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Port Angeles, Washington
June 5, 1984
Mayor Duncan called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Members Present: Mayor Duncan, Councilmen Gerberding, Haguewood, Hordyk,
Schermer, Quast, Whidden.
Members Absent:
Staff Present:
Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Knutson, Deputy Clerk
Anderson, P. Carr, M. Cleland, R. French, J. Marsh,
L. Glenn, J. Pittis, R. Orton.
public Present:
L. Sunny, D. Alwine.
Councilman Quast moved the Council accept and place on file as received the
minutes of the May 15, 1984 meeting. Councilman Gerberding seconded.
Attorney Knutson corrected the last paragraph regarding the Fire Alarm
Ordinance, on Register Page 147, by deleting the last sentence. Councilman
Schermer corrected his amendment on the Civic Center Commission motion, on
Register Page 147, to delete the word "lesser". On call for the question,
the motion to accept the minutes as corrected carried.
Councilman Schermer moved the Council accept the items listed under the
Consent Agenda, including (1) Request permission to call for bids on Race
Street; (3) Request permission to call for bids for removal of buildings on
the City's 7th & Peabody Street property and 4th & Francis Streets prop-
erty; (3) Correspondence from Washington State Liquor Control Board; and
(4) Vouchers of $1,669,857.29 and Payroll of May 20, 1984 of $199,940.08.
councilman Whidden seconded for the sake of discussion. The Council dis-
cussed with staff at length various items listed on the Consent Agenda. On
call for the question, the motion carried.
1. Consideration of Bid Award on Bluewater View LID
Councilman Quast moved to concur with the recommendation of the Public
Works Department to accept and award the bid of J. B. Excavating in the
amount of $22,617.50 and that a contract be issued for the construction of
the Bluewater View LID #206. Councilman Schermer seconded. Following
discussion, Councilman Gerberding moved to table the motion until the next
regular City Council Meeting in order to contact the adjoining property
owners since they are the ones that have petitioned for this LID. Council-
man Haguewood seconded and the motion carried.
2. Consideration of Bid Award on AIder Street Property
Councilman Whidden moved to reject the bid of Alwine Properties in the
amount of $1,500. Councilman Quast seconded. Councilman Schermer added
the suggestion that the matter be referred back to the Real Estate
Committee for consideration in the event that another party might make an
offer. On call for the question, the motion carried.
3. Consideration of Bid Award - 1984 Petroleum Bids
Councilman Gerberding moved to concur with the recommendations of staff to
accept bids as follows: (1) That the firm of oil Heat Co. of Port Angeles
(Chevron USA), be awarded a contract to provide regular gasoline, unleaded
gasoline, automobile and heating diesel fuel, solvent, insulating oil and
gear oils, as outlined in the bid tabulations; (2) That the firm of Buckeye
Gas, Inc., be awarded the contract for propane fuel at the prices stipu-
lated in bid tabluations; (3) That the firm of Bauman Olympic, Inc., be
awarded the contract for Delo-400, Dextrol 2, and hydraulic fluids at the
June 5, 1984
unit price indicated on the tabluation. Councilman Schermer seconded and
the motion carried.
4. Consideration of Bid Award on Hand Rails for the Eighth Street Bridge
Councilman Quast moved to concur with staff's recommendation that all bids
received be rejected (all bids exceeded the Engineer's estimate). Council-
man Gerberding seconded and discussed with staff alternatives to the hand
rails. Public Works Director Pittis explained problems that might arise
with materials such as mesh fencing material. Following further discussion I
at length, on call for the question, the motion carried.
5. Final Project Acceptance and Release of Retainage on Swimming Pool
Councilman Quast moved to concur with the staff recommendation to accept
the pool cover and reel system from Aqua-Therm and authorize the City Clerk
to release the bid performance bond. Councilman Whidden seconded and the
motion carried.
Mayor Duncan added Item. No. 20, a report from Council representatives to
the C1allam County Transit Board on extension of transit routes (discussed
at May 14trr Transit Board meeting) .
Mayor Duncan placed Item No. 15, Letter from Fire District 4 Regarding
Paramedic Service to District, as Item No. 4 on the Agenda.
Planning Commission Minutes of May 23, 1984
A. Annexation Petition Authorized - Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hare
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hare have requested annexation of property located
directly south of the DelHur Eastside Annexation, located southeast of
Peninsula Golf Course. Following discussion, Councilman Hordyk moved to
concur with the recommendations of the Planning Commission to authorize
circulation of an Annexation Petition, subject to the assumption of bonded
indebtedness and the property being zoned RS-9, Residential Single-Family.
Councilman Schermer seconded and the motion carried.
B. Proposed Central Commercial District - Public Hearing Set
Councilman Quast moved to set June 19, 1984, as the date of public hearing
for consideration of the establishment of a Central Commercial District
Zone. Councilman Whidden seconded, and the motion carried.
Councilman Gerberding then moved to accept and place on file as written the
Planning Commission minutes of May 23, 1984. Councilman Whidden seconded
and the motion carried.
2. Resolution Setting Public Hearing Date - Requested Street Vacation -
Mayor Duncan read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City
setting a hearing date
to vacate a portion of
and of the 6/7 alley.
of Port Angeles
for a petition
Seventh Street
Following discussion, Councilman Gerberding moved to refer the matter to
the Planning Commission to be heard at their regular meeting of July 11,
1984, and to pass the Resolution setting the date of public hearing for
July 17, 1984. Councilman Schermer seconded, and the motion carried.
June 5, 1984
3. Letter from Maxine King Regarding Bicycles on Downtown Streets
Maxine King of 1089 Pierce Road, addressed the Council, presenting a
petition signed by citizens of Port Angeles, protesting the practice of
riding bicycles on the sidewalks in the Central Business District and
insisting that an ordinance eliminating this activity be strictly enforced.
She presented the following recommendations: (1) Vigorous enforcement 'of
the ordinance prohibiting the riding of bicycles on sidewalks in the
Central Business District; (2) That the Police embark on education in the
school system by sending letters to the schools so that principals can be
involved in the education process; (3) That a notice be put in the paper
apprising parents that this is an illegal type of behavior, so that they
may inform their children; (4) Stenciled signs on sidewalks stating "Walk
Your Bicycle"; (5) That bike racks be strategically located throughout the
City. Leo Sunny, a citizen of Port Angeles, then addressed the Council,
opposing vigorous enforcement of the ordinance. He favored allowing
individuals to ride bicycles on sidewalks so long as they were cautious and
considerate. Manager Flodstrom received clarification from ~~s. King that
rigid enforcement was being requested for the Central Business District
only. He stated that the State statute requires bicycles not be ridden on
sidewalks in business districts, not just central business districts. The
Council and staff then discussed the possibility of having Reserve Police
Officers patrol the Downtown area on foot during the summertime to prevent
violation of the ordinance. The Council discussed bike racks and possible
locations for them; also international-style symbolic signs were discussed.
Karen Eckert, P. O. Box 414, Port Angeles, then addressed the Council. She
voiced concern that bicycle riders are afraid to ride in the streets Down-
town. She supported the idea of placing bike racks in the Downtown area at
different vantage points. She also encouraged that provisions be made for
bicyclists. Councilman Quast then moved to instruct the Parks Department
and the Police Department to cooperate in finding locations and installing
a number of bicycle racks throughout the City and in obtaining the proper
signage to be displayed in the Downtown area, having the same sign or
symbol appear in a number of newspaper advertisements sponsored by the
Police Department for the benefit of parents and their children. The
motion died for lack of a second. Councilman Hordyk inquired as to how
this project would be funded, and suggested that the matter be referred to
staff for consideration and instructed staff to report back to the Council
before a final decision is made. The Council concurred.
4. Letter From Fire District No. 4 Regarding Paramedic Service
Fire Chief Harry Findley of Fire District No. 4 addressed the Council,
explaining the request. After discussion, Councilman Quast moved to
authorize Fire Chief Glenn to open up discussion with Chief Findley
regarding the possibility of a provider service agreement. He did warn,
however, that when the Medic I Program was established and the $1.30 per
month utility charge was instituted, the services of the Medic I Program
were limited and the interests of the citizens of Port Angeles who pay the
$1.30 utility charge must be considered. He then restated his motion to
authorize Fire Chief Glenn to meet with the Medic I Advisory Board Chairman
and with Chief Findley to negotiate the request and to report back to the
Council. Councilman Schermer seconded and the motion carried.
Councilman Haguewood then stated that he was in favor of the Medic I
Program functioning under Olympic Memorial Hospital, which is a taxing
5. Consideration of City/YMCA Agreement for Community Recreation
Councilman Hordyk moved to authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement
between the City and the YMCA. Councilman Quast seconded. Councilman
Haguewood inquired as to contracting moneys for 1985 and 1986. Attorney
Knutson explained that the contract was contingent upon funds being
budgeted by the Council in 1985 and 1986. On call for the question, the
motion carried.
6. First Quarter Financial Status Report
Finance Director Orton updated the Council on the financial status of the
General Fund.
June 5, 1984
7. Consideration of Contract with Clallam County Museum for 1984 Services
The Council discussed the matter at great length. Councilman Quast
instructed the Clallam County Museum to provide proof to the Council that
they have increased their efforts for obtaining private donations and have
sought grants, as these conditions are specified in the contract. Follow-
ing further discussion, the Council concurred with the striking of certain
wording in the contract. Councilman Haguewood then moved to accept the
contract. Councilman Gerberding seconded and the motion carried.
Authorize Mayor Duncan to Sign Contract with CH2M Hill for Airport
Annexation EIS and West End Sewer Study
Councilman Hordyk inquired as to whether the sewer study would become the
property of the City. Planner Carr informed him that it would. Councilman
Hordyk then moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the contract with CH2M
Hill. Councilman Whidden seconded, and the motion carried.
9. Consideration of Approval of Labor Contract With Teamsters' Local 589
Mayor Duncan read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
establishing a position classification
and pay plan for the Police Department
Employees, and providing for the pay-
ment thereof for the year 1984.
Councilman Hordyk moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title, with
Councilman Schermer seconding. Following discussion, on call for the
question, the motion carried.
10. Consideration of Renewing Lease With North Olympic Library System
Councilman Hordyk moved to authorize the signing of the lease. Councilman
Schermer seconded. Following discussion, on call for the question, the
motion carried.
11. Final Acceptance of Hazard Elimination Project
Councilman Whidden moved to approve and accept the work of Lakeside Indus-
tries on the hazard elimination project - Eighth Street Bridges and
Tumwater Truck Route. Councilman Quast seconded the motion. Councilman
Quast then suggested that reflectors be placed on rails on the Eighth
Street Bridges. On call for the question, the motion carried, with
Councilman Hordyk voting "No".
12. Approval of Contract for New Third Party Claims for Workmen's
Compensation Claims
Councilman Quast moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the services agree-
ment between the City of Port Angeles and Gates McDonald & Co. Councilman
Schermer seconded, and the motion carried.
13. Resolution Setting Public Hearing for Six-Year Transportation Plan
Mayor Duncan read the ReSOlution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles
setting a public hearing date for review
of its six Year Comprehensive Street
Councilman Whidden moved to pass the Resolution as read by title, with
Councilman Quast seconding. The motion carried.
14. Discussion of Local Fireworks Regulations and Their Relationship to
Recently Approved Regulations
Mayor Duncan reviewed a memorandum from Fire Chief Glenn regarding recent
legislation On fireworks. Following discussion at length, the Council
concurred to abide by the State RCW regulating fireworks.
June 5, 1984
15. Set Public Hearing for June 19th - Mechanized Collection
Councilman Whidden moved to set a public hearing for June 19, 1984, for the
Mechanized Garbage Collection. Councilman Gerberding seconded. Councilman
Whidden then instructed staff to place a block ad in the newspaper as
notification of the public hearing. On call for the question, the motion
16. Status Report on Updating of Ellerbe Report on Civic Center - Update
on City's Hotel/Motel Tax Funds
Following presentations by the City Manager and Finance Director, Council-
man Quast moved to authorize staff to draft alternate ballot wording set-
ting a tentative amount of $1.3 million for a general obligation bond issue
for the construction of a civic center at the site of the Vern Burton
Memorial Community Center, to be considered by the Council June 19, 1984.
Councilman Gerberding seconded, adding that the public would be offered the
opportunity to speak at a meeting at the time when a final determination is
made by the Council. Finance Director Orton requested that he be authorized
to bring back a projected operating budget for the Council's consideration,
and received Council's concurrence to do so. On call for the question, the
motion carried.
17. Consideration of Setting a UAC Meeting Date to Discuss Mechanized
Collection Survey and Water/Sewer Utility Cost of Service Report
Councilman Haguewood will attend the UAC meeting in Councilman Hordyk's
absence. The Council set the UAC meeting for June 12, 1984, at 5:00 P.M.
in City Hall.
18. Flag Day proclamation
Mayor Duncan proclaimed June 14, 1984, as Flag'Day in Port Angeles.
19. Letter of Resignation from Park Board - Ralph Ames
Councilman Hordyk moved to regretfully accept the resignation, with
Councilman Quast seconding. The motion carried.
20. Report from Transit Authority Representative
Councilman Schermer reported that the matter of expanding transit routes to
Hurricane Ridge and Sol Duc Hot Springs had been tabled, and that a commit-
tee had been formed, of which he is a member, to study rates and corne back
to the Transit Board with recommendations. The Council concurred that the
proposed route expansions were favorable, but that the costs of these
routes should be reviewed and the possibility of rate increases considered.
Manager Flodstrom informed the Council
Light Director were being interviewed.
i ty of reimbursing candidates' travel
that finalists for the position of
The Council discussed the possibil-
expenses for interviews in the
Manager Flodstrom then informed the Council that some of the replacement
banners had begun going up today in the Central Business District. He also
informed the Council that the Port Angeles Downtown Association had reim-
bursed the City for half the cost of the replacement banners.
Resolution Formalizing Purchase Arrangements for Police Cars
Manager F10dstrom presented the Resolution to the Council. Mayor Duncan
read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles
authorizing the City Manager to execute
an agreement between the City of Port
Angeles and Commercial and Municipal
Financial Corporation for the lease/
purchase of automobiles for the Port
Angeles Police Department.
June 5, 1984
Councilman Schermer moved to pass the Resolution as read by title, with
Councilman Whidden seconding. The motion carried, with Councilman
Haguewood voting "No".
Update on Damage to City Pier
Parks & Recreation Director Marsh updated the Council on recent damage to
the City Pier, caused by the recent storm. He stated that 60% to 65% of
the floats would be replaced by the Fourth of July. The Council and staff
further reviewed the damage and discussed possible construction methods I
that may prevent future damage of this nature.
Hazardous Material Response Exercise
Manager Flodstrom reported to the Council that the U. S. Coast Guard would
be holding a response exercise for oil and hazardous material spills on
July 26, 1984. A representative from the Fire Department will attend that
drill, and a pre-drill meeting will be held June 7, 1984.
Information on Local Tattoo Shop
The Council concurred to place this item on the next Council agenda.
Management Retreat
Manager Flodstrom informed the Council that all management staff would be
attending a one-day retreat Friday, June 8, 1984.
Councilman Gerberding discussed with staff the financial impact of the
C1allam Transit Buses leaving the City garage. He then requested an update
from staff regarding actions taken on recreational vehicle parking. Parks
Director Marsh eKplained that a reader-board will be installed on Ediz Hook
enabling recreational vehicle parks to display advertisements and maps to I
their facilities. He stated that the City is awaiting a cost estimate at .
this time. Manager Flodstrom stated that the Police Department and Parks
Department were continuing to work on the enforcement of the RV parking
Councilman Hordyk informed staff that he has received requests from
citizens that the left turn light for traffic traveling west on Marine
Drive at the Truck Route be changed so that on-coming traffic be stopped to
enable left turns.
Councilman Hordyk then reported on the recent meeting of the NWPPA which he
attended in Victoria. He stated that the general consensus was to pay for
the WPPSS situation and to get Plants 1 and 3 back on-line to save the
industry. He also discussed Federal regulations on voltage and lines in
regard to the proposed Morse Creek Hydroelectric project. He also men-
tioned that the NWPPA is concerned over industries being lost due to the
lack of power in the Pacific Northwest and he made available to staff the
1984 NWPPA resolution.
Councilman Hordyk also mentioned the First and Race Street By-pass, stating
that he had received a call from a citizen who stated that there was not
that big a problem in that location.
Councilman Whidden then discussed with staff the status of the relocation
of the Greyhound Bus terminal. He also discussed with staff the cultural
arts center proposed by Esther Webster. Manager Flodstrom stated that
the project is still viable.
Councilman Whidden then discussed with the Director of Parks & Recreation
problems with the lack of water at the Cemetery over Memorial Day weekend.
He then discussed his concerns over enlisting Senators Gorton and Evans to
assist in the U. S. Coast Guard review of borderline properties, encourag-
ing the Coast Guard to consider acquisition by the City of Ediz Hook
Councilman Schermer inquired as to the Harbor Management Steering Committee.
Mayor Duncan stated that the Committee actions are still under way and that
she will report their progress.
June 5, 1984
Mayor Duncan mentioned the tentative date of June 21, 1984, for the con-
tinued Council work session on Comprehensive Plans.
Mayor Duncan adjourned the meeting to executive session for the purpose of
discussion WPPSS litigation and the City Manager Evaluation at 10:10 P.M.
The meeting returned to open session at approximately 10:30 P.M.
Mayor Duncan adjourned the meeting at approximately 10:45 P.M.
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