HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/03/1975 1 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington June 3, 1975 CALL TO ORDER Meeting was called to order by Mayor Basom at 7:30 P.M. I I ROLL CALL Members Present: Councilmen Haguewood, Hordyk, Lukey, Olson, Ross, Wray. I Members Absent: None Staff Present: Manager Whorton, Attorney Taylor, Clerk Parrish. J. Warder, P. Reed, R. Willson, E. Johnston, J. Baron, D. Ellefson, R. Slater, R. Parrish~ P. Carr, A. Rose, H. Henderson, T. Honnold, C. Fuller. Guests Present: C. Haines, M. Cullison, J. Cullison, M. Smedley, M. Snow, V. Snow, D. Petersen, J. Milton, R. Rice, K. Slater, D. Curran, L. Switzer. III MINUTES A motion was made by Councilman Wray, seconded by Councilman Hordyk and unanimously carried to accept and place on file, as received, the minutes of the May 20, 1975 meeting. IV FINANCE 1. Bid Awards I A motion was made by Councilman Olson, seconded by Councilman Hordyk and unanimously carried to concur with the Assistant Director of Public Works' recommendation and award the bid for the construction of two pits for weigh scales at the landfill site to the one and only bidder, O.M. Hendrickson & Co., Sequim, at a bid price of $11 ,487.00. A 1975 Budget item. 2. Bid Call Authorization A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilman Ross and unanimously carried to authorize call for bids for the furnishing and installing of a traffic signal at the intersection of Marine Drive and Truck Road. A 1975 Budget item; $32,000 including Engineering Design and Installation Costs. A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilman Wray and unanimously carried to authorize the call for bids for a commercial lawn mowing machine for the Park Department. 3. Authorization to Submit Application and Bid Call Public Works Director J. Warder briefed the Council on the current status of the Cedar Street Project. He stated $260,000 is currently budgeted for correction of the Cedar Street slide; that the Urban Arterial Board has approved in writing funding 90% of the preliminary engineering which is now completed; Management is reviewing the plans and specifications (CH2M) for submission to U.A.B. for application for the construction portion of the grant. It was then moved by Councilman Ross and seconded by Councilman Lukey to authorize the submission of the application to U.A.B. for the Cedar Street Construction Grant, and contingent upon written confirmation of U.A. B. grant approval for 90% funding, the subsequent call for bids. Councilman Lukey then commented he had been contacted by area residents regarding the possible temporary opening of Third Street during the closure of Cedar Street; Manager Whorton will in~estigate the possibility of complying with the request. ..,... On call for the question, the motion was unanimously passed by the Council. ~~ '-,~Q~.-o:-g~~f=~~ -g~~~~o~~c= ~~e ~ oac~ :5~~~ ;~-~ w~u..::Q.:"::~Qtu ou~ m..,-;..,Ea..Olo 'OUC1J:E .;::-,x~tO :':uu. ~.~~~.... ~j:~iD 5~g~I...Dl~l- lC~O ,,2E;;-8o.~ ~ .~~~i:EG.> .~ \110. ~OrCQo ~eI~~r~ ,~l1t-;;~~.!-g 1tl~'~~~~:o=c~~Ee ~~~'51C ~E~~ .~::~ ~~m L~~~~~~;~~E~ icm~~z~c~~~~ 2 =e~~~~ t>;~ ~~~: ~wuo~~JEU~~~~~~i~~ ~:~~g~~EwwE~~~~~~a.~~g~ c~i: ~o~c uc ~ow - >-E -> L_WItlC_ L - ~~'O>-- ~ E~ , o~ ~~~~-~~~ ~~~; ~;~ ~o~~~=~~o~~ E~t~c~cE ng ~ >~ O~j i:~~~~;=6i~o ~~~~~!~~~~f~~~~s~~~~ ~~~E~ 5~ ZS<~=~L~ ~~~ ~~~ ~2=sf2~a~~u~;=~~~~DO~ ~Ei~~ ~ u;zi~ rl~~~~~~i ~~o~~~~g~ ~~g~:u~~~~ ~~~-~~ ~ O~t~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~2~~t~~~~2g~&~8~g~ z_~c~cuQ2.P.""" OOQJ~1O '-~""V""'lQaCll,"~I-._<{G1"'C~OO -::I:;:JC ~~ ~_~~:9~~,:=A;.,.oa:__..5t94.~~=~__~o. ijE& ~ E:qEa 5883 'I .ci ::> .11. 2' City Council Meeting June 3, 1975 IV FINANCE 4. L,I.D. No. 198 First Fixed Estimate A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilman Lukey and unanimously carried to approve payment of $10,000 as the first fixed estimate of work done and material furnished by the City of Port Angeles in the const:ruction of streets and drainage on L.LD. No. 198 as established by the Director of Public Works, J.B. Warder, in his Certification memorandum dated May 26, 1975. I 5. Payroll Transfers A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilman Ross and unanimously carried to approve Payroll transfers in the amount of $91,314.72. V ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE Mary Smedley addressed the Council and requested the "Fluoridation" Publ ic Hearing scheduled for June 24, 1975 in the Council Chambers be held in quarters that would accommodate a larger number of people. Mayor Basom then read Manager Whorton's memorandum which indicated that due to the expressed interest in the public hearing on fluoridation on June 24, 1975 at 7:30 P.M., he has moved the public ,hearing from the City Council Chambers to the Little Theater on the Peninsul~ College Campus. A copy of the memo was presented to Mrs. Smedley. The Public Hearing will be officially published. VI LEGISLATION " 1b c NO~~~ OF 'n~U8LIC HEARING '~,O:rICE IS HEREBY ~ ~N t~"t a p"bllc hearing ~, 1'P.eheld by the Port Angeles :,!l~~CO"nCil J"ne 10, 1915 at ':30' P.M. in the M"nicipal :hambers at 134 West Fronl ;treet for the p"rpose of giving III those interested In the luesllon Of partlclpalion in the ~ational FlOOd Ins"ranee -rogram an opportunity - to ~xpress their views on the ,"bieet, ' 'ub.: J"ne 6. 1915. 61 115A NOTICEOF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will b<> held by the Port Angeles City Council June 24. 1915 at 1:30 p.m. in the Little Theater on the Peninsula College Campus for the wrpose Of giving all Ihos<< interes ted in the quos IJon Of fluoridation an opportunity to . ,e~br~: their view$ on the! I .' pub,: J un<! 11. 20. 1975 1. Mayor Basom presented certificates for "Public Works Construction Inspectors" to employees J. Baron, D. Ellefson, C. Fuller, R. Parrish, A. Rose, and R, Slater and extended congratulations to the recepients for satisfactorily completinQ this special course of study. A motion was made by Councilman Kordyk, seconded by Councilman Ross I and unanimously carried to accept and place on file the minutes of the Board of Adjustment May 27, 1975 meeting, after being read by Mayor Basom. A motion wa's made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilman Ross and unanimously carried to accept and place on file the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of May 26, 1975, after being read by Mayor Basom. In reference to Seamount Estates II developers Mr. & Mrs. McWilliam's request for a quitclaim deed to a portion of City-owned land lying within their subdivision which had been referred to the Council Real Estate Committee for appraisal at the May 20, 1975 Council meeting, Mayor Basom read a short letter from Petersen & Associates in which Mr. Petersen provided the legal description of the property in question and asked that the matter of the appraisal and the quit claim deed be taken under consideration at the June 3, 1975 Council meeting. At Mayor Basom's request, Committee Chairman Councilman Ross reported the Committee had estab 1 is hed a value of $300 for the 1 and and then moved that the Council accept the appraisal amount for the footage and authorize Manager Whorton and Attorney Taylor to execute a quit claim deed to convey this property to the McWilliams for $300. Councilman Lukey seconded the motion, and on call for the question the motion was unanimously passed by the Council. 2. 3. 4. 5. The next item taken under consideration was the National Flood Insurance Program, namely a Resolution authorizing application for the City's participation in the Federal Program and a Resolution certifying the use of the 1973 Uniform Building Code. After a brief discussion, it was moved by Councilman Ross and seconded by Councilman Hordyk to table consideration of this subject until after a public hearing is held and to schedule a pUblic hearing for Tuesday, June 10, 1975 at 1 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers extending invitations to all downtown , tenants and property owners, the management of the major industries on the waterfront, and to the sponsors promoting the City's participation in'the program. On call for question, the motion was unanimously carried by the Council. The public hearing will be advertised for the purpose of giving all residents an opportunity to comment on the proposal. I~ ..... '. I I City Council Meeting June 3t )975 3 VI LEGISLATION 6. The public hearing on the annexation of the Peninsula Golf Course was opened at 8:05 P.M. by Mayor Basom. The Mayor then read a letter from Peninsula Golf Club clarifying the Petitioner's agreement that the annexation of its property by the City of Port Angeles shall be with the condition that said property shall be subject to the existing ~debtedness-~the City contracted prior to or existing at the date of annexation, and that said property shall be zoned "Publ ic Buildings- Park District." Councilman Wray then commented on the location of the south boundary of the Golf Course and this subject, the west boundary and right of ways for road and utility purposes were discussed at length. No objections to annexation of the Golf Course were expressed by any members of the audience and at 8:20 P.M. it was moved by Council- man Lukey, seconded by Councilman Hordyk and unanimously carried to declare the hearing closed. A motion was made by Councilman Wray to approve the annexation of the Peninsula Golf Club, Inc. property to the City of Port Angeles, wti:th the provision that a 30" right of way on the west and south boundaries be transferred to the City for road and utility purposes and that said property be zoned "Public Buildings - Park District," and to adopt an Ordinance to effect the annexation. ORDINANCE NO. 1855 AN ORDINANCE annexing territory owned by Peninsula Golf Club, Inc. to the City of Port Angeles. Councilman Wray's motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and unanimously passed by the Council. Subject annexation and Ordinance No. 1855 to be effective upon receipt of legal documentation transferring the afore- mentioned 30 foot right of ways to the City. 7. Mayor Basom read a letter received from James Fraioli proposing a trade of property he owns which abuts City-owned Lake Creek property within the Morse Creek watershed for property the City owns which is not contiguous to the Morse Creek watershed and as there is a disparity in the acreage in his proposed trade, he states he would be willing to pay the City "boot" to equalize the trade. A motion was madeby Council- man Lukey, seconded by Councilman Haguewood and unanimously carried to refer this matter to the Council's standing Real Estate Committee, Councilmen Ross, Hordyk and Olson, for their recommendation and report. 8. Notification from the Washington State Liquor Control Board of applications fo'r 'issuance and reissuance of Liquor Licenses for the following businesses was acknowledged and noted for the record. ,- ~ t '~.. _'.1 Aggie's Inc. Albertson's No. 441 B.M. Grocery B.P.O. Elks Babe's Tavern Bob's Grocery Brickie's Place Chinook Tavern Fairmount Grocery Gateway Tavern Godfather Goldie's Restaurant Grandview Grocery Haguewood's Restaurant Handi Spot Grocery Harrington's Lee's Fairmount Restaurant Little Brick Tavern Loren I s Tavern M & C Ma ri ne Dri ve Ca fe Market Basket McGlenn's Thriftway Olson's Grocery Olympic Recreation Parkway Grocery Pepe's of Port Angeles Pike's Westside Grocery Pi zza Pete Port Angeles Pub Dale Rollf's Restaurant Safeway Store No. 439 Sawtooth Restaurant Sunrise Tavern Thunder Bird Thunderbird Tradewell Store No. 37 You Lay, Inc. Wagon Wheel Walt's Blvd. Grocery Harbor Tavern West Dependable Port Angeles Distr. Co. United Distributors 4' City Council Meeting June 3, 1975 VII STAFF REPORTS 1. A motion was made by Councilman Hotdyk, seconded by Councilman Lukey and unanimously carried to accept and place on file the following staff reports: a. Summary of Revenues and Expendi tures for the Current Expense Fund, Firemen's Pension Fund, 1961 G.O. Bonds, Revenue Sharing Fund and the Street Fund for the month of April. b. April Financial Statements for Equipment Rental, Light, Off- Street Parking, Sanitation, Sewer, Water and the Treasurer. c. April report of the Municipal Judge. I d. Out of Town - Building Inspector. 2. Councilman Hordyk: Private property weeds and bushes obstructing sidewalks and creating nuisances - referred to Manager Whorton. VI II 3. Councilman Wray: 4. Attorney Taylor: ADJOURNMENT Alcoholic beverage consumption at Elks Playfield, Slow Pitch League; recommendation to Park Dept. for painting of Civic Field Caretaker House; presented a framed photograph of early settlers Emil Eckhart, Ruth Black and Thelma Robinson taken at First Peak Mt. Angeles in 1922 for the City's pioneer display' case. Recommendation re: taping all City Board and Commission meetings for record purposes was based on the fact that the actions and decisions of these agencies are sUbject to appeal to the courts; American Arbitration Association Hearing re: Creelman Suit. The meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M. I Ik~ (!'&Zh~ City Clerk I , NO~/~r OF CALL FOR BIDS Notice is hereby given that sea led bids will be received by the City 01 Port Angeles until :2:00 P.M, June 16. 1975 at which ,time they will be opened {and 'read lor the purchase 01 a ~commercial lawn mowing 1machlne, Awards 01 Ihe bids will be by t~e Cily Counci I 01 the 1 City 01 Port Angeles, at 7 :30 .p M June 16. 1975. in the :Council Chambers at 134 West IF rant Street in the City 01 Port Angeles. Bids a'nd 'specllications for this proiect 'may be obtained In the City Manager's office at City Hatl. 140 W. Fronl Street. The City reserves the right to ,reject any or all blds. A live per cenl15 per cent) 01 the lotal bid deposit check or bid bond 01 an equal amount must accompany each proposal. . The City reserves the right to waive '.anY.,.irregularities or informalitieS. 6, 10, 1915,. . ;., ~- 62075 ,,,'i iNVITAT10N TO BID "Sealed proposalS for .the conslruction of Cedar Street Art e ria IRe a I ig n men t addressed to John B. Warder. Director of Public .Works. will be received at the. office 01 the Dlreclor of Public Works, P.O. Box 711. 140 Wesl Front Slreel, port Angeles, Washlngllln. unlil 2 o'clock P.M.. local lime. on the 10th day 01 July, 1975, and then will be pUblicly opened and re~~'e work conlemplated consisls of 500 I inear feet of PCC roadway, curbs and sidewalk, 275 linear feet af tied back soldier pile retaining wall and associated g~ading, draina~e, and landscapmg. Plans and specifications may be examined in Ihe office of the City 01 Port Angeles, or al the office of tile Engineer, CH2M I Hili, Inc" 1500 - 114t1l Avenue, S.E., Bellevue, Washington 98004. A copy 01 said documenls may be oblalned at Ihe , Engine-er's Office upon a : deposit of $10 for each ldocument. The full amount of the deposit Wil.1 be refun. ded ,f said documents are returned ~n 900d condition within 10 days af1eLbllLopeJ:llna--.......... I , .~ZJ~~~ Mayor- " ...f..t:....I',I_ Each proposal must.. be' subm itled on' the presc" bed form and accompanied by a certified check or bid bond pavable 10 ,Ihe City of Port Angeles, WaShIngton, in an amount nol less than five percent of the amount bid, The successful bidder will be 1 required to lurnish a bond for failhful performance of tile contract in the full amount of the contract price. The standard speciflcalions for this project wiil be tile 'Standard Specifications for . MunicJpal Public works Construction, prepared by the Washington State Chapler American Public Works Association 1975' and portions of the 'Slate of Washinglon Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction '9~~e rlghl is r.served to reject ( any or all proposals, to pes tpone the award of the contract for a period not to I exceed 30 days from lhe bid opening date, and to. accept tflat proposal whkh is to Ihe besl interests of the City of Port . Angeles.. I Dated this I.Oth day 01 June, 1975. II Cify 01 PorI Angeles By John B. Warder, Olr~~~ Pub. Works Pub.: June ~1975. .,' .