HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/06/1960
Proceeoings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
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The City Council met in special session at 7:30 P.M. Officers present were: Mayor Richardson, Councilme
Smith, Maxfield, Thorne, Caldwell, Randall, Haguewood, Manager Slankard and Clerk Law.
Pursuant to Statutes governing and
: was in order.
City Election held and conducted March 8th, reorganization of the CouncW
Mayor Richardson administered the Oath of Office to Councilmen Smith, Maxfield, Thorne and Haguewood.
Nominations were declared open for election of a member to serve as Mayor and act as Chairman of the Coun
Councilman Smith nominated James Maxfield. Councilman Thorne nominated Nathan Richardson. Councilman
Randall nominated James Caldwell. It was them moved by Councilman Smith that nominations be closed.
Seconded by Councilman Thome and carried.
I Councilman Randall expres'sed opinion that State Law says in effect, that whoever is nominated must have a
I majority vote, not plurality vote. in reorganization elections.
It was the understanding of Mayor Richardson that anyone of any number of candidates who has a maJority
is elected to Council, but was not sure if this is true, not having checked the Statutes.
Due to nomination of three members for the office of Mayor, a written ballot was taken. Upon tabulation of
ballots Richardson received three votes, Caldwell two votes and Maxfield two votes. Councilman Maxfield
then withdrew. Tabulation of the second ballot revealed Caldwell receiving four votes and Richardson
three vote s .
The Mayor extended congratulations to Mr. Caldwell and informed of scheduled meetings where he will be
expected to appear and speak.
Councilman Caldwell stated that this has been quite an example of the Democratic process, and on behalf of
the Council and City, thanked and commended Mr. Richard son for leadership and guidance through the pa st
two years and for the terriffic Job he has donei and will pray for strength, wisdom and courage to administer
the office of Mayor to the best of his ability for the good of Port Angeles and as well as his predecessor.
Councilman Thorne also expressed his thoughts on the work that Mayor Richardson has done in the past two
years, with speeches, correspondence and other work entailed for one who sits in this Office and accepts
that responsibility.
There being no other business, the meeting was declared adJourned.
UOTICEOl~ ~~:: BIDS C~~~?P:r~ ~~. P~~SI1~~t~ll 1
NOTICE is hereb}-- l?:iven that seal. August Ii 11160
cd bids wUl be received b)" the City NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that
Manag(,f at tlH! City Hall in the :scHled hirls will be re(~I"'ed by tho.
City of Purl Angeles, not later than ell}' Manager of the City of Port
5:00 o'ehwk P. )1., .June 22, 1960, for 'Angeles--140 'We!';t Front Street,
the Official Printing of the CHy'IPort Ang(,les, Washington, untU 6:00 !
~~m~~~tcl~~l~~~, 1,drJ~~~ T~~e plt~~~: ?t;:O~~t:":"tAJ~C~~~IJ:'~lJl, b~~6~iH)~~~ 1
loR' i~ to be in nonparell or Slx!pUbIiCly b~' the City Council in rcs-,
point type, and published in rcgo:lflr ular /"csslon to be held on Septem-
~r:~~~.~~: t~id ni~'s~~P~~:~Vi~~~:d g~C~i ~6~ :tll/9f~~loi:'i~~O u~~~~n:cil cbambers,
basis of charge "pcr Une". The City 2-~;;OO KVA .outdoor unit substa-
Council reservcf'; thc right to rcjet't tions complete, All eClu!pment
any or all bids. ~hal1 be In strict accordance with
M. W, SLANKARD, applicable NEMA. AlEE, and
City ~'L'!.nager l~SA standards.
"Publll'hE'd: June " Hi. 1960 The equipment furnished shall he
entirely suitable for the use
NOTICE OF CALL FOB. BIDS shown and obvious omissions
~IO EQUIPMEN"l' I from the. speelficatlons co\'erlng
City of port; Angeles, Wa.sh1ngton parts necessary to make the
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN th:n equipment both sulta.ble and com-
~caled propo>,als ,....ill be accept~lI by pIcte :'llmll not relieve the con-
~~~ ~j~'i tgf 5~OoortfJ~rfJ~r:e~. ~::Shj:~~ ~~gbre :'~m eo~~~~~h~~~jp~~;I~ r
30, 19GO, at the office of the City as pnl\'lcled by the f>ileciflca.tlons,
)lan~er HO 'Ye"t Front Strc<,t, P-Cll't Tlm City 01' Port Angeles rC5er"e~
An~eles.. Washmgton, for Rndio Eq- the right lu ~eccpt or reject allY or
uinment ill a.c:e()l"dancc with the spe- ull bids or auy portiol1 thereof. A'
If~~h~:-i~~~~' made part of thlfl caJl ~~, b~~a~JI~n~ha;~e~fij~~~~~~ = I
A11 bIds will be o-pened a.t !):OO be ~E'rured from the cay ~Ia.nager-
~~~~lc:tiO~' st{allJ~~y sJb~i~~~d ~~dth:; ~'~f'i;'I~I~\~{0I1.\['Strc~~~pof~~~lCE: j
Clly ClJunell with a. recommendation, S",,"ng and A^,ocia"" con'oltlng',
at tilt' rt'J{ular Council me('tlng to be_, ::EI('ctrical Jl~IIg-illeers 192(\ EaSllake,
hi,liI DO .July i, 1960 at 7;80 p, M. Avenue Seattle 2. 'Ya..'<lIlngtoll. , I
1'111 t.nl'! Coundl Cha.mbers or the City;. 'M. nt. SLANKARR,
of Port Angl'les, \Va!<hlllglon. City Manager
The speclfj....atlnm; call Cor a unit DATED: August 5. HlfiO
bid, the- ('It}' of "Port Angt'les re-' pllblished: Allg. 11th & 13th, 19fii)
l~~~:"~r ~~t b~~h~r t~n~:('~;r::.~h~I~ [:!~~l --- - -- ~ --- - - ..
JOf. 'rhe MI[l Cfly COllnl'1l ~hall :ll::lO;:
; :~~ClfY quantity of equipment de"I.J"-~
fre~~ti~~O~~~s ~~al;ceb~~~~:e ~~1~1
j('aeh item of the GEXERAL i!:fheetj
j.'nf the l;pe('tficatlO,n,S' numbering se-~
v'n (7) it""", J
M. w. SLA~'"'"KArtD
Cit}. Mann.g~r
PubH!;hed: ..:2.ne.3' 16, 1960: