HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/03/1954 ,.. 394 Proceedings of the City Commission of tbe City of Port Angeles, Wasbington .TunA .3 1954_ ...... ..~......,~M_... ..",... "'.. ~ The City Council, met in regular session at 7'30 P.M., and was called to order ,by Mayor Smith. Roll call of Officers showed the following present: Mayor Smith, Councilmen Brown, Neer, Sandison, Wolfe and Hc- Fadden, Manager Vergeer, Attorney Severyns and Clerk Law. It was moved by Councilman Brown that minutes of the previous meeting be approved as read. Secorxled by Councilman McFadden. All voted Aye. I.lotion carried. Umer the head of unfinished business and pursuant to publications, it was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the following bids to furnish cast iron pipe for the water department be opened, read and made of record in the Council Proceedings. Motion secorxled by Councilman Brown and unanimously carried. PACn'IC STATES CAST IRON PIPE COMPANY: 2500' - 12" B 8< S @ 4.135 2500' - 12" 11echanical Joint @ 4.435 10,0001 ~ 2" B & S @ .625 10,000' - 2" Ditto except threaded.64~ 10,000'. - 2" Mechanical Joint @ .68 Stat e tax not included. All prices F.O.B. Port Angeles stockpile. 10,337.50 11,087.50 6,250.00 6,400.00 6,800.00 tIt was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the meeting be recessed and continued to 7:30 P.M. Friday, June 4- ,peconied by Councilman Brown. Motion carried. 1 JUNE 4. 1954 . I The Council met at 7'30 P.M., pursuant to recess declared. Roll call revealed the following offi cers ! prsMnt: Mayor Smith, Councilmen Brown, Neer, Sandison, Powell, Wolfe arxl McFadden, I'.anager Vergeer, I Attorney Se:veryns and Clerk Law. The Council considered bids for cast iron pipe as opened the previous evening. Water Supt. Dodge and I ''later Foreman having expressed preference for the mechanical joint in 18' length offered by Pacific States I Cast Iron Pipe Co., Manager Vergeer recommended that this offer be accepted. It '''as moved by Councilman I Neer that the bid by Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Co. for 2500' of 12" pipe, mechanical joint, at 4.435, and 10,000' of 2" pipe, mechanical joint at .68 be accepted. ~[otion seconded by Councilman Sandison. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Manager Vergeer advised that 1500' of I." pipe will be required for the Minnie Avenue project ani this will I make up the carload lot. Prices '1."oted are Bell and Spigot lJS5 and 1.255 for mecha.'lical joint. It was I moved by Councilman Neer that the Manager be authorized to place a seoerate order for 1500' of I." pipe, the same to be delivered with order. Notion seconded by Councilman WOlfe ani unanimously carried. It was moved by Councilman McFadden thatthe Mayor be authorized to execute sub lease with Fibreboard Products, Inc., for Tract No.6 of Ediz Hook Lighthouse Reservation. llotion seconded by Councilman Bz>own. All vot ed ll,ye. Motion carried. ~layor Smith read a request by Guy Bellinger that the Council reconsider recommendation from the Planning Commission concerning Platt in tract 77, where development of Grandview Hei&lt s is in progress without provision for alleys. Mr. Bellinger also appeared on behalf of the request. Sketch of t he Platt not being available for Council inspection, no action was taken until further consideration. I , City Engineer Ablvers submitted the second (Msy) ar:d final estimate for work done and material furnished 1 by the George Madsen Company in construction of curbs and gutters and installation of storm sewers in L.I.D. No. 165, 8th ar:d C Sts. Amount of estimate, $8,707.30, 15% retained not included. It was moved by .' Councilman Neer that the final estimate be approved and paid. Seconded by CounciL'llall BrOlin. All manbers voted Aye. Hotion carried. Urrler the head of new business, it was moved by Councilman Brown the t requests fOIl prices fixed on parcels of property be tabled until the next meeting lID en the Council "i.ll have had opportunity to appraise property as to valuation. Motion seconded by Councilman Wolfe. All voted ll,ye. Motion carried. Owens Brothers informed in writing they are contemplating developing their property at Ho~oood Beach East of Lincoln Street. Also advised that the Industrial ''later line on Railroad Avenue may obstruct project unless Jowered underground. It was moved by Councilman McFadden that the matter be referred to the City Attorney to ascertain responsibility of the City if the street is opened. I'lOtion secorxled by Council- man Powell. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Claims paid May 20, 26, and June 3, in total amount of $23,725.46 were filed for approval. It was moved by Councilman Fowell that claims be approved as paid. Seconded by Councilman Sandison ar:d . unanimously carried. A petition signed by property owners on 16th Street west of C Street requested that the Council consider repair and maintenance of 16th Street from C Street west, thereby reducing hazard and repair to cars and other vehicles using said street. The request was refemod to the City Manager for possible recommend- ation. lnanager Vergeer infonned of receipt of letter from Bonneville Ilower Administration wherein the Administrat- I ion assures sufficient resourdes to serve requirements of the City and its customers. Also that B.P.A. ! is ready to execute agreement with the City when the Clallam Co. F.U.D. contract is terminated. Mr. Vergeer also advised of a proposition whereby the City contract with P.U.D. may be terminated January 1, 1955 without loss to the District,the matter to be discussed at the next regular P.U. D. meeting. ~ I I . I I