HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/02/1948 I I I II I] Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 451 ~ June 2. 19~ UIil. . _.....Y. OIl......... ....."'- n...lIU. IZ1711 ~ The Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Epperson. Officers present were: Mayor Epperson, Commissioners Steele and Johnson, Attorney Yiilson, and Clerk Law. Minutes of the previous session 'were read and approved. Under the head of ~J'plications for building permits, the following were granted: "'~'f()S() , Gordon Lynch' Build 4-Room DWelling; N2 Lots 8-9, Elk. 285, TOWllBite Don Smith Build l-Car Garage; Lot 12, Elk. 194, Townsite IR. ,P. Haugland Remodel Garage, Build Chinmey, Repaint House; Lots 11.,.12, Blk. 579, Townsite Thomas P. Nilsen Remodel, Add 1 Room, Move House; Lot 14, Elk. 504, Tovmsite Art Tobias Build l-Car llarage; Lots 11-12, Blk. 50, TOWllBite I1..J. Baker fuild I-Gar Garage; Lot 20, Elk. 85, Townsite Lester Davis Build 6-Room Thvelling; Lot 5, Elk. 5, Hartt & Dook Add. Peter Milanovich Build 2-Car liarage; Lot 8, Blk. 165, Townsite Ralph E. Schmitt Re-roof Six Room House; Lot 5, 8lk. 102, Cain Subdiv. IJack DelGuzzi Build 4-Room IN/elling; Lot 1, Elk. 551, Townsite I Jack DelCiuzzi Build 5-Room Thvelling; Lot 2, Elk. 551, Townsite Jack DelGuzzi Build 5-Room Thvelling; Lot 11, Elk. 207, Tovmsite I ' Under the head of unfiniBhed business, the bids opened at the previous session were considered. It was imoved by Commissioner Johnson that the bid submitted by Olympic Painters & Decorators to paint the Civic I' ,Stadium and fence for $265.00 be accepted. Motion seconded by Mayor Epperson. All votad Aye. Motion I carried. , . , II Commissioner Johnson also moved that the bid by Aiken Motors to furnish one dump truck for .the Street Dept. '. j at $5,842.57 be accepted. Motion seconded by Mayor Epperson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I, The bids for City printing for the year beginning July 1, 1948 were again discussed, and it was moved by ,I II Conunissioner Steele that the bid by Peninsula Herald be accepted. Seconded by Commissioner Johnson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. 5,000.00 200.00 1,000.00 500.00 400.00 400.00 5,500.00 1,000.00 250.00 5,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 Pursuant to bids published to furnish for the Street Department 600 tons of Bituminous patching material, the one bid was opened as follows: Western Asphalt Company, $5,708.00. It was moved by Commissioner Johnson that the bid be accepted. Seconded by Mayor Epperson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Under the head of new blsiness, Harry Taylor and others representing the business men, met with the I, Commission to discuss the extension of Front Street and obtaining rights-of-way for proposed Front Street II Highway. The Engineer was instructed to compile estimate of cost, and the Commission will Imet with the ',.1 'i Porl Commission at two o'clock next Wednesday in interest of the said project. 'iThe V~yor presented a letter from the Olympic Peninsula District Farm Bureau protesting the adoption of daylight saving time. The letter was ordered filed. I II "to To'UI.lIll(<}'!Ii;' l'if:~~:,Y,,;~tlJ::;~::'~J;i:,J~@iJ1#\~;11~~ ~ :bot1 ~~~n t~i~~~ ~M~n f~~Py~:s J~~U:~i~~~~\~;f;~=r~~~~s a~ ;~:~:~. to 1[.;;~)t;I~~~~;~~:I~~!II~~r~i'.i.l'~~I~~:S~~i.:~+I~(~ Commissioner Steele requested that bids be published for painting the City Vf\'C'l't ,"-Ily 0[' Hll iJi B ild' t Fr t d Oak t t Od '11 be d J 16 1tr~~!]J$M1-.I~'J~.~ I~~'< (~I('rk. U 1.Dg a on an S ree s. BJ. S WI. opene une . I Under the head of reading and passage of Ordinances, the following was placed on first and second reading: I, ORDINANCE NO. 11981 AN ORDINANCE vacating that portion of Fourth Street lying between "C" and "D" Streets, on which abut the I II following described lots, to-wit: Lots One (1) to Ten (10), both inclusive in Block One Hundred Nire (109);1 and Lots Eleven (11) to Twenty (20), both inclusive in Block One Hundred and Ten (110), Tovmsite of Port ' Angeles, Clallam County, Washington. I It was moved by Commissioner Johnson that the foregoing Ordinance be' placed on first and second reading. Seconded by Commissioner Steele, All voted Aye. Motion carried. The Commission examired and approved the following claims, and ordered warrants iBsued in pa;j'1llent of same: I CURRENT ExPENSE FU@: (.56 If'- (City Treasurer I Gity Street Dept. City Light De pt. Hazel's Cafe I D017ns Auto Electric ,Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Schreiner Chevrolet Co. , Middleton Motor Parts Co. McMahan Thel Co. Natural Cas Corp. of Wash. Evening News Pre s s Haward-Gooper Corp. The Converse Co. C. A. Wolverton f" CITY STREET FUND: /30- Middleton Motor Parts Co. Unit Crane & Shovel Corp. Samuelson Motor Co. Safety Week Reports, Book, Postage Gasoline Rent Meals for Prisoners FUses, Belt Service 872, 800, 1332, 126, 1627, 56lY. Parts Parts Thel Oil Gas Clean-Up Ads Dept. Supplies, Badges, Buttons, Etc. One Tool Master Box Traveling Expense 52.54 5.75 50.00 166.05 2.79 45.74 6.18 51.84 85.98 2.00 26.27 55.67, 128.75 55.10 Parts Goose Neck & Freight Auto Repairs 45.27 i 62.25 25.54 ,I 18".85 i 24.261 76.18 47.59, 29.50 ! 2.50 I 55.22 86.15 if3 WATER FUND: IJ~?- \ D & B Battery & Elee. Stn. , Middle. ton Motor Parts Co. City Street Dept. I National Cash Register Co. Gity Light Dept. i Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. I Hooker Ele ctro chemical Co. I' Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Batteries Parts Ga s and Oil Service Rents and Lights Phone Rent Chlorine Pipe ~ ,.. 452 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19~ June 2, continued, ::WATER FUND. continued: I Olympic FoundI"J Co. I Stanley Foster I. Mar ckma nn & Williams MclIl8han Fuel Co. 1,/ LIGHT FUND: 3 j'G ~ Willson Hardware Co. McMahan Fuel CO. II Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. 'City Water Dept. Graybar Ele ctri c Co. General E1e c. Supply Corp. Radio Service Appliance Co. II Precision Radio Service . Rt SANITATION HIND: I ~ g' _ City Street Dept. Kenneth Owen LaRoy Jagger I' ' /' 8'0 :1 PARK HIND: .:<.."- Pacific Telaphone & Telegraph'Co. IF. Hayden Morris Bernt Peterson City Street Dept. PARKWG METER & TRAFFIC CONTROL FUND: I Kenneth Owen : City Stre et De pt . Epperson & Sons Enterprise Development Co. Middleton Motor Parts Co. Epperson & Sons ,M. H. Rhodes; Inc. .. Pipe Fittings Dit chi ngs , etc. Fittings E/s Coal Tools FUel Phone Water at Substn. Spoons Meter Sockets, Eye-nlits, pins Parts Parts Gasoline Garage Rent for May Car Milaage for May Service 1550M Sawdust for Garden 2 Paper Pick-Up Tongs Gas & Oil .f'I, fL!i' - Garage Rent for May Gas ,& Oil, Labor Yellow Traffic Paint Traffic Safety Cones Parts illmber Go.'s Share of May Collections FIREMEN I S PENSION HIND: 3 3 - Clallam County Medical Service Corp. Medical Service Fees for June There being no further business, the session was declared adjourned. Ot ~, (/ City Clerk ~ I 126.54 i 859.45 1 70.91 2.52,1 I 17.58 15.75 75.211 55.06 24.07, 194.62 I 1.44 2.68 " 100.98 50.00 27.86 I I 5.00' 5.00 4.00 I 15.80 15.00 28.40 21.89 58.40 I 4.06 I 2.76 , 758.30 ! 55.00 {?~, ~ Mayor I I I I I