HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/02/1937 ,.... 494 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ._193__ June 2. 1937 roo, .."",".."".....'00.....'"... ..." The Commission met in regular session at 10 ".lI. and was called to order by Mayor Davis. 'I Roll oall showed t~e following officers present: Mayor Davis. Commissioners Henson and Masters, ~ttorney Conniff and ~lerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and aI)prov~d. Under the head of '~plications for Licenses the followi1[ was Brantert: C. n. Bennett, Restaurant 1. 25 Police Judge, 'l'hos" Ceisness, reported 13 cases tried and 4 traffic violations for the month of May and .~297.00 collected in fines. Report ordered filed. I CURRENT EXPE'13E FUND The Commission examined and allowed the following olaims and ordered warrants drawn for same: I Olympic utationers \'Im. J. Conniff ,Bancroft-"hi tney Co. Pacific Emble m & Mfg I. C. Croves Todd Cycle Shon ,Pac Tel & Tel ~o. Fire .lJepartment Evening News 'Urn. J. ~onniff R. E. Davis C . o. CITY STREET FUND Port Angele,s ";oncrete Products Co. Willson Hardware Co. VlATE:1 }"U1lD Port ~ngelos Concrete Products ~o. IHooker ~lectrochemical Co. Willson Hardware Co. ,Duck Inn I LICHT FUND I ~uick Print IE. O'Brien City Electric Co. Willson Hardware Co. Olympic ~tationers J. LLoyd Aldwell Co. :11 IT It n Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Go. General Electric ~o. " n General Electric Supply Gorp. IHoare & Hedrick CEMETERY FUnD A, M. ,Ialker Vlillson Hardware Co. LIBR.ARY FUJID 1 'Bess ie Knoph '11mericana ";orpora ti on J:oppers on & Sons Evening News Johnson & Bork :Ci ty Transfer Co. ,Crange ,Iarehous e Co. iDorothea Gagnon \!ngeles Gravel & Supply Co. jThe PugeJt Sound News Co. \PArtK Fm;]) i :C. L. Sarff Uillson Hardware Co. I GUARANTY FUND :Ci ty Treasurer Supplie s E:xpcnse "ccoun t Book Baa:ges Meals for Prisoners Motorcycle Parts Servi ce Pay 'toll Publications Expense ;l.ccount Cflr Hire 11 .,...,l> '" 1.00 5.20 15.00 28.70 <::9.75 4.49 6.90 273.00 27.02 10.65 25.00 I Pipe Hardware li::.45 Ib .;:::. 3. .57 Service Boxes, etc. Chlorine dupplies Lunches 55 I~ 21. 4 2 1-1.30 10.19 9.2~ Printing \lood Mflterial Supplie s Offiee Supplies Insuranc e Il I Meter Sockets Meters & ~ime Switches Regula tor Condui t & Ca ble Truck Repairs 't'C I~I~ ./ 21.68 11.47 1.02 1.13 <::.30 65.72 4.00 ;08.05 244.25 1,431.00 8.81 97.05 Labor Supplic s 4.00 1.11 1\ S/" Petty ~ash Books Lumber Publi cations Sand & Varnish Book \!ases Hauling Ilorcro p Emergency Help Lumber Books 9. :50 6.00 18.50 5.11 14.50 ;0.50 2.50 6.75 1.31 4<0,08 I >~ /' I~g Filing {laws Tennis Net, etc. rf 13 ~ G.OO 11.55 I Taxes ~ .10.3.90 / (", ~----- r , 'rThere being no further business the \!ommis~ion then adjourned. ?z 7M~~ City ~lerk ... 11a yor