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Port Angeles, Washington
June 1, 1999
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Braun called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Braun, Councilmembers Campbell, Doyle, Hulett,
McKeown, Wiggins, and Williams.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Interim Manager Pittis, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B.
Becker, S. Brodhun, B. Collins, S. Ilk, J. Pittis, Y.
Public Present: C. Smith, M. Kenney, D. Shideler, L. Lee, E. Knight, and
M. Turner.
PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Finance Director Ziomkowski.
CEREMONIAL 1. Swearing in of New Police Officers Barb Morrison and David Dombrowski
PROCLAMATIONS: Police Chief Ilk advised the Council that Mr. Dombrowski would be sworn in at the
next Council meeting. He then introduced Barb Morrison, the City's newest police
Swearing in New officer, and Mayor Braun administered the oath of office to Officer Morrison.
Police Officers
Report on VCB Marketing 2. Presentation by Rick Hert of FIyer Advertising Port Angeles and Status Report
Program on VCB Marketing Program
Rick Hert, Executive Director of the North Olympic Peninsula Visitors and Convention
Bureau (VCB) introduced Ann Tucker, President and CEO of Wendt Advertising, Mike
Millar, President of the Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce, and Lou Ann Yager,
secretary for the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Hert updated the Council on the VCB's
accomplishments to date, inclusive of a publication and two workshops.
Mike Millar stated that the Chamber has been handling the inquiries generated from the
marketing program. More than 1,000 responses were received from the advertisement
in "Sunset Magazine". Mr. Hert reminded the Council that there is also a toll free
number for people to call who are interested in visiting the Peninsula.
Ann Tucker displayed enlargements of the ads used in the advertising campaign, which
was launched in March with transit boards. The campaign was designed to familiarize
people with Port Angeles as a destination. Mr. Herr briefly reviewed the initial
problems with the radio campaign which he felt ended successfully. Ms. Tucker
informed the Council that an ad had also been placed in the Victoria Vacation Planner
and, in collaboration with Forks and Sequim, an ad was placed in the Washington
Accommodations and Lodging Guide.
- 1 -
June 1, 1999
Report on VCB Marketing Mr. Heft thanked the Council for its trust in allowing the Chamber and VCB to perform
Program (Cont'd) this service for the City; he felt they had been good stewards of the money. Mr. Millar
noted that this was an opportunity for the Chamber, VCB, and other City agencies to
work together.
Councilman Wiggins reminded the Council of the goal to increase hotel/motel
occupancies. Mr. Hert informed the Council that preliminary tourism figures for
Clallam County were up 10% through the end of April, 1999, and Port Angeles is
showing a 2% increase. Ms. Tucker stated conversions studies would be performed in
the fall, and a report will be given when the figures are available. Discussion followed,
and Mr. Hert and his colleagues responded to questions and provided clarification.
WORK SESSION: Fire Chief Becker reported to the Council on the City's Y2K preparedness. Staffhas
been working hard to ensure a smooth flow into the new millennium. He explained that
City of Port Angeles Y2K Y2K is not a single event. The Gardner Group, an international technology consultant
Readiness Plan firm, gave testimony to the U.S. Senate indicating that, in 1999, about 25% of all
computer systems will experience some Y2K difficulties. In the year, 2000, there may
be up to 50% of the systems experiencing some difficulties. ChiefBecker reviewed the
various dates of the year during which difficulties may be experienced.
Chief Becker enumerated the various planning factors which had to be considered in
preparing for Y2K. The North American Electric Liability Council is in charge of
ensuring electric utility transmission into the year 2000 by testing now. The results
indicate there will be minimal difficulties from Y2K for the electric utilities. Chief
Becker described other tests being performed to guarantee Y2K compliance in
communications and banking.
Indicating there is no way to 100% test for all contingencies, Chief Becker related that
the City's goal is to maintain a maximum level of acceptable service and have no
disruption to vital public service during the Year 2000 conversion. He then described
the steps staff has akeady taken and what steps will be taken in the near future to enable
the City to make a smooth transition.
At Councilman Campbell's request, Chief Becker and Attorney Knutson explained the
City's legal liability limits in the event there is a power failure, etc. Mayor Braun
thanked Chief Becker and staff for the efforts put forth on this issue, and he asked for
further input as relates to anticipated banking problems. Chief Becker was comfortable
that banking would continue without problems. He advised the Council that discussions
will have to be held in the future regarding Y2K mitigation expenses, and he explained
what some of those expenses would entail. Chief Becker explained that most of the
purchases necessary for Y2K would also be necessary in the event of any natural
disaster, such as an earthquake. Councilman Doyle felt it might be more appropriate
to refer to emergency preparedness instead of Y2K, as it is basically the same.
Further discussion ensued and, at Councilman Hulett's request, Chief Becker reviewed
the readiness of the communications systems. Interim Manager Piths stated staff would
bring back the issue of non-budgetary items to a future meeting.
LATE ITEMS TO BE Councilman Wiggins asked to discuss the gun safety issue, which was added as Item
PLACED ON THIS OR No. 6 under Other Considerations.
FINANCE: 1. .4ward Bid for,Jones Street Reservoir Cover
Jones St. Reservoir Cover Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department, and
Interim Manager Piths provided a history of this issue. At Councilmember McKeown's
request, City Engineer Kenworthy and Interim Manager Pittis discussed the process
June 1, 1999
Jones St. Reservoir Cover incorporated in determining the Engineer's Estimate. Councilman Wiggins moved to
(Cont'd) award the bid for the Jones Street Reservoir Cover Project No. 98-16 to the lowest
responsible bidder, Aldergrove Construction of Port Angeles, in the amount of
$268,300.90, including tax. Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion, which
carried unanimously.
"I" Street Sidewalks 2. Bid Award for the "I" Street Sidewalks Project
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department. City
Engineer Kenworthy distributed a map denoting which streets would benefit from the
various options being placed before the Council. Mr. Kenworthy explained that the
engineer's estimate was $125,000 higher than the original budget of $150,000, largely
based on the storm drainage modifications to catch basins, as well as the extension of
storm dram lines. The project was bid with the different additives, so as to give Council
an option when awarding the bid. Discussion ensued and, at Councilman Wiggins'
request, Director Ziomkowski explained additional funds could be acquired from Street
Fund reserves or the Real Estate Excise Tax.
Following further lengthy discussion regarding costs and possible additional allocation
of funds, the opinion was expressed that the additional expenses should not be incurred
at this time but, rather, it was felt that the TIB should be asked to re-rank the remaining
portion of the project. In addition, with the upcoming process for the Capital Facilities
Plan, the remainder of this project should be included in the discussions establishing
priorities. Therefore, Councilman Campbell moved to award the bid for the "I"
Street Sidewalks project No. 98-10 to the lowest responsible bidder, Strider
Construction of Bellingham, for the Base Bid in the amount of $149,200.
Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion. Following further discussion and
clarification, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
West 13th Street Sewer 3. Bid Award for IYest 13th Street Sewer Main Replacement Project
Main Replacement
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department, and
Interim Manager Pittis provided additional input. Discussion followed, and Engineer
Kenworthy and Interim Manager Pittis responded to questions and provided
Councilman Doyle moved to award the bid for the West 13th Street Sewer Main
Replacement Project No. 99-10 to the lowest responsible bidder, C & J Excavating
of Sequim in the amount of $61,313.37. Councilman Williams seconded the
motion, which carried unanimously.
CONSENT AGENDA: Councilmember McKeown moved to accept the Consent Agenda, including: 1)
Travel authorization - Finance Department, and 2) City Council minutes of May 18,
1999. Councilman Wiggins seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
CITY COUNCIL Councilman Doyle attended a Victoria Partnership meeting in Victoria, B.C. The
COMMITTEE purpose of the meeting was to discuss the possibility of parmering for off-shoulder
REPORTS: tourist business. Councilman Doyle attended the Elwha/Morse Creek watershed
outreach meeting at the Elwha Tribal Center; he deferred that report to Councilman
Victoria Partnership Campbell.
Elwha River/Morse Councilman Campbell attended the public meeting for the outreach program for the
Creek Watershed Elwha River/Morse Creek watershed planning. More than sixty people attended, and
caucus representatives were selected and a first meeting scheduled. Councilman
Marine Life Center Campbell attended and was impressed by the grand re-opening of the Marine Life
Center; he lauded the efforts of Councilmember McKeown for making this happen.
June 1, 1999
CITY COUNCIL Mayor Braun, along with Councilmen Campbell and Wiggins, attended the Peninsula
COMMITTEE College team building course. He, along with the rest of Council, attended the joint
REPORTS: (Cont'd) meeting with the PUD to discuss fiber optics. Mayor Braun read a proclamation
Team Building / opening the Juan de Fuca Festival of the Arts and had a discussion with Glenn Goldberg
Festival of the Arts / and John Reed, who would like to address the Council regarding GUTS and possible
GUTS Presentation funding.
Mayor Braun asked to move the "Art on the Town Project" up on the agenda to
accommodate those present who wished to speak to this issue.
Break Mayor Braun recessed the meeting for a break at 7:40 p.m. The meeting reconvened
at 7:57 p.m.
Art on the Town Other Considerations
4. Art on the Town
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by Human Resources and asked
Interim Manager Pittis for additional input. Interim Manager Pirtis stated there would
be a presentation by Aria Holzschuh and others, after which, Bob Coons, Human
Resource Manager, would elaborate on the impacts to the City's budget should the
Council approve the agreement.
Aria Holzschuh, Executive Director of the Port Angeles Downtown Association
(PADA), thanked the Council for the opportunity to address this issue. Ms. Holzschuh
especially thanked Interim Manager Pittis, Administrative Assistant Phyllis Rasler,
Manager Coons, and Attorney Knutson for all the help they provided in preparing
tonight's presentation. Ms. Holzschuh introduced Eileen Knight, President of the Board
for the PADA; Charles Smith of Lindberg and Smith, Design Chairperson; Michael
Kenny, Chairperson for the Art on Town project; and Bob Harbick.
Ms, Holzschuh explained that the art on display for this project would be on loan from
each artist for one year. The pieces will be displayed outdoors and are for sale. The
PADA will purchase one piece of art each year, which is donated back to the
community. Individuals can also purchase art and donate to the community. New art
pieces will be displayed each year. Ms. Holzschuh summarized how the program was
born and how the pieces will be displayed. The show is promoted as a walking tour.
She described how the program has worked and what was accomplished in other cities.
Ms. Holzschuh described the steps taken by the PADA to get to this point, which
included a Mission Statement, and she described the organization's goals and how the
PADA hoped to achieve them.
Ms. Holzschuh explained the insurance issues regarding protection of the art pieces and
stated there will be a waiver on small damage done to the cedar sculpture. Insurance on
the art for a small organization like the PADA would be approximately $4,000 per year.
Therefore, the City is being asked to help with insuring the art, as it can be added to the
City's umbrella policy for much less.
Ms. Holzschuh then introduced Charles Smith, who addressed building and design. Mr.
Smith informed the Council that Lindberg and Smith Architects has been working on
the pedestal designs for the art pieces. Of one concern was continuity throughout
downtown. Mr. Smith then described the types of pedestals that would be used.
Michael Kenny, 139 W. First Street, then spoke to the matter of local children as artists
within the community. Mr. Kenny described the art work which will be donated by the
North Olympic Sculptures. Seven artists have created seven masks cast in bronze. Mr.
Kenny displayed pictures of the art work under discussion and described the other
June 1, 1999
Art on the Town (Cont'd) masks which will complete this project. When finished, this amvork will be donated to
the City as part of the Art on the Town project.
Another part of the project involves the art work of children. Two groups of students
will complete a mosaic project. One will be an outdoor theme featuring campers,
divers, etc. The second group will make a mosaic salmon. Mr. Kenny explained how
the mosaics will be created, framed, and displayed. At Councilman Wiggins's request,
Mr. Kenny explained how the art work would be protected from vandalism. Mayor
Braun thanked Ms. Holzschuh, and Messrs. Smith and Kenny for their time.
Manager Bob Coons stated he had spoken to other municipalities with outdoor art, and
vandalism has not been a problem and no insurance claims have been filed. It will cost
the City less than $100 per year to purchase the insurance coverage necessary, with the
only risk to the City being the $5,000 deductible. However, should someone vandalize
several pieces of art at one time, the deductible would only apply once. Discussion
ensued, with questions asked and clarification provided, especially regarding the risk
of vandalism.
Councilmember McKeown moved to co-sponsor "Art on the Town", including
insurance coverage of the art in the City's policy, and authorize the Mayor to sign
an agreement with the Downtown Association. Councilman Williams seconded the
motion, which carried unanimously.
Annexation - Turner 2. Request to Circulate an Annexation Petition ANX 99-02 Turner, Old doe Road
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Planning Department. At
Mayor Braun's request, Director Collins provided additional information and used the
overhead projector to demonstrate the area under consideration. Discussion followed,
and Director Collins responded to questions and provided clarification regarding the
pre-annexation zoning process to rezone the property for commercial use, despite the
County's objection. Attorney Knutson explained that the County would have the right
to appeal the rezone prior to £malization of the rezone, and he reviewed that process
Margo Turner, 3904 S. Reddick Road, spoke in support of the annexation and informed
the Council that the land cannot be developed without City services. She believed that
the County was incorrect in zoning this land residential urban low density, as the
downhill grade requires large commercial vehicles to apply compression brakes, which
can be quite loud.
Councilman Doyle moved to approve circulation of an Annexation Petition ANX
99-02, including assumption of existing bonded indebtedness and allowing for a
pre-annexation zoning process, citing Findings 1-10 and Conclusions A-C as set
forth in Exhibit "A", which is attached to and becomes a part of these minutes.
Councilman Campbell seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Personnel Justification 5. Personnel Justification - 911 System Coordinator
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Police Department. At Mayor
Braun's request, Naomi Wu, Communications Manager, explained the importance of
filling this position which would be funded by the County 911 phone tax. Discussion
followed, and staff responded to questions and provided clarification. Concern was
expressed over Y2K compliance and whether the City would bear the total expense of
the position or if it would be shared with the County. Councilman Wiggins moved to
authorize the creation of the position, the establishment of a current eligibility list,
and the hiring of a qualified individual. Councilman Williams seconded the
motion, which carried unanimously.
June 1, 1999
Search Warrants for Code Ordinances Not Requiring Public Hearings
Ordinance No. 3019 1. Ordinance Providing Process for Obtaining Search Warrants for Code
Violations and Clarifying the Repeat Offender Provisions for Nuisance
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the City Attorney's office and
asked Attorney Knutson for further information, which he provided.
Mayor Braun read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington,
providing for the issuance of administrative search
warrants for inspections on private property, clarifying
the nuisance ordinance's "repeat offender" provisions,
and amending Ordinances 1792 and 2469 as amended
and Chapters 1.20 and 8.04 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code.
Councilman Hulett moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Councilman
Campbell seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Conversion of LID 215 to 2. Ordinance Approving Conversion of LID 215 into a ULID 215
ULID 215
Ordinance 3020 Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Finance Department and asked
Director Ziomkowski for additional input, which she provided. Mayor Braun read the
ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington,
converting Local Improvement District No. 215, created
pursuant to Ordinance No. 2939 to finance sanitary sewer
improvements within the Upper Golf Course area of the
City, to a utility local improvement district.
Councilman Campbell moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Councilman
Hulett seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Designating Oracle as Sole Resolutions Not Requiring Public Hearings:
Source for Certain
Software Resolution Designating Oracle as Sole Source for Acquiring Database Management
Resolution No. 11-99 Software for the City's Financial and Geographic Information Software Systems
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the City Attorney's office and
requested further input which Attorney Knutson provided. Limited discussion ensued,
and staff responded to questions and provided clarification. Mayor Braun read the
Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of
Port Angeles, Washington, designating Oracle
Corporation and its authorized local dealer
Paladin Data Systems corporation as the sole
June 1, 1999
Designating Oracle as Sole source for acquisition of database management
Source for Certain products for the City's financial and geographic
Software information software systems.
Resolution No. 11-99
(Cont'd) Councilman Williams moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. Councilman
Wiggins seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Attorney Knutson asked Council to authorize the Mayor to sign the contract with
Paladin as the amount is over the City Manager's authority limit of $15,000.
Councilman Hulett moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the contract with
Paladin. Councilman Doyle seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Trade Forest Services Land Other Considerations
in Exchange for Private
Lands 1. Discussion of a Potential Trade of Forest Services Land in Exchange for the
Private Lands Surrounding the Elwha Dams.
Councilman Wiggins referred to Page 33 of the packet and stated that, while this was
a County issue, it was also of concern to the City. Continuing to have private land
surrounding the City leads to a be~ter economic climate. Councilman Wiggins
explained that a trade of public lands in the National Forest for the private lands of Fort
James would serve to assure that the tax base would not be eroded by increased
government ownership of land on the Olympic Peninsula. Congressman Dicks has
indicated he would support this issue if it is what the local people wanted. Councilman
Wiggins felt the Council should recommend the trade to the County. Discussion
followed, and Councilmen Campbell and Wiggins responded to questions and clarified
the issues.
Councilman Doyle moved authorize the Mayor to sign a letter to the County
supporting the trade of Forest Services land for private lands surrounding the
Elwha Dams. Councilman Wiggins seconded the motion. Discussion followed, and
it was suggested a copy of the letter also be sent to the Port of Port Angeles and the
Lower S'Klallam Tribe. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried
Consultant for 8th Street 3. Approve Consultant Selection for Design of 8th Street Reconstruction
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department, and
Interim Manager Pittis provided additional information and a history of this restoration
project. Councilman Campbell moved to authorize the Public Works Department
to enter into scope and cost negotiations with the firm of Harding Lawson and
Associates (HLA) to provide engineering services for the 8th Street Restoration
Project No. 99-08, and authorize the Mayor to sign an agreement, subject to City
Attorney approval, of a negotiated fee not to exceed $287,500. Councilman Doyle
seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Gun Safety 6. Gun Safety
Councilman Wiggins reminded the Council that this had been discussed recently and
tabled without action. He informed the Council that the bill discussed did not reach
passage during the recent legislative session; however, it may be brought forward again
next year. Councilman Wiggins stated Police Chief Ilk had provided him with a list of
bills in Congress which includes the same gun safety issue. Councilman Wiggins did
not feel this bill would make it in the House, but he wished Council to be aware of it.
Interim Manager Pittis suggested Council discuss this with its peers at the next AWC
June 1, 1999
INFORMATION: City Manager's Report
Interim Manager Pittis stated that any one who did not have a chance to view the new
fire track could see it at the fire station. He reviewed the Year 2000 Budget Schedule
and process and the status of the Marine Sanctuary.
Appointment to Technical At Interim Manager Pittis' request, Director Collins announced that Dick Goin had been
Review Committee recommended for appointment to the Technical Review Committee for the North
Olympic Salmon Restoration Coalition. Discussion followed about the technical
knowledge needed for such a position, and it was pointed out that Mr. Goin had a
number of years experience in this regard. The Council felt he had the necessary
qualifications to perform well in this position.
Following further discussion, Councilman Wiggins moved to appoint Dick Goin to
the Technical Review Committee for the North Olympic Salmon Restoration
Coalition. Councilman Doyle seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Building Code Board Interim Manager Pittis reviewed the information contained in the packet and asked
of Appeals Council how it wished to proceed as regards Mr. Bondy. Discussion ensued.
Councilmember McKeown was of the opinion that City residents should be appointed
to board and commissions whenever possible. She suggested the position be advertised,
and Mr. Bondy be allowed to continue to serve in the meantime. Councilman Williams
suggested the people who live in the urban growth area be allowed to seek appointment
to City Boards and Commissions.
Couneilmember MeKeown moved to ask Mr. Bondy to retain his position for a
minimum of 90-days and have the City Clerk advertise the vacancy on the Building
Code Board of Appeals and, if the position remains unfilled, Mr. Bondy be
retained. Councilman Wiggins seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Interim Manager Pittis reviewed the information contained in the packet and asked
Council how it Wished to proceed as regards Mr. Norton. Attorney Knutson informed
the Council that there was no legal issue involved in one person serving on two Boards.
It was the general consensus of the Council that Mr. Norton be asked to serve on both
Hood Canal Bridge Interim Manager Pittis reviewed the information contained in the packet, and discussion
Toll Meeting ensued. Councilman Williams volunteered to be the Council representative at this
5* & Tumwater Interim Manager Pitfis stated that the Design Report has been received for the Fifth and
Tumwater slide repair. There are two alternatives, the first is to place a retaining wall
at the edge of the slide area to stabilize the slope. This will cost approximately
$108,000. Another alternative involves moving the roadway further into the hillside
and acquiring property. This option would cost approximately $125,000. Staff
recommends proceeding with the first option, constructing a retaining wall. He asked
Council to authorize advertising the project when ready. Interim Manager Pittis
reviewed the steps that would be taken following that procedure, as well as the
reimbursement possibilities.
June 1, 1999
5th & Tumwater Discussion followed, and Mayor Braun reminded the Council of the importance of
(Cont'd) completing this project as soon as possible. Councilman Wiggins moved to accept
option one, to build a retaining wall, and authorize staff to advertise the project.
Councilman Campbell seconded the motion. Discussion followed. A vote was taken
on the motion, which carried unanimously.
Carnegie Library Interim Manager Pittis provided a status report on the Carnegie Library and noted a
change order was signed today to provide for the concrete steps. He explained why this
was not part of the original contract and reviewed the cost to date. Interim Manager
Pittis reviewed the steps that will be taken to complete the project once the facade has
been restored. Discussion followed, and Interim Manager Pittis responded to questions
and provided clarification.
Future Council Items Interim Manager Pittis pointed out that the packet contained a list of future Council
agenda items.
ADJOURN TO The meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 10:20 p.m. to discuss labor negotiations,
EXECUTIVE SESSION: personnel, and litigation for 45 minutes to an hour.
RETURN TO The meeting returned to Open Session at 12:00 a.m.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 12:00 a.m.
~ecky ~. 'lJi~, C~ Cle~'k -- -- Gary ~3raur~Aayor
Exhibit3 ~"4
1. On April 14, 1999, the Planning Department received an annexation request from Mr. and Mrs.
James Tumer for a 4.53 acre area located south of US Highway 101 at Euclid Street on Old Joe
2. On May 18, 1999, the City Council sent the request to the Planning Commission for review and
a recommendation and set a date to discuss the request with the applicants for the City
Council's June 1, 1999, meeting, per RCW 35A. 14.120.
3. Two property owners constitute the area in question.
4. The applicants will request pre-annexation zoning as described in RCW 35A.340.
5. The area of proposed annexation is currently designated as residential by the County.
6. The proposed annexation area is within the Port Angeles Urban Growth Area.
7. The nearest City utilities are located across (north) of US Highway 101 at this location. The
subject property fronts on US Highway 101.
8. The factors considered under RCW 35A. 14.200 in review of annexation proposals include "the
configuration of the area, comprehensive use plans and zoning, the likelihood of significant
growth in the area and in adjacent incorporated and unincorporated areas during the next ten
years, location and coordination of community facilities and services., the probable effect of
the annexation proposal or alternatives on cost and adequacy of services and controls in the
area, and the effect of the annexation proposal or alternatives on adjacent areas."
9. The Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan as amended June, 1997, contains 10 policies (Growth
Management Element Policies B 1-10) directly related to annexations.
10. The proposed promotional annexation must comply with the City's annexation policies as
established in the City's Comprehensive Plan and Resolution 18-78.
1. As conditioned, the proposed annexation is consistent with the City's annexation policies as
established in the Comprehensive Plan Growth Management Element (Policies B 1-10)
2. The City's policies encourage annexation within the Port Angeles Urban Growth Area, which
was established to accommodate growth which is expected to occur over the next twenty years.
3. There is access to the site for urban services.
Adopted by the Port Angeles City Council at its meeting of June 1, 1999.
Gary Br~un, Ma.3~or -
B~cky J. Op~n, ~ty Ci'er]~---