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Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
June 2
The City Council met ip, reguJ.ar session at 7:30 P.M., and was called to order by Mqor Smith. Boll call
showed the following officers present: Mayor Smith, Councl.lmen Brown, Neer, Sandison, l'loli'e and McFadden,
Manager Vergeer, AttorneY Severyns and Clerk Law. '
It was moved, by Councilman McFadden that minutes of the previous meeting be approved as received. Second-
ed by Councilman l'loli'e. All voted Aye. Motion carried. '
Under the head ofunfinislled business, bids for purchase of Lots 17, 18, 19 and 20, Block 364, were reC-
eived as follows: Ernest M. Laclanan and Edwin W. Vannausdle, $352.00;' Christ Hansen, Route 2, Agnew '
District, $401.00. It was moved by Councilmab l'loli'e that the bid by Christ Hansen be accepted. ,Seconded
by CounciJ.man Brown and carn ed.
Bids for construction of approi:i.mte1y' 2.46 miles of roadway by asphalt pf19.ng were, received from the
following companies:
PIELER COloJSTRUCTION CO., mix, lay and place, $13,000.00
furnish asphalt. 86-100 penet., approx. 171 T @ $38.00, 6,498.00
Furnish plant for mixing approx. 3,800 T @ $1.79, 6,802.00
Furnish paver and labor approx. 3,800 T; ,2!' compressed mat., @
$1.10 per T,4.l8O.oo
Total alternate bid, $17,480.00
RANDAlL KILMER mNSTRUCTION CO:, furnish asphalt, plant and paver and labor @ $3.93 per ton,
It was 'IIWVed by CounciJ.man McFadden that the bid by Kilmer Construction Co. be accepted. Seconded by
CounCilman Woli'e. All voted Aye. . Motion carried. '
Council considered bids to furnish fire hose .to the fire department as opened at the previous meeting.
After tabulation and consideration, Mr. Vergeer recommended that bid received from Cascade Fire Equipment
Corp. be accepted as recommended. Seconded by Councilman McFadden. All members voted Aye. - Motion
carried. "Fire Chief Wolverton cited possibility of the City,acquiring hill interest in_hose purchased by
the Fire District as per former agreement. It appears that the District has been quoted price the same
as the City, although it is necessary that transaction be concluded by June 30th, thereby enabling the
District to receive grant from Defense !'1nergency Fund. After due consideration, it was moved by Council-
man Woli'e to proceed with arrangements for 'the City to acquire hill interest in hose at future date
when ,the District will have obtained the same. .Motion seconded by CounciJ.man Sandison and carried.
The: City Engineer filed the follmting estimates for work done and material furnished in L.I.D. No. 167:
PIELER CONSTRUCTION CO., 5th and final, May $24,762.34 -
OSBERG CONSTRUCTION CO., 5th estimate, }1a.Y 9, 273. fl{J
M4N5QN-OSBERG CO., third estimate, May 13.271.00
F. H. JARNAGIN, third estimate, May , 598.57'
Also filed for approval was first estimate (May) for work'done a d material furnished by Albino Casilio
,tn L.I.D. No. 168 in amount of $2,180.25. ~t. was moved by Counci'lman Brown that estimates for L.I.D. No.
167. be approved and warrants issued on L.I.D. 167 Construction Fund in. P!l3'lDent of same, and that the
City Clerk be authorized to issued warr,mt.s ,numbered 230 to and.includll.hg 276 for $1,000.00 each, and
~arrant no. 277 in amount of $905.61, in aggregate amount of $47,905.61 on L.r.D. No. 167 Fund, bearing
interest at the rate of 3 3/4% per annmn and' date June 9,1955, to sup* the , necessary funds tobe
deposited in the L.I.D. No. 167 Construction Fund. . Motion secoooed by Councilman Sandison and unanimously
card ed.
It was moved by Councilman Brown that estimate for construction in L.I.D. No. 168 ,be approved and paid.
Seconded by Councilman Sandis,;IU and carried.
It was moved by Councilman McFadden that the following payroll and voucher be approved, covering fixed
estimate expense on L.I.D. No. 167, and that warrants be issued on L.I.D. No. 167 Construction Fund
in P!l3'lDent of same: _ '
, Payroll period, 1<la3' 16 .;. 31, $1,302.79
Ilurning's Cedar Products, stakes and hubs, 24.80
Motion seconded by Councilman Brown. All voted Aye. Motion carried.
Attorney Severyns reported on progress. of Pilot Station removal from Ediz Ilook. It appears that atcording
to information from President 01sborg, the, Association is negotiating for fifty-eight feet of tidelands
twenty-four feet East of their present dock upon which will be constructed a station with disposal of
the present building within three months. Captain Einer Thomsen assured that lease will be approved and
preslll1t station removed. Councilmen Neer and McFadden cited lack of co-operation from the Association,
Also demaoos by the Coast Guard for hazard removal and subjecting the City to embarrassment :by failure t9
Pursuant to notices published, the hearing for vacation of a portion of East First Street in Home Addition
"!,as opened. There having been no objections made or filed, it was moved by Councilman Neer that the
hearing be closed, request for vacation granted, and an Ordinance prepared, providing for the vacation.
Motion seconded by Councilman Brown and carried. Council received communication from the Library Board
informing that the said Board voted to hold in abeyance illY decision regarding merger of the City and
~<lunty Libraries.
Also received and read was communication from the U.S. Anqy Corps of Engineers, edvising that they could
not accept ,terms of lease and agreement for possession of.,a twenty-five acre tract in the Morse Creek
Wate,rshed. After due consideration, it was moved. by Counc~ ,McFadden that the lpplication be referred
to the Attorney for study and if lease is approved for term of thirty years at $lOO.OO, with option for
renewal, the Mayor be authorized to execute agreement. Motion seconded by Councilman Neer. All'lOted
Aye. J{otion carried.
Under the head of new business, claims paid Ma;y 17 through 26 were approved in total amount of $40,715.70.
It was movecl'by Councilman Woli'e that all claims be approved as paid. Secoooed by Councilman Brmm. All
voted Aye. Motion carried.
Council considered publication of call for bids for the Official City printing during the year beginning
JuJ;r 1, 1955. It was moved by CounciJ.man McFadden that call for bids be published. Seconded by Council-
man Brown and carried.
The Council received petition reqqesting improvement of alley in Blocks 33 and 34, Townai te, by grading,
draining and blacktop paving. It was moved by Councilman Brown that resolution of intention be prepared
fixi ng date of hearing for the requested improvement. Secom ed by Councilman Woli'e. All voted Aye.
Motion carried.
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
June 2
...,,<,..!'..."....."'..~'",.."......'" -
I Report of the' Palice Department far the month of May was' filed' far Council approval. It was moved by I
I Councilman Brawn that ,report be accepted and filed. Secanded by Councilman \'foli'e. All vated Aye. Mation I
Mr. Vergeer informed that he is contemplating a ffl'o1 da;ys vacation subject to' Council approval. No object-
iollS stated.
Mrs. Charles McDonald appeared before Council requesting permission for the Saddle Club to sponsor
parade J~ 2!l. in observance of Independence Day celebration;! There were nO' objectians and Dick Hubbard,
Chairman of'IrdJlendence Da;y entertainment, pledged co-operation. and assis~ce from his call1lilittee.
Councilman Woli'e advised of complaints regarding condition of I S~reet hill. Street foreman Donahue vol-
unteered to investigate.
Under the head of introduction of Resolutians the follmting were introduced and read in full for consider-
I ation by the Council:' "
. RESOLUTION NO. 12-55 .
A RESOLUTION authorizill$ the transfer of available ,monies in the Current ~ense Fund to' the Fire
Dppartment CUUlIIlative Reserve of'the sufficient amount to pravide funds in said Fire Department Cumulative
I' Reserve to purchas. e hose and other equipment in the amount provided far in the 1955 budget adopted by
the City of Port Angeles.
14HEREAS, the Washington Rating Bureau requires that all fire hose be wi thin seven (7) years of age, arid
1 t'lHllllE,4.S, the City of Port Angeles in the 1955 budget provided the sum of Five Thausand Dallars I
I ($5,0Q0.OO) for the purchase of :fire hose and equipment for the Fire Department under a Civil DefellSe ,
'I Pro-gram, and ' " " 1
I. WHEREAS, the tax receipts are as yet insufficient in the Fire Department Cumulative Reserve Rund for the
purcn<\Se af such hose and necessary equipment, and ,. 'I
I WHEREAS, there are now funds available in the Current ~ense Fund sufficient to and which may be
tempoz:ari4' 10arled to the Fire Department Cumulative Reserve Fund. . ' ,
1. That the City Treasurer be, and she.is hereby_authorized. and_directl)ll. to. transfer andlQan from the
Current EKpense Fund to. the Fire Department Cumulative Reserve Fund such sums as may be necessary to prov-
ide the alllOunt budgeted in the Cumulative Reserve Furid, that is, to transfer to the Fire Department
Cumulative Reserve Fund such sums as will provide the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) in such
IFire Dep'artment Cumulative Reserve Fund minus the SIIlOunt that'.has been received by said Fund from taxes
already paid in and received by the.City. '
I 2. Be i't Further Resolved that as taxes are received and credited to' the Fire Department Cumulative
jReserve Fund that the Treasurer be, and she is hereby autharized and directed tb repay such sums received
land to credit the same'to and replace them in the Current Elcpense Fund of the CitZ af Port Angeles until
[the full amoW llrans~rred from the Current Expense Fund to the Fire Department Cumui,ative.Reserve Fund
has been ~ i'lljlMd:.to the Current EKpense Fund.
lIt, was' nroV'ed by Counci.lman McFadden that the faregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Setonded' by
ICounciJ.man Saudis>~. All voted Aye. Motion carried.
I A RESOLUTION finding and establishing Sixteenth Street frem "C" Street westerly as a public street of I
the City of. Port Angeles and is used for the common benefit of all of .the people' of the City of Port Angeles
[and as a main thoraughfare for said City, and for the transfer of necessary funds from budget it!llll '
Maintenance (Material) and Supplies to surfacing and improving Sixteenth Street. ,
: 'WHEREAS, Sixteenth Street' from hCfi Street westerly is now, ,and for many years last past, has been used
'Ias the thoroughfare from "C" Street westerl7 to the City garbage dump, which is a public and municipal
garbage dump; that said street also furnishes the onl,y thoroughfare to such garbage dump and to Oceanview
:Cemetary, which Cemetary is owned by and operated by the City of Port Angeles; and in addition theretO' is
ithe main thoroughfare to the Clalliun' County Airport and the Clall;un County Fair Gi'oUna.s and said street
'in its use constitutes a public tharoughare for the use and benefit of the City of Port Angeles as a whole.
I WHEREAS, there was provided in the budget af 1955 for the improvement of Sixteenth Street the SUlll of
:ITen Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) and it is found that said sum is not sufficient for such improvement,
and there was ,provided in the budget for Y.aintenance (MAterial) and SupPlies the sum of Twelve Thousand
,Dollars ($12,000.00) and it is found that. a certain portion of, the same will be necessary to complete the
'surfacing, of Sixteenth Street.
;fram "C'" Street .westerly, to the. City municipal garbage.dump be, and the same is hereby, declared to be a
,muniC{ipal,and public tharoughfare for the use and benefit of all of the citizens and taxpayers of the City I
of Port Angeles. '
I ,That the use of said street by adjacent property ClWIlers is onl,y incidental to and in a very minor I
percentage for the use and benefit of abutting property owners. ' I
I Be it further resolved that there be transferred from the budget for Maintenance (Material) and Supplies
the sum of $5,000.00 to the budget item for surfacing and improving of Sixteenth Street.
I ,
.It was moved by Councilman Brown that the foregoing Resolution be approveddaJld adopted. Seconded by
Councilman Neer and carried. '
,There being no further business, the meeting 'res declared adjourned.
Sealed C:i~:~ ~~RbcB:~C~ived by
~~;g3~~ C~~~h?~gl~~. C!~~ttif ~?~
O'c.loclt P:IU., .July 7. 1955, at the
~~~,~e A~g~?:S ~W [\~~;t'o~,1trol~f~~
fOllowing ltems:
'" 10 inch Gate Val\'e~ with
H;tnd Wheel, f1anlled.
2 6 .meh GBle Vlllves, with
Hand Wheel, flanged.
1 4 inch Gate Valves wllh
'IB HI~~~ :1~e[~Chf~~f:'{; a1 ve
with Hand Wheel, ,flanged.
BJddl11g sheet.s may be obtained
from the City Clerk
to Ci~~e~O~~~.110:'e:11r~jJs.the ~'lght
J. E. LAW,
City Clerk.
Pub: June 2i. 28. 1955N'
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fPhlng With the health dcpartmr:ll(
o get the hazard declaration jo ai
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Vergeer ~mmedja~ely denied the'
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Q c. ;f fl.Mr
(J City Clerk.