HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/04/1947 349 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ,___~JJlIle 4, 19.!ti... I I I I I '_" __'._'~n.__.... on,. ~ ! The Commission met in regLllar session at 10 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Epperson. Roll Call of Offic~rs showed the follo'ling present: Mayor Epperson, Commissioners Steele and Johnson, and Clerk Law. I The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under. the head of applications Howard J. Sherwin Otto Freelund Harry Kochaneli: ll. M. -Le.-ds F. C.: Waldron for building permits, the following were granted: Remodel, add' bedroom, Lot 3 Block 333 Townsite. $ Remodel, Lot 8 & 9, Block 191, Townsite Build 5 room dwelling, Lot 4, Block 70, Townsite':" Remodel vroodshed, Lot 8, Blk. 180, Towlllsite Install shelving & slab, not 15, Blk. 132, Carter's Sub. 400.00 100.00 7500.00 230.00 900.00 Under' the head 0 f unfinished business, the bids for one truck opened at the previous session were again . considered, and it was moved by Commissioner Johnson that the bid submitted by Janish Motors of $ 4487.20 be ac~epted. Seconded by Commissioner Steele. All voted Aye. The motion carried. I I I I I Pursuant to bids published to furnish 600 tons of futuminous pet ching material, one bid was sutmitted by the Western Aspl~lt Co., and it was moved by Corr~issioner Jo~~son that the bid of $ 3677 10 be accepted Seconded by Co"!,,,issioner Steele. All members voted Aye. Motion carried. '" "" ,"",., '.po"" ". po""" '''od..' ". "".,,'" im"'"..... .,.,,:, "..." ",,', "" II Streets, from B st. to D st. The Engineer informed that property valuation was not sufficient for ths desired improvement. The thiBd estimate for the month of May, for construction of sidewalks in L.T.D. No. 148 by Owens Bros., Contractors, was submitted by the City Engineer, the amount being $ 6623.10. It was moved by Commissioner Johnson that the estimate as submitted, "ge approved and paid. Seconded by Mayor Epperson. All voted Aye. , Motion carried. I Under the head of new business, a petition vms presented requesting property along South Pine st. and West 0 I 16th ~t. be included in the proposed L.LD. for sidewalk and curb improvements. The Engineer VIas instruvted i to check the property requesting to be inoluded, as some may now be in proposed district. l , . o Under .the head of reading and passage of Ordinances, the following passed third and final reading: I I I AN ,00uiINANCE amending Section improvement of Eighth, Ninth, o Chase _to Vine St., and Chase, ORDI;.IANCE NO. 1182 4 of Ordinance No. ll70 of the City of Port Angeles, providing for the Tenth and Eleventh Streets East of Lincoln Street, and Twelfth Street from Peabody and Eunice Streets South of Eighth Street. It was moved by Mayor Epperson that the foregoing Ordinance be passed third and final r.eading, and adopted. Se conded by Commissioner Steele. All voted Aye. Motion carried. UDder the head of introduction of resolutions for the sale of reajb property by the City, the following ,vere introduced: Richie Allen Johnstone and Leila Marie Johnstone, Port Angele s Concrete Products Company, It was moved .by Commissioner Steele that the foregoing resolutions he approved and the property sold. o Seconded by Commissioner Johnson. All members voted Aye. The motion carried. I' ~The Commission examined and approved CUrrent Expen'!!!,~: /100'1./1, City Treasurer Breen I s Shade and Lincleum Shop Hazel's eafe' : Tidewater Associated Oil CB. I Towar Super Service Wray & Raber Tidewater Associated Oil Co. Hcvmrd - Cooper Corp. '577.~ I Q!Y Street ~: ,Tidewater Associated Oil Co. Home Electric Co. Western Tractor & Equipment P. A. Concrete Products Co. Co. Water Fund: 9 7. ..J.!.., Samuelson Motor Co. i'almer Supply Co. City Light Dept. D. & B. Battery & Elec. Sta. Bills Service Sta. P. A. Concrete Products Co. Johnson & Bork ! Light FUnd: ~ s-~j.~ i Lina Material Co. City Treasurer o Maydwell & Hartzell Samuelson Motor Co. General Electric Supply Corp. i City Water Dept , Tidewater Associated Oil Co. Graybar Electric Co. D. & B. Battery & Elec Sta. Willson Hardware Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. I- i Lots 16, 17, 18, Block 555, Townsite, Lot 6, Block 98, Townsite, 35.00 75.00 the following claims, and ordered warrants issued in payment of the sanle: I Light, Ylater, Garbage, Linoleum & Patching Meals for prisoners Gas Torch Tip Gunk Gas Governor Control Ii 1178.65 44.70 220.94 108.33 2.01 1.80 34.76 17.97 Gas & Oil Plates, Bushings lRirn Pipe 315.02 4.27 31.12 28.84 Parts Pipe Light & Rent Parts Cleaning Truck Service Bixes Paint 6.24 14.07 32.85 4.02 3.09 17.00 19.06 TransfonIlersJ Glassware Postage Hard.....are Parts Meters Water Gas Hardware Parts Lamps & Supplies Transformers 25117.98 300.00 27.75 3.18 155.82 1.90 65.20 ]85.55 31.77 82.08 393.77 ~ 350 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 4J 19-A'L. Sanitation FUnd: '3 5'. ~ Roy Pike - City Treaaurel' /7 00 :...€) Library FUnd: "'" --, City Treasurer Angeles Electric Co. Ylillson Hdwe. Co. Lane Publishing Co. Sneddon FUrniture Co. Harris & Schuller JennUu Norris A. C. McClurg & Co. Dou1>J.eday & Co., Inc. Parents' MagezL"le Press Betty L. Avallone Catherine Richards Park Furd: '0 ~.-.J.!, Builders SJpply Stores City Treasurer Parkine Meter & Traffic Control Fund: M. H. Rhodes, r,,;;:--- 7 ~&.,--c:r Felix Gallacci ~ u. S. Income 'Tax FUnd: tntyTreasu;;er - June Car Mileage - May Water Light, Water, Garbage Tubes Fertilizer Books Repairs La bor & Ma terial Petty Cash Boo ks Books Calling all Girls Lal:or tabor Wrenches Light, Water, Gargage Share of May Collections Car Mileage - May L. I. D. General Fund: CityTreas;u:e;- - ~ ~ - Cumulative ~ ~ Daily Journal of Commerce Notice to Contractors In COIII3 Tax fa r May L. I. D. No. 148 Ovlens Brothers,-Contractors Library Memorial Fun:!: SI. ~ Antioch Bookplate Company Duell, Sloan & Pearce, Inc. Puget Sound News Co. Stamps 3rd Estimate, Sidewalk Const. _ May Book Plates Baol,: Books . There beihg me further business, the session was declared adjourned. O,G'~. tI Clerk , . l ~_Lb ~LL ,U....1 Mayor ' 2.94 100.]9 713 .65 23.03 2345.73 6623 .10 31.09 3.:W 29.01 6.67 4.12 4.50 8.76 13.24 2.81 74.29 23.13 1.00 18.00 24.00 57.05 7.00 .50 12.71 57,88 ,- I I I --:" -I ... I I