HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/01/1949 552 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington June 1. 19AL II The City CO~Ullission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by llJaYor Feeley. Roll , call of offwers showed the following present: ~1ayor Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Taylor, and Clerk " Law. I lId.~utes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applica)}ons for tuilding permits Building Permits: .31 dO I, Dave Moffatt Lee Morse I' Mrs. llalcolm MacMillan II R. O. Denbeigh O. H. Weyand Roy Delo and licenses, the following were granted: Move 1I0use; Lot 13, Blk. 38, N.R.Smith Add. Remodel Existing Dwelling; Lot 5, Blk. 172, Townsite Construct Fire Place, Remodel, Kitchen; Lot 10, Blk. 345, 1'ownsite Construct Garage; Lot 10, Blk. 287, Townsate Construct 4-Room Dwelling; Lot 19, Blk. 52, Tmlnsite Addition to Lxisting Dwelling; Lots 19-20, Blk. 157, Townsite 700.00 I 400.00 I SOO.OO · 300.00 j 1,500.00 .500.001 I I "" Licenses: .:? () - Price Fletche r Rodeo, two days 20.00, I , I Under the head of unfinished business, three bids for City printing for the year beginning July 1 were submitted: Olympic Tribune, non-tabulated, first publication, 3,; repeat, 3,; tabulated, 6~; repeat, 3,,: II Port Angeles Evening News, non,.tabulated, 7,; repeat, 7,; tabulated, 12,; repeat, 7';. Peninsula Herald, tabulated,S,; non-pariel single line, 5~. If only one time, 10, per line. All bids were held for consideration until the next session. Bids to furnish for the Light Department, wire, switches, etc., were subnitted as follows: I' Line Material Company: _ Item 1. 28,000' #2/07 strand copper conductor, $30.80 per cwt., $3,543.54. Item 2. 5-600 Amp., 15 KV poles @ $450.00, $2,250.00 Item 2A. Alternate: 5-600 Amp. 15 KV poles @ $410.00, $2,050.00 Pacific Electric Manufacturing Corp.: I' Item 1. No bid. , Item 2. S Type SW. 15 KV 600 Amp. switches @ $39S.00. Item 2. Alternate: 5 type SWA 15 KV 600 Amp. switches @ $360.00. Thomas S. Wood, Central Station E-iuipmentl Item 1. No.bid. Item 2. 5 Type GK 600 Amp., 3 pole, group operated, 15,000 Volt, disconnecting .switches, net ea. $451.00. I j' General Electric Company: Item 1. No bid. Item 2. 5 Type TA, 15 KV, 600 Amp. switches, net each $452.00. I General Electric Supply Corp.: I Item 1. 28,000' #2/0 - 7 strand copper wire @ $30.80 cwt. Item 2. 5 - 600 Amp., Type TA switches @ $452.00. I' Graybar Electric Co., Inc.: Item 1. 28,000' "2/0 7 strand copper wire @ :$29.92 cwt, $3,442.30. Item 2. 5 - 400 Amp. IS KV, 3 pole group, $410.00 each. Anaconda Wire and Cable Co.: item 1. 28,000' #2/0 - 7 strand wire @ $30.80 cwt. Item 2. No bid. 'I Vlestinghouse Electric Supply Co.: Item 1. 28,000' 2/0 copper wire 0 $29.80 cwt., $3,427.00 Item 2. 5 - 15,000V, 400 A. switches @ $410.00. General Cable Corp.: Item 1. 28,000' 62/0 AWG strand, 7 wire cable @ $29.80 cwt. Item 2. No bid. , '. A. B. Chance Co.: Item 1. No bid. Item 2. 5 Chance Type \VN, 15 KV 60C Amp. switches @ $451.50. Item 2. Alternate. 5 Chence Type VN, 15 KV 600 Amp. switches, @ $409.50. All bids referred to Supt. McLean for checking until 4:00 P.M., when bids will be awarded. I A proposal as previously submitted by directors of the Y.M.C.A. YffiS again discussed by the Commission. Proposal as submitted was for lease of a portion of the City building on Lincoln Street to be used as i Y.M.C.A. Youth Center. It was moved by Mayor Feeley that the City accept the proposal and the ~ttorney be instructed to draft tentative agreement. Motion seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion 'I carried. ' i I Earl Davidson reported regarding sale of timber on City property west of Ocean View Cemetery. Mr. Davidson recommended that the timber not be removed as removal would create a definite fire hazard, and if tilllber is' not cut, the site may be used for a boy scout camp. The reoommendation was accepted. I Due to absence of the City Attorney, the hearing for vacation of an alley in Block 125 of D.W .Morse 's Subdivision of Suburban Lot 8, as scheduled for June 1st, was postponed to June 15th. Under the head of new wsiness, Mrs. Douglas Peterson and Mrs. Oder appeared regarding concession at the Civic Field. The Commission was in favor of concesBion .and referred the matter to Manager Pearce. Co!lllIli.ssioner Taylor also presented a tentative schedule and regulations governing the use of the Civic Field which was accepted and approved by the Commission. The C .M.St.P. & P. Railroad Co. re'luested in writing, information regarding openings required when they fill their right-of-way on Railroad Avenue from Lincoln to Vine Streets. The request was referred to the Engineer for investigation. I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington "'lC'...........,""~........_.......T1I....1&77f1~ June 1.~lltinued. 19..1L 553"'" lUnder, the headof readi,ng, and passage of Ordinances, the following was passed third and final reading: ORDINANCE NO. 1209 'AN ORDINANCE repealing Section 11 and amending Section 13 of Ordinance ~o. 1169 of the City of Port Angeles !entitled, AN ORDINANCE Relating to traffic and regulating the use of public streets and highways of the City of Port Angeles; providing ,for the installation, regulation and control of the use of parking meters; !requiring the deposit of coins for the use of parking meters and parking meter zones;.dsfining parking Imeter zones; providing for the disposition of revenues derived from parking meters; providing for the lenforcement thereof; defining offenses and providing penalties; and declaring an emergency. It, was moved by Connnissioner Robinson that the foregoing Ordinance be passed third and final reading and I finally adopted. Seconded by Connnissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Ilotion carried. i,The Commission examined and approved 3" ,I CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: :3:Ai- ,Trick & Murray City Treasurer Peninsula nerald City light Dept. 'Hazel's Cafe iPorkY'S Mobil Service . ,Seattle Radio Supply, Inc. 'jRadiO Service Appliance Go. Port Angeles Auto Supply Co. ',Pacific Telephone & Telegraph CO. ;'N t. '-I I I I I 46.83' .50 23.7911 50.00 117.161 1.55 1.11 9.53 29.32 48.571 85.94 108.501 the following claims, and ordered warrants ~issued in payment of same: IICITY STREET FUND: 'A. Contesti jFeenaughty Machinery Co. ff/ IWATER JiUND: iff i' .... ICity Treasurer City Light Dept. IE. N. Hallgren Co. [Willson Hardware CO. IE. N. Hallgren Co. 'I Zellerbach Paper Corp. Peninsula Herald ,Pacific Telephone & Telegra ph Co. !Addressograph Sales Agency , fLoop Auto Wrecking Co. b" 'jLIGHT JiUND: III.? .... Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. II Samuelson Motor Co. Montgome ry Ward & Co. 'Schreiner Chevrolet Co. I Peninsula Hera ld City Water Dept. Line Materia 1 Co. Graybar Electric Co. ,Richfield Oil corp. Willson Hardware Co. Port Tie I< Lumber Co. Graybar Electric <;0. General Electric Supply Corp. Jams s Hardware Co. (,1 LIBRARY FUND: ,>l '1-'1 ' Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. 'Lee Hodson, Librarian Olympic Printery ILo-well Pencil Co. ,Olympic Stationers INew Method Book Bindery, Inc. Books Unlimited Doubleday & Co., Inc. I' Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc. ,Imperial Book Co. A..C. McClurg & Co. '1( PARK JiUID: /3- Peninsula Her'ald Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. I City Treasurer !LIBRARY MEIWRlAL FUND: ~FUget Sound News Co. .2." /f - License Receipts Refill for B & B Ball Legal Publications Rent Meala for Prisoners 5 Gals. Gas Radio Supplie s 1 Vibrator and 2 Tubes Parts and SUpplie s Phone Services Pen .5311 29.111 401.31'1 10.00' 16.30 15.36' 12.68 3.611 5.79 1 4.12j 67.511 6.50 5.461 7.911 2.3411 84.25 595.72' 198.09 70.54 25.96 38.62 8.50 .6.18 .98 I 14.42 8.81', 17.4111 4.4e 12.53 6.60 7.95 26.90 2.95' 5.05 142.57 I 3.64 9.65!' .42 I 11.26 I I iThere being no furtmr business the session was recessed until 4:00 P.ll., men the bids for material for the Light Department will be awarded. Concrete Work Grader Blades with Bolts Postage Ilent and Lights Joint Material 1'ools Parts Towels Adv. Phone Plates Iron Telephone Service Repairs Battery Repairs, etc. Adv. Water at Sub-stn. Line Transf., Connectors, Meters Lube & Gas Tools, etc. 1'imbers Tape Bra id File Meters !4:00 P.M., June 1, 1949. ~ iAfter checking and comparing bids for wire and switches, it was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the bids 'rbe'awarded as follows: Item 1. Westinghouse Electric Supply Co.: 28,000' of #2/0 copper wire @ $29.60 cwt~ 1$3,427.00 plus ~125.00 for reels. Item 2. Pacific Electric Mfg. Corp.: 5 type SW 15 KV 600 Amp. switches I @ $395.00. Motion secondad by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Phone 7244 Office Supplies Warrants Pencils Supplies Magazines Re-bound Books Eo oks Year Book Books Books Notice to Bidders Services 5288, 3851 Postage and Insurance Bo oks There being no further business, the session was declared adjourned. () & ,,;t~ f City Clerk ,If,,,,'/ 4 ~? Mayor ~