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Port Angeles, Washington
June 3, 1980
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Haguewood at 7:30 P.M.
Members Present: Mayor Haguewood, Councilmen Boardman, Buck, Duncan, Hordyk,
Polhamus, Quast.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Miller, Deputy Clerk Caso.
D. Frizzell, R. French, P. Carr, M. Cleland, J. Pittis,
R. Orton, K. Rodocker.'
Public Present: T. Haley, B. Maben, J. Benka, G. Benka, A. Avery, L. Avery,
G. Neighbors, L. Sunny, S. Odell, E. McElravy, E. Saar, B.
3agger, H. Jagger, D. Sleeper, K. Sweeney, J. Ludvik, D.
Rudolph, R. Cockrill, H. Berglund, C. Rennie, N. Turner.
Councilman Buck moved the Council accept and place on file as received the
minutes of the May 20, 1980 meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Hordyk and carried.
Mr. Steven Odell addressed the Council to question the status of the Local
Hire Preference issue with Northern Tier Pipeline Company. Manager Flodstrom
informed Mr. Odell that City staff and Northern Tier had met with representatives
from the Central Labor Council earlier that morning, and the Labor Council and
their affiliates in Seattle have agreed to assist staff in drafting language
which they feel should be included in any agreement between the City and
Northern Tier on the issue of Local Hire Preference - language which would
result in preference to local labor, contractors, and suppliers.
A. Rezone Request: Chance & Siemens
Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on Drs. Chance and Siemens'
request to rezone 14,000 square feet from RMF to RB, to construct a
dental clinic on the southwest corner of Third and Laurel Streets, and
requested comments or questions from the audience or staff. Mr. Ken
Sweeney, of Clark and Associates, addressed the Council on behalf of Drs.
Chance and Siemens. Mr. Sweeney requested approval of the rezone re-
quest because it would be compatible with other non-residential uses in
the neighborhood, and it would establish a buffer between the commercial
area on the east side of Laurel and residents on the west side of Laurel.
'Mr, L. Sunny and D. Carey both spoke against the proposed rezone, stating
that-it would disrupt the neighborhood and "open the door" to other com-
' Tner--vial uses~in this area. There were no further comments and the public
hearing was closed. Councilman Buck then moved the Council concur with
the recommendation of the Planning Commission and deny `the rezone request
because: (1) the rezone is not in compliance with the present and pro-
posed development in the area; (2) there is ample pre-zoned available
land for the proposed use; {3) the request does not conform tb'the
policies of the Comprehensive Plan; and (4) the request, if approved,
could be considered a spot rezone. The motion was seconded by Council-
man Hordyk and carried.
3une 3, 1980
1. Cont.
B. Rezone Request: School District #121
Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on School District No. 121's
request to rezone 35,000 square feet from PBP to RB, located on the
southwest corner of Second and Vine Streets, and requested comments ,
or questions from the audience or staff. Mr. Ken Sweeney, Clark and
Associates, representing the applicant, noted that this proposed re-
zone is much more restrictive in its range of commercial uses than
then School District's previous request to rezone the area to CAD.
There were no further comments and the public hearing was closed.
Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read by title the proposed Ordi-
nance which would rezone the subject property from Public Buildings
and Parks to Residential Buffer. Councilman Buck moved the Council
adopt the Ordinance as read by title because the Residentail Buffer
designation would not be inconsistent with the uses in the surrounding
area and because the purpose and intent of the RB Zone, as it pertains
to this site, would be consistent. The motion was seconded by Council-
man Boardman. During discussion on the motion, Councilmen Polhamus and
Hordyk questioned the proposed rezone and whether it would be consistent
with the uses in the surrounding area. Planner Carr also noted that
staff's recommendation had been to deny the rezone to RB, and outlined
the reasons for this recommendation. After further comments from Council-
man Quest regarding the appearance of several of the homes and businesses
in the subject area, the question was called for. Councilmen Buck and
9uast voted "AYE" with Councilmen Boardman, Duncan, Hordyk and Polhamus
voting "N0." The motion to rezone was denied.
C. Street Vacation Request: Eshom & Avery
Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on Mr. Eshom and Mr. Avery's ,
request to vacate a portion of "H" Street, south of Fourth Street and
north of the alley, and requested comments or questions from the audi-
ence or staff. Following an objection from Mr. E. McElravy to the pro-
posed vacation, Mr. S. Avery, applicant, requested the street be kept
open to provide a drive-way to the front half of his property. Mr.
Avery also objected to the area being retained for a park because of
the litter problem. There were no further comments and the public hear-
ing was closed. .Councilman Boardman then moved the Council concur with
the recommendation of the Planning Commission and deny the street vacation
request because the Comprehensive Parks and Recreation Plan recommends
retention of street rights-of-way that provide scenic views of the Strait
and Harbor, and vacation of the right-of-say, which could eliminate a
potential pocket park or rest-area for pedestrians, would not be in the
best interests of the public. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Polhamus and carried.
A. Street Vacation: Svedberg
Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution No. 17-80 entitled,
A RESOLUTION of the City
o} .Port Angeles setting .a Resolution No. 17-80
hearing dob fora petition to
vacate a portion of Albert
Street and a portion of Thistle A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles setting
street abutting BI«k a, a hearing date for a petition to vacate a portion
Fogarty and Dolan's 5«ond
Addition. of Albert Street and a portion of Thistle Street
wHEREAS, the owners of abutting Block 4, Fogarty and Dolan's Second Addition.
interests in real estate
abutting upon the eaat one•
hall of Albert Street abutting lman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read by
Blodk 4, Fogarty and Dolon's
second Addition; and the~by Mayor Haguewood, setting a public hearing date of July 1, 1980
north one-half o1 Thistle nsideration of this petition, and refer the matter to the Plannin
Street abutting Lots 17 g
through ?0. 81ock 4, Fogarty Sion for a recommendation. The motion was seconded by Councilman
and Dolan's Second Addition: and carried.
hove filed a petition with the
City Clerk 1o make vacation
of said portions of Albert
Street and Thistle Street: and
WHEREAS. 'soil-"'petition
oppean to have been signed
by she owners of more than I
twoahirds of the proper+y
abutting upon the part of said
streets sought to be vacated:
ANGELES os follows:
Section 1. The petition to
m ea~su~vacation shall be
heard and determined by this
Council on +he i st day of July,
-• -...e a....
streets saugnT ro Q~ ~~;~~¢~,
N41N, TH€REF~RE. BE Ifi.
RESOLVED BY ~'4{~ C~l1hICLl ~
ANGELES as follows:
Section 1. 7~e petition 10
ma e suc ~~cvtion shall be
k~ear~ and ~etermin~c! by this
Council on the 1 s~ day of July,
1~8~, which is nit mare fhan
s~xfy (80] days nar #e~s than
twenty {~Oy dflys i~ereafter.
Section ?. The City Clerk is
here y Mrecfe~ to give
twenty (20~ d~~rs nafice of the
pendency of said petition
according t~ the pro--isions of
RCW 35.74.~~0.
PASSES by the Cauntil of
fhe City of Port Angeles this
3rd day of dune, 1980.
Samuel J. Haguewoad
~~ ~
~~~~ ~ ~~
~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~ i~ ~~~~~~
~~~t F ~~~~'~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~
~ ~
June 3, 1980
1. Cont.
B. Rezone Request: School District #121
Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on School District No. 121's
request to rezone 35,000 square feet from PBP to RB, located on the
southwest corner of Second and Vine Streets, and requested comments '
or questions from the audience or staff. Mr. Ken Sweeney, Clark and
Associates, representing the applicant, noted that this proposed re-
zone is much more restrictive in its range of commerca.al uses than
then School District's previous request to rezone the area to CAD.
There were no further comments and the public hearing was closed.
Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read by title the proposed Ordi-
nance which would rezone the subject property from Public Buildings
and Parks to Residential Buffer. Councilman Buck moved the Council
adopt the Ordinance as read by title because the Residentail Buffer
designation would not be inconsistent with the uses in the surrounding
area and because the purpose and intent of the RB Zone, as it pertains
to this site, would be consistent. The motion was seconded by Council-
man Boardman. During discussion on the motion, Councilmen Polhamus and
Hordyk questioned the proposed rezone and whether it would be consistent
with the uses in the surrounding area. Planner Carr also noted that
staff's recommendation had been to deny the rezone to RB, and outlined
the reasons for this recommendation. After further comments from Council-
~,.__~,~..--~ ,- man Quast regarding the appearance of several of the homes and businesses
oui Mau ay; of ~u7A0o a~nll in the subject area, the question was called for. Councilmen Buck and
qs oMI Su?IE1aue~9HlnEd,, Quast voted "AYE" with Councilmen Boardman, Duncan, Hordyk and Polhamus
giS'ai?MS?yP uE~uor votin "NO." The motion to rezone was denied.
•s'Iaasls ~>>a45n~~'3S luol_ g
snoop 3o a~dnoa E l ~ u? uMa,
ZI;E saallenb Ma^ sl• Street Vacation Request: Eshom & Avery
as Mou s? ,SlddnS auueyl H'F21 j.
suado /(~ddns aul~nV Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on Mr. Eshom and Mr. Avery's
1 request to vacate a portion of "H" Street, south o£ Fourth Street and '
~apualuuadns?uEls?sse`saalw.~ north of the alley, and requested comments or questions from the audi-
+oH Pue aa~agspu?1~ 'd °E'. ence or staff. Following an objection from Mr. E. McElravy to the pro-
1M .tl I~a91?M ~ ~ua~aSe; Posed vacation, Mr. J. Avery, applicant, requested the street be kept
1dayS ~ u?1 euoQo] open to provide a drive-way to the front half of his property. Mr.
•aaxiEd Puow:SEII 'Pi s?Ma
BuyuETH•Hjned' Avery also objected to the area being retained for a park because of
~'w fupuaag'N xJef`uosuyo the litter problem. There were no further comments and the public hear-
i~o~g`uosu4of'`Juuof`a!do; ing was closed. Councilman Boardman then moved the Council concur with
X021 `,SataeH '~ UOa uE alla. the recommendation of the Planning Commission and deny the street vacation
,.~'4uoysoiO'~la~o?~ ao u re uest because the Com rehensive Parks and Recreation Plan recommends
.~~E'I 'pio3 'W PlEUOa ' 4 P
iE1Il?M `asaa4 'I Pall[d 'aad~n retention of street rights-of-way that provide scenic views of the Strait
~PPa~ `~Iauung '9'H K and Harbor, and vacation of the right-of-say, which could eliminate a
1~oH ,ouyasud .d opaEU~afl a• potential pocket park or rest area for pedestrians, would not be in the
jwaw Ma~~ wooa au?yoEw ayY
.paoo:best interests of the public. The motion was seconded by Councilman
~uB.iEdap ayl ao~ 67a3~ p~eM~Polhamus and carried.
,tl]E Pue aouEwao~aad q',
~p~nipu? gaea pal?Pela sd?p?Ud~ NG DATES
uasa~d ay; app a^?Inaa~
~o?~E3 a ~saad `uEUV?et
~ puE lu P. ~oitreet Vacation: Svedber
l$o~sead 'A PuE~ '~7+.0 x g
ut PalanPuoa sa?uowa~ao
goal p~eMV ,CIalES s,~uap?sa~ayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution No. 17-80 entitled,
rya Paldaa~E'woo~ aun;oew a
;apualuc.~adns 'sd??~?yd aon.ig ,
au~easi Resolution No. 17-80
'p1EME llE p
p?oaE o; anp aw?1 ; o~a~ d1a',
avow} W A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles setting '
~ bI uEy'i aunloEUa uo?s?^ a hearing date for a petition to vacate a portior~
~~~ w001 --~__.r...
of Albert Street and a portion of Thistle Street
abutting Block 4, Fogarty and Dolan's Second Addition.
Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read by
title by Mayor Haguewood, setting a public hearing date of July 1, 1980
for consideration of this petition, and refer the matter to the Planning
Commission for a recommendation. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Quast and carried.
June 3, 1980
2. Cont.
B.` street Vacation: Domning
Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution No. 18-80 entitled,
is/ u
Re 501Ut10n NO. 18-80 RESOLUTION NO. 18-80
A RESOLUTION of the City
01 Port Angeles setting o
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles Setting hearing dote for ° petition to
a hearing date for a petition to vacate a portion vacate ° Portion o4 Thistle
Street abutting Block ~,
of Thistle Street abutting Block 4, Fogarty and Fogarty and Dolan's second
Dolan's Second Addition. Addition.
WHEREAS, the owners of '
interests in real estate
Councilman Duncan moved the Council adopt the foregoing Res °butting upon the north one•
half of Thistle Street, abutting
by title by Mayor Haguewood, setting a public hearing date Lots 29 to 32, Block 4, Fogarty
for consideration of this petition, and refer the matter t °"d Dolan's second Addition.
have tiled a petition with the
Commission for a recommendation. The motion was seconded City clerk to make vacation
Polhamus and carried. of said portion of the street:
• WHEREAS, said petition i
C. Six Year Comprehensive Street Plan appears to have been signed
by the owners of more than
- fwo•thirds of the property
Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title ResOlutlO °butting upon the port of said
street sought to be vocated;
ANGELES as Follows:
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles setting 5edion 1. The petition to
make such vocation shalt be
a public hearing date for review of its Six Year I heard and determined by this
Comprehensive Street Program. ~ Coondl on the 1st doy of July.
1980, which is not more than
sixty (60} days nor less than
Councilman Hord k moved the Council ado t the fore oln twenry(20)doysherealter.
y p 9 ~3 Seeeion 2. The City Clerk is
by title by Mayor Haguewood, setting a public hearing d. here-6y 3~rected to give
twenty (20} days notice of the
1980 for consideration of this program. The motion Was; pendency of soid petition
man BUCk and carried. ! according to the provisions of
- RCW 35.79.020..
' PASSED by the Council 01
3. PLANNING COMMISSION the City of Port Angeles this
3rd day of June, 1980.
Samuel J. Haguewood
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept .and place'on fit Mayor '
Commission minutes of Ma 28, 1980. The motion was seconde ATTEST:
y Morian C. Parrish,
Buck and carried. city clerk
Croig L. Miller, City Attorney
NORTHERN TIER NEGOTIATIONS Pub.: June 10, ts, 22, ?9, 1980
-' of Port Angeles, Washington
Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on the City/Norther"rill be considered.
PASSED by the Council of
ti0Y1S On Water, SeweY and Solid Waste Requirements, and reque the Ciry of Port Angeles this
or questions from the audience. Ms. Hattie Berglund and Ms. ;3rd day of June, l9eo.
Samuel J. Haguewood
both questioned the Council, Manager Flodstrom and Attorney M, Mayor
to the preliminary agreements reached on water Requirements. ,ArrEST:
Marian C. Parrish, City Clerk
stated her concerns regarding Northern Tier's future water neApprovedostatorm:
need for protection.of not only the Ediz Hook water line in +`Croig Miller, City Attorney
`~p Pub.: June 10, 1980
fire emergency, but all City reservoirs. Ms. Turner question` _
of the negotiating sessions, whether new negotiations will take place if the
use of the pipeline is altered (i. e. transporting coal), and whether the City
has anything in writing, signed by the Northern Tier Board of Directors, stat-
ing that Bill Sage has negotiating authority from them. There were no com-
ments or questions from the audience on Sewer or Solid-Waste requirements.
Mayor Haguewood then read a memorandum from Attorney Miller outlining the
proposed language changes in the Negotiation Guidelines and Procedures as
Negotiation Guidelines: (2) Public input shall not be allowed at any negoti-
ating session. Negotiating sessions shall be scheduled to allow for adequate
public comment before final resolution o£ an issue. (4) Keep existing lan-
guage and add "The staffs of the two parties will develop, as soon as possible,
a non-binding schedule of issues to be negotiated. This list will be used as
a guide to allow advance planning on the issues."
Exhibit "A" Meeting Format: 1. Prior to Negotiation Meeting: (G) Final
position papers on issues ready for negotiation, and final discussion
papers on issues prepared and exchanged by the parties at least two (2)
business days prior to each negotiating session.
ura,al palsa,oy
6ul,ayyo a6oeno
to s.aaao,ranaa
woltoq-~anl~ lsaq
•puod pey-iepol8
1{ lseuly s a~nlou
ifHMl3 3H1 NO
'ueyoq>1 A~yunoo
i,ol o vapo uold
1 Al~oeu uo away
3x01 Matld a334
•al•,K eu1x11
•tettt^w v
June 3, 1980
5 taouads 6pue5
2. Cont. ~ taplauyo5 eiHtoaO
B. Street Vacation: Damning oooe5 alua0
moqueg elylu60
Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution Nod Ilea sEUiuan3
tq g •~q'bs 000'L
Sla>ttl L t183M
Resolution No. 18-80
9-4'1i'bs OOl'L
L tN33M11H NI
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles setting
a hearin date for a etition to vacate a ortion qg ti'bs OOC'L
4 P P ;~a7tl_s?1Stl3,
of Thistle Street abutting Block 4, Fogarty and
Dolan's Second Addition.
Councilman Duncan moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read
by title by Mayor Haguewood, setting a public hearing date of July 1, 1980
for consideration of this petition, and refer the matter to the Planning
Commission for a recommendation. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Polhamus and carried.
C. Six Year Comprehensive Street Plan
Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution No._19-80 entitled,
A RESOLUTION of the Cita
Resolution No. 19-80 of Porr Angeles sewing 11
public hearing date for 1
review of ils Six Yeor
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles setting ~ comprehensive Srreer
a public hearing date for review of its Six Year Program
WHEREAS pursuant to RCW
Comprehensive Street Program. as.n.olo and Rcw a~.el.lsl,
the City of Port Angeles is
required ro review its Six
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing E Yeor Comprehensive sneer
by title by Mayor Haguewood, setting a public hearing dot Program annually,AND
WHEREAS pursuant ro saidj
1980 for consideration of this program. The motion was < laws, the ory council of the'-
man Buck and carried. ary oy Porr Angeles.
W oshington being the
IegislaNve body of said City._}
PLANNING COMMISSION twHl hold o public hearing on:,
t the review and revi ion of
sold comprehensive plane on
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept .and place' on file `the 17th day of Junei 1980.
It WHEREAS all w rren and
Commission minutes of May 28, 1980. The motion was seconded oral objections to the com~
Buck and carried. prehensive plan as prepared
by the City of Port Angeles.
Washington relative the
NORTHERN TIER NEGOTIATIONS street program for the en-
suingsix years within the City
of Port Angeles, Washington
Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on the City/NOrther"'illbeconsidered-
PASSED by the Council of
t10115 Ori Water, SEWer and Solid Wa Ste Requirements, and reque the City of Port Angeles this
or questions from the audience. Ms. Hattie Berglund and Ms.' Ord day o{JUne. l9eo.
Samuel 1. Haguewood
both questioned the Council, Manager Flodstrom and Attorney M Mayor
to the preliminary agreements reached on Water Requirements. iATTEST:
'Marion C. Parrish, City Clerk
stated her concerns regarding Northern Tier's future water ne Approved as to lo,m:
need for protection of not only the Ediz Hook water line in tlcroigMiller,CityAttorney
fire emer enc but all Cit reservoirs. Ms. Turner `Pub.: June 10, 1980
g y, y question-_ __
of the negotiating sessions, whether new negotiations will take place if the
use of the pipeline is altered (i. e. transporting coal), and whether the City
has anything in writing, signed by the Northern Tier Board of Directors, stat-
ing that Bill Sage has negotiating authority from them. There were no com-
ments or questions from the audience on Sewer or Solid Waste requirements.
Mayor Haguewood then read a memorandum from Attorney Miller outlining the
proposed language changes in the Negotiation Guidelines and_ Procedures as
Negotiation Guidelines: (2) Public input shall not be allowed at any negoti-
ating session. Negotiating sessions shall be scheduled to allow for adequate
public comment before final resolution of an issue. (4) Keep existing lan-
guage and add "The staffs of the two parties will develop, as soon as possible,
a non-binding schedule of issues to be negotiated. This list will be used as
a guide to allow advance planning on the issues."
Exhibit "A" Meeting Format: 1. Prior to Negotiation Meeting: (G) Final
position papers on issues ready for negotiation, and final discussion
papers on issues prepared and exchanged by the parties at least two (2)
business days prior to each negotiating session.
June 3, 1980
2. Cont.
' B. Street Vacation: Domning
Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolutio-~ "~ '^
Resolution No. 18-8p
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles setting
a hearing date for a petition to vacate a portio
of Thistle Street abutting Block 4, Fogarty and
Dolan's Second Addition.
Councilman Duncan moved the Council adopt the foregoin
by title by Mayor Haguewood, setting a public hearing
for consideration of this petition, and refer the matt
Commission for a recommendation. The motion was secon
Polhamus and carried.
C. Six Year Comprehensive Street Plan
Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resol
Resolution No. 19-80
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles set
a public hearing date far review of its Six
Comprehensive Street Program. I~
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read l±
by title by Mayor Haguewood, setting a public hearing date of June 17, ,111
1980 for consideration of this program. The motion was seconded by Councili-
man Buck and carried.
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept~.and'place'on file'the Planning
Commissioh minutes of May 28, 1980. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Buck and carried.
Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on the City/Northern Tier negotia-
tions on Water, Sewer and Solid Waste Requirements, and requested comments
or questions from the audience. Ms. Hattie Berglund and Ms. Norma Turner
both questioned the Cauncil, Manager Flodstrom and Attorney Miller in regard
to the preliminary agreements reached on Water Requirements. Ms. Berglund
stated her concerns regarding Northern Tier's future water needs and the
need for protection-of not only the Ediz Hook water line in the event of a
fire emergency, but all City reservoirs. Ms. Turner questioned the goals
of the negotiating sessions, whether new negotiations will take place if the
use of the pipeline is altered (i.e. transporting coal), and whether the City
has anything in writing, signed by the Northern Tier Board of Directors, stat-
ing that Bill Sage has negotiating authority from them. There were no com-
inents or questions from the audience on Sewer or Solid~Waste requirements.
Mayor Haguewood then read a memorandum from Attorney Miller outlining the
proposed language changes in the Negotiation Guidelines and Procedures as
Negotiation Guidelines: (2) Public input shall not be allowed at any negoti-
ating session. Negotiating sessions shall be scheduled to allow for adequate
public comment before final resolution of an issue. (4) Keep existing lan-
guage and add "The staffs of the two parties will develop, as soon as possible,
a non-binding schedule of issues to be negotiated. This list will be used as
a guide to allow advance planning on the issues."
Exhibit "A" Meeting Format: 1. Prior to Negotiation Meeting: (G) Final
position papers on issues ready for negotiation, and final discussion
papers on issues prepared and exchanged by the parties at least two (2)
business days prior to each negotiating session.
June 3, 1980
4. Cont.
Councilman Buck then moved that the
ation Guidelines and Procedures be
in his memorandum of June 3, 1980.
Hordyk and carried unanimously.
amendments to the Northern Tier Negoti-
adopted as submitted by Attorney Miller
The motion was seconded by Councilman
Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from the Planning Department informing '
the Council that once again the City of Port Angeles has been earmarked
for federal funds for shoreline permitting activities and urban waterfront
national interest projects: This year's national interest project is pro-
posed to be design criteria for rehabilitation of the Downtown waterfront
shoreline. This proposed project will complement the Downtown Trail Plan
and the Downtown L.I.D.
Councilman Buck then moved the Council authorize Manager Flodstrom to sign
the necessary documents and proceed with the application for the DOE-CZM
FY81 Shoreline Grant. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan and
Tim Haley and Bob Maben, BJSS Architects, were present at this meeting to
present a preliminary report on the assessment of the existing structural
conditions of the Vern Burton Memorial Community Center. Two major struc-
tural deficiencies were observed: (1) the masonry walls in this building
are unreinforced; and (2) the glued laminated wood arch beams are in danger
of failure. Using a slide presentation and graphs, Mr. Haley explained these
deficiencies at length, and concluded that in order to make the facility
structurally sound and safe for use by the public as per the structural
provisions of the Uniform Building Code, an expenditure of approximately '
$33,000 can be anticipated ($15,000 for strengthening the masonry walls
and $18,000 for strengthening the arch beams). Mr. Haley also recommended
that the Council prohibit any public functions in the facility until it is
made structurally sound.
The Council discussed this matter at length with Mr. Haley, Manager Flodstrom,
and Parks Director Frizzell. Mr. Haley answered several questions from the
Council in regard to the glue lines (which have separated) and the bolts in
the arch beams, and pointed out that the aforementioned $33,000 is "only the
beginning." BJSS will be reporting regularly to the Council with a tally
sheet of costs so that the Council will have a good idea of the total cost
to refurbish the facility by the analysis completion date of July 1, 1980.
The discussion concluded with Manager Flodstrom noting that "no occupancy"
of the facility may be too drastic a measure; he will examine the figures,
etc. and report back to the Council.
Mayor Haguewood read a letter from Mr. Jack Montgomery, Chairman of the Down-
town Development Group, explaining the concept and organization of a Public
Development Authority. The PDA is a legally constituted organization com-
prised of citizens and businessmen, and empowered by local government to
undertake development projects and secure capital resources which may not be
abailable to counties and cities. It's duties, powers, limitations and
charters are prescribed, approved and regulated by City ordinance. Some '
of the unique characteristics of the PDA are: (1) it may issue tax exempt
bonds to acquire capital (without using the City's credit); (2) it may
enter capital markets for loans and funds (an option government does not
have); (3) the PDA can acquire its own property and other ~fssets; (4) the
government authorizing a PDA is legally shielded from any liability rising
out of operations of the authority; and (5) the authority becomes a non-
profit tax free organization. Manager Flodstrom read a letter fram the
Chamber of Commerce stating their support of this concept.
'The Co '1 d'
unca iscussed this matter briefly and then scheduled a joint special
meeting with the Downtown Development Group to discuss this issue in further
detail. The special meeting will be Tuesday, June 24, 1980 at 7:30 P.M.
June 3, 1980
Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution No. 20-80 entitled,
Resolution No. 20-80
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of
Port Angeles authorizing the Mayor to execute an
application for funding assistance for tennis
courts to the Interagency Committee for Outdoor
Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read
by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk
and carried.
Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution No. 21-BO entitled,
Resolution No. 21-80
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of
Port Angeles authorizing the execution of an
amendment to the power sales contract between
the City of Port Angeles and the United Stites
of America, Department of Energy, acting by and
through the Bonneville Power Administrator, re-
lating to the delivery of power to the Crown
Zellerbach Corporation.
Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read
' by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus.
During discussion on the motion, Acting~Light Director Richard French ex-
plained that secondary power was curtailed by BPA resulting in the shut-down
of Crown Zellerbach's Port Townsend mill;. Crown Zellerbach, in an effort to
keep the Port Townsend mill operating, shut-down certain electrical equip-
ment in Port Angeles and "diverted" the power to the Port Townsend mill.
The proposed Resolution amends the City's contract with BPA to "permit the
- transmission of electrical energy delivered at Port Angeles for sale to the
Crown Zellerbach Corporation to be delivered to the Crown Zellerbach Corpora-
tion plant in Port Townsend."
The Council discussed this matter at length with Attorney Miller and Mr. French.
During the discussion Councilman Buck pointed out that the proposed Resolution
does not contain the June 30, 1980 expiration date, and moved to amend the
motion to include language that this provision will expire June 30, 1980.
The amendment to the motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried
with Councilman Poihamus voting "NO." On call for the question, the motion
to adopt the Resolution was passed by the Council with Councilmen Polhamus
and Quast voting "N0."
Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Public Works Director Pittis requesting
selection of the firm S.T. Engineering to complete the P-50 Planning Study
Program initiated by the State Department of Transportation in.an attempt to
' update the Topics Study prepared by agencies in 1973. Major completed products
of the study will be: (1) revision to 1973 Topics Study; (2) investigation of
potential high hazard areas; and (3) prioritized list of recommended projects.
Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council authorize Mayor Haguewood to sign a
Contract for Services with S.T. Engineering for the P-50 Study. The motion
was seconded by Councilman Polhamus and carried.
June 3, 1980
Durinq the February 5, 1980 regular Council meeting, Mr. James Humfleet
approached the Council to request the City's assistance in locating a one
to five acre plot of land for a proposed community garden; the matter was
referred to Manager Flodstrom for a recommendation. At this meeting, Mayor
Haguewood referred to a proposed lease between the City, Jim Humfleet, and
Greg Shield, for lease of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, Block 264, Townsite.
Councilman Polhamus then moved the Council approve the lease between the
City, James Humfleet and Greg Shield for lease of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, Block
264, with an amendment to Section 2 (Rent) from-$10.00 per month to $1.00
per month. The motion was seconded by Councilman Quest and carried.
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council table this agenda item. The motion
was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried.
Mayor Haguewood referred to a memorandum from Finance Director Orton out-
lining the issues involved in the City's maintenance of the Clallam Transit
System fleet, which included garage modifications, personnel hiring, and
the acquisition and storing of inventory and equipment. Finance Director
Orton then discussed these concerns at length with the Council, pointing
out that the July 24th start date for transit operations may be too soon
for the City to furnish full maintenance support. Other subjects discussed
included the condition of the 1948-53 buses from British Columbia which CTS
may purchase; the transit's start date for operations and the "phasing in"
of the older buses into service while using the mini-buses immediately;
the present congestion at the 17th and "B" service garage; and the addi='
tional personnel needed for transit maintenance.' Councilman Duncan then
moved the Council authorize Finance Director Orton to proceed with the
preliminary steps for garage modifications and additional personnel in
• preparation of the first phase of transit operations. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Buck. During discussion on the motion, Manager
Flodstrom pointed-out that the actual modifications and hiring of addi-
tional personnel should take place after a contract has been signed with
CTS, not before. On call for the question, the motion was passed by the
Councilman Quest moved the Council authorize the closure of Laurel Street,
from First Street to Railroad Avenue, except for the alleys, for the 14th
Annual Arts in Action Show to be held July 19 and 20, 1980. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Duncan and~.:carried.
Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Attorney Miller informing the Council
that a decision is necessary as to whether, and to what extent, private ob-
structions are to be allowed on public sidewalks. If obstructions are to
be allowed, there must be substantive conditions placed upon the allowance
of the obstructions, by ordinance. Obstructions to be considered included
newspaper dispensers, clocks, sandwich signs, merchandise, and other forms
of advertisement. Attorney Miller also noted in his memo that an ordinance
will shortly be presented to the Council which will allow the City itself
to place obstructions on sidewalks.
This matter was discussed at length, with the Council suggesting the following:
the obstructions permitted not be used as a form of advertising (i.e. the name
of the business on the back of a bench); designated areas for certain obstruc-
tions; enforcement of the ordinance peanitting obstructions should be for all
not just a few, with violation of the ordinance being a misdemeanor; special
use permits for all non-city owned obstructions; and adequate lighting for
certain obstructions. The conclusion of the discussion was to permit City-
owned obstructions (by ordinance} and allow additional privately owned ob-
structions under a special permit process with annual fees.
June 3, 1980
Mayor Haguewood referred to a petition signed by approximately twenty-one
property owners of the Uplands area, requesting power from City Light instead
of PUD. Acting Light Director Richard French then explained the procedure
for tranferring PUD customers to City Light. The price to transfer these.
customers will be based on a five year consumption history provided by PUD.
The Councilr Mr. French, and Manager Flodstrom discussed this matter briefly,
and then concluded that additional information is needed from PUD before
proceeding with this request.
The Council directed Councilman Hordyk to contact Dr. Brian Middlestaff,
who has expressed an interest in a Planning Commission position.
Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 2084 entitled,
Ordinance No. 2084
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles amending
Ordinance No. 2080.
Finance Director Orton informed the Council that the residential water rate
for a 1" service was omitted from the original water rate ordinance. Also,
there is no such thing as a 5/8'! service -only 3/4" service with 5/8" meters.
This ordinance corrects those oversights. Councilman Hordyk then moved the
Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title by Mayor Haguewood.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Quest and carried unanimously.
Date of Bid Opening:
Sealed bids will be
received of the oFlice of the
A. Fire Station Roof City Clerk at City Hall, lao
West Frant Street, P.O. Box
' 1150, Port Angeles,
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council award the bid for ~ woshington 98362 until 4:00
p.m., May 29, 1980, and not
Fire Station roof to the low bidder. Diamond Roofing, ~ later, and wal be openod
$6,895.00. The motion was seconded-by Councilman Quas~publicly at shot Time 6y the
r ICiy Monager in the City
Other bidders included Schmitt s Sheet Metal & Roofing Council Chambers.
piper Roofing - $8,500; and Larry's Roofing - $7,000. ~ This project consists of a
complete resurFacing of the
roof on the Fire Department
2. L.I.D. N0. 204 building at 5th and Laurel
` Detailed requirements For
Councilman Hordyk-moved the Council authorize payment of $~ the roof replacement may be
Shotwell Company, Tacoma, as the seventh Ma estimate of °btained at the OFiice of the
r Yr _City Clerk a! City Hall or at
materials furnished by said contractor on L.I.D. No. 204, ;the Fire sta+lon, 5th and
Streets as certified b Cit En ineer Andrew Rose in his (Laurel5treats.
r Y Y cJ The City reserves the right
letter dated May 29, 1980. The motion was seconded by Coui to reject any or allproposols.
and Carried. ~ + All bid proposals sholl be
accompanied by a bid
{proposal deposit in casfi,
3, L ]; D. N0. 203 icerfilied check, tushiers
e; : check or surety bond in an
amount of equal to five
Councilman Avast moved the Council authorize payment of $1}olsuchtbidpraposale amount
and Associates as the third and fourth progress payment foa olticial acceptance,
services on L.S.D. No, 203. The motion was seconded by Co4re{eaian ar continuation by
- the Port Angeles City Council
and carried with Councilman Duncan abstaining. will be made in the Ciry
Council Chambers at 7:30
All bid proposal envelopes
shall be clearly marked to
indicate what the bid is for
and the time and date of
opening. Name and address
,of the bidder should also
appear on the ou Mide of the
Marian C. Parrish
City Clerk
City of Port Ange~os
Pub.: May 11, 14, 16, 2 25,
'80 L~
June 3, 1980
Mayor Haguewood referred to a petition signed by approximately twenty-one
property owners of the Uplands area, requesting power from City Light instead
of PUD. Acting Light Director Richard French then explained the procedure
for tranferring PUD customers to City Light. The price to transfer these
customers will be based on a five year consumption history pr ~ ~
' The Council, Mr. French, and Manager Flodstrom discussed this
and then concluded that additional information is needed from
proceeding with this request.
The Council directed Councilman Hordyk to contact Dr. Brian ~I,oAllap,y
who has expressed an interest in a Planning Commission positi 9Lar•ee9 ,apuoxalyuoQ
i 9C6E•LSr wngy,olg H~~B
'sw.ray '006'9G
:,oa,( bl 'awo4 al4ouoF
Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 2(~WOH137rHw,aWVtli.v
1~ dOOM48dH y7! woo
iS00N fl1Y•LOT ~7Y004
Ordinance No. 2084 a,^+sodSlU~Y9Wff107s
oa,p y ~g,~p r• I •107 Alq
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles amending oumop mol y+,m a~gop ono
i,o~.a19nop y1!m'sey!IBn
Ordinance No. 2080, puo a6uo, ~iy-uua~ yqm
oay 'sy~oq L 'swoapaq
Finance Director Orton informed the Council that the resider;NO 3HO fMaN aNVBa
for a 1" service was omitted from the original water rate or_ '+s sh+e7 puo
there is no such thin as a 5 8" service - onl 3 4" service ~ •3lal~oMyglH
_ g ~ Y ~ fSEL•LSO
This ordinance corrects those oversights. Councilman Hordy
Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title by M Myp-119YYP
The motion was seconded by Councilman Quasi and carried una'
S'LSr ' P~ ona~ nog g APogoad
op pa,d ysoy ~noA y+!m
None. :ow y~nyy's,oo~; poomp~ay
oM -p,oA 61q 'saa,! ym,y
woo, uo!+oana~ ~+lod,oo
VII FINANCE yap yym swoo,paq ae,yl
r+s pua•poep ;o pua 'main
Apogoad •main u!o+unow
A. Fire Station Roof
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council award the bid for re-roofing the
Fire Station roof to the low bidder, Diamond Roofing, with a bid of
$6,895.00, The motion was seconded .by Councilman Quast and carried.
Other bidders included Schmitt's Sheet Metal & Roofing - $9,490; Sand-
piper Roofing - $8,500; and Larry's Roofing - $7,000.
2. L.I.D. NO. 204
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council authorize payment of $13,016.33 to J.D.
Shotwell Company, Tacoma, as the seventh, May, estimate of work done and
materials furnished by said contractor on L.I.D. No. 204, 14th and "K"
Streets, as certified by City Engineer Andrew Rose in his Certification
letter dated May 29, 1980. The motion was seconded by Councilman Quast
and carried.
' 3; L,~,D, NO. 203
Councilman Quasi moved the Council authorize payment of $11,060.05 to Clark
and Associates as the third and fourth progress payment for engineering
ser.•vices on L.I.D, No, 203. The motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus
and Carried with Councilman Duncan abstaining.
June 3, 1980
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council approve the items listed under the Consent
Agenda including Vouchers Payable of $336,239.99, LID's of $24,076.38 and
Payroll of $152,579.78. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried.
Items listed under the Consent Agenda are as follows:
1. Authorize the Parks Department to call for bids to blacktop the Civic
Field parking lot.
2. Authorize the Public Works Department to call for bids to purchase four
traffic counters.
3. Authorize payment of $113,606 to General Construction Company for construc-
tion work on the Municipal Pier.
4. Notification has been received from the Washington State Liquor. Control Board
that the Class K licenses issued to Wang-Fu Hung, Ruby Hotel, and Wanq-Fu Hung,
Ruby's Hotel and Restaurant, have been returned to the Board and voided as of
May 23, 1980; a change of license for the Chinook Cafe of Class H in lieu of
Class ACEF; and a Class C license added to the current Class A license for
the Pier Inn Restaurant.
Manager Flodstrom: Submitted a request from the DNR for a property trade to the
Real Estate Committee. Asked who will be the official voting delegates at the
AWC conference (Duncan, Quest and Flodstrom). Reminded the Council that Mr.
Clark Neily will be meeting with them on Monday, June 9th at 1:30 P.M. Announced
that the Cooperative Extension Service and the County Park Department has invited
the Council to an open house, Saturday, June 7th in the old Courthouse lobby.
Informed the Council that he had sent a letter to Commander Cunningham in regard
to the Campbell's crew parking on the old Angeles Gravel site under a special
permit process. Asked the Council if the City should allow moorage on the
Municipal Pier piior to the dedication (the Council felt this would not be ,
Councilman Quest: Asked if there are provisions in the 1981 budget for removal
of the "finger piers" on the Municipal Pier.
Councilman Duncan: Brought the Council's attention to a letter in the Informa-
tional Packet from EFSEC to Gordon Conger and a letter to EFSEC members from the
Application Processing Committee concerning negotiations for agreed stipulations.
Councilman Duncan questioned whether Northern Tier's Board of Directors had given
Bill Sage authority to agree that he would make an oral stipulation before EFSEC
on certain language which was deleted from the City's position paper on Costs
Incurred by the City. Attonrney Miller informed the Council that Northern Tier
has stated on the record that they will be bound by commitments made by employees
of Northern Tier before EFSEC and that the Northern Tier attorneys have the power
to designate those decisions that they have specific authority to bind Northern
Tier bn.
Councilman Polhamus: Questioned Planner Carr in regard to the location of Division
TII of the Uplands development.
The meeting adjourned at 11:15 P.M.
- y ~l Ql~'~21~~i
City Clerk
Ma ar