HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/04/1954 I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 3951 I J1me 4 continued 1951L- "". . .,..... ....no. ...."... ..,.m.. ..... .... I Hugh Hanna. and two others from the Presbyterian Church registered complaint regardingtraff:i,c hazard to small children and others on Eighth Street from Laurel.to Cherry Sts., Sunday mornings during Sundaor School hour, most critical time being from 10:40 to 11:15 A.M. Tqe Committee also inquired regarding i organization of School Boy Patrol or possibility of Police Officer patroling during dismtssal hour. IAlsO suggested warning signs if jJhc same is peI'll1i.tted. Manager Vergeer advised that until such time as something can be worked out to eliminate hazard, he will try to have policed by City Officer. It was I t~en moved by CoumiJJnan McFadden th,;>t the Council authorize. signs to be. made and placed on streets, )sJ.gns to be attended by Church coll1llll.ttees, and the Manager J.nstructed to contact the Sta.te Highway iDepartment and advise as to hazardous condition. Motion seconded qy Councilman Sandison and unanimously I carried. jCouncilman Mcfadden inquired regarding marking of paved streets by the State Highway Department and ;suggested the the recently paved streets be included in the program. Manager Vergeer will ascertain when IHiglT,(ay equipment will be here and get estimate of cost. I iUnder the head of introduction of resolutions, the following was introduced and read in full for approval: j RESOLUTION NO.4-54 A RESOLUTION fixing time for hearing on the petition for vacation of Ninth Street from "B11 Street to "C" Street in the City of Port Angeles as a safety measure. I WHEREAS, IIchool District No. 17 of the County of Clallarn has filed a petition praying for -the vacation of Ninth Street from the West margin of "B" Street to the East margin of "C" Street in the City of Port 'Angeles; and I WHEREAS, it is found that the petitioner :i,1l the owner of more than two-thirds of th e private property abutting upon the part of Ninth Street sought/6e vacated; n01'I therefore, I BE IT RESOLVED qy the City Council of the City of Port Angeles the. t Thursday, the 15th d;a;y of JulJr, .1954, at the hour of 11:30 o'clock P.M. of said date, be hereqy fixed as the time, am the City Council Chambers in the City Hall of the City of Port Angeles as the place where said petition may be heard. I IT IS FURT'tlER RESOLVED that the City Clerk shall give twenty (20) d'll's notice of the pendency of the petition by written notice posted in three (3) of the mat. public places in the City of Port Angeles, am a like notice in a conspicuous place on that portion of Ninth Streot sought to be vacated, at least twenty (20) days prior to the date herein fixed for such hearing. I ~t was moved by Councilman Brown that the fullgoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Counc11- i Noll.. All ..... "... ""'i." '~::~':' "'~= iJOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 1HAT A petition has been filed to vacate a portion of ~Iinth Street in the City of Part dngeles, Clallarn County, WaShington, to-.'it: I That. portion of Ninth Street from the West margin of "B" Street to the East margin of "c" Street i in the City of Port .\ngeles. NOTICE is further given that pursuant to a resolution of the City Council of the City of P?rt Angeles dated June 3, 1954, a hearing will be held on the 15th day of JulJr, 1954, at the hour oJ: 7:30 o'clock P.M. 'oJ: said date before the City Council in the 'Council Chamber located at 120 North Oak Street in the City of Port Angeles, at which time am place all parties interested in said vacation may appear before said City Council and enter their objections if any there be, to se.id vacation. I AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING IN 1HE MATTER of the VACATION of a portion of Ninth Street in the City of P<rt Angeles, to-wit: I The. t portion of Ninth Street from the West margin of "B" Street to the East margin of "C" ~treet in the City of Port Jlngeles, Washington. : STATE OF ~lASHINGTON ) ! COUNTY IJ' CLALLAM 1 ss J. E. Law, being first dulJr sworn, deposes and says that he was at the time herein mentioned, of full age, am a resident of Port Angeles, Clallarn County, State of Washington, and a citizen of the United States. That on the 9th day of June, 1954, he posted true and complete copies of the original notice of hearing hereto attached. , One copy was posted at the front door of the Court Houwe in Clallam County, Washington; One at the r front door of the City Hall at 140 West Front Street, Port Angeles; One in the Bobqy of the Police Station, Port Angeles; One in a conspicuous place on the Street which is sought. to be vacated in the 'petition in the above entitled matter. l'.a,nager Vergeer read one protest against the vacation, the sarne l!i.ng filed by Hal B. De\'iaide, owner and loperator of the C Street Shopping Center. I ;Un:!er the head of reading am passage of Ordinances, the following was read by title and placed on second I am final reading: ORDINANCE NO. 1328 An Ordinance establishing general rules and regulations over the wate: system of the City of P?rt Angeles, jPreSCribing methods of extending service; prescribing manner of adopt1.on of and rates for semce; and repealing ordinances numbered 1256, 778, 1076 and all other ordinances in conflict herewith. jHenry Boni of 121,. E. Whidby protested the minimum of 700 cu. ft. am informed of checking his meter for a week which shows his water bill would be six to eight dollars if water is used for il'rigation. It Was the opinion of Council memebers that one week is not sufficient check and it is not. the int~n~ion ?f the City to work hardship on any water consumer. Manager Vergeer advised that most ordinary tlunilJ.es Wl.ll get qy on minimUln. The cost of service very reasonable ani the months of JulJr ~ August ~ould not be . ,considered as test. Also if the rates proposed in Ordinance prove to be excess1.ve, the OrdJ.nance may. be amended. It was then moved by Councilman McFadden that the Ordinance be passed secon:! and final reading ~ and adopt ed. Seconded qy Councilman ~lolf e and unanimously carried. .., 1 During short recess declared, Dr. Kintner explained operation of Drunkometer wInch 1.S be1.~ us ed by local law enforcement officers, citing accomplishments by using the machine. Sergeant Harold \"fJ.lcox dellDnstrated I operation of machine which was interesting and appreciated by all present. IMayor Smith reminded that the two year period is elapsed and time to appoint a Ccuncilman to serve as (.ayor. It was moved by Councilman Sandison that Mayor Smith be reappointed to serve as Mayor for the rmxt ~ ,.. 396 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington June ~ continued 19-.5j. "" . "".... ...m.. .m.,,", ...,,"' ...... ..... . two year period. Motion seconded qy Councilman Wolfe and unanimously carried. The, Mayor expressed appreciation for honor extended qy the' ,reappointment. Councilmen vTolfe, Powell and McFadden also assumed ofllces as Councilnien f()r a four year tenn. , There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. I a, t, L~, ~~ () .. , , ,- I - I I . ! , I j I I \ I I I I I I j I i , lil..- I ,