HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/06/1934 II""" 216 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ,Tune 6, 1934. 193_ The Commission met in re[;Ular sess.ion at 10 a.m. 'Uld '''/as calleD to order oy Hay"r avis. Roll call sho"e1 the fullJYJin,: officers 71'e3e11t: J.hyor D:J.vis, CommissiJ .ers Lutz nd I~i3.stern I ..l..ttorne:y Plumme c.nd 0~er',: Han:<ins. The minutes elf the '.revious sess ion nere ,'ead and approved. Under the head of 3uilclinc permi ts and Licenses the follo\'ling ',Icre g'!'antcd,- F. I" Mosher, "ddition to,buildi..~, ,~, of Lots 1 <::.8, Blk. 395, Townsite Ch:J.s. Eaton, R~model residence, Lot 2, Blk. 1, P.S.C.C. Subd. L. E. Stark, Dance ,t I.O.O.Q. Hall, June G, 1934 Log Cabin Beer p'arlor, 1 card table A.J. Fa1Cnce, 1 \iard Tauls' ~2CO.OO 5CO.00 5.00 5.45 5..1<0 Police Judee Thos. Geisnees rel'orted 2& cases tried and ,~154.rc collected in fji:es for the GlOnth of !.lay, 19:14. Report ordered filed. ~, __,'W--;--"",,_ ;.,.......(:,\1,1. Fun nlD~ "1;'On Ul'l'Y ! ': i. . ..nlx'rDo<. I NOTTc;g ,]S RERRI1Y Gl\"fo;~ ~ hat Renlell' llilh; wi1l, be h>celvecl iJl Ulr llffJee of .th~ Clt~. Clerk: of tile .(;ity of; P9rt Angelc~ ,up to 10 A.M., ,m Wec!llcs(lllY, Jl1l1c G. H!34, fur11w ofriclal ]ltllltlJl~ of tllel CIty of ]")1't .,\Ilgellm tOI' the yeaI' L~l~] t~l~\1,;~nJ~l .Tl;~~I}ftr~~r4~7~1';.11~~il~tl tYIH~ RIH1 l)ubllllhetl In t'C'gllIHt'1 ~~~l:lell(,fJ~~ l'I~~~O J~~~' !!tl~n';~I' AI~~'I~lt~.~~~,j ~\I:m ~TL ~iH"1,~\ d 0 ~1 o(;;;f- ri~e t;; ~l~ rg u ~;l e(;~ 1 ] ~;l~.~ll,~C~ ~j:~~ t~~II[J~~~~lr~~.lIr~b~or;,~:1 QU!I'e'r1. The Commi~lll.n J'l'~el'\'e:'ll the l'lght to rejl.Jct nn~' nnd ail hlrlg. ])0 tell tbis .22ncl d:ty of )-ra~'. 19::4. . N, ,}1. HAWKINS, _ elt\" Cll'l'li. t.; l'uhll~h ,Mn.r ~3-30, June 5, l!lH..__~ UndeJ:.~ the head of unfinished business, the reno:~~cd that Ul.._"".lant to cJ.~i. _~,j..: l.ids to Prlntin~ one bid nas on ~ile as follbns,- Gi ty Clerk do ';]10 vi t,r l'ort '~nceles, ',lashington. June 4, 193-1. Ron. Beard of City Commissioners, Port "....nJeles) '.7ash. Gc~tlem8n: Pursuant to published cf,ll, vie submit tho folloY/- ine as our bid on tl~ City Printinc ;or the year 1~34 - 19~(. .seven cents, per nonpari'11 lin,j, sin~jle column moaRlU'C. F0urteen cen I-G 'per line, sin::;le column measure f';r t'. b!,la ~<Jd m 1t 'er. \'Ihen publi. shed onl,r one time. If published two or more times, tabula:ed m',t<,,;, also at seven cents a line sinGle column measure. ',7e \lill file a ..:ood and sufficient boni in the eveC'lt 0:" 0111' biddin3 bein:; accepted. Port ,:.ngeles Evening lIe'-/s, By John Sclmeitzer, lL.'" It was moved by ',a;yor Da'lis that the bid 01' the EveniC'lC ll~~/~ for doine the Ci ~y printing be accepted and thr.t tho J.:ayor and Ci t~r Clerk be instructed to sign the contract wi th them u]on the filil1": of a bond aIJproved by the Ci ty A t"uorne~l. ~econded bv Com- missioner Lutz. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the m~tion carried. The Commission examined and R.llo\':ed the follo\'lin..: clair.ls ,ni order~d warran ts dl'aVln fo r same,- CUR ~~~_ ;:X:,",HS" Street Department Fire Department J. R. HcDonald City Troflsurer Thos. R, J.!urray 17th Lighthouse District 1'1 7 C 1 , C 75.50 5~1. OC 2fi.On .34 lfi.OO 100.00 Pay Roll II II Killing & Dis~osinf dOGS Supplies Special Police Annual Lease fee LIGWr FU1~ City Treasurer O. ,,;. "d ly Duncan '" ::Jon:; PARK FUND Federal Tax Rent Poles 3.60 3.C0 !'''I-,},114.40 '~sh. Emergency Relief Adm. 35~ of payRoll Lincoln Park pr~~ect X~~~ --'- --..CY-j,tayor:---- 9.87 n,) further business the meeting 'chen adjourned. There being ?7~~ ---' ~ity C-l~ lit... I I I I I