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Proceeoings of the Ci~ Commission of the Ci~ of Port Angeles, Washington
June 3,
I. a H FIlINTJ"O. l:O. .P."!4U.I._ _.....
The City Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. Officers present were Mayor Willson, Council
Jlien Maxfield, Thorne, Cornell, Wolfe, Bettger and Schroeder; acting City Manager Warder, Attorney
Severyns and Clerk McNeece.
A motion was made by Councilman Schroeder, seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried to accept and
place on file, as received, minutes of the previous meeting May 20, 1955 and the Special meeting
May 25, 1965.
A motion was made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Cornell and carried, that per-
mission be granted to call for bids for the City's legal printing for the year commencing July 1,
A motion was made by Councilman Wolfe, seconded by Councilman Schroeder and carried, to approve
for payment the claims in amount of $86,548.10 and payroll transfer in amount of $32,994.89.
A motion was made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried, to approve
the purchase of Aerial Photographs and additional prints as outlined in the Addendum (dated May
11, 1955) to the Aeriar Photography Contract No. 80 OLY-65.
A motion was made by CounciL~an Bettger, seconded' by Councilman Wolfe and carried, that the City
Attorney be instructed to draw up an ordinance to provide for the payment of damages to Bert D.
Hampton in amount of $100.00. (This is the insurance deductible portion of the claim.)
The Mayor presented a certificate of Meritorious Award to John Reiners and commended him for (21) I
'~"',-ooe y'"n ,.<w, ~<h <h' "'Y" '''nn;o9 '~,",g". I
A motion was made by Councilman Schroeder, seconded by Councilman Maxfield and unanimously carried I
that the City Attorney be authorized to proceed to break the lease with the Standard Forest Pro-
ducts, Inc. on the shingle mill property on Ediz Hook. (Because they are not operating a shingle
mill as their lease calls for.)
The 39th Examination of General Government by the State Auditor for the year 1954 was presented
to the Council.
A motion was made by CounicL~an Bettger, seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carried, to approve
the applications of Alfred L. Huse, B.M. Grocery; William M. Rideout, Brickie's Place; Clyde R.
Jacobs, '8randview Grocery; Talford W. Kish, K and K Fine Foods; Russell Edward and Edna Sundquist
Goodwin, Little Brick Tavern; William M. Rideout, Marine Drive Cafe; Oriel E. Weaver, Salad Bowl;
Safeway Stores, Inc" Safeway Store No. 188; Tradewell Stores, Inc., Tradewell Modern Food Store
No. 37; Leonard M. Grey, Sunrise Grocery; and Walter E. Dier, Walt's Boulevard Grocery for renewal
of liquor licenses be approved,
A motion was made by CounciL~an Cornell, seconded by Councilman Schroeder and carried, to accept
the Planning Commission's recommendation and approve the request of M.L. Smith for an extension
of time, to September 1, 1965, for the removal of a house trailer.
A motion was made by Councilman Thorne, seconded by Councilman Bettger,.and carried, to approve the
request of Cliff Swain of Swain's General Store for an extension of time for 120 days on their
variance granted November 19, 1964, as recommended by the Planning Commission.
: A motion was made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Cornell and carried, to accept
place on file minutes of the Planning Commission meetiNg June 1, 1955.
A motion was made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried to refer the
report of the Director of Finance regarding City Maps to the City Manager for recommendation at
the next meeting.
A motion was made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Wolfe and carried, to comply with I,
the request of the Elks Club, and the Mayor appo~nt a five (5) member Board of Appeals to view the
problem concerning the "fire door" as required for Fire Safety.
A motion was made by Councilman Thorne, seconded b~ Councilman Bettger and unanimously carried,
that the next regular Council meeting be held on Tnursday, June 24, 1965.
A motion was made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Bettger and carried, that John
Warder be granted permission to attend the Public Works Meeting in Seattle, Friday, June 4, 1955.
Councilmen Wolfe and 'Thorne will be the "Voting Delegates" at the Association of Washington Cities
Convention in Tacoma, June 16, 17; :and 18, 1965.
Other subjects of dlscusslon were a meetlng of the Council and the Clallam County Commissioners I
relatlve to property exchange; a Leash Law for dogs; the possible opening up of East Fifth Street
I lnto the Priest Addltion, (Mr. Warder informed that this is on the list - for this summer posslbly),
I and the program of a "Prayer Breakfast'!. II
I Trlere belng no further buslness, the meetlng was recessed to reconvene at the Roosev~lt Junior High
I School auditorium for the Public Hearing on L.I.D. No. 187 at 8:30 P.M. I
I The public hearing on L.I.D. No. 187 was called to order by Mayor Willson.
The Director of Public Works, John Warder, explained in detail the proposed improvements and the I
original as well as the changes in the proposed area to be included in the improvement; the method I
used in arriving at the charges against each property owner, as set forth by State Law; and pointed
out that due to this being a relativeiyysmall job, unit costs are higher than on some of the large~
,L.I.D. 's in the City. '
Proceeoings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
Page - 2-
June 3,
L .. H I"'UNTINC co. P.HU~ ~
Mr. Warder explained that by eliminating Wolcott Street from Second to Fourth Streets and desig-
nating Penn Street as an Arterial Street and placing it on the Six Year Arterial Street Plan, appr x-
imately $32,000,00 could be cut from the total job cost.
The hearing was then opened for questions, comments and discussion from the audience of approxi-
mately seventy property owners. Written protests representing approximately 40% of the total job
cost had been received. Some of these were withdrawn at the close of the hearing. "
A motion was made by Councilman Cornell, seconded by Councilman Schroeder and unanimously carried II
,that a resolutlon be drawn up deslgnatlng Penn Street as an Arterial and addlng It to the Six year,
I Arterjal Street Program.
A motion was made by Councilman Wolfe, seconded by Councilman Thorne and unanlffiously carried, to
instruct the City Attorney to draw up the ordlnance and proceed wlth L.r.D. No. 187 (This to in- II'
clude withdrawal of Wolcott Street from Second to Fourth Streets inclusive.)
A motion was made by Councilman Cornell, seconded by Councilman Bettger and unanimously carried, t~
authorize the City Engineer to call for bids for construction in L.r.D. No. 187 to be opened pub- I,
licly in the City Council Chambers at 1 o'clock P.M. June 30, 1955, and the official acceptance,
rejection or continuation to be made at 7:30 P.M. July 1, 1965, in the Council Chambers.
The meeting adjourned at 9:55 P.M.
g ~ I1'zv no~ ./
Ci ty Clerk
--;O'rIC'S 0'1' CA%tL I'O~ :;;-1 NOTI~O F~~~~OBS
mTY PBnrrnro- Notice Is henlhy ..Ivt\-n thnt seal-, J
NOTICE. is hcreb:r gIven Ulll.t fleal_II~? Mdiq t~'1l1 c?;y ~~~~~~~ed a~t tl~~e C~f~: ;~..u.--'_
ed bld:-; wlll bo rece!\'cd by the City . H;~l. 0 14v1e'vest From' Street, Port I' 7P
~1~~~rPf~~ Ylll~nl~~lYun~i~]l:o~n P.~~ [*t~fel~' JWa~~lln~t~~ ~~~l nlot'l~~~~: '(.~\. I (
I.Tune 17, 191j5, for the OfflelulPrlnt_ ilnc'\"wllil t,-, opcnC'(l"PUbliCl,.. at th:Ll ~I (;
~nJi.ln~r t~~eyc~rt~o~fm~~cl'~g ~~1~I';i~ time In the Cit)' CO\lne.l~ ChflYl11)e-~~, &/Y
1965. The printing is be In nonpaNlIl frt~e~h~/o~~~~in:ngP~:t:~%~~~ qua. .:--
'~~gl~~~r' p~~~t(l~YP:r a.n~hlu~~~~~p~~ '8,300 fu. Yds. Unclassifl8<l l~caya- "-
I ~:b~?{red E~~\. ~:a\r:~tt :~~~g:o;.p~~ 4,!\OOt ~~ns Ballast
linc", ' 8,200 Tons Crushed Surfflcln~ .'
i The City ColtncJl r08CM;es the 2,80U Tons BlLumlnous Plant ,Mi}(
I right to reject an)" or all bids. Detalletl plans and speclflcatlons
DONALD D. HERRMAN may be ohta~nel1 from the oUlce of
I' Pllbli"hc~~t):f:nl~J;~Hl ] 7 1965, 1,~veen~~:)' f~~egl~!'(\elL;.1~0I($~5~~~~~Si~a~J
I' ' dcpoRlt wlll OJ) retun(led to fill ]lml'l-
I :~fi~~'eanbJd~~~SCI~~~~~io~~turn of the I
, I'd Q~~~flt:eti~it;f r~~~'~~: ~~el'~I~II~t'
to rcfuse to C[ullUfy :my llJddrr, l
The Clt;r resel'VCS the right tOI
I'f'Ject any or all llrol1osllls. .
A fin' percent (;j%) of totnl Oil:!
I1cpo>;it clll'('k or bid bono of ;;Qual
" amount must :l.el'Ollljlilny eaeh 111'0-,
pO~~~.ICI:ll accepUlnce. rf'jectloll or:
cOlltill\la1il'>ll by the City (':OUllCi1:
-\\'iI1 h(' made In "[11(1 City Counell,
ChambN$ at 7 :30 P,M., Jul;jo' 1;:1,1'
,- ---..---
Notice Is hereby gIven that sealed
bIds will be received a.t tho <If:fico
'of tho C1ty Clerk, at the City Hall,
14D West Front Street, Port Allgclc3.
'111,'ashlngton untl! 1 o'clock P.M..
June 80. 1D61>. and not lat.e,', and
will be opened publlely at tha.t time,
in the City Council Cha.mbers, for
the following a,ppro}(lmate qURntltJelf
of work and materials:
3,300 L1n. Ft. Storm Drl\Jnfl and
16,200 Cu, Yds. Uncln.sslfloo Exca:\o'a-
19,60(1 Tons BallnAt
3,400 Tons Bituminous Plnnt Mix
13,800 Lln. Ft. Curb and Gutter.
Detailed plnns and spccffjcatlolls
I ma.y be obtained from the office of
,the City En~lneer upon a deposlt
of twenty 1'Iye cjollar3 <$25.00). SaM
c1eposit will be refun(!oo. to a.1l pro-
I'lpeetlve bhlileJ"M IJP()1l return of the
Illans and specifications,
Qualification of bldllers 1s rellulr.
ed :1.na the Cit;jo' l'(!,<;Jerv(!s Lhe rIght
to refuse to qualify Rn;jo' bldtiet
Tho City roserv~f.'l tho rIght to re.
joot rl,ny or [Ill Ilrollosals.
A 'fIve percent (5%) of total bId
deposit check or l)ld lxlnC! of ~qu3.1
amount must accompany ench pro"
Official acceptn.ncc, rejection or
continuaUon by the City Council wJ]J
be made In the City Counr-JI Cham-
bers at 7:30 r.M:., July 1, 1966.
n," B. McNEECE
City Clork
I CHy Ilf Port Angeles
'Publl~lH~r1: Juno 11) nnCl 17, lflG5.
R B. 1\1cNI-!:ECE. I
City Clerk ~
publJ:.<he~i~tju~~ 2~0~~/;t~1~e~, 191)5'
pursuant to the requirements of
Cha.pter HIS of the Sesslons Laws of
1961 of the Sta.te O'f Wa.:~hlnp;ton, the
ClLy of Port Angeles intends to
reViAe ItR Six Rear Street Improve-
ment Program, The revisIon. speclfi.
cally, Is' the aC!c1JtJon of Penn Streel
from Highway 101 to Sixth StrP.et.
The Ci'ltlmated cost nnd mea.ns o-f
financing Is on file with 'the CIt;jo.
.1.'tIgtnl!er and I>!. ava-Babic for' public
jnspectlon and perusal.
, A public hearing on the proposoo,
a.ddltion to the comprehenaive plan I
will lIe held before the CIty Counl'!ll
in th~ COUnl'!1l Chamber, Front and
'Onk Strel'!t, Port AngelGf'l, 'waShlng-,
.ton, at ~:30 P.M., Jul~. Hi, 1\)(i5.
i Any ller~on (le~lrlnf\' to object to
said addItion shall file f\. written
! l'rote~t with the: City Clerk .or oraJl~"1
'objec:t at the Jlublic hearing
pUhllShe~;t~Ju:;C~~ 1965" j