HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/04/1953 I I I I Proceedings of tht~ity_, Commission of the City of' Port Angeles, Washington , ;.'r June I. lrPL 331 ., ,.. "", . ''''''. .,,".. "....,,"'. ..,.'<"'..... .... The City Council of the 9ity, of Port Angeles met iil regular .session at 7:30 p. M., and was called' to order by Mayor Smith. !lon call of officers revealed the follol'ling present: Mayor Sm;ith, Councilmen Brown, Neer, Sandison, Powell, Wolfe, and McFadden, Mana(>er Vergeer, Atto~ey Severyns ~ Clerk Law. It was moved by Councilman Brown that minutes of the previous meeting, May 22, be approved as received. Seconded by Councilman Powell and carried.' .., Under the head of unfinished business, bids to furnish one truck complete with load packer body installed were received as follows: . FEENAUGHrY MACHINEIlI COMPANY: One 1953. Me.del F-Qoo Fg:rli, l? Cu. Yd. Capacity One 1953 Model F-7oo Ford, 1.2 Cu. Yd. Capacity One 1953 Model F-7oo Ford, 15 Cu. Yd. Capacity $ 6,48-7.97 7,082.41> 7,260.22 RUDDELL OLDSMOBILE-CADILLAC-INC.: Option.l,.1953 I.H.C. .R-172,.13 Qu. Yd. Capacity Option 2, 1953 I.H.C. ll.-162, 16 Cu. Yd. Capacity Quotation F.O .B. Port Angeles and 3% tax. not included. For 10 hole Budd )IDeel. on R-182, add For Eaton 2-speed axle onR-172, add For Eaton 2-speed axle on R-162, add 7.924.85 8.433.35 100.00 177.00 275.00 TOWER SERVICE PARTS AND ~UIPMENT: Di~ond T,.522HMG.V.W., 2l,OOO.lb. 13 Cu. Yd; Capacity Alternate Bid, Diamond.T. Noael M622 Gvr125,OOO lb., 16 Cu. Yd. Capacity 3% state sales tax not included... 8.765.00 9,790.00 JANISH MOTOR COMPANY: 2~Ton Dodge, K Mode:!" Gar1100d Body' *Ton Dodge, K Model, Leach Body 7,684.83 7,670.23 Sk'lUEISON MarcR ClW'ANY: 1953 Ford Truck Series ~700, Garl'lood Load-packer. 1953 Ford Truck Series F800, Garwood Load-packer, For finished enamel paint, add ' For 5-speed transmission and 2-speed axled, add 7.479.32 8,799.87 100.00 236.59 It was moved by Councilman Brown that all bids be tabled until. tl'1e next meeting, when bids will have ! been checked and tabulated.. Motion seconded by Councilman Wolfe. AIl voted Aye. Motiori carried. Pursuant to notice published, bids for Legal City printing for the year beginiung July 1, 1953, were received as follows: .' . PORT ANGELEs EVENING NEWS: 1st publication, 12~ per line. except tabulated mat:ter which is 16~ per, line.. Repeat. public'!1;ions, all matter, nine cents per line. OLYMPIC TRIBUNE: Three cents per line for each publication, except tabulated matter which is 6~ per line for:. the first publiBtion on4r. PENINSULA HERALD: 5~ per 6-point line, single column measure. Tabulated matter, 5~ per line, single column.mea.sure. for each insertion unless published on4r one time, in which case the rate will be lO~ per line, sl. ngle column meas~re. ! It was moved by Councilman Brown that the contract be awarded to Jleninsula Herald. ~econded by Councilman ! Sandison. Motion carried. _ I i A second petition in proper form. signed by property owners, was filed for approval, requesting that i Front Street be finished complete with blacktop shoulders. It was moved by Councilman ~lcFadden that' the i petition be accepted and the Engineer instructed to proceed with construction including the blacktop ! shoulders. 'Motion ssconded by Councilman POllell aid unanimously carried. I .. . , I Manager Vergeer requested authorization to install sidewalks and curbs at 2nd lIld Valley Streets, the same ! being a liability of the City. also for public convenience. It was moved by Councilman Brown that recommend- ation be accepted and the Manager instructed to proceed wi th the installation. Seconded by Councilmm I {McFadden. All voted 4e. Motion carried. '. i The Council' considered reil";'al of contract with the State Highwq Department for mainterun ceof traffic Isigna.ls located on State Highways through the corporate limits of the City. It was moved by CoUncilman !Neer that the Councj,l authorize entering into agreement with the State Jligbwq Department. Seconded by ICO~Cilman Powell :and carried. ' . 'Hearing on Assessment Roll for L.I.D. 162, was opened. There having been no pIlotests made or filed, it :was moved by Councilman Brown that the hearing be closed. and Ordinance confinnirig the rolls be introduced. llotion'seconded by Councilman McFadden. All voted~. 'Motion carried. ., I ' , . . ! . ORDiNAN CE NO. '1307 I AN ORDINANCE approving and confirming the assessments and assessment toll ot Local Improvement District No. 162. Of the City of Port Angeles created by Ordinance No. 1293, passed January 2, 1953, which 'ordered. and provi<fed for the improvement of certain streets and alleys in the City of Port Angeles by the 'construction and 1:aying therein of certain lateral sanitary seWers, all in accordance with Improvement '.Restllution No. 162 of the City of Port Angeles and, th'e plans and specifications aaopt"ed by the City Council of the Cit)' of Port Angeles, ordering the levy am collection of said assessments and creating 'a special local i.m1Jrovement fund for said District No. 16a. . . I . . It was moved by Councilman McFadden that the foregoing Ordinance be approved as read and adoJted. Seconded by Councilmm Pouell. All manbers voted Aye. Motion unanimously carried. i . " The' CouncU again considered request previously filed by Marvin Ruby for reduction in fees charged for Auctioneer's license. It was moved by Councilman McFadden that the fee for Auctioneer's license remBi. n 'as fixed by Ordinance an:! the request be denied. .Sedonded by Councilman Browne All vat ed iA;re. Motion :carried. .. ' . ...oIIII ,.. 332. Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington June 4 1922- continued ,... . ""'''". '''''"' "''''''"'. ,,,,"'"'..... .... Under the head of new busibesS, cla.1ms paid May 22 and June 1 in amount of $17,889.1.2. were submitted for CounciL approval. It was mo....d by Councilman l'lolfe..that the claims be approved. Seconded by Councilman Powell. All. voted Aye. MotS-on carried... The City Tr~asurer filed report of cash collected on L.r.D. No. l?l as follo>TS: The records of the City Treasurer's office show a total of $13,145.46 collected on Local Improvement District No. 161 during the thirty day prepayment period which expired.May 28th. The district will be ready to issue bonds for the redemption of_ the balance of outstanding warrants. "'. total warrants issued Payments on 30 day notice Bonds to be issued for balance , &46,633.62 .13.lk5.46 33,~~.~6 , The following resolution was then read in f?li for consideration by the Council:' RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the City Treasurer has filed in the office of the City Manager her report showing the collectionS of. the. assessments on the assessment..roll.for LocillImprovement District No. 161 of the City of Port Angeles, showing the total assessment to be in the. sum of . Forty Six, Thousand Six Hundred Thirty-Three Dollars and ti,ghty-Two Cents ($46,633.82), payments within.the thirty (30) da.y period Th1J1een Thousand One Himdred Forty-Five Dollars and~Forty-Six_Cents($13,145;46)'leaving a balance of assesementB unpaid in the sum bf Thirty-Three Thousand Four HUIldreg Eighty-Eight Dollars and Thirty-Six Cents ($33.4$8.36), and said report has been examined and found correct; and . , . WHEREAS. Ordinance No. 1.291 was heretofore passed on the 18th day of December 1952, providing for the .iss'!ance.of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) worth of bonds against said district , in the denomination ,of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) each, payable on or'before the 1st day of April, 1953, and it hu been determined that the bonds should.be issued in denominations of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) each and payable on or before twelve (12) years from the date of issue, and .that said Ordinance No. 129Lshould be repealed, and an ordinance providing for the issuance of bonds in dsnominations of Five Hundred D6llai's ($500.00) each and in the tUll..sum' of Thirty-Three Thousand Four Hundred Eighty-Eight Dollars, and Thirty-Six Cents.(ll3,4$8.36) presented, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THS CITY COUNClL OF TIlE CITY OF PffiT A1I1GEIES. as follows:! 1. . That the report.. of the. Treasurer .be .place~ 'In. file. and that _ the same is.hereby approved. 2. That otdinance No. 1.291 be repealed and the City Att.orney be instructed to present to the Coundil an Ordinance providing for the issuance of bonds against Local ImprOvement District No. 161 in the total sum. of Thirty-Three Thousand Four Hundred ,Eighty-Eight Dollars and Thirty-Six Cents ($33,4$8.36) 'in denominations of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) each . except Bond, No.1 which should be in t.he denomination of Four Hundred Eight;r-Eight Dollars and Thirty-SixCents ($4$6.36). 3. .That said bonds shall be dated June 20, 1953, payable on or before twelve (1.2) years from the date of issue in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Port Angeles and the statute in such case made and provided. . , It was moved by Councilman Neer that the Treasurer's repOrt be accepted and filed and that the resolution be approved as read and adopted. Motion seconded by Councilman Sandison and unanimously carried. Under the head of'introdu,ction and reading of Ordinances,. the following was ~ntroduced and read in full: OHDINANCE" NO. 1308 AN OHDINANCE authorizing t.he.issuance and sale of local improvement bonds for Local I Improvement District No. :1-61, of the City of Port Angeles to pay the cost and expense of the improvements ,lin said district as ordered and provided for. in Ordinance No. 1286 of the City of Port Angeles; proViding Ifor the term of such bonds and fixing interest rates and repealine Ordinance No. 1i!91 of the City of Port Angeles.' , ~::: lIt was mo....d by Councilman McFadden that the foregoing Ordinance be approved as read and adopted. Seconded Iby Councilman Brawn. All members v6ted Ays. Motion carried. . rEngineer Ahlvers submitted the second estimate of work.done and.material furnished by Pieler Construction '/Compa::ur as follows: ' , I, . ,1m NO. IT 6 7 9 1'0 11 12 13 '_: 14 I 15-16 17 l.S 23 26 31 32 I 34 35 37 38 39 40 42 ..... QUANTITY ~ 27,3lJ 1491 352 21475 2 . 1565 265 750 715 64 64 16037 ' 714 627 120 10 1992 5 10' 7 1 1 44 116 . 51 UNIT Lump S\Im Cu. Yd. Cu. Yd. Cu. Yd. Cu. Yd. Days Cu. Yds. Cu. Yds. Lin. Ft. Cu. Yd. No Gals. Lin. Ft. Sq. Yd. 1 Bbl. au. Yd. Lin. Ft. Sq. Yd. tin. Ft.. Each Each Each Each Each Sach Lin. Ft. Each DESCRIPTION Clearingand.Grubbing Unclassified Excavation St.ructure Excavation Channel Change flnbankment in Place Hachanical Tamper Bankrun Gravel for streets Crushed Stone Surf. .5/8 minus 6" Pipe Side Drains Bankrun Gravel for Drains Wat.er, in place ' Concrete Pavement Header Concre~e Pavement . Extra for, Hi-Early Cement Wasting Unsuitable Exc. Material Integral. Cone. Curb. "An - 6" Face Ramo.... and Dispose. Cone. Sidewalk Rei\love and Dispose, ola water main Adj. Ex. M.H. tops to Gr. I' or less Extend 6", San. Sewer Laterals Replace Damaged Sewer-Laterals Standard .Lamphole Cover St.. Mon. Case. in 'place qt. M. H..4' or less Additional Depth M. H. per Lin. Ft. Special Catch Basins. UNIT' I: PRICE s;- .64 .85 .87 .14 30.00 1.15 3.60 1.07 3.05 2.00 2.00 3.77 1.00 .65 .60 .25 .40 30.00 35.00 25.00 60.00 30.00 185.00 22.50 60.00 AMOUNT 1,QOO.00 17,4$0.32 1,267.35 306.24 3.006.50 60.00 I. 799. 75 1,026.00 802.50 2,180.75 128.00 128.00 67.999.49 ~OO 407.55 72.00 2.50 796.80 I 150.00 , 350.00 I 175.00 60.00 30.00 8,1.40.00 2.610.00 3,060.00 I I I . I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington JURe ),. sentillllea 19-53_ 333 ,.., ".< . '"_". ........ .m....... '''''''', ..... ..... I I I I IImlllO. l u , 45 47 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 I ~ I. 61 62 63 I '~ '66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 61 82 83 84 85 86 '87 88 S9 90 91 QUANTITY 1 1 1 1 396l 11630 1333 1641 361 484 161.2 68 60 1284 544 2 8 I 1 I 2 1 1.2 6S 1 13 2 5 2 1 I 5314 3247 1549 6037 5113 -. 2300 . 496 749 458 50 50 50 28 25 90 Previous Estimate (1) April 58,650.03 (2) This ll8,235.39 Prev. Est. G. O. Bonds 47,650.03 LID Bonds 2+,000.00 UNIT Each -:: Each Each Each Lin. Ft. Lin. Ft. Lin. Ft. tin. Ft. Lin. Ft. Lin. Ft. Lin. Ft. tin. Ft. tin. Ft. Lin. Ft.. Lin. Ft. Each ~ach Each . Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Lin. Ft. tin. Rt. tin. Ft. Lin. Ft. Lin. Rt. Lin. F.t. Lin. Ft. Lin. Ft. Lin. 'Ft. Lin. Ft. Lin. Ft. Lin. Ft. Lin. Ft. Lin. Ft. Lin. Ft. DESCRIPTION .!lli!I ~ Std. ,C9nc. Spilliay Box ".>..: 250.00 areak into e. Connect. 8" Pipe to box Cl. 100.00 Break into 8< Conn. 12" .Pipe to Cul. lOO.OO Break into 8< Conn. 24~ pipe to Cul. 100.00 6" Storm Sewer Pipe, in place 1.00 8t! ~tonn Sewer Pips, in place 1.15 10" .Storm.Sewer. Pipe. in place 1.50 12~' :1tom Sewer pipe. in place 1.80 12~'Reinf. .Stom Sewer Pipe. in place 5.50 15~' Plain S~wer Pipe; ill place 2.55 16~ plain Sewer Pipe. in place 3.40 16~ l'einf. Sewer. Pipe. in place 7.15 24~ Reine. Sewer Pips, in place 9.25 24~ Plain Sewer Pipe, in place 4.85 72~'~. Strengtoh Reinf. Cone. Pipe, in P. 44.00 6"'.Pipe stopper in place. .25 8~ Pipe stopper in place .30 10uPipe Stopper 'in place .40 12~ Pipe Stopper in place .55 15~ Pipe Stopper in place .75 lS~ Pipe stopper in place 1.35 24~ Pipe stopper in place 1.95 6" .x. 6.1 liye in place 1.75 8~ x 6~ ,Wye. in place 2.45 10" x 6"..Wye, in place 3.40 12~ x 6~ Wye, in place 4.50 15~< x 6~ Ilye, in place 6.00 lS~ x 6~ ~lye, in place 6.50 24~ x 6~ Wye, in place l4.00 12~ apl. I?end 45 d!lgree 10.25 24~ $P. Bend 32 degree 35.00 31.Deep Uncl. Trench E:cc. 8< Backfill .60 M Deep Unc. Trench E:cc. 8< Backfill .70 5! Deep UncI., Trench E:cc. & Backfill .80 6'. Deep IIncl. Trench Ex:c. & Backfill .90 7! Deep UncI. Trench E:cc. & Backfill 1.10 81. Deep Uncl. Trench E:cc. & Backfill 1.35 9! Deep UncI. Trench E:cc. & 'Backfill 2.00 10' .Deep UncI.. Trench E:cc. .& Backfill 2.35 11! Deep UncI. 'Trench E:cc. & Backfill 2.65 12'- Deep UncI. Trench E:cc. & Backfill 4.45 13!. Deep UncI. Trench E:cc. 8< Backfill 5.05 14! De!'P UncI. Trench E:cc. & Backfill 5.70 15!. Deep UncI. Trench E:cc. & Backfill 6.38 16'. Deep UncI. Trench Eltc. & Backfill 10.50 In Deep IIncl. Trench E:cc. & Backfill 11.65 Less 15% Previous Fixed Estimate (1) ApriLIO,ooo. (2) This 10,000. .This Est. 77,771.45 48,000.00 Less Previous Est. Amount Due Contractor Plus Portion of .Fixed Estimate Amount Due AMOUNT ,250.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 3,96l.oo 13,374.50 1.999.50 3,)13.80 1,985.50 1,234.20 6.160.80 486.20 555.00 6.227.40 233,936.00 .50 2.40 .40 .55 .75 2.70 1.95 21.00 166.6O 3.40 58.50 1.2.00 42.50 28.00 10.25 35.00 3.166.40 2,27:!.90 1,239.20 5,433.30 5,624.30 :3 ,105.00 992;00 1,760.15 1,213.70 222.50 252.50 285.00 178.64 262.50 1.048.50 205,201.74 30.780.26 174,421.48 58.650.03 115,771.45 10.000.00 125.771.45 . - It was moved by Councilman Brown that the report be accepted and approved, and ~rarrants in payment of same. Motion seconded by Councilman MCFadden. On roll call, all members voted qe. Metion carried. I . .. . - I The following claims were fUea for approval, to be paid from Fixed Estimate. "1953 Street Improvement I Construction Fund"l - $ 2,396.43 2,444.91 83.68 6.24 4.73 6.16 3.45 26.52 41.33 I. 75 10.00 Payroll -'MAy 1-15 Pa;rroll - May 16-31 American Hanken Copy Co., - Steel tapes, bobs, level Port Angeles Evening News - rublication Wheeler Hardware Co.. - Office Supplies O~pic 3tationers - Office Supplies James Hardware Co., -Prospector's pick Port Tie and Lumber Co.. - Hubs .. Port Tie and Lumber Co., - Hubs Tacoma - Port. Angeles Auto Freight - Freight on 'cylinders Fred L. Crosby. - Use of car .for May 1953 Engr's Party L.I.D. General Fund - Miscellaneous expenditures, from L.I.D. General Fund for 1953 Street Improvemsnt Comitruction Fun! during period Sept. 23, 1952 to May 4. 1953 1.289.12 TOTAL $ 6,314.54 !It was lllCl'{ed by COWlcilman Bi'own that the foregoing claims be approved and warrants issued in p~t of i the same. Seconded 'by Councilman McFadden and UI1llDi*ous~ carried. . ! ,'ria Owens of Cherry-8 Grocery appeared to protest the City. accepting the Cedar Street concrete pl vement, jas in his ipinion the same is not acceptable. The Engineer will be' questioned regarding project and "report later. . . . IApproval of beverage license transfer was requested as follows: I Little Brick from Earl Davidson to E!Jner and Ruth Hugi)es It.was moved by Councilman Hc;Fadden that the transfer be approved. Seconded by Councilman Sandison. ill lvoted Aye. Motion carried. ~ 334 . Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington June b. contlinued 19--21 ,~. . .,... ...u ."'_... '"on,. ..... .... Eo H. Woodruff of 526 Georgiana, informed of inconvenience caused by road blocks. for, s~reet ,construction, .also lack of system o~ policy. used in establishing street ~losur,:s, It was, the op:uu.on of Mr. Woodruff that if'informative system is used in establishing street closures, the public would know wh~n t" respect:the same. " , Manager'Vergeer read opinion by tne Attorney General concerning salaries and wages of employees in the Light Utilities Department. From the opinion suOmitted, it appears that 'employees of the Light utilities may be included in wage adjustments, regardless of position. ' ' . 1,,' t Police Judge Reynolds filed report for .the montl1 of May showing $1.903.00 fines collected. Also filed was report of Police ClUe! Ide for month 'of May. It was mOved.by Councilman "Brown that the reports be accepted 'and placed 'on file. Seconded by Councilman Powell and unaniJJlousIy carried. ~.. (, ,. . Easement for installation of transformers by. tHe City was entered into a:J follows: t. ' . . .EASl!JIEIlT For arid in 'consideration of ,1;n~_s'-ll" of One DOllar ($1.00). receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the.undersigned, Puget Sound Navigation Company, hereby grants unto the City of Port Angeles, a municipal corporation, of the. State of Washington, the right .to construct, 100 ate and maintain a two pole platform transfomr structure, along with transformers and associated equipment and appurtenances. and sucli a.erial right <if wa;r as ma.y be needed on the following lea.sed property, to wit: , The Ea'sterJ,y Ten (10) Feet of that part of the Harbor Area J.,ying North of Lot Nine (9). Block On!> (1), Tidelands East.. . , . It is 'further agreed that this easement. is granted subject to the grantor's rights under Harbor l'eas e #100, from the State of Washington to the Puget Sound Navigation Company. It was mbved by Councillnan McFadden that the foregoing. ~asement be approved and the Mayor authorized to executre' the same. Seconded by Councilman PO>lell. All voted Aye. Motion carried. . Councilmlm Neer reporteli that trees and bru~h are being permitted to. grow at 14th am. Oak S~reets consti tuUng a traffic hazard. Hanager Vergeer was instructe;l to investigate and remoye hazard if adiisable. The 1st and final estilMte for work. done and material furnished by Albino Casilio for installation of sidewalks, curbs and gutters and driveways oh. North Eunic? Street w?s fil~d b~ the ~eer as follows: I herefd.th sul1nit the first' ~d fin~ estimate (~mY) v.r Work' done ~d material furnished by Albino Casillo, Conttactor, on the construction of sidewalks, .curbs and gutters and driveways on the East side of ' Eunice Street from First Street"NortherJ,y to the alley,and ooutting on Lot 10, Block 22, Norman R; Smith Subdivision, Port Angeles, WAshington, as follows: I ,. . .Installing s;l.dewalks, curb .and gutters and driv"'1'~ as per City Specifications abutting 'LotIO. Block 22, Norman R. Smith Subdivision.' Lum Sum B.l,d $771.00 , . ~ ~ . It was moved by Councilman McFadden that the clailn be approved and ~warr~t issued in payment of the same. Motion seconded by Cound.lm!lIl.Brown and unaI1imous J;y- carried. ' , Under the head of introduction of resolutions, the fo~ng were introdu~ed ~d read for consideration by the Council: RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION fixing date for hearing 00 the assessment roll.for. the construction of eidew'alk and curbin(> on the ' EasterJ,y side of Eunice Street along Lot Ten (10), Block' Twenty-Two (22) of Norman R. Smith's Subdhi.sion,as. ' provided ihResolution No. _ passed by 'the City , Council on the 15th da;r of January, 1953, ahd in accord:" ance wi th provisions of Resolution No. _ passed by . the City Council on the 23d da;r of April, 1953. . WHEREAS, the as~essment roll on the construction of the sidewalk and curbing installed along the EasterlY.. sid~.of Lot Ten (10) in Block .Twenty-Two (22) in Norman R. Smit h'S Subdivision has been filed with the City Clerk' and the ,same, is now ready. for .hearing. NaoI. TIilllEFORE. BE IT RESOLVED: Tm,t Thursdq the 2d.day of JuJ;y- 1953, at the hour of 7:30 o'clock P.M. in the Council Chambers at the City Hall at 210 North Oak Street in the City of Port Angeles. be, and t!.Ie same is hereby fixed as the time and. place of the hear~ng on said assessment rol;L. That the City Clerk be, and is hereby directed to give notice of such hearing and the time and place thereof; in accordance with the previsions of.the ordinances of the City of Port Angeles, and the statute in such case made and provided, and especi~,in accordance .with "Section 35.68.050 of Remington's Code of Washington, ClIllpter 177 of the Laws of 1949.: - It was moved by Councilman Powell that the foregoi~ resolution be appr<>.v~~ and adopted. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe. All'vote!i Aye. Motion carried. I ~ RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION granting to the Canadian. Pacific Railway Company- the right to 'install a decorative neon. sign at. the foot of Lincoln Street. ' . . The Canadian Pacific Railway CompSI\Y h~applied for a permit to erect a decorative neon sign for the purpose of advising the public alid people desiring to use its steamship services of the location of its docksvand the Council of the City of Port AngEf.l.es finding that said sign is desirable and for the convenience of the traveling .public; now therefore. BE IT ftESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCil OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES AS FOLLOWS: 1. . That a. revocable permit be granted to tile Canadian Jlacific Railway C~paZV to erect a decorative neon sign on Lincoln Street North of the Northerq lioe of Railroad .Averme. 2. That the Canadian Pa'cific Railwq Compazv shall save the City harmless from all los s or claims for injury that may be sustained in connection with said sign, and that the licensee assumes sole: and entire responsibility therefore. 3. That the licensee agrees to remove or alter said sign at any time that the area is needed for passage to an,y dock, float or walkway which IIl23 be hereafter constructed on the harllor area in .front thereof. 4. That the licensee shall.pay to the City of Port ro,geles. the sum of Five Dollars ($5.00) per moDth pa;rable on the first day of each and every month during the time that the permit is in eff ect. . . 5. That said sign will be constructed North of the North boundar;r of Railroad Avenue and so as not to interfere with or endanger any parties using azv of the public walks or streets in the 1 I ~ .. ,'1 I I '1 'f' ~" I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington June 4 continued 1922.... ,""_ . ""~". ...... .m'~.' """... mo. ..... I area and reserving to the City of Port Angeles the right'to cancel this pemit, and order the removal of said eigl1 if the' area is found necessary or said sign in llt\Y w~ interferes with llt\Y municipal or public purpose. , It was moved by Councilman Brown that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopt.ed. Secon:l ed by Councilman i10lfe . and unanimously carried. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Fuget Sound Nayi,gaj;i6n Compe.u;y has applied for an extension of its present , lease covering .t,he wharf now qwned and operated by said Company on the tenninus of Laurei Street in I' front of the City of Port. ling. eles; and it has been detennined by the City Council that it is for the best interests for the City of Port llngeles that 'said lease be extended; 'now, therefore.. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIlE CITY OF PORT ANGELES AS FOLLOWS: I 1.'That.it is theinienti~n.ofthe City Council.of the City of.Port.Mgel.es to grant to ti!e ! Puget Sound Navigation CompaI\Y an extension 8f .further lease of the area now occupied by said Com~ I for that portion of Laurel Street extending from the 'Northerly lirie of Railroad Avenue to the outer' Harbor line. . 2. That said lease slfall be for a per10d of ten (10) years and the re~tal therefor shall ! be the sum of One Hundred Dpllars ($100.00) per year, subject to re-adjustment between the City and the lessee at the end of the first,five (5) years of said te:rom. 3'. It is further ordered thatnthe C'it,y Clerk cause notice of the intention of the City Council to enter into said lease to be published in..the of1'1cial newspaper of the City at least fifteen (15) d~ ani in one issue thereof each week prior to the making of such lease. I . I It was moved by Councilman McFadden' that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Councilman Brown. m vpted Aye. Metion carried. I : RESOLUTION WlIERffiAS, the Library Board has. recommended, subject to Council approval. the attendance of 'I the librar:lan at:. the National Library Association meeting in Los Angeles,' and, WHEREAS, the said libt-arian is president of the Washington Library Association, and : 1'!fIE~, the unexpended balance in travel expens.e of 'the 'current library budget is insufficient Ito cover the cost of such attendance, and a request for transfer of budget appropriations has been made, and . ' WHEREAS. the City Council in session concurs with the recommendation and request of the :Library Bo.,rd, ' ' . I. . NCI:/ THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY the City Council of Port Angeles. that the following transfer within the same. classification. be and is hereby made: .' , , From "13inding" to "Travel Expense" the sum of $100.00, and I From =UPkeep, .~Uel,. Insurance. Repairs and Grounds: to :Travel. Expense:' the sum of $40.00. 'It was moved by Councilman Brown that the foregoing resolution be approved ani adopted. Seconded by 'Councilman McFadden. All voted Aye. Motion carried. i r- A RESOLUTION authorizing City. Manager and Clerk to endol'S:e check issued by the Housing 'Authority of Clallam. County and deliver j;he same to contractor. I. WHEREAS, V. J. Neale constructed a sidewalk on. Lauridsen Boulevard, which sidewalk was constructed on behalf of the Housing Authority of Clallam County; and, j i'IHEREAS, the Housing Authority has issued its check No. 6300 dated YJay 31, 1953, in the ,sum of Five Hundr~ Tw!lnty-Three Dollirs and Fifty-Three Cents ($523.5:3) in P'l1ment for the construction of 'said sidewUk; and has made the check payable to the City, of Port Angeles; and, l' WHEREAS, there are no funds or accounts in the City. accounting system for such receipts or .p~ents, and the funds represented by said check are ps.vable to V" J. Neale, contractor for the construct- 'ion of said sidewalk. I NOli, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLV'J!:D BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, as follol'1S: That the City. Manager be, al!d. is hereby. authorized to endorse said check to. V. J. Neale and deliv-er the same to the said V. J. Neale wi thoull the necessity of making further records in the books and :accounts of the City. I . It was moved by Councilman Neer that the foregoing resolution be approved as read and ado!'t ed. Seconded by Councilman Brown and unanimously carried. I rere being no further business. the meet~ was deUared adjourned. , I ! RESoLUTION O.C~ tf-: ..1~~ Mayor : .. /J...... G.itL.,Cte.rlt. . :'\~;~:~:~t'l~)t:(.I,r~~.ii~~W.;1.~'~:Ji~~~:~g. ~O'I~~':E:'~~~~tl~;!~i,'flllll~~~. (IX ,U:GAL PUBLICATION . ,:i\(Jtl~e Jf!. IL(")'eby "1'\~'11 tl~at ,thel: . :\oti~() hi'li"l'(''';1.' g:lw'n rl1llt th.. I "O'I'Jt;t., T{l 1IInJ)I':U~ ; 4.".'" (.?lIl1('ll o,f. th.e C l.~~'. U.f I {J['~ !."" !i'I'.' sm. cnt rOJ.l for 1111' ('UILHlnlt.:U(HI' :'\foli,-!' ,," .hl'l'Pl.'~' .Io:i~'Pll ,i.hat lol'I~.' .\I1P{>]ll-1,llltl'I"'''u, to.il.,,,,. t.. tht;"of Ille -sldc,vall, :llld I:urh vn the ..\-ill h.. "N'f'H'f'd at llH: offle.- <If tlw I E~~~l~'~'~\~;~~~:~:~f ~~rJ;j1 ~1~':l~A?~~~;:.~m': ;i~~;~ft;i~~I:~~~':;::~i :~;~~(~ ~:~::Ji~i~\~;~f~ ~':r;K~. ~t r,tl~1 ';~~r.f ~,~1]~~' k'!.:~~:~ ;l~tl;,~~~i '~rLtlll!r on llH> wat\,lr front In ~.ald wll,lJ Illc Citl' (,lerk, and that a Lill. (l'd "r .-la:":! 1:;0 cement HIlf'rl l.lt~. to-wit:. lwadll.l( will b(' he1d on e-ald al'_~t:O:l' [,.e"IUl!!iGd jt.lint \'<l,~!. il'on I.iPt'. Th" ..AIl af tlm~ P.l~l:t.l"ll of Laurel [nlcllt rOll.hefOre thc Cll~' COllndl. OJI 'Cil'.'\' ("'''.'11''.1 .,.,0:O\'I'YI" thi' d~llt III ~~~C(;tn~.~b':,n~~'r-'~~ ~~~.I;;lh~~'II;' ~;;::~~~ ,Jr'~];~dlli;,~~co;1l?;:Jr~<l:"~I~}kU]i;:~.L9;V~ il'd;"L',l'lnY.Jr:\;dL~~i~\~: C;tr Cle11c ('lly llno or Hfllll'll;l(l .\v(>nue to .1!lf' Coun('il CIJ<lnlh<'I'K at thO' ('It~. "ull.: Jtme 13. 11;, lD:M..N~ t1l(' ollter tlarhor 1]l1e III 'fl'OI1: or }-Ifill al :llO ;.Iol"th Oul;;: tilrel.t ill tl]l.' l~;.~,:'I;~'a~: Ij'~)('~,)-;l'f1~(~(C~-,Ul'l~o)';() 0'1 CI~~~~cPl~l ~1;''f1~~~~'~1 \'('11 that all ~'?l1~lru('t1n/-(, malntaln!n", anti ol)\'r- pr:r~onl; tlClSitinK to ohJect lh!o~'(>t() f.~ll:~r~~!\,:~).~:EW;'~1:~;1:~1~~:1(1;~~);~~~)Glf.; ! ~\~~~;1~!~!~~:;J~r:':1I:;;~f~':'~~i,~ ~~i:i~ TII" lelll<c b Ill"OI]U~~'U for HI<' th.' time 1\nd 1>I:tce n"t'd :111(1 :<.t tf'llll nr tt'11 tin) Y"'dr" fr"lIl Uw,tlt time" to wh.iC'h tIlt' h,'arln<!" mu\' bt. ~'~I;'t,\'t ~:'/'el;;~l:' 11:1'~;;;J;'~"ln 1~~;n~;~'W~\dJr~I~{~();]'I';~;~~i~~tli~:ll~~~il~J ltl~ ':l~:/~ ($.',IU.I,jl) )J~'r v<"ar. 1]l",,~-I(lerl, t!sat, pose of conl'..d!'I'illg Ul" r"iJ :<nd ~b~ :;~'/:.~~}."t~t] ll:~~ t;;~ir:\~~I~l~I}"i;~.~ ,I~~:~~~I~~/ h~JI ~?It~;~r~t ~::~~f.;~~'~'~1 ~-~]\~i ~~.~oi~~;:~I~';~,., ft~~:ftlh ~!h;l l~l:;)l~'r..;:~~ ~Jflb~,'~~",~I}';;;?Ciootl7'f~lsrill' I'~~~f' (}~~\~71\: (:lmpj('1' ]'~~J "f thl", r",;w,", of 1,915. tvllrt "lh6I'oor; ol,'J>ef aflid~ "lJo!e roll !-:l'cll:Jn. Ib,._.1.2(l[}, l."mlllgtnll CuJe ~n(l or[lcJ' the a;'''{,I<~.r)I('nl-fn ',Eo made: w~~(t:~;~"~ :,;~~(;~~':\:i:~;:i;E~~~; i ::i ,::~~riltA,~~:t~~:.:~;','t;,~l[if~:': \"':1S1111lgloll. ."t. ,:.:111 1'..'1, (JI1.'fhur~j' dl?;aV;:; ?:~tJ {i,~,;~,[ "I:\;I]~~:;~'sl :l~i~'i.!" Hh flll~' II f .J III " " .J:' ,,:~ ,1. K I~A\\.". ('it... ('I,'rk. J'\,II,: ,lUII(' lit. l~l~I,;::. '{ _ _ 335 " ....