HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/04/1924 ,:- :ii',: .'312 '!- ~ I ;~ f! I 'I :l ~l I, I ~, I I. '!. 'I' ), j ". . ';' " - ~/'~';,ij;;.;; , .c;,/f{,J<. .J1;:,?~':' , .' C1' ';-- 'L ' : .'.. COL4ISsIo!("-, ; . - .,~, tf ,; .\.<'/1,__' , :_ .:.'''''f'''" ;,.., ~'.".r,~~ Proceeduliis of the ,City ~ '~f iheCi~~fPJrt Ang~les. .w ishitlf}to~ i IIIlL1.-fr 192L _..___.PoC>>l.-)'YI"-~.,-- _ ~~ ..;.". .JLL,.~a.V ~~L.~_ ~ ""^ ~ ~'l,..nL" ~p uti> tn.1. co... -.t, "In"J'-.jl.TIl~l......... ':-j,\".U.';'~ ~!~~9.iiL ++..~..y.~,,~ 'f'tLu'"t-~771a.11'- .'J-..A ~: b.rm......~..:~.JJ.~~.w..~.'J<~, e~~.df.,R~.~R-tL..v( 'M.~ r:.nt,~" ~,....'"^:...~ "1 L...~ ""....LLv..:...\ a.-n"-<nf.:J-..... -f'l..;L'-<'\I.... . ~~__jtL-'~i..~ '&'<n~~ ~lmiiAR,H1- "f~'?>'",:~~ .t~~cd-1. (-m~J) 1- WTVK.,. I "~"''- a/>:~ J.1-01-'M~""'~ }'J" t J(,,~, .tr/'-frL~. ""'. J{4 ~7a.n~'I" L.'C-.....{. j.,~r,nJl~ \ /Yl"~-~,U;,~.:no-,o3.-_.~-~~--....=.f-.- -. 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That It Is the lntentlon ot] <18 nJoreaald" shall he &0 COMtructetl t"onnectlon.; by ralalna: Secoad IItnel right. of W1l)' elghty; teet .In width I the pJd City' CommlNlon of the city thereon; [; four tool,.ldewalk to -be betwet-n the raid 'ntlrd street bridge; throuKh '_hI block alii; removal .of ~ o' Port AngeJos to order the Imlrove- cOMtruct.. 1 alonlt the touth. aide or and 'Valley etreet ,; to . a ' permantln\ .n ofd buildings IlInd retUlle and de- i1lr::: vOl s~~et~o~rir~~g~h~~~::er ~~i:-~ ~~~ ~~~dU~"; ":b%:v!~~e:frl~ we"::r~~ ~~:?nj~n r:tl~~r(pa~lt~f =~~~d~~~~ ~~t.J t:e s~::~~fe O~~Ld ~~gh:a~~ ~~ 1i1owln.. to-wit: BeR'lnnlnK At B- point ~ of -.Id "J hlnl streel to, be flCOed . tp 'between' Valley ~ and, Cherry' aireeta; grovel till: .togelber,_ with _ all neces- :approxlmAtely 318 rut weaterly trom. "NLde wltb Bultable ,earth and . con'" by building aldewalka; and. gravelUnl-! 8ar)" , road. gravel, . rlp~n\p, - KUlud ~tb. center line of A. ,"reet a,d ex~ ~crete Hla.b or JUL..ment- nlne Inebell: 'I t'oadWDY thlnt - teet In width. 01"-:;; :1' H raUe, and' Woode,n sldewalke: al,' .. , t:C3f:t2:~~n(~t ~hl;gXI~~;:I~ .'~~~l:;nri;l .;n:~e~: ~~p::tl:Ct::el~ 0;.: Aba. the :'" Impronm,,'nt - ot.~ Ced~l ~u*'l :::I:h~~fJ:Oa~d.k~a~::mp::~! 't to lh& ,Interaectron of -said ,: Portland cement two Incliea In thlok- ";:~;:\ ~~~:t t.~e;) ntorft~e...JY ~a.r"8'ln of tfJ teet.. tn width' on the top .or such net wlth thfl easterl,. bound- 'J ne8IJ to 'be applied. by. the ''()unlte~. CeUQt treet't n t~ er )lOb -Jong,..II,. f lL -? 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