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Port Angeles, washington
June 1, 1982
Mayor Duncan called the rreeting to order at 7:00 PM.
Members Present: Mayor Duncan, Councilmen Gerberding, Haguewood, Hordyk,
Polhamus, Quast, and Whidden
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Manager Flodstran, Attorney Miller, Deputy Clerk Lannoye, P.
Carr, M. Cleland, L. Cosens, L. Glenn, J. Pittis, R. Orton
Public Present: C. Coble, L. Thomas, P. Dryke, B. Back, J. Cornell, H.
MCWilliams. J. Key. T. LivenIDre, E. Tinkham, C. <Mens, S.
Ward, D. Bragg, L. Furr, D. Fortner,
Councilman Hordyk moved. the council accept and place on file as received the
Minutes of the May 18, 1982, Council rreeting and the May 25, 1982, work session.
Councilman Gerberding seconded and the motion carried.
Councilman Hordyk moved. the COuncil accept the items listed under the Consent
Agenda, including the following: 1) Payment to Ellerbe and Don Jewell for I
carpletion of schematic designs on the proposed. Convention Center; 2) payrrent to
General Construction for repair and replacement of Public Pier floats; 3) Partial ..
payrrent to Makers for services on the Downtown Improverrent Project; 4) Permission
to call for bids on street light conversion on First and Front Streets; 5)
Washington Liquor Control Board corresp:mdence; 6) Vouchers of $147,706.32 and
payroll of $183,278.98. COuncilman Whidden seconded and the motion carried.
Mayor Duncan surrmarized Finance Director Orton I s and Fire Chief Glenn 's
rrerrorandums recornrending acceptance of the new fire truck. Councilnan Hordyk
moved the COuncil concur with staffs' recaurendation to approve payrrent of
$127,691 to 3-D Fire Apparatus for the 1,500 GPM Pumper, with a retainage of
$2,000 held until the items specified as requiring adjustment have been
corrected. Councilman Polhamus seconded and the motion carried.
H. Gene MCWilliams, 818 Searrount Drive, Port Angeles, indicated he would like to
address the Council regarding an item under the Planning Cam1ission minutes.
Councilman Gerberding thanked. the Senior Center for their "Sponsor Thank-You"
1. Planning Camlission Minutes of May 26, 1982.
Mayor Duncan reviewed the Planning Ccmnission Minutes of May 26, 1982, with the
following action being taken by the COuncil:
City Council Minutes
June I, 1982
a. Short Plat Ordinance
CounciJ..man Quast m:Jved the Council schedule a public hearing for the July 6,
1982, meeting to consider the proposed short plat ordinance. Councilman
Gerberding seconded and after further discussion, the m:Jtion carried.
b. Planned Residential Develqxrent Hearing - Key
Councilman Quast IOOVed the Council schedule a public meeting for the June l5,
1982, meeting to consider the Key request to consider a proposed Planned
Residential Developnent on approxi.ll'ately 25 acres located south of Canpbell
Avenue; east of Mt. Angeles Road; bordering White Creek on the east. CounciJrran
Gerberding seconded. CounciJ..man Hordyk expressed a desire to hold a public
hearing on this PRD and Manager Flodstrom indicated several individuals had
indicated the sane. Attorney Miller noted the public hearing date could be set
at the public meeting. On call for the question the m:Jtion carried.
c. Interpretation - Foster family hcxne for adults
At their May 26th meeting the Planning Corrmission made the follCMing
interpretation: State licensed foster horres with no m:Jre than four unrelated
persons are appropriate in all residential zones in the City and are consistent
with the Ccnprehensive Plan and zoning Regulations. Mr. McWilliams, 818 Searrount
Drive, Port Angeles, indicated he considered adult foster hares a conrnercial use
and therefore inappropriate if located in a residential zone. He requested the
Council hold a public hearing on this issue to which public input could be
received. Council and Staff discussed the matter at length and CounciJrran
Haguewood then IIDVed the Council hold a public hearing on the Planning Ccmnission
interpretation of foster family hcxnes for adults at the June 15, 1982, meeting
and to table further consideration of this mtter until. that ti1re. Councilman
Quast seconded and Councilman Whidden indicated his preference to refer this item
back to the Planning Conmission. On call for the question the rrotion carried
with Councilman Whidden voting "No".
Councilman Hordyk then IIDVed the Council accept and place on file as received the
Planning Ccmnission minutes of May 26, 1982. Councilman Polhamus seconded and
the rrotion carried.
2. Peddler's License Noise Regulations
At the May 25, 1982, work session the council concurred to adopt Chapter l73-60
WAC, Maximum Environmental Noise Levels, to provide noise level regulations for
peddlers in the City of Port Angeles. Mayor Duncan read Ordinance 2214 by title,
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
providing maximum noise levels for
peddlers selling edible foodstuffs,
and amending Section 5.56.050 of the
PAM: and Section 5 of Chapter l4 of
Ordinance 2050.
Councilman Hordyk IOOVed the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by
title. CounciJrran Polhamus seconded and the m:Jtion carried, with Councilman
,Quast _'abstaining.
Fluoridation Report
Manager FlodstrOOl sunmarized Attorney Miller's mem:>randum regarding the authority
of the Clallarn County Health Department and Board of Health to require
fluoridation of the City's water supply. Inasmuch as fluoridation was voted down
by 62% in 1975, he recamended the COuncil direct a letter to the Clallam County
Ccmnissioners reccmrending they delay the irrplementation of fluoridation until a
vote of the public can be held which shCMs that public opinion of mandatory
City COUncil Minutes
June 1, 1982
fluoridation has changed from that expressed in the vote of 1975. Councilman
Gerberding rroved the Council send the letter suggested by Manager Flodstrom and
Councilman Quast seconded. Councilman Hordyk opposed putting the issue to a vote
as mandatory fluoridation was voted dcwn in 1975 and he felt the public's
attitude has not changed since that time. On call for the question the notion
carried with Councilman Hordyk voting "No".
4. Clallarn County Health DepartIlent Advisory Boards
Carol <Mens. Human Services Coordinator of the Clallarn County Health Depari:ItEnt,
explained the organizational structure for the Departrrent of Human Services,
Departrrent of Health and the Health/Hurran Service Advisory Boards for the
Council's infornation. She also addressed the duties and responsibilities of the
County Human Services Advisory Boards and the oontracting process for Human
Services folla.ved by these Boards. She concluded her presentation by requesting
the City and County share infornation on hurran services requests for funding to
!lOre fully rreet the needs of our ccmnunity.
5. Clallarn Transit System
Councilman Polhamus sumnarized Clallarn Transit System' s historical background.
goals, organizational structure, operations, fleet, ridership, and estimated
revenues and expenditures for 1982. He then addressed the Council's questions
regarding the Transit System.
"'/. 6. WPPSS Participants' Ccmnittee
Light Director Cosens briefly sumnarized the structure of the regional power
supply organization and reviewed the City's options for selecting a
representative to the WPPSS Participants' Ccmnittee. He recamended the City
select the City of Tacana as our representative. After further discussion
Councilman Hordyk rroved the Council select the City of Tacxma as our
representative to the WPPSS Participants' Crnmittee. Councilman Quast seconded I
and the motion carried. Light Director Cosens also indicated the City of Port
Angeles had been selected as an alternate to the Tennination Oversight Ccmnittee
and it was detennined this item would be further considered at a Utility Advisory
Corrmittee rreeting scheduled for June 8, 1982, at 5:00 PM.
)( 7. Ci ty' s response to WPPSS lawsuits
Attorney Miller reviewed current legal action with regard to the WPPSS litigation
issues including recent suits filed by the Chemical Bank of New York against the
88 participants, and Springfield, Oregon, vS. WPPSS. He indicated the City will
soon need to determine how it is going to represent and handle itself in these
lawsuits and reccmrended the joining of the Utilities' Legal Defense Group,
subject to certain conditions, to assist us in researching our alternatives with
regard to the issues brought up by these lawsuits. Council discussed the issue
at length and Councilman Quast then moved the Council concur with Attorney
Miller's reccmrendation to authorize the Attorney and Light Departments to
appropriate $1,500 to join the Utilities' Legal Defense Group for the purposes of
obtaining research information with which to establish the City's position
regarding the WPPSS litigation issues; subject to the following conditions: 1)
the Utilities' Legal Defense Group include enough utilities to constitute $60
million worth of debt; and 2) this expenditure authorization be limited to a
30-aay time period. Councilman Whidden seconded and Councilman Haguewood
indicated he would like to wait to see what positions the other utilities will be
taking. On call for the question the notion carried with Councilman Haguewood
voting "No".
8. Amendment to Public Utility Tax
Mayor Duncan reviewed a IlElTOrandurn fran Attorney Miller reccmrending that as it
has been detennined the City has authority to tax only PUD electricity sales
within the City of Port Angeles, and not water sales, an amendment to the
ordinance should be rrade. She then read Ordinance 2215 by title, entitled
City Council Minutes
June l, 1982
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
arrending the utility tax by deleting
the tax on the distribution of water
by the Public Utility District,
amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 220l
and Section 4 of Ordinance No. 2183.
councillllan Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by
title; Councilm3.n Polhamus seconded and the IlDtion carried.
9. Resolution - Amending Weatherization Program
10. Resolution - Authorizing Conservation Manager to sign Weatherization
Mayor Duncan sumnarized a merrorandum fran Conservation Manager Sterner regarding
the BPA Weatherization Program. Councilman Hordyk rroved the Council concur with
T. Sterner's reccmnendation to adopt resolutions to 1) extend the Pilot
Weatherization Program to December 31, 1982, and 2) authorize the Conservation
Manager to sign Weatherization contracts between the City and the customer.
Councilman Polhamus seconded and Councilman Gerberding requested further
clarification of the indoor air quality issue. On call for the question the
IlDtion carried. The Resolutions, by title, adopted by this IlDtion are:
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles
authorizing the execution of an amendrrent
to the City's contract with the BolIDeville
Power Administration for weatherization.
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the
City of Port Angeles, authorizing the
Conservation Manager of City Light to
sign contracts between contractors, the
City, and consurrers, for inplernentation
of the City/Bonneville Power Administration
Weatherization Program.
11. scott Wetzel Self-Insurance Administrative Contract
Mayor Duncan sUIllffirized a merrorandum fran Finance Director Orton regarding the
renewal of the Scott Wetzel contract for administration of our self-insured
workrPan's carpensation program for a fixed fee in the arrount of $5,000. She then
read Resolution No. 20-82 by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles
authorizing the Port Angeles City Manager
to execute a services contract with Scott
Wetzel services Inc.
Councilman Hordyk IlDVed the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read by
title; Councilman Quast seconded and the IlDtion carried.
l2. Status Report on Current Expense Fund
Finance Director Orton reported on the status of the Current Expense Fund and
indicated that the City is continuing to suffer a downturn in sales tax revenues.
Council and staff discussed at length the possible illplerrentation of the local
option sales tax and/or the need for further budget reductions this fall.
City Council Minutes
June 1, 1982
Council requested staff prepare a report surrmarizing the cutbacks the City has
made over the past 2J., years and a list of those i terns which can be further cut
from the budget.
13. June 15th Public Hearing .Amending the City's 1982 Revenue Sharing Budget
Manager F10dstran provided the Council with additional infoIITl3.tion regarding the
June 15th Public Hearing arrending the City's 1982 Revenue Sharing Budget and I
indicated he would pass on additional funding requests to the Council as he
receives them.
l4. National Bald Eagle Day Proclamation
Mayor Duncan joined Governor Spellman in proclaiming the year 1982 as The Year of
The Eagle and June 20, 1982, as Bald Eagle Day in Washington State.
15. Early Retirerrent Legislation
Manager FlodstrClll requested the Council consider fOIITl3.lizing the Administrative
Group's wage and benefits contract and indicated he would bring this back to the
June 15, 1982, meeting. The current law as written provides a later retirerrent
date for those employees under contract.
Evelyn Tinkham contributed a file of newspaper clippings regarding the
fluoridation issue to Attorney Miller.
Councilman Hordyk ccmrented favorably on the City's new sanitation truck.
Councilman Gerberding requested the Planning Coomi.ssion consider holding public
hearings when rreking interpretations.
Councilman Quast urged the Council view the Key annexation area and PRD prior to
the public hearing on this issue.
Councilman Haguewood questioned Chief Cleland regarding the proposed bad check
policy and Councilman Gerberding indicated he would like to see it IlOre strict.
Mayor Duncan adjourned the meeting at 9:45 PM.
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