HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/03/1936 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ""'Ill 393 .Tunc 3, 1936 193_ I I I I I T"," .. "'~"-~u, ,IA'''.', ~T'm'''''",. ~"'~TC"'. ..... The Commission met in ref-'Ular ses:3ion at 10 A.M. and Vias called .to order by Hayor Davis. Roll call showed the following ,officers presen t: Mayor Davis, Commissioners Lutz and Masters, Attorney Conniff and vlerk Hawkins. The minutes of May 27th were read and approved. Under the head of "pplication for Licenses the following License Vias granted: ~. A. Sullivan, 5 passenger taxicab, Under the head of Reports from ~ity Officers the following was read: 5.00 .Tunc 3, 1936 To the Hon. Mayor and City Commission, Port Angeles, Washington. Gentlemen: I herewith submit the sixth monthly estimate (May) of work done and matel'ial furnished by the Angeles Gravel & Supply Company, Contractors, on the Eighth Street Bridges, P~A Project Docket No. Wash, 1~45R. . Item " footing exc. ~ ~3.00 per cu~ ~d. abutment exc.~ .~6.00 " " channel change exc. @ ~1. 50 per cu. .yd. removal old pipe @ 40~ per lin. ft. 3' trench @ 50~ per lin. ft. 8" drain pipe in place G ~1.00 per lin. ft. cu. yds. footing cone. @ J23.00 per cu. ~d. " " abutment cone. G .~26.50"" I M.B.M. creo. timber in place @ $37.50 perM. Fire draft stop curtains, each $120.00 lin. ft. concrete roadway and sidenalks @ ~22.65 " " ~i~ electrical conduit G 3~~ 3 4" electrical conduit . 25~ concrete fence posts, ~ $25.00 each Removing existing structures @ $8,000.00 lump sum $ 2,32.5.00 2,718.00 565.50 594.00 792.50 440.00 12,650.00 4,796.50 28,725.00 840.00 16,94G.~0 232.50 35.00 700.00 8,000.00 80,356.20 12,053.43 1. 775 ~u. y~s. 2. 453 3. 377" ~ 4.1,485 lin. ft. 5.1,585 11 6. 440 10. 550 11. 181 1~. 766 13. 7 14. 748 15. 750 16. 140 22. 28 25. Tota 1 Less 15% retained Less previous estimate 68,302.77 48,716.47 ,~19, 586.30 Amount due contractor Previous Bstimates: Very truly yours, E. E.Dodge, City li:ngineer December, 1935 .Tanuary, 1936 Februar:/, 1936 MarCh, 1936 April, 1936 none ,~12, 636 .10 6,271.72 16,868.68 12,939.97 .jl48, 716 .47 It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the City Engineer's 6th estimate on the Eighth Street Bridges, pnA Project, Docket No. Wash. 1245R. be ap.,roved and the City Clerk be instructed to issue a Vla~rant for the sum of ~19,586.30 in payment of same, on the 8th St. Bridge Construction Fund. Seconded by Commissioner Lutz. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The Commission examined and allowed the following claims: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: ihe Pac Tel & Tel Co. II II H 11 11 \Marshall ,Iells Co. R. L. Fernandes arris & Schueller Pine Hill 3ervice 'Firestone Auto uupplies Lysall .feld ins & Forge "arks Hugo Olson Guy Burrows award-Cooper ~orp. II II If Service 1.25 .7fj 27.00 33.45 21. 60 16.42 124.56 7. .50 12.00 1. 75 4)66 16.04 7.60 10.50 4.00 3.00 4.45 3/65 3.35 14.35 25.00 '1.45 1. 95 75.00 IG.OO Hardware Repairs Si<;ns Repll.i rs Tires Repairs Extra Fireman Grass Cutter Supplies Hydrant ';Irenches Servic e flood Dues >:ipecial Police Service 11 The Pac Tel & Tel Co. Pine Hill Service C. A. ',Iolverton R. G. Jose he Pac Tel & Tel Co. n It 11 II n 11 lenn's Servtee'Station . C. Groves IT. R. McDonald Knudson's Variety ~torc !'(m. Schrader Fire j)e.partm ent Pay ROll 17m. Armbrust Oil, etc. Meals for prisoners Services as d.og oatcher Lamps Filing Saws Volunteer ~iremen tabor .,..8 'f3~ - ~ JlII"'" 394 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington June 3. 19:?6 193_ .... 1,7AT~R FUND Federal Pipe & Tank ~o. Epperson & Sons , Pacific Tel & Tel ~o. A. G. McKnight Angeles Foundry Co. P. A. Concrete Products Co. Pipe & Fi tUnBs Lumber Sel'vi ce Garage Rent Meter Boxes Servi ce Boxes 0' ,31 - LIGHT FUND Pac Tel & Tel Co. Q.ui ck Prin t Olympic Printery Knudson Variety Store Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. S ervic e Printing Supplies & Printing Light Globes Meter Covers ~o ID~ -- , LIBRARY FUND J. A. Hoare .Tames Hardware Co. ~heeler Publishing Co. The Library of ~ongres8 The Pac Tel & Tel ~o. Jenllilu Norris The Puget Sound News Co. Wood Hose Books Supplies Servic e Supplies Books ,,'3 ;3 - CEl:tETSRY FUND .Tohnson Mfg. Co. Ram for Ceme tery 8th 3T. BRIDS;;: CO~'STRUCTIOll FUND Angeles Gravel & ~upply Co. 6 th Es tima te Under the head of NeVI Bus iness ,- The Commission instructed the Cit:/ Clerk to issue a call for bids to do the City printing for the year ending June 30, 1937, said bids to be opened June G4, 19~6. There be ing no further bus inesf1 the Commissi on then ad.j ourned. *~ ?; .?-n:~hh1- City Clerk Mayor 75.48 13.58 4.25 3.00 28..56 12.14 15.15 23.25 36.31 29.77 4.:\2 I 3f!.00 5.37 6.95 6.19 4.25 3.30 11.97 I 5.~. 00 19,566.30 I I I