HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/02/1952 264 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19"5~_ ,." . ..... ."",. "",,,,.. ."".... "'.. .... June 2, The City ColIllllission met in regular session at 10:.00 A. Ai., and was called to order by Mayor Feelay. prasent were Mayor Fee1ey, ColIllllissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumbull, and.Clerk J.aw. I Officers I Minutes of.the previous session were read and approved. ~ Sterling Long filed more requests for continuance of bus service which were referred to the Clerk for filingl. The Commission examined and approved the following claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of the same: CURRENT EXP.ENSE r-tJND: 59!.. 7 '( I Pacific Tel. I'< Tel."""Co. . Nelson Equipment Co. I Fire Applicance Co. ,The Readers Digest . Smith Ice &. Bottling Co. ~IatUl'al Gas Corp. of Wash. L. N. Curtis & Sons ; Olympic Printery I CITY STREE.'l' t1JND: :/,6'(. 77 weste;:n;rra:ctor& Equipment Co. Dobson Auto Electric P. A. Auto Sll-Pply Glass Specialty Co. I Angeles Machine &. Welding Wks. jOlymPiC Printery Pacific 're:!,. &. Tel. Co. Kermit Hoodman ,Standard Oil Co. of Cal. 'Water FUND; n:3.~;;' I Olympic Printery 1 Pacific Tel... &. Tel. Co." City Filel Co. : City Light .De pt . Radio Service Appliance 'So. IWillson Hardware Co. . Western Utilities Supply Co. P. A. Concrete Products Co. E. II. Hallgren Co. James Hardware CO. ILIGHT FUND:" 5,/', ~J I PacifiC'Te"l. &. Tel. Co. Olympic Printery R. L. &. R. Service Angeles Millwork &. Lumber Co. ILuvaas Tire He-tread Service 'F. &. L. Service I Peninsula FUel Co. IGeneral Electric Supply Corp. City Water Dept. " :Willson Hdwe. Co. General Electric Supply Corp. L. P. Wilber Line Materi~l Co. LIBRARY FUND: Z 5 8. ~'f City Treasurer ,Pacific Tel. &. Tel. Co. : Olympic Stlltioners Willson Hdwe. Co.- Gaylord Bros., Inc. 'Personal Book Snop A. C. McClurg &. Co. Harper &. Brothers Doubleday &. Company, Inc. Herman Goldberger Agency, Inc., I PARKING METER ~ ~ CONTROL FUND: M. H. Rhodes I ,LlffiARY MEMORIAL FUND: Elaine Music Shop- I Service Fire Hose Chern. Compound Fire Prevention Books 2 Casss pepSI' Towels Gas Osmix Office Supplies 66.6Q 459. Bl 24.55 50.00 11.55 1.50 10.50 12.60 Disc, Spider Patches Wire Windshield, Body Glass Labor &. Repai<r Warrants Service Haulir.g Petrolsstic Asphalt 7.02 4.55 1.10 50.45 32.74' 30.59 6.70 20:BO 51.04 Office Supplies Service Stove Oil Rent & Elec. Service Batteries Elec. Plug Saddles S. Pipe Fittings Clamps 56.10 11.Bl 7.56 112 . 54 3.55 .64 5.79 23.61 16B.51 3.21 Service Office Supplies Repairs llimber Used Tire Tube &. Car Wash,- gas Trans Oil Th.imme I' Wa tel' rent Pipe, etc. Balon Meters Poles FUses, Hardware 75.56 75.40 15.97 8.86' 5.86 I 10.62 l.55 B.25 1.90 7.99 2.00 299 .22- 82-:25 Light' &. Water, Garbsge Service Supplies FUses, Ladder, Sll'leege Catalogue Cards . Books Books Books Books Magazine Sub. 10.67 11.84 2.95 9.99 29.87 51.25 120.55 11.56 4.70 5.00 Head assemblies with replacements 275.00 Phonograph Records 25.19 ;There being no further business, the meeting was recessed until 7:50 P. AI. ce (J ;;La.vr. City Clerk LEGAL PUBLICATI~N ~4/d~7 ~r --- NO'J'IO'F. OF (~.'lt.I. I"OR UIQ$';. (JFF~{:LU-, __-f1",I.>UI:V'I'lN"i-_,. 1)IZ?~W~~e 1~:~b~;e~~~~Dtl~~ \~A~~~1ft the.- tlll?JUt'ry 9.f-,port Aug ~P1er thfl.II a;"QI) tl.e offi- cial "$'f.POl't Ang tb"',~ ~eneinS' ~~~i Jal:ail or.T:{~JJ1~~~~'~,~eu~g PUb{lIlIH~d In ]'eguhl.l' .~Ilot thll new~p[l}l(]I"-'ft:W'a~~l't -~1(tra.et. ~~::Jl~~~:'~~n~:~}~!t~~~~~~~~: fa.ithful perfonnanco ot thb eon. tract wl11 be requir("d.1'lUI 6)i~ ol r:J~~tA;~fjet6: :::l~fl~~~::, ~]~l to PU1JliShed:J j:rieLl~~"'io~ltr~-~I(.jt I I I .1 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 265~ June 2, 19~ I I I I n'''..'''......"...",""......"'"".. .".. .... , iThe City Commission met at 7,50 P. .M., pursuant to recess declared. Officers .present were: Mayor Feeley, ICOmmiSSiOners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumbull, and Cl~rk Law. iMinutes of the morning session were read and approved. I Mayor 'Feeley expressed thanks and appreciation to the Park Board, Library Board, and all other Boards and ,Commi~sions w~rking with the City comm~ssion during their. term of office. The Mayor especially thanked the j ~PlannU1g Comm~ss~on for excellent serv~ces rendered and c~ted Chairman Fred .Strange as an oUT.standing member, Commissioner Robinson heartily endorsed the Mayor's remarks, and Commissioner Taylor was in full.'accord . lwith th~ same. :Mayor Feeley presented Ivor Smith, Acting Council Chairman, witb the gavel and the Officers elect signed !Oaths of Office for Councilmen as follO'lrs, W. Ivor Smith, four years; W. Edson Brown, four years; Paull!. 'Neer, four years; A. T. Sandison, four years; Margaret E. Powell, two years; Joseph~. Wolfe, two yeat;s; 'James Lewis McFadden, two years. Councilman Brown nominated Ivor Smith as Chairman of .the Council to act as Mayor. It was moved by Miss IPovrell that nominations be closed. Seconded by Mr. WolLfe. On roll call, ,all voted Aye, and 1'/. IvaI' Smith jwas unanimously elected to serve as Mayor. Mayor Smith thanked the Council for confidence shown and vowed 'to do his best to fulfill the duties of office and wishes of the people. j . 'The Mayor announced that negotiations had been carried on with Ill', G. S. Vergeer, at present City ManegeI' of ,Baker, Oregon, and a tentative agreement has been reached .to employ him as City Manager of the City of Port Angeles at an annual salary of f~9,000.00. It was moved by Councilman Brown, seconded by Councilwoman Powell; Ithat llr. Vergeer be employed as City Manager of the City of Port Angeles, at an annual salary of $9,000.00. I ,The question was requested and on roll call, all members voted Aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. I I 'Mayor'Smith then announced that arrival of the Manager 'is expected during the current week and the first jregular meeting will be June 19th.. That 1'.1'. Vergeer was hired by full consent and approval of aU the ,Council members, and that he is from Baker, Oregon, where problems are practically the same as this City. IThe Mayor further informed that all ,City business and, transactions must clear through the Manager's .office and brought before the Council for final approval. Also requested that all d!lpartment heads carry on for th$ lbest interests of their departments until arrival of the Manage~. I'The Council considered a letter from Romeo A. J!ott, Secretary of the Statewide City Employees Retirement Board, requesting decision of this Governing Body regarding .retirement of Paul T. Poulsen, a former member. The !latter was referred to the City Attorney. IFrank Feeley, Mayor Retired, sp'oke briefly, wishing the Council well, and expressed hope that the people of Port Angele.s do not expect .too much of the Manager, as he :will be bsndicapped financially as were the :ColIllllissioners. Mr. Feeley further requested that all co-operate and helLp rather then criticize. I 'Under the head of introduction of resolutions, the following was introduced: RESOLUTION: I WHEHEAS, the City of Port Angeles has recently adopted the Council-V.anager plan of Government; and I I i'IIIEREAS, the St.atutes of the State of Washington in such cases made and provided requir.e that the City Council of the City of Port Angeles shall appoint a City Manager and such City Msnager shall, prior to entering upon the duties of his office, take an oath of office and file an official bond in such amount as '-shall be fixed by the City Council; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BI THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES thet any person appointed by such City Council as City Manager shall, prior to entering upon the duties of his office, file with the City Clerk of said City his official bond ill the amount:of $ 10,000.00, payable to the City of Port Angeles and conditioned upon the faithful performance and discharge by him of the duties of the office of City l/anager of the City of Port Angeles, which bond shall be kept in good silandin,g at all times during the occupanoy by the princ.ipal 1 thereof of the pcsition of City Manager of the City of Port Angeles. ! It was moved by Counci:un.n Brovm that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Secondeo by 'CounciIman Wolfe. All mem!>ers voted Aye. Motion carried. 'Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following was introduced, read in full, and considered by the Counc il: OIlDmANCE NO. 1284 AN ORDINAN~E of the Citl' of Port Angeles fixing the time and plilce of regular meetings of the City' 'Council of the City of Port Angeles, fixing the compimsation of members of the City Council an~ declaring I an emergency. .It was moved by CounciL1I8n McFadden that the foregoing Ordinance be approved and ?dopted. Councilman Sandison. All voted Aye. Motio? carried. I lUndeI' the head of appl~cations for BUILDmG PERIlITS: . Everett Seward I. B. Minish Wayne Williams Seconded by building permits,' the follmling were approved: fuild three room House, Lots 5 & 4, Blk 569, Townsite, Enclose side porch &. make sewing room, Lts 5-4, Elk 157 Tnst. fuild 5 room residence, Lots 9 &. 10, Balk. 501, Townsite 250.00 250.00 6,500.00 There being no further business, tl1e meet~ was declared a~journed. J.. e. ';;fCVvv r City Clerk rf~ L~ l/ayor .. ~