HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/06/1963
Proceedings of the City Commission of the Ci~ of Port Angeles, Washington
~-L&M-PIIl"TINOt:O. p_uu.. ~
It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that minutes of the previous
placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Willson and carried.
and I
meeting be accepted as received and I'
The City Council met in regular session at 7:30 p.m. Officers present were Mayor Maxfield,
men Smit~, Thorne, Haguewood, Cornell, Willson and Wolfe; Manager Warder, Attorney Severyns
Clerk McNeece.
Mr. Warder reported that all transactions have been completed in the sale of L.I.D. No. 183 Bonds.
Relative to the pedestrian walkway on Second Street between Oak and Cherry Streets, Mr. Warder
read a copy of the letter of opinion from the City Attorney to the City Manager December 6, 1956.
The property owner was not held to be responsible for repair of the walkway. A portion of the
letter read: "It thus appears that the City has the option of repairing the walkway at its own
expense or of closing it off to public travel to avoid any possible liability on its part for de-
fective condition of walkway".
During discussion, it was pointed out that the walkway was and still is barricaded. Two of the
abutting property ovmers want the walkway removed, the third refuses to consent to its~being torn
out. A committee, Councilmen Willson, Wolfe and Cornell, were appointed to speak with the propert~
owners-and try to reach a solution to this problem. Il
Relative to requested Ahlvers Road water main installation, a tentative schedule for the construct~: on
program of the Water Department for 1963 was received and discussed. Mr. Warder pointed out that Ili
there are some areas which the now existing lines do not serve adequately, and he feels that this I
should be corrected. before extending the lines further. After considerable discussion, it being I
the general feeling of the Council that a program should be planned for serving all residents with:
in the City limits with City utilities, the Mayor appointed a Utility committee consisting of the III.:
Light Superintendent, City Manager, Engineer for the Water Department, the Mayor, and Councilmen :
Thorne, Willson and Wolfe, to study and report on this probl",,,. A meeting of this committee was I~
set for June 19 at 7: 30 p.m. Meetings to be open to all of the Council members. II
The following ordinance pertaining to loading zones was introduced and read in full:
AN ORDINANCE amending Section 17.32 of the Code of the City of Port Angeles re-
lating to parking.
It was moved by Councilman Thorne that the foregoing ordinance be passed. Seconded by Councilman
Willson and unanimously carried.
, The following resolution, transferring $65.34 from the Swimming Pool Construction Fund to the 196~
G.O. Bond Fund, was introduced and read in full: I
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles transferring
It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the foregoing resolution be passed. Seconded by Councilman
Haguewood. After discussion, on called vote, all voted "Aye". Motion carried.
The City Engineer submitted a summary of quantities involved and the calculations used in deter-
mining the percent of participation by the Arterial Street Fund in the Pine Hill L.I.D. No. 184.
Also requested that an additional and final transfer of $707.71 be authorized. The following
resolution was then read in full:
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles providing for transfer
from the Arterial Street Fund to L.I.D. 184 Construction Fund.
It was moved by Councilman Cornell that the foregoing resolution be passed. Seconded by Council-
man Willson and unanimously carried. This makes a total of $53,707.71 transferred from the
A terial Street Fund to Pine Hill L.I.D. No. 184, representing 75% Arterial Fund participation in
construction on the arterial streets in this LID.
It was moved by Councilman Willson that the first (May) estimate of work done and material fur-
nished by Randall Kilmer Construction Co. on alley paving in Pine Hill L.I.D. No. 184, in total
amount of $10,000.00 be approved and paid. Seconded by Councilman Smith and unanimously carried.
Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting May 21, 1963 were read. The Commission recommended
that the City Council grant a variance from zoning ordinance on Lots 3 and 4, Block 25, PSCC from i
first residence to second residence to allow construction and operation of a Drive In serving ice i
cream, food and soft drinks, and no other, with the usual limitation of six months to begin con-
struction. It was moved by Councilman Haguewood that the variance be granted as recommended by
the Planning Commission. Seconded by Councilman Smith and unanimously carried.
It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that minutes of the Planning Commission be accepted and placed
on file. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried. I
A request by Rayonier, Inc. to sublease a portion of Lease Lot No.5 to Foss Launch and Tug Co. I
was received. After discussion, it was moved by Councilman Cornell that this request be tenta- ~
tively approved and it be referred to the City Attorney for determination of proper form. Second~d
by Councilman Willson and carried.
The following applications for renewal of liquor licenses were received:
Alice Etta & Edwin Stockwell Adams, Corner Cupboard; Edward Fred Herman, Parkway
Proceedings of the City Commission of the Ci~ of Port Angeles, Washington
l-:~ H PRiNTl-~G ';0'- _"'2<Ou._~-~
Grocery;~ Charles Ralph Hudson, Gateway Tavern; Talford W. Kish, K & K Fine Foods;
Kenneth R. Nason, Chinook Tavern; Ward P. and Rosalyn Ball, Harbor Tavern; Cleo
Hampton McLennan, M & C Tavern; William Milford Rideout, Brickies Place; William
Milford Rideout, Marine Drive Cafe; Dale Jennings Rollf, Dale Rollf;s Restaurant.
I", Thunderbird Boathouse, Inc.; Tradewell Stores, Inc., and addition of Class F lic~nse
Carl Marion Lundgren, Busy Bee Market. '
lIt was moved by Councilman Smith that the liquor license applications be approved. Seconded by
fOUnCilman Willson and unanimously carried. ,
IThe following reports were received for approval: Light Dept. Operating Statement and Balance Shee
IWater.Dept. Operating Statement and Balance Sheet; Fire Dept. and Police Judge. It was moved by
Counc2lman W211son that the reports be accepted and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Smith
land. carried. .,
ICla2ffiS for approval, 2nclud2ng the payroll for May 16-31, 1963, were presented in amounts of:
General Funds $52,849.37; Water Fund, $12,869.22 - warrants no. 12010 -12027; Pipeline Fund, $9,852.81 -
rarrants No. 371 - 374; Light Fund, $79,220.04, warrants No. 11898 - 11924. It was moved by Coun-
cilman Willson that the claims including payroll for May 16-31, in total amount of $154,791.44, be
approved and paid. Seconded by Councilman Cornell and unanimously carried.
Mr. Warder reported that the off street parking at the swimming pool has been looked into and that
Isome grading has been done. Graveling, then parking, will follow. Also, a sidewalk will be con-
structed in front of the pool along Fifth Street.
IThe re-decking of Tumwater Bridge by Del Guzzi Construction, Inc. is being delayed due to a strike
at the firm from which the treated material is ordered, Mr. Warder informed.
~elative to the water work schedule, Mr. Warder informed that due to the water crews having to be
taken off the pipeline construction to make repairs on other parts of the domestic line, and to
save bookkeeping, the salaries are being charged against the Domestic Water Fund salary item with
the intention of transferring from the Pipeline Construction Fund to Domestic Water Fund at the end
of the year to take care of the overdrawn salary item.
'Call for bids for legal printing will be published,as required by State Statutes, to be opened
:June 20, 1963.
INO bids were received on bid call on Lot 5, Block 34, TPA. Minimum was set by Council at $4,300.00
~ request was received that Lot 13, Block 315, located, on Eleventh Street between F & G, be put up
Ifor sale. Outstanding taxes and assessments against this lot are $329.35. The Mayor appointed
~ouncilmen Smith, Cornell and Haguewood to view this lot and make recommendation regarding sale of
~The first Thursday in July being the Fourth of July, a holiday, it was moved by Councilman Thorne
[!that the regular first meeting in July be held on Tuesday, July 2, 1963. Seconded by Councilman
Iwolfe and carried.
Mr. Warder reported that there has been two recent requests for a "Leash Law" for dogs within the
City. During discussion, the Police Chief pointed out that other cities having the Leash Law are
having considerable trouble enforcing it.
!Mr. Haley and Mr. Dyar's terms on the Park Board having expired in 1961 and 1962 respectively, a
'Ifequest for reappointment confirmation was read. It was suggested by Mr. Warder that all board and
commission appointments be made January 1, thus eliminating several different appointment dates
,:during the year. After discussion, it was moved by Councilman Willson that Mr. Haley and Mr. Dyar
['Ibe reappointed to September 1, 1964 and 196 5, or until a change in appointment dates is effected.
Seconded by Councilman Wolfe and unanimously carried.
ijA bill for $250.00 from the Convention Committee of the Chamber of Commerce for a one-half page ad I
lin the Convention Brochure was received. The ad was authorized by Council action February 21, 1963
',specifying that the ad should cite the fact that Port Angeles has the lowest electrical rates in the
!Northwest. The ad in the brochure was identical to the one published in the 1960 brochure and madel
'po mention of the electrical rates. Excerpts from a letter wr2tten by City Manager Slankard to I
Mr. Thompson, Chairman of the Convention Board Comm2ttee, were read stating that: "We reserve the
'r2ght to submit the wording of the item, which must correspond with the laws of the State of Wash- II
~ngton. When ready for printing, please contact th2s off2ce for proofs". After further discussiony
2t was moved by CO\l..ncilman Thorne that payment of th2s b2ll be denied. Seconded by Councilman Wil-!I
lson and unanimously carr2ed. \
r. Warder cited the mlnutes of February 7, 1963 regarding double payment of Change Order No. to
:Harbert Construction Corp. as being in error. The portion "the City Water Superintendent was on
'the project full time and viewed the progress payments after being submitted. . . II is completely
Ifalse, Mr. Warder maintained. He further stated for the records: "In reference to minutes of
February 7, 1963, relative to Change Order No.5; pertaining directly to the Water Superintendent
'1land Accountant - the progress payments and change orders came directly to the manager. Neither the
IWater Superintendent nor accountant, nor anyone else locally reviewed or checked them. The manager
,presented them to the Council for approval. They were then handed to the Accountant who was directed
Ito voucher them, present the voucher to the Clerk, who drew up the warrant which was signed by the
Clerk and manager.
liThe payment in question was presented to the Council on March 1, 1962. Early Friday morning,
March 2, the manager and J1r. McVean presented the approved request to the Accountant for vouCheringl'
The voucher was taken directly to the Clerk, the warrant signed by the Clerk and manager, and given
to contractor, Mr. McVean11.
It was pointed out that this change order was actually asking for approval of a payment already
made as it was written into the order, "Payment for actual quantities has already been made by the
individual unit prices".
Proceedings of the Ci~ Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Wasnington
, . . "''''"0 00. e."", ~
It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the statement by Mr. Warder be entered into the records.
Seconded by Councilman Thorne and unanimously carried.
Councilman Wolfe inquired concerning the west one half of the parking lot being changed
for 10 hours only, to 59 per hour and 259 for ten hours. The change to 59 per hour and
hours was authorized by Council action November 15, 1962, and by Ordinance 'No. 1495.
from 259 'I
259 for te~
Councilman Cornell informed that the new garbage truck is in operation but there seemed to be some
question as to the safety of the Safety Door.
Mr. Lew Pohl, Light Superintendent, suggested that he be allowed to make up the wording for adver-,
tising for the Light Department. Thnsit would be made up in a way which would legalize it with i
respect to the Auditor. The Mayor expressed the opinion that this would be a normal procedure for
the Light Department advertising to be at.:the Light Superintendent's discretion.
There being no further business, the meeting was
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! se~~;rI~~s :111 hg~e~rcei~~denbY tl~;~
I City 'Managel' at the City Hall in
, the ell,' of Port Angele.o.; not later
thnn 5:00 p,m .June 2(1, 19(;:1., for the
i Otnc.lal Pdntlng of tlltl Cll).' of Port
Angcles during the year ('ommenc- I
Ing .Tuly 1, 1963. The printing IS tOi
be nCll1pn.rcll or I'llx point type and
~~~~i~~~~T tna~;~fd~(~r a~8~~C~o~~ri~t~1
Bid to be submitted 011 ll. ba:>,l:'l of~
c1]*~'fee 'd>I~~ liC;;~l1cil Te1<enes the'l
right to reject iol:l;:JrB~\\' ~1:ilER I
Acting City ]l:u1flgerl
IpubliShecl: June 13, :1963. ~