HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/04/19911911 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington June 4, 1991 CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Sargent called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to SPECIAL MEETING: order at 6:03 p.m. ROLL CALL: Me~nbers Present: Mayor Sargent, Councilmen Cornell, Hallett, Lemon, Nicholson, and Ostrowski. Members Absent: Councilman Wight. Staff Present: Manager Pomeranz, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, S. Brodhun, M. Cleland, B. Collins, L. Glenn, K. Godbey, J. Pittis, B. Titus, B. Coons, G. Kenworthy, K. Ridout, S. Hursh, B. Jones and J. Gonzales. Public Present: C. Shurland, B. Haselton, L. Fuller, M. Gentry, J. Haguewood, L. Roline. DISCUSSION OF City Manager Pomeranz presented for consideration the City's Goals & Objectives GOALS & which were identified previously by the City Council and subsequently added to OBJECTIVES during the most recent budget process. The Goals & Objectives have been set forth under such categories as: Short and Long-Term Financial Growth and Stability; Effective and Efficient Public Safety for Community; Proper Planning for Future Growth and Development; Proper Planning/Maintenance/Development of City Facilities and Infrastructure; Promotion and Diversification of Port Angeles' Economy; Community Development; and Continue to Develop Employees, Public Officials, and Internal Organization of the City. Lengthy discussion ensued with the request being submitted that the percentage of completion also include a current date of that completion. Council addressed such matters as the economic stability of the area, decreasing revenues, risk management, consolidated dispatch, thc comprehensive water plan, tennis courts, the sidewalk repair program, as well as zoning code updates. Also, discussion involved short versus long-term inveslments and interest accrual potential. It was agreed long-term investments result in better yields, and Finance Director Godbey was directed to prepare a policy revision concerning investments for future Council review and consideration. Council concluded its discussion by agreeing to review the status of the Goals & Objectives on a quarterly basis. ADJOURN TO There was insufficient time available to conduct an Executive Session at this point EXECUTIVE SESSION: in the agenda. RETURN TO OPEN The meeting returned to open session at 6:57 p.m. SESSION: CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Sargent called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to REGULAR SESSION: order at 7:05 p.m. PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Ms. Joyce Gonzales. ALLEGIANCE: -1- 1912 CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 4, 1991 APPROVAL OF Councilman Ostrowski moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of MINUTES: May 21, 1991, as written. The motion was seconded by Councilman Cornell and carried unanimously. FINANCE: Switchgear 1. Consideration of Bid Award for Switchgear for the Valley Sub Upgrade Bid Award City Light will be converting the existing 4 KV distribution system to 12 KV over the next several years. The City Council had previously authorized the Light Department to call for bids for the purchase of a power transformer, circuit switcher and switchgear for the Valley Substation in conjunction with this project. The project will reduce energy losses, improve system reliability, upgrade and replace some old and inefficient equipment, reduce loading on several substations and eliminate overloading problems on several distribution feeders and increase load capacity for future load growth. In reviewing the bids submitted, Mayor Sargent requested that information pertinent to the bidders include the vendor addresses. Councilman Hallett moved to award the bid for metal-clad substation switchgear to Pedersen Power Products in the amount of $193,874.00. Councilman Cornell seconded the motion. After limited discussion, a vote was taken on the motion which carried unanimously. Integrated 2. Consideration of Integrated System Plan and Consideration of Adverffsing System Plan & for Requests for Proposals for Integrated Software and Related Hardware RFP for Software and Adopting a Resolution Declaring Eacception from Normal Bidding & Hardware - Requ/rernents Resolution No. 22-91 Representatives of Information Systems Management, Inc., Frank Coker and Jon Hulen, were present to submit an overview of the Integrated Finance Project in relation to the City's automation status and present cost estimates for future projects. Councilman Hallett noted Council's representation on the Information Systems Steering Committee which preliminarily reviewed the proposal. Also, Mayor Sargent referenced a letter submitted by Councilman Wight in support of the project proposal. Mr. Coker reviewed the purpose of the plan which came about because of present system inadequacies, urgent needs in the area of financial systems and utility billing, and a lack of important management information. He then reviewed the process by which input was gained from all City departments, and comparisons made to other municipalities in redefining the City's future direction. It is important for the City. to move away from a batch processing environment to an online, interactive environment which will allow staff to have more direct control over, responsibility for and accountability for their data and more immediate access to management information. Three Initiatives have been established in the plan: Initiative I - Financial Systems; Initiative II - General Office Systems and Initiative III - Departmental Systems. The present recommendation is to proceed with the implementation of Initiative I, inclusive of a City-wide network (local area network) which is a portion of Initiative II. The cost analysis for Initiative I indicates that estimates for the total system amount to $341,420, which would be amortized over a five- year period through lease arrangements. Lengthy discussion followed concerning the possibility of bidding the entire package inclusive of all Initiatives; however, City Manager Pomeranz urged implementation of Initiative I at this time only. It would be difficult to undertake such a major change of all Initiatives at one time. In addition, future funding must be budgeted for the other aspects of the plan. Mr. Coker reviewed the timeframes involved in soliciting RFP's for hardware and software. The RFP would be issued immediately and reviewed in July with recommendations being forwarded to City Council. -2- 1913 CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 4, 1991 FINANCE (Cont'd) Integrated Councilman Hallett moved to call for Requests for Proposals for Integrated System Plan & Software and Related Hardware, as set forth in the proposal and memorandum RFP for Software dated May 31, 1991. Councilman Cornell seconded the motion. After further & Hardware - discussion, a vote was taken on the motion which carried unanimously. (Cont'd) Mayor Sargent read the Resolution by title, entitled RESOLUTION NO. 22-91 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, declaring an exception from bidding requirements for the purchase of an integrated finance and automation system. Councilman Hallett moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. The motion was seconded by Councilman Lemon and carried unanimously. CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman Hallett moved to accept the items listed on the Consent Agenda, as follows: (1) Request to call for bids for PCB cleanup at 2nd & Valley; (2) Request for Council approval of Fireworks Permit for Chamber of Commerce; (3) Accepting withdrawal of application for Street Vacation Request for Taylor and canceling need for public hearing; (4) Request to set public hearing for appeal of Planning Director's denial of request for extension of a Temporary Use Permit - Randles, for June 18, 1991; (5) Request for approval of Civil Service Interview Board for police officers; (6) Request to set public hearing for July 16, 1991, for Shoreline Management Permit for Austin: Request to construct cyclone fence and rockery wall in the LI, Light Industrial District; (7) Vouchers of $1,356,926.25; and (8) Payroll of 5/17/91 of $278,156.76. Councilman Nicholson seconded the motion. Brief discussion followed and a vote was taken on the motion which carried unanimously. ITEMS FROM THE Leonard Fuller, 420 E. llth, addressed Council with a request to change an COUNCIL/AUDIENCE upcoming trial date which involves Mr. Fuller and the City. City Attorney TO BE CONSIDERED/ Knutson advised Mr. Fuller such dates are not established by the City Council and PLACED ON THE that further discussion in this regard would be more appropriately held with the AGENDA: City Attorney's office. Councilman Hallett requested that Information Agenda Item #1 concerning the Fireworks Ordinance be considered as an item on the Legislation Agenda. Councilman Cornell inquired as to the status of the summer water rates. Public Works Director Pittis responded the summer water rates automatically went into effect as of June 1 where the charge per 100 cubic feet decreased from 43 cents to 25 cents. LEGISLATION: Presentation of 1. Presentation of Yard of the Month Awards for June, 1991 Yard of the Month Awards Mayor Sargent presented the Yard of the Month Awards for June, 1991, to: Arthur & Shirley Moore, 1506 West 10th; Len & Irene Wilson, 3215 South Peabody; Eugene & Patricia Peters, 109 Lopez; Marie Ost, 141 Columbus; and Gale & Elsie Marrs, 913 Eckard. The Neighborhood Yard of the Month for June was awarded to the 900 Block of Benjamin. Recipients were: David & Vicki Anderson, 904 Benjamin; James & Patricia Harvey, 910 Benjamin; Chris Ditlefson, 916 Benjamin; Charles & Cynthia Madison, 917 Benjamin; Paul Stutesman, 922 Benjamin; John & Betty Fahey, 923 Benjamin; Henry Warren, 928 Benjamin; Warren & Doris St. Mary, 929 Benjamin; and Daniel & Cynthia Gase, 934 Benjamin. -3- 1914 CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 4, 1991 LEGISLATION .~, ,. (Cont'd) Resolution of 2. Resolution of ~4ppreciation for Joyce Gonzales Appreciation - Resolution Mayor Sargent read a Resolution of Appreciation which was presented to Joyce No. 20-91 Gonzales in recognition of her many years of dedicated service as an employee of the City of Port Angeles. The Resolution, by title, is as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 20-91 A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles recognizing and expressing appreciation to - Joyce Gonzales for her seventeen years of admirable service as a City employee. Councilman Hallett moved to pass the Resolution as read by the Mayor. Councilman Cornell seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Planning 3. Planning Commission Minutes of May 22, 1991: Commission Minutes ~4. Urban Growth ~rea Principles and Boundaries: (a) Hear report May 22, 1991 of Ci~/County Citizens' Committee; and (b) Set a Special Public Hearing to Consider Proposed Urban Growth .drea Principles and Boundan'es The City Council previously appointed five citizens to work on a joint committee with County representatives to establish the implementation of the Growth Management Act of 1990. The Committee arrived at a consensus regarding urban growth area principles and boundaries and, at this time, Ms. Cindy Souders, 219 W. Park and Chairman of the City/County Urban Regional Boundary Committee, reported to Council on the Committee's findings. Ms. Souders discussed the process involved, the efforts to reach consensus on all issues and the principles involved in establishing urban growth lines. It is the Committee's recommendation that the western boundary be established on the east side of the Elwha River Canyon and the eastern boundary be established on the western edge of Morse Creek Canyon. Total acreage in Port Angeles is currently approximately 6,000 acres; the recommendation adds another 6,000 acres. Craig Miller, 517 Ridgeview Drive, presented Council with his position that the area of the Four Seasons Ranch should be excluded as that particular area is not needed to meet population projections. Further, he expressed doubts that the sewer system would be extended up the east bank of the Morse Creek ravine. Don Corson, 165 Benson and County Representative to the Committee, presented the Committee's minority opinion that the eastern boundary should go further east and include the Four Seasons Ranch area, as well as the area of the new theater, in order to control commercial strip development. Lengthy discussion followed concerning the recommendations of urban growth boundaries, and Planning Director Collins advised Council the City must make a proposal to the County by July 1, 1991. Councilman Hallett moved to accept the report of the Urban Growth Committee and the memorandum from the Planning Department, to set a public hearing on the matter for Tuesday, June 18, 1991, at 6:00 p.m., and further, to reserve the right for additional public hearings if determined warranted. Councilman Cornell seconded the motion which carried unanimously. BREAK Mayor Sargent recessed the meeting for a break at 9:15 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 9:40 p.m. -4- 1915 CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 4, 1991 LEGISLATION (Cont'd) Public Hearings 4. Public Hearings: LID #211 A. LID #211 - DelGuzzi Drive - Final Assessment Roll The City Council authorized construction of the DelGuzzi LID #211 on May 7, 1989, by Ordinance No. 2522. The project was completed by the contractors and accepted by the City Council on June 5, 1990 and December 4, 1990 respectively. Total costs have been compiled and a final assessment roll has been prepared. Mayor Sargent opened the public hearing at 9:41 p.m. There being no public testimony, the public hearing was closed at 9:42 p.m. Attorney Knutson advised the City Council that the proposed Ordinance has not been approved by Bond Counsel, an action which is advised in order to assure the sale of bonds. Accordingly, Council opted to not take action at this time on the proposed Ordinance pending input from Bond Counsel. The matter will be considered at the next Council meeting. LID #213 - B. 5th Street LID #213 - Ordinance of Intent to Form Ordinance No. 2638 On March 14, 1991, a meeting was held with the property owners of the 1600 Block of East Fifth Street at which time the request was submitted for the City to pave their street. The consensus was reached that a full-width street with curb and gutter was not necessary because the street was a one-block-long, dead-end street with little or no chance of being extended. The Public Works Department determined the costs for full street improvement outweigh the benefits to the property and the full paving of the street would be rejected by the property owners. All necessary documents were submitted to the City Council by the City Engineer in accordance with Resolution No. 14-19. Mayor Sargent opened the public hearing at 9:44 p.m. There being no public testimony, the public hearing was closed at 9:44 p.m. Mayor Sargent read the Ordinance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 2638 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, providing for the improvement of a certain area within the City by doing street improvement and by doing all other work necessary in connection therewith, creating a Local Improvement District therefor, 1600 Block of East Fifth Street LID No. 213, and providing for the payment of thc cost of said improvements by special assessments upon the property in said district. Councilman Ostrowski moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nicholson. After limited discussion, a vote was taken on the motion which carried unanimously. Abatement of 5. Consideration of a Resolution for Abatement of Public Nuisances - Public Public Comment Nuisances - Resolution Staff provided Council with a revised Exhibit "A" list of public nuisances which No. 21-91 included one property. Mayor Sargent inquired as to whether there was any public comment pertinent to this property. There being no public comment, Mayor Sargent read the Resolution by title, entitled -5- 1916 CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 4, 1991 LEGISLATION (Cont'd) RESOLUTION NO. 21-91 Abatement of Public A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the Nuisances - City of Port Angeles, Washington, declaring (Cont'd) the existence of a public nuisance and requiring the elimination of such nuisance. Councilman Cornell moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ostrowski and carried unanimously. Proclamations 6. Proclamations: Pause for the Pledge, June 14, 1991, Flag Day and National Safe Boating Week, June 2 - ~ 1991 Mayor Sargent read proclamations declaring June 14, 1991, as Flag Day and June 2 - 8, 1991, as National Safe Boating Week. Service of 7. Request from Haguewood's Restaurant to Serve Alcoholic Beverages on City Alcoholic Pier in Conjunction with ~dquatic Educators National Conferenc~ July 9 - Beverages on 13, 1991 City Pier Mayor Sargent reviewed a request submitted by Haguewood's Restaurant to permit Haguewood's to serve alcoholic beverages to the Aquatic Educators National Conference, on July 9, 1991, 7:00-9:30 p.m., on the City Pier and July 13, 1991, 7:00-9:30 p.m., also on the City Pier. Attorney Knutson advised the City Council that the Ordinance would have to be changed in that alcoholic beverages are not allowed on the City Pier, and there are no discretionary powers set forth in the Ordinance. Jim Haguewood indicated the restaurant receives several similar requests each year, and Haguewood's would make every effort to appropriately control each event. However, Councilmembers expressed concern with the possible precedent to be set, as well as the close proximity to the water. When asked for input, Police Chief Cleland expressed concern with the possible precedent and the possibility of future events which could not be controlled. After further discussion, by consensus, Councilmcmbers agreed to deny the request. Councilman Hallett moved to continue with the agenda. The motion was seconded by Councilman Nicholson and carried unanimously. Light Department 8. Consideration of Light Department Interfund Loan and Refinancing Interfund Loan and Refinancing Mayor Sargent reviewed information submitted by the Finance Department concerning interfund loans from the Light Fund to the General Fund and Equipment Rental Fund for the financing of equipment and other property purchases. The City has traditionally financed the purchase of fleet equipment and other property purchases through conventional financing. Although current interest rates are attractive, conventional f'mancing would collectively disburse over $490,000 to various financial institutions or private concerns. Interfund borrowing would allow City funds to borrow at a lower rate than what is available through conventional loans and would generate the same rate of return on investments that the Light Fund is earning through the City Investment Pool. Mayor Sargent read the Resolution by title, entitled RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, authorizing interfund loans from the Light Fund to the General Fund and the Equipment Rental Fund. -6- 1917 CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 4, 1991 LEGISLATION (Cont'd) Light Department Councilman Hallett moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. The motion Interfund Loan was seconded by Councilman Cornell. and Refinancing (Cont'd) Discussion followed with questions being raised as to what types of expenditures are anticipated. Reference was made to the listing provided of equipment acquisitions to be made. City Manager Pomeranz indicated this resolution is specific to this particular listing of equipment; the suggestion was made that the list be made a part of the Resolution as Exhibit "A". Manager Pomeranz noted any further requests would be brought before Council for consideration. Discussion ensued concerning the City's investment policy in terms of short versus long-term investments, the need for City staff to have flexibility with regard to investments, and the potential impacts on the Light Fund. Finance Director Godbey was asked to prepare a summary of equipment purchases made over the past year, inclusive of information with respect to financing specific to those purchases. City Manager Pomeranz indicated is would be advisable for staff to conduct further research on this matter and to have the item placed on the agenda  for~mg. Councilman Hallett, therefore, withdrew his motion. EIS - Elwha 9. Review of Draft Comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement River Dam on Elwha River Dam Removal Removal Public Works Director Pittis submitted for Council review a draft of comments to be submitted to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on the issue of the Elwha River dam removal. Comments needs to be submitted to FERC by June 28, 1991. Councilmembers offered input to Director Pittis specifically relating to the deletion of the portion where the statement is made the City Council has not and will not take a formal position either in favor or in opposition to the removal of the dams on the Elwha River. It was agreed the City will not support any solution involving dam removal unless all issues impacting the City are addressed. Discussion also centered around the possibility of adding comments as to mitigation measures which might be undertaken; Planning Director Collins will offer input in this regard. Further, Council addressed the possibility of adding a statement to the extent the National Park restoration should not be included as a resource objective. It was agreed all Councilmembers will sign the letter. Mayor Sargent suggested that Congressman Swift be contacted in regard to the list of dams he offered to provide. Boy Scout 10. Status Report on Boy Scout Recycling Contract Newspaper Recycl- ing Program At this time, Council gave consideration as to whether to proceed with the Boy Scouts of America for an interim newsprint recycling program as approved by the City Council at its meeting of February 5, 1991. The City has committed to spending $7,500 for au advertising campaign for public education through a 50% matching grant with the Department of Ecology. Further, commitments have been obtained from the City of Sequim and the recycling contractor for funding. Although one of the original goals is no longer valid since the curbside collection program may start concurrent with, or before, the Boy Scout program, the goal to assist the Boy Scout organization and to provide newsprint recycling activities supplementary to the curbside program will still be realized. Councilman Lemon moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement with the Boy Scouts of America for an interim newsprint recycling program. The motion was seconded by Councilman Cornell and carried unanimously. -7- 1918 CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 4, 1991 LEGISLATION (Cont'd) State Revolving 11. Consideration of Amendment to State Revolving Fund Loan for Fund Loan - Construction of Secondary Treatment Facility Secondary Treatment Facility The proposed amendment to the existing SRF loan was brought to Council for consideration as requested by DOE to correct an internal distribution of funds error between design and construction allowances. The amendment is an administrative reshuffling of internal project element costs and does not increase or decrease the total eligible loan amount. Councilman Cornell moved to authorize the Mayor to execute Amendment No. 1 to the State Revolving Fund Loan, SRF 91-001. Councilman Lemon seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Bridge Replacement 12. Consideration of Acceptance of Bridge Replacement Grant for 2nd Street Grant - 2nd Street Bridge Bridge Public Works Director Pittis reviewed information pertinent to replacement of the 2nd Street Bridge, which has been favorably rated by the Bridge Replacement Advisory Committee to be replaced using Federal Highway Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Funds. Acceptance of the funds at 80% of the submitted cost of $87,000 would commit the City to a matching share of $17,400. City funds to be expended in this regard have not been included in the current budget. Councilman Ostrowski moved to accept the bridge replacement grant funds and authorize the Mayor to execute the Municipal Agreement with the State and further, to direct staff that design work occur after the 1992 budget process is completed. Councilman Nicholson seconded the motion. Discussion followed as to how long construction would take once the engineering and design has been completed. After further consideration, it was agreed the design portion could commence at this time, the funds could be budgeted during the 1992 budget review and construction could commence next Spring. Councilman Ostrowsld withdrew the portion of the motion relating to design work occurring after the 1992 budget process is completed. A vote was then taken on the motion which carried unanimously. Public Works 13. Request to Execute Contract for Public Works Trust Fund for Secondary Trust Fund - Treatment Facility Secondary Treatment Facility Council addressed the matter of authorizing the Public Works Trust Fund Agreement to provide a $2,500,000 loan for improvements to the City's Wastewater Treatment Facility. After limited discussion, Councilman Lemon moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the Public Works Trust Fund Loan Agreement for a $2,500,000 loan at 1% interest for a 20-year term. The motion was seconded by Councilman Cornell. Public Works Director Pittis commended City Engineer Kenworthy for his exceptional efforts in preparing the documents for the loan. A vote was taken on the motion which carried unanimously. Architect Selection - 14. Consideration of Architect Selection to perform VBMCC Enhancements - Vern Burton Request Authorization to Negotiate Contract Memorial Center Enhancements Mayor Sargent and Councilman Hallett participated in an architectural selection team which interviewed architectural consultants for Vern Burton Memorial Center enhancements. Those interviewed were: Jeremy H. Miller Architects & Planning, Seattle; Lindberg Architects, Port Angeles; Hovland/Thomas Architects, Federal Way; and Kubota/Kato Architects, Seattle. The local firm of Lindberg Architects presented a very practical straight-forward approach, and they have experience in similar projects. Further, Lindberg has excellent procedures developed to manage costs with a track record to prove their procedures, and have had success int he past with public involvement. -8- 1919 CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 4, 1991 LEGISLATION (Cont'd) Architect Selection- After limited discussion, Councilman Nicholson moved to select Lindberg Vern Burton Architects as the architectural firm for design enhancements to the Vern Burton Memorial Center Community Center and to authorize the negotiation of a contract. Councilman Enhancements Cornell seconded the motion which carried unanimously. (Cont'd) EPA Green Lights 15. Request to Participate in Environmental Protection ~dgency Sponsored Program "Green Lt'ghts~ Program City Light Director Titus explained the EPA Green Lights Program which is a nationwide program promoting energy efficient light for indoor and outdoor applications for the reduction of pollutant emissions. The utility's role in the agreement with EPA includes enhancing the existing lighting market infrastructure, expanding the opportunities for lighting users to learn about the environmental benefits of energy efficient lighting, distributing the EPA provided marketing materials and conducting lighting surveys and installing cost effective lighting in its facilities. This particular effort is directed to those businesses which sell lighting products. Councilman Cornell moved to authorize the City Light Director to sign the Memorandum of Understanding between the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Port Angeles City Light Department. Councilman Hailett seconded the motion which carried unanimously. City Council 16. Discussion of Recognition for Councilrnembers Recognition Due to Councilman Wight's absence from this meeting, Mayor Sargent requested the discussion on recognition for Councilmembers be tabled to the next meeting. Hazardous Waste 17. ConMderation of Hazardous Waste Management Plan Management Plan Bob Jones, Superintendent of Solid Waste and Chairman of the Solid Waste Advisory Committee, presented for Council's consideration the Clallam County Hazardous Waste Management Plan. The plan meets all the latest requirements of law relating to how Clallam County and the agencies within the County should handle hazardous waste. In the ensuing discussion, Planning Director Collins indicated there is an obligation to review hazardous material zoning locations, a matter on which he has been unable to offer input. In view of this consideration, Council agreed to defer action on the Hazardous Waste Management Plan to the next meeting in order to obtain input on the zoning locations. Proposed 18. Proposed Amendment to Fireworks Ordinance Amendment to Fireworks The Fire Department submitted information to City Council concerning the Ordinance possible restriction of certain types of fireworks which could be hazardous to property or dangerous to any person. More specifically, the Fire Department has responded in the past to several grass fires caused by fireworks. The firework causing the most fires was identified as "Jumping Jack". It is the recommendation of the Fire Department that the "Jumping Jack" be banned from sale and use in the City of Port Angeles. Fire Chief Glenn advised Council that if an Ordinance in this regard is adopted, it will not go into effect for one (1) year in accordance with State law. Councilmembers felt it appropriate to conduct a public hearing to receive input on this matter. Councilman Hallett moved to set a public hearing on the proposed amendment to the Fireworks Ordinance for June 18, 1991. Councilman Lemon seconded the motion which carried unanimously. -9- 1920 CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 4, 1991 LEGISLATION (Cont'd) ' Repairs to 19. Request for Authorization for Mayor to Sign Contract for City Pier Repairs City Pier Attorney Knutson distributed copies of an estimate submitted by General Construction Company to do repair work at the City Pier for damage sustained during the winter storms. Attorney Knutson indicated it would be appropriate to enter into a contractual agreement with General Construction for these repairs. It was noted storm damage is being reimbursed by FEMA. Councilman Ostrowski moved to authorize the Mayor to sign a contract with General Construction Company to do repair work to the City Pier in an amount not to exceed $28,000. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hallett and carded unanimously. CITY COUNCIL None. COMITTEE REPORTS/LATE ITEMS: ADJOURN TO Mayor Sargent adjourned the City Council meeting to Executive Session at 11:40 EXECUTIVE SESSION: p.m. for approximately 45 minutes to discuss matters of labor negotiation and potential litigation. RETURN TO The City Council meeting returned to open session at approximately 12:45 a.m. OPEN SESSION: ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 12:46 a.m. CC.216 -10-