HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/01/1961
Proceeuings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
... . H PRINrlHQ co. P.~~2M ~ __
The Port Angeles City Councll met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. The Omcers present were: Mayor Maxfield,
Councilmen Smith, Richardson, Thome, Randall,Caldwell and Haguewood; Manager Slankard, Attorney Moffet~
and Clerk Law. 'I
It was moved by Councllman Richardsoh that minutes of the previous meeting be approved and placed on f1le.1
Seconded by Counc1lman Thorne and carried.
Under the head of unfinished business, offers to furnish one tractor, loader and digger for the Water Department
'were considered. The Manager read recommendation by the Water Department Superintendent that the ,offer b~i
H & M Tractor and Equipment Company be accepted for John Deere Industrial at $5.155.72 net. The Council
questioned at; to why the low bid was not accepted. It was moved by Councilman Randall that the low bid be:
accepted. Seconded by Counc1lman Haguewood. More discussion followed concerning the equipment and
accessories required. The motion was withdrawn and it was then moved by Councilman Smith that the matter
be tabled for further study until the next meeting. Seconded by Counc1lman Richardson and carried. i
Pursuant to request for minimum to be set for sale of Lot 14. Block 315, Counc1lman Thome as Chairman of
ihe appraisal committee reported on investigation with recommendation of $400.00, including all assessments;,
taxes and cost. It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that the minimum be fixed at $400.00. this to include
all assessments. taxes and costs. Seconded by Councilman Thome and carried.
The Council considere:l petitions previously presented requesting that the Go-Kart Club be required to install
muffler.s to subdue distrubanc, e. the MaYOr.informed that. th e Club has been as. ked to S.tudY the situation and l"^
I arrangements have been made for souni! level tests and operation of the track i suggested hours, open at
I 10: 00 A, M, and close at 8': 00 P. M.. a schedule to be submitted at the next meeting of the Councll.
, Under the head of new business, requests for beverage I1cense transfer and renl'lwal were approved as follows:
transfers: Wagon Wheel Tavern from J. M. Roberts to Doris Il.uss Rogers. Renewals: Busy Bee Market, I
i Market Basket. B & M Grocery, Little Brick Tavern, Silver Dollar Tavern. Grandview Grocery, K & K Fine Foo/is.
It was moved by Counc1lman Caldwell that renewals and transfer be approved. Seconded by Councilman Smltl1 I",
and carried. ..' !
Departmental Reports were approved as follows: tight and Water B1lling Reports, March and April. Light and~
w.. ater Operating statemen.ts. Water Balance. She. et. Water.and Light Work Reports. It was moved by co. unCill-!,
man Thorne that all reports be approved and placed on f11e. Sl'lconded by Councilman Smith and carried.
Claims payable were approved in amounts of: General Funds, $11,854.44. Water !'und, $654.74. Pipeline
Fund, $209.38. Light Fund, $22,067.96. It was moved by Councllman Richardson that all claims be appro\e
and paid. SeCbnded by Counc1lman Caldwell and carried.
Harbert Construction Company, second progress payment for construction, water line, $75,299.06.
Del Guzzi Construction, final payment, construction of tight Service Garage, less 15% retained, $53,533.98.
It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that the claims be approved and paid. Seconded by Councilman Smith
and carried.
It was moved by Councilman Smith that payrolls for the month of May in total amount of $59,740.56 be approv:ed
as paid. Seconded by C'ouncilman Caldwell ahd carried. 'i
Pursuant to recent annexation, the CounCll considered negotiation with Mre Van Frederickson for collection oil
garbage in that area under tern\s of the City Code and as provided by State Statutes. It was moved by co~ncii-
man Richardson that the Manager be authorized to negotiate with the Fredericksons for a garbage coUection in'1
I the annexed area under terms and prOVisions of the City Code now existing. Seconded by Counc1lman Caldwdll f"~: .
1 and carri ed .
The Mayor reminded that CommisSioners of tire L>istrict No.2 were expected to submit proposals at this time
,if they were to be given fire protection by the City in their Disttict. As no comments or word have been
! received at this time, it was the opinion of the Mayor that it Ls In order for the Council to officially take
,I action to terminate any service that might be given in these areas. It was moved by Councilman Randall that
I',~ any I1mited service they have been getting in these areas be terminated as of today. Seconded by Councilman
j Caldwell and carried. . I
!No further business appearing, the meeting was recessed to re-convene for public hearing on proposed t.LD,;
No. 180, at the Roosevelt Junior High Building. . !
8"15 1'. M . Meeting was called to order by the Mayt>r and hearing openlid. The Manager spoke first, intro;.
ducing the Council and then explained that the proposed proj ect was not initiated by the Council but by pro- !
perty owners. That notices showed only estimated and not actual cost. I
i Engineer Warder then explained in detail, the area to be included and improvements to be made, unit prices
basically the same as Sunrise Heights prbJect. Cited petitions asking that the area east of Jones and north 011
Front also Race Street from Caroline North, be deleted. Protests filed being 11.2%. 'I
Fred s~range, Planning Comm.1sslon Chairman, appeared on behalf of the Commission, citing satisfaction in :
areas already improved and advantages of impravlng1Ybe proposed area at this time. It was recommended by i
the CommiSSion that no part be deleted as it is a unlt"and should be considered as such. II
The hearing was then open for comments from the audience of 125 property owners. Discussion was what prof
ject included, why estimates were so high and how they were going to pay. Some also spoke in favoret the i
project. After lenghty session of questions and answers, the hearing was closed and according to the City I
Engineer's report, total written prdtest was in amount of $69,744.40 or 11.2%.
The following Ordinance was then introduced and read in full:
AN 0 RD I N AN CEo f th e City of Port Angeles, '.':ashington, providing for the improvement
of a certain area within the city by the construction and Installation of trunk and lateral
storm sewers therin, the improvement of certain streets by the grading, ballasting and paving
thereof and the construction of curbs and gutters where necessary, and the construction
Procee~ings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
L!l~PlllNTINGCO. ".2UU ~
of sidewalks and driveways where requested by the owner, the improvement of certain alleys
by+!h~u%w1fun..\!.b blJ,lailtin'ki\ndu~avi',\~ thereof and by doi ng all other work necessary in connection
fo "tmprovemErrit ~esgrut~bn 1Jt. rff~ of the city passed and approved May 4, 1961, creating
a local improvement district therefor, providing for the payment for said improvements by
special assessments upon the property in said district, providing for the creation of certain
funds and for the issuance and sale of local improvement district bonds and warrants.
:1' Councilman Richardson emphasized that bids should not exceed the Engineer's ~stimate and be comparable"
I with 1.1.0. No. 179, otherwise they should be rejected. Pursuant to poll of Council members. it was the
I thinking of e. ach that bid should be approximately 10% under Engineer's estimate. except Councilman Randall,
, his vote being.to reject if not 15 to 20% under. It was the feeling of all that if bids were not substantially
, and reasonably below the estimates, all $ould be rejected. '"
It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that the Ordinance be approved and adopted. Seconded by councilman~,
Haguewood and unanimously carried. II
It was moved by Councilman Richardson that the Manager be authorized to publish call for bids for the sale Olf.
Warrants and Bonds for 1.1.0. No. 180. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried. .
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. I
(J,B. ~
~~ ?.---, 'vr~wp/"'" OJ)
Notice is hereby giyen that sealCll Cit;r of Port .Angeles will sell to tile GENEBAL OBLIGATION BONDS LOCAL rMPB.OVEMENT DISTRICT
hids ....-ill he received at the o{flce ol highc:!t and bcst bidder the. fo.Jl<ow- $300,000 NO, 180
~~;:s~Jtt:r~~~rks~~e\~e ~~~ l-~:~elle~~ ini.a~cSl~~ibi~~ka~lKroJ:~~51:~.-Wit: I . . . : WARBAN'J:S AND BONDS
WashIngton, untIl 1 o'clock P; M., M:ilL\.mll.Ill a.B fixed by City Coun- ' NO~lCE 18 HEREBY GIVE~ that: NOTICE ISHEIU;Bl' CTVEX that
"'cdnesday July ii, 19C1. and Iwt cil, $4(10,00 ' tho City of Port Angelt-s, Wa5hlng~ i the city of Port AllJ:"~le:-l, Wal,lhlng-:
later, and will be openetl I1Uhlicly at NOTICE jg furtheF given t}lat seal- to!'l. propo::;es t.o Il'lsl1l~ as of dale of I lOn, pro]J{jses trI is~ue during the
tila_t tllne ill the City Councll Cham. ed bIds will bc rece1yed for the .Tnly l~ ]961, I~S .general obllgatJun -l1er'lod of (!om'tru<:tIOIl. Wl\IT~\!H!-;
11ers, for the follow'lng appl'oxlmate same at the City Hall until 5:(10 bondS In the prll1clpal_ Hum of $3(1),- draWl! on Local ]mpron'm€-nt 111lit-,
I1U:~~lotJes~~~ ~~~~ U~~la~~ltFr~f;ljfx_ f~~~~~kBrd ~';IS~U~;~ ~c~;~lila~?:d I~; ~~~C:l~~al~;'f~\~O~~~n~F,~lhea~~J~:d ~:l~t I)~~eh~:~ a~~~~~t ~ff ~~~l'o~~~mil~\
cfl\'atlOn. :t dcpo~lt of Rot lef';s t.han 10% of States of AmerICa. at thc'offlce of ph $;;1,,0000) I
'(]~~~e~~I, Yds. Bankrun Gfawl f,or, ~:~Ydir:A~ ,f~e t~~t;t~e~U:di]lll"ll~r~': ~:gtJ~~a~~rt'P(}r~f l~~;t'l~~ty ';:~h~I~~~ IJd~d~l '~fll~~:~ i~lla~c ;I~~~~~~l~~e~l\
! ,,600 Cu. Yd!l. CI'ushcd Surtncll1g I es the right to reject any 01' n.1l bl(l!'l ton dn;lnct winch WIll De I"SU€11 1I11011
I Top CO\JrS(!. M:. "\V. SLANKARD Sa.id bonds WIll be jn denomIna /corllllletion of I-JllCh ('Qll'-ltructIull and
16,000 T{)ns Bltuminous PllUlt Mix City Managcr t1On3 of $1,000 each, 'nlll bear mter Con[llmuUon of the ,llSllC~!iment roll
for Street!!. Published' JunlJ 15 and :::2, 19GL cst at a rate of not to exceed 6% 011 n])Jl]OJumateh Dcccmbcl, H16.l,
;"f':?, !?,~~s Bituminous Plan' M'x C . ____CC.._ ~,;~ ~~'~~~a~~Y~~'~,,~~:::~';."':.~::tIYh~~ ;~:,,",','~;~: ,I':::' ..;."~,l~,:~ '0 ""h'l
~ "~~:." ~~nd ciu~,,;.'m"" Co..",,. NO:;"E~::,:,:::~ms :;;'I",";:'l r~;;', Oa:~b,,:"l~, ';'.;'.\~~~s in I GI~~,I]~~",,]~,~1;dR~,~;" f~~n:~~l;:~;: I
I 161~~u;~:~a~~es~toJ'm Sewers and, 8ealed bIds ~1Jl be, recei;-ed by J~n: 5, gg: $~i g~~ ~~~;~: t~i~ $t~:~~g ';~ilscbco~e~~i~~d '~~r~t~tI'Odll~~ Ol~V~~~ J
ImaDY'tab!leudb'la'lla..~,,] ,an,..d,n ',Pb"", 'uf[l"'[,~t!onu', f~"::.o;u:c~; t c~~~,e~~i.'J,"p~~In;~~~l:~~ JJ~II'Y.' 'I', "'9',,5 12,000 July 1.1!l7[i 17,(100 dt~' cieri, f\L tllC City Hall HI Po!'t,
'" ,,~ '--'" hi U 12,000 Jul,li 1, l!:l76 18,oo!) ~\.ngeh;,s, "Yashhlglon, until ,;3(1 1-'.)L..,
the ell}' EnginMr upon a. df'poslt of' "\\3._ ngton, until 3:00 p, M, DST, Jul\" I 19(;7 U.OOQ July I, 1!J77 19,000 Pacific D:wllgllt TIme, Uti Jaly 20th'l
twenty-fIve dollll.l's ($25.[)1}). Said de- pThUrOOa}'! July 20, 1.961, for t.he Julj'1;1l16S 13,000 Jul}'1,1!l78 ]9,000 Ul61 at which tlme s.'!ll h'd", wlll
~fdJ~~hai~:~ir~I~~ndt~ll~nl~IJ~ t~~~!i f~:s~~cgft~ ,~i, :or~W~~~~:' Pu,ol, i~~~ i~ U~~ n~~~ ~~~r. i: g~~ ~g:gZg ~ie~l~I~\~i~~~ 6i~;('~~~'I;g~. and' I-:OIISJ~.
poS~~~~:;~r I~~ t~~eI1l7~1~~~ie(11~I:e'nll m~d~p~~ll\~, opened publ1cly at ~~ll~~;' ~', ~~l~~ ~~'.2~~ July 1, 1:181 23,000 I'n~d1.i~;l~~;rl~~~Jl~~ Wll~ l~~d~i ~\~III~rt:
~~i~~'W~'lt~~~Y Aanna"a1~re:; ~g~~" mb~tl ~O:cla~~~~d~~\~ds t~~C~i~~g p~~~e; ~~~ r()J~~ C~Xy II;: ~~s~~V;:e t~~t:~~l~{~I~~ '~l~l~~t t~~ l;~~"t l~~~IJt t~\~~e~~~'rr:~~~~l ;::~
must be 80 specified in the proPosill.:,I1.I.me set f~r ollenln,e: cannot be con-. bonds of this issue at par in JnverS€ bonds, fL1l(l must he for par for said
PreQua.Jlflcatlon of bidders is rc- '" ~I(h~l-e~. BidderS and, others ))l'o))er1) numerical order on allY Illtere,:-it pa.Y-lwal'l'Rnt", and IJal" or 1m]' <'Ind a Jlre.
Quired and the City reserves the intere!-;ted are 1.n\'ltt.d to be present llIellt date Oll and after ten years mium for said bonds. The ~Hme I
rIght to refu!-;e to quallfy all)' hid_:I1J..t the bid 'OpenlJJg, from date then~f. illll~]'e.sl rate, at nol 1Il0re Ulan (i%
del'. BID nOCTlMENTR: The CllY, b;y ordhmnee of thl'. City 11~1' anllmll, llllJIH be ~peciflell fOI'
je~h;'n~it~r T~fr;;~~~12g1lt to Te- . eo~rre~~il~~I~~en~~~IU:~gg d~;l:::' 3~e~'~I~1 f~ldt1~l ~~~~1:: i~\~u~;~~\(~; ~~I~~\lU~~\~g ~~:d~Je~~]ll1Jl~~'f<~';-a~\~~.l :I~
A it\';) percent (~%) of total bld.:may be examlned at the Offlce of ' law has irrevocablv pledged Itrrolf assumed bv the city that the llrln-
~~~~~\, C~~;~t ~~c~~p:;;)(lal~f p~~~~~ ~~~a~~~;;ei~c~~~u~~9~ln~\':,~: ~~ ~[~tl\~~~t~~i~~a~~e~~eSdtfe t~:C:~i~~t If~~~~d a~.j~n\eVf $3t5ho~oo~~J;r wifl1 b; i
sab~flClal, aeceptallCe, rejeetl/Jn, or' c~nOt~~~;rs~ts~~tl~~~'~:~l~g?o~~~:J ~N~llCi~~.l j~11;.~~~:~~~est~~711~~~;:;' ~J~~~ l~jl~e7;l~ElI~lf'~-~~'~1~n~~f~~]ldne,o~~1~ ~vcm
contlnuatlOn by the Clt~. Council will', Tacoma., Washmgton, and may lJe the prlncilJa.l of and mterest on SH-ltl . bo detel'muled sf)lel~' on tillS t"'tJ-IllPU-
be made 1n the City Council Cham-;:obtu.lned at the Architect's oUlce bouds as the samc shall b(>come due. !tatton wIthoUl l't'garcl to i;he 1l1'iIICi-
bel'S at 7:30 p, M, July 6, l!lCl. Irupon deposit ro-f $50.00 for eae-h set. XOTJCE IS F1]R'fHElt GIVEK '1,n1 f\mount of tllll warNlnt!'l to be i-
M. .W. Sl~.o\.."'{KARD, 'REFUND OF DEPOSITS: tl1a.t :-;t"~ile{l bids for the purcha$c of is:lued and the total amount of the
City Manager L The full amount of deposit for ona ~ald bomls will iJe received by the ;ntere:st to uecrJn1e du(' lhcrcon,
Published: June 8, Hi. H6L :tb~~lLdf~~mbid~~r:I~lpo~e r~i~~~d;~ ~~i~s,C\~::Sl1~~gi~~.C~\Y t~~ ~fi~f'~~f h/~~C':;~l~H'~~~~ It;~ ~c~~ ;~1lhhd~~, \.
(he dn('.\Iment~ ill good condition, ~mi13 Clerk !n the c.'it~. Hall .In Porl pmHt ill the fornt of :~ Cf'l'tlfied Ol
llOTI~ i~~~: Bms I ~~et~fm~r~~~ti~~So~~:;g a~i~~,b~~h~~ ~~ftJ~~s'p,m:~'a:.hiI;~ts~'T., U~~'lthe7:30 ~~~~~~~'~~rcl(\iel~hl~laZit:pn~'tbbeol~o l~,: j ,1.
,. , deposita will be refunded with d(!~ 20th da)C of ~uh', 19~1, . gel",s for the ac<:ount ~f the L~cal ,
:r-;OTICE. 18 hereby ghen that seal- ductions for the actual cost of rc- at whiCh time aU bIds rccei\'ed will'] hnpnlYement DIstrict ::\u, 1S!) Con- I
uu hid!> WJll be receh-eQ. by the Clty 'producing the documents uncleI' the be 1}u\ll1cly opened, reall aud con-, <;tructiun Jo'um] m the llmount uf j
Managor at tile CIty HuH 1n the CIty Iflame CDndltions. ' Ilidered b;y the Cit~' Council, . $"i,nOO, which elH'ck .<;hnll be~l',?~urned
6~cl~l~tp\nf[e;el~l~ot6,la~~~I;II~:T 6~g~ I BID GUARANTEE hi~i~g:~:J.y~~~ ~Iih~~e1a~0 t~:lJI~~tes~ }:~,i~e c~~~~;:'t ~Ol~l a~~e~~e:lt~~alt~ ~~~
~~J~61~; ~~~~~;~h~f ):acr ~~~~~n~r:~ A ~~ff~ ~nhuesc\r b~ ag~~~P~'~e~~ ~~~ ~~o~~te;a]ofa~n~~~~~ ft:: lll~~~ I r.;~:t~l~~ ~\~ f1IS1tl~Jne31~~~llT~~t\~~::~ t
i~l)rro~{I}f~l!le6,i o~h:ll11;J~~~ntg t~~,~O a~a :~Cl1ngor ~m~~ny bO~~~~~d to'Y d~ ~~~lc~tllrrC:t~seorsa:~t~ne~' I~te~~;t t~~ ~~~~;~ ~~~l ~a~~k~v,Wlb~'[l:~ltaf~~l1~)~ ~
published in reg-nIllr ISSlleS III the bUSlnfOOf in the loca.llty ofhthe p~~- V1hlCh the bIdder \\Ill punha.se :'ialtllth~ Clt~ H ~1I!11 "'\lcces5fuI bIdder
n\Jwspaper awarded such i':cntrnct ject, norm furnlShedty t ~ Artl, honds at par No bId fUI lESS than f1hulJ f:1I1 OJ" IH'frlel'l 10 (olTlllletc the I
Bld to be submitted on a basis of I tect. In an amount. not eBS 1 anadd1e pIT plu::; a.cc;ued interest to (late of l,ul"Chnst: of all of "aid warrants 1nl.
charge 'per line" The City Counell pe;ccnt of the Base Did, pus - d~li\:er} -wlll be conslderl:d It:-n\lng: the aCC(']ltanef! ot his bid
:Jie~lde: the Tlght t() reje;t any or it,\~Hl~~~~k. OF BIDS r ce~Jl t1~;~s nr:~~ ~o;ct.a~~a~el ~~~hl~~- f~it"hn.~r;;~l~~liltl~tnr~o~lt~h~~\e ~gc;fuo~~
hf 0\ Ci~~~A,,~~~~~' th~iJti~~d se~a~r b~Mw~~~~~~~nth~~~~ ' i)~~'lt I3gtl~I\I~e 1~~c~tt~t~I1~~al~o~~ ~~:l~~; t~o~ll~\e~l~~ tfI~ ~'~I~~h~~~c~~S:'ll~
Publlshed June 8 all(1 15, ]961. unless and until ::\wn.rd of contdTa.ct, o1'\he OJd eIthe" In cs"'h or b} Cf'ltJ~ of ">I II warrant" ~nd """h'lngC;if<Hmcj
_ -- ^.." ..: 1s delayed for a. per"Iod cxecc ms- l~fl~d check. v;hlch shall ]Je returned v,;ith t11e Cll~ t'llll NlSll H1Ul tilt' bond5
II g!W~E~'!'r~RrGHT TO REJECT f ]ih~h~I~,;;uf~ce~~~SC~~NJ~~ shall fall ~ildtlf~l';i~O~~~r~~~~r~;:~net~l~ ~~~\~~~ld
B1i',;'5e rig-ht 1. reserlOl'f1 tn re{ect a?t I ~i ~~el~l~C~n~~ ~~~7~,e\~J~~~? g::~I~ao'f.: ~?,~,E'I~;:;p~~ge~f t~~e~I~o~u;~~asjSi ~te~~~ 'I
;()r aU bids, and to V;;lllOe in OFma - IvwJIlg tha tlccept Ill~ of lus bHl, the der
tiC-BY ORD!!l~ OF th(l- Clty of port I f~WleUd\\oO~h~I~J~~POSl1 shall.be for- .Jee~I\;n~.lt:i~(~e:~fr'I;7dstl~~1;~~~:erlLO ;nCd
~Angeles, ~a:::hJnS"ton, 'I The city re~erves. tile rJght to, to waive an}" Informalltles therCI,n,
By. M. W'C~:;'~~~~~ l~reJ;~~ ~~iry 1~,111fli~a~:i~~r'.~~~1~;fl~i.lllg ~()rT~aeidCjl~~n~'~~IIJl\S fnr t:llP. 111'I01tlllg
:!~blI~hfl_d . .Tu~2 ~~~~ .i of r-;~~ g~~~~. will be pold with th~. !"'l~,heH~~~~it~, O~t;;j~zt:;.n'rin~~.gl~oII~;i
[~~~~~~tz OfSta~~;S~Il'El;f.~~{)~\1i~~~~;s \ ~~~~~I~~i ~~e SlCp~\~:fi)" '~~s{~~gl~sn~a;~~
.f~gIn~'e ~~~;Vi~}' '~~lil;~,I~S\~~'u~g:o~f i,~~~ J~n~~:,~\~;;:;~~tD;:~~i~~ ;~. sf~~
tlw same. FUllll aml lite hon~s ut said .l?:,'.nl
, DATED at Port AngeI8!<,' Wa:>hlng- iiflllTO\,..mellt r:Ilstrlc\. wl!l he fmlllsh-
:tOIl, lhis 20th day of J/n~.i.lj~~,v, edD~r'l~~b ~1{Yport _\n~ples. "\Ya!<hlng-I
I" Clty Clerk tvll. thi~ lith day of JU.l)', 1961..~
Ipul;1Jishei'l, June 22, 2\\, .Jul}' 6 and .T, E, hA"'.
f:,_l~ ,_ ..~~ ~-- ~>>Ll~lished: July 13 a~~l~lJ~~;i\~.