HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/05/1958
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
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I: Port Angeles City Council met~in regulBr session at 7:30 P. M., and was called to order by Mayor Smith. I
'",OffiCerS present were: Mayor Smith, Councilmen Sandison, Maxfield, Thorne, Richardson, Randall and Caldwell,
Manager Vergeer, Attorney Severyns and Clerk Law. I
lPursuant to election recent17 conducted, first order of business was organization of Council and election ofl
!Mayor. CounciJman Maxfield nominated Incumbent Ivor Smith to serve as Mayor for two year tem. Councilman
lThorne nominated Nathan Richardson and moved that nominatipns be closed. Seconded by CounciJ.man Caldwell
and carried. Results of ballots cast showed Richardson 4 aOO Smith 3. Mr. Richardson accepted the gavel
and thanked 1I.r. Smith for fine job as Mayor and hoped he can do as well.
It was moved by CounciJman Thorne that minutes of the previous meeting be approved. Seconded by CoynciJ.man
Smith and carried.
It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that minutes of Council meetings be read at each meeting and tape
recordings of the same be indexed ani roed. Seconded by Councilman Ramall aOO carried.
Under the head of unfinished business, the following Resolution was introduced and read:
RESOllITION NO, 9 - 58
IA RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington creating a Construction FUnd for
Local Improvement District No. 177 of the City of Port Angeles for the purpose of peying all of the cost of
the improvement of said constroction installed under said local improvement district, including all costs
incidental thereto, and authorizing the delivery of the warrants and bonds issued against said Local
I Improvement District No. 177 to the firemen's Pension Fund as, an investment for the benefit of siiO.::'Fund.
It was moved by Councilman Smith that the foregoing Resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by
Councilman Sandison and carried. ,
The City Engineer su1:mitted the first pay estimate for work done and material furnished by Paine and Gallucci
in L. I. D. No. 177 in amount of $21,000.00. It was moved by Councilman Sandison that estimate be approved 1
and paid. Seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carried.
Councilman Thorne cited Council action of April 17th on polley adopted regarding employment of Intern during
summer months, It was the opinion of Council members that objectives cou;.d be accomplished by regulBr
employees without extra expenditure. Mr. Vergeer advised that applicant has accepted another offer.
~The State Highway C011Bl1ission informed in writing that funds have been reques,ted, and should be a'-1ailable
lwithin ten days for purchase of curb for East First Street as part of sign and curb control plan.
IUnder the head of new business, the Park BOard requested Emergency Ordinance proViding for expenditure of
available Park Funds to pay cost of painting Civic Stadium and fence. It was moved by CQ1inci:Jman Thorne
'that Ordinance be prepared and presented at the next meeting. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried.
Claims payable June 5th were approved in total amount of $30,622.29. It was moved by Councilman Ha~ieitd
that claims ba approved aOO paid. Seconded, by Ccuncilman Randall and carried.
I Requests for Beverage License renewals and transfers were received as follows: Renewals: Club aLlliards,
Walt '8 101 Service, Parkway Grocery, Olympic Recreation, Safeway Store No. 188, Grand View Grocery, Harbor
Tavern, Aggie'S BrOiler, Walter Akeley Post No. 29, BriCkie's Place, Marine llIrive Cafe', B. & M. Grocery,
Corner Cupboard, Carlson's Grocery, Naval Lodge No. 353. Transfer: Colonial Inn Tavern from Wm. M. Ellis
to Albert and Mary Haas. It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that renewals and transfer be approved.
Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried.
1 Council considered advisability of providing domestic water service to seventy-three consumers outside the
City East of Race Street now being served for irrigation. Mrs. Ted white appeared for Highland View
Association representing 21 customers being served from their four inch line, balance of usel'S being on main,
line and all subject to interruption of service and no fire hydrants. Don Morrison of Olympic Health DistriCt
; informed that State Health Dept. has taken steps in iilterest of these consumers and the local Department
I concurs, the water being untreated and contaminated. Councilman Randall questioned legality, Attorney
~Moffett assuring State Statutes permit Cities to enter into agreement with individuals and Corporations.
It was moved by Councilman Randall that action be postponed until a suitable plan can be worked out.
Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried.
It was moved by Councilman Sandison that the following reports be accepted and filed: Light, Water, Police,
and Fire Departments. Motion seconded by Councilman Thorne aOO carried.
i Council discussed brief as prepared for presentation at hearing by Pollution Control Conunission, scheduled
'for June 12th in the Elks Temple. WID. Gwynn considered it good policy for Council to recoJIlllend larger hall
land meeting extended to evening, thereby enabling day shift workers to participate. The Manager was directed
Ito write the Pollution Control Board recommending an evening meeting, 7:00 to 10:00 P. M., with adequate I
facilities to accomodate. Councilman Randall aOO others questioned advisability of Industrial waste disposal
I through interceptor trunk due to chemical action. Alao that the City should not bind itself to any proposall
without reconmendations from the Pollution Commission. Council directed that brief be revised, the City j
acknowledging existence of pollution in Harbor water and assuring cooperation toward abatement of the same.
I' Mrs. Scherneck on Highway 101 West, requested that water service be extended about one block to her property.
Mr. Vergeer advised that property is outside the service area as defined by Ordinance. The matter was
referred to the Manager for investigation.
I Mayor Richardson announced June 23rd, if agreellble, as date of meeting for 24th Legislative Group in this
,city. Also cited two vacancies on Ligislative Board. It was moved by Councilman Thozmetthat the date be
, approved and the Mayor authorized to appoint members to fill vacancies. Seconded' by Councilman Randall and
,I carried. The Mayor then appointed Iwr Smith and James Caldwell as Board Mem):)ers.
'I Leslie Everett of 814 East Second st. complained of baseballs be~ng batted over five foot fence at Little
League field, and creating hazard to residents and property. Council assured investigation.
Under the head of introduction and reading of Resolutions, the following was introduced and read by
Councilman Thorne I
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
June 5,
"., . '''''', ...,~, ""~,,., "."" ..... .....
'WHEREAS, Mrs. Margaret Matthieu, Mr. Joseph Wolfe and Dr. J. L. McFadden have faithfully served the City of
I Port Angeles as members of the City Council for a period of six years, and
WHEREAS, Mr. Edson Brown has similarly served the City of Port Angeles for a period of five years, and ,
,WHEREAS, such service was a great personal sacrifice and demanded much of their time and serious deliberation,
'NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council. of the City of Port Angeles at regul.ar session this 5th I
i day 0 f June, 1958, that the City Council express its appreciation to Mrs. Margaret Matthieu, Mr., Joseph
,Wolie, Dr. J. L. IIcFadden and Mr. Edson Brown for their untiring effort in the interest of the people of :
I Port Angeles, and be it further resolved that they be publicly conmended for the service so rendered to '
I their community.
I It waa moved by Councilman Thorne that the foregoing Resolution be approved and copy sent to each retired
,Councilman, also to news reporter. Motion seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried.
The following Improvement Resolution was introduced and read, fixing date of hearing:
A RESOIlJTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles declaring its intention to improve a certain
area within the City by the construction and installation of sanitary trunk sewers" sanitary lateral sewers
and sanitary sub-sewers therein, including manholes, lamp holes and Wyes where needed, and by doing all
work necessary in connection therewith, and creating an enlarged local improvement gistrict for the levying
and collection of assessments for such improvement, and fixing a time and date for the hearing on this
Resolution of Intention.
, It was moved by Councilman Randall that the foregoing Improvement Resolution be approved and adopted.
, Sec onded by Councilman Maxfie:Ld and carried.
'Under the
head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following was introduced and read in full:
'II AN ORDINANCE authorizing the transfer of electric power line running from Morse Creek Dam to the distribution
line of Public Utility District No.1 of Clallam County.
, It was moved by Councilman Smith th4t the foregoing Ordinance be approved and adopted. Seconded by
I Councilman ,sandis,on am carried.
No further business appearing, the meeting was adjourned.
9. e
City Clerk