VClJ za-;..z/.j%v......-iZ-v-. ~.'. ",~d {.. ~Zb_ l",/!f;/zk/._,-__ 1:/''// // . /~'/J/: ////;v....IJ ./,:;//I"I,f7 'j~l?f!/. '(/-;7'/ j-f /- 1,.);:7 ,//.:../- i,yP7q/U~~((). if} y~! ~:;r Y;;-\fI2~- ~.("f~t;7U;;1~; ,.:~t:if~t;~ z~~ U'U;?~:;-~.:.~~..! J 7.'lt'/..; . i!j[u'l-d~kli%~~uN-",...zu./l "".~. rff/ff/. tUzvUf,tt-Ic-~:Z t, a.{'.u .y':':;/7,'(."'L-u,pz.vu/ /./d'?U2//?t.;/. ______ tl,!r 1/,'. ,/.'f' / t/v/ /. ...j) ,j . /./ /1(!1dU-- be d-i1cv../....Jt>:t,.-pt./-la.z",--tt?/,____~___________ __~___. ____.~_H____. ___~__ -~ -~-~---ZaF- 27~-7[J,~-/.g;::---~;;.-_.----~-----;:- .. /j/ ~----~_.-;:---------.-~.Z}>----- t5-~~6:'(Q:f<"'ldf:~~~:;:dd~'>, <4!S~;,{f:'~/zy"!:/."77' 'f'lfd!/h'," J'o_ U""'7 . L?,/~'U';: ._._.~__n_ -.- .. -.... _ .._ ...___. _ n . OZ/~~.~;~i!;:~22~~F~~~;=/~rZ<~jiL~;,*:K; ;:;:~ t!:"f~t( ~ Ci"":;:?"-?::~ /i/7:-g1i~u~.~~t;;~-/ ~<:-;f;;Jj-';; ---2- ... 2'-c;'L~7a:;:'lB?'f;-~ti...~-;;f;J/",C"&6~j:0U'&7"'"'<- 7 ia,/T.;1C?/-wt.a-t;).~/ftr//ntflaf:.,:)...:'/,/,;frJi;.aL~ /PdC:-/~7.d/F..';:;'/:'dL:~7 --------- . --.---~ ~f':~:~~i4~i~:-'~?;;Mf;-i&j-~=g~i....:-- {If; P< /.:t'?J-<-a. vt/.?4-./2 f'f.'UV/,.~ it a /r:"J~ / ~;?~VTc. /1 LU'y~ r!.i-zc.-;~ :!fV kftr:t?.I C'lZC2~C .:'7..Y.--. t2v ~y{;uua/z.w~Lt.zd p~z1;r;~i%:~;r cL.Nou'id:c~tJoh"ft:kv~v-..-~-- . zf;~~u:L7'~L!;~fi2l~~uifJff!ft7d 12!t?~. ~{~~- ;%V;/f4VbNCC</ Iff::,i';;f1Zj{iL1:d""j/%:',d&~d/;:~V;c.'u~/7~~'''<;,,~1 hlH'7~~..'1~4f,,:;< 'f~.1.'fK.'f~~zt. tf;};/'~1Y4.tjt":tf".'V;?:.'/;{.~l /~'uc~r:-H/~v{!!t:-:J/w~ k',v,~ y __ 0 - dZ;;~~ dcuA'ji'i-J;v/~L(/U?M/-/ft-~ __ l~',4;"dJ,Au-, 4?did, cd;;da(f;.L"'~~7rf<F-'/,1/..~d(. L;id~;~'>;~1"~f,(/;(~jt;f;td~-~ff"fa{e":.. . ,IN'!:IUdUw4J/.v/-,u::/""&~J;.;;bUP.<uf4b~?k.ddhm%~;,IJf;,~. .. r~Ihcd, "f'JfA<<'mf;:t:7k'Mh'N'&fdU,.,{ar4u<?f~kdn/_j'jff~d. d. ;,...;(-0:,/ 7:;t.~-tv,<~,c-#:v::,<f;Z1/[7"~"7'''Z:''.:f'~/.-#.' __ /.i'7';..a ffff-- /!!i//1,~n:cdt:d'/ u~~rY"J.~~/~ i:t:W~f/;J,r~?;VATI-'-WAk~( ~~ [ \,J'. ,. t;'