HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/07/1944 "-8 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington JUJle 7. 1944 19_ The Cowssion Illet in regular session at 10 A.Il. and was called to orde:- by Mayor Robinson. Roll call sho,!ed the following officers present: Mayor Robinson, Commissioners Beam and Masters, Attorney Johnston. I The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The Police Judge, W. F. Phillips, reported $1253.50 collected in fines for the month of May, 1944. Repcrt 1 ordered filed. Under the head of Applications for Licenses the followinG was granted: Windsor Hotel, 12 Rooms 12.00 I Under the head of Introduction of Resolutions the following resolution was intrOduced. RESOLUTION TO SELL PROPERTY ACQUIRED BY FORECLOSURE WHEREAS, The City of Port Angeles is the owner of the foll~nne described real property in the City of Port AngelM, to-wit: Lots Fifteen (IS) and Sixteen (16), Block Three Hundred Forty-nine (549), Townsite of Port 'mgeles, Washington, I which said property has been acquired qy the City on foreclosure of delinquent loc~l improvement assess- , ments under Chapter 205 of the Session Laws of 1927, and I' WHEREAS, Edwsrd Ahlskog has offered to purchase the above described real property from the City of Port Angeles for the sum of $300.00, payable as follows: $30.00 as a down payment and $10.00 on or before the 5th day of February, 1942, and ~O.OO on or before the 5th dsy of each and every month thereRfter until paid in full, together with interest computed at the rate of 7% per annUlll on monthly balances and paid with the monthly installments, and WHEREAS, the City Commission has viewed the said property and is of the opinion that the offer is fair vdue and that at this time it is to the best interest of the Ci:ty that it should be accepted and the sale: made. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the said offer be accepted and that the City of Port Angeles sell the said property at private sale to the said Edward lhlskog for the sum hereinabove set forth, subject to any. I volid liens against the same; that the City Attorney be instr-Ilcted to prepne a deed conveying said pro~- , erty to the purchaser, and that the ~ity Treasurer De authorized to execute tho SRid deed in accordance ~~th the provisions of this resolution and Chapter 275, Session Laws of 1927. ' It was moved by Commis sioner Beam that the foregoing resolut.ion be approved and adopted. Seconded by Mayor Robinson. On roll call all members voted aye. l'he Mayor declared the motion carried. Under the head of Introduction of Ordinan:es the following ordinances was introduced, read in full, and placed on its first roading: I All ORDINAIlCE relating to, and providing for, a license or occupation tax upon certain businesses, occupa- tions, pursuits and privileges; defining offenses, providing penalties and declaring an emergency. Under the heRd of New Business: '>!;\ '? o ry It was moved by Mayor RobL~son that Irene Thompson be appointed Acting Clerk, empowered tc sign .11 doc- uments, including the Cit~ of Port Angeles Wator Revenue Refunding Bonds, during the absence of the City Clerk. Seconded by COllllllissioner Masters. On roll call all members voted aye. Tbe Mayor declared the motion carried. The COIIlIIlission enmined anei allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same: CURRENT EIPENSE FUND D. A. Masters, Sr. Olympic Stationers City Trea surer Port nlngele s Evening News Olympic Stationers , Joseph H. Johnston , City tight Dept. " Treasurer Volunteer Firemen City Trea Surer Pa cHi c Tel & Tel Co. CITY STREET roND Expense Account Columnar Sheets Cash paid for postage Publications Office Supplies Expense ft.ccount Hall Rent fa r !tay Street Lights & Fire Hydr"nt Water Rent P"y Roll Light & Water City &rn (" Service 'C/ i"l~ 7 .7B 1.90 .26 50.91 6.39 14.07 SO.OO 851.10 1~0.00 106.70 4.75 I D. A. Masters, Sr. Anderson's Service Western Tractor & EquiplJlent Co. " n ~ II " Car Expense Parts 23.75 I ~-Y 370.80 ./ 5.71 tj---.- ~ . 22.16 11.62 49.88 52.57 .97 4.64 2.14 1. 55 65.98 q/ 101. 76 169.62 1 ,,'V 266.05 16.12 WA TER FUND Port Angeles Evening News City Street Dept. " Light Dept.. I laddIe ton ~otor Parts Co. l:. r,eRoy Sarff Olympic St~tioners Frank M.cdon~ld & Sons Port Ang,les Concrete Products Co. I, Marckmann &. '.1'11li.:ns It II Publications Gas & Oil Rent & Lights Rspair Parts Grinding Saw Blue Print s Repair Valve Valve Boxes & Lid" FittiI:gE! . " Johns-U8nville Co. Copper ':Ubing Fit tinge ~ I I I. I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Wa5hington .9 June 7, 1944 19_ i LIGHT FUND 1 1 City Treasurer City Water Dept. :1 Homer Bb ck A. W. Ward C. L~Roy Sarff Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Freight .82 Water Service at !JUbstation 1.90 Garage Rent 3.00 Car Expens~ .,," 15.45 ./ Gringing ~~ower ~1 2.06 Service 54.07 Light & Via tel' 8.11 Petty (;ash 2.35 Service 4.25 Books oJ c~ 3.50 ~ 117.26 14 7.04 2.41 Bind ing g~ .95 II 3(3 22.96 Servi ce Towels 5.01 Service 4.43 Barley & Scratch 15.90 Tire RepHir, etc. ,1 4.78 Light & Water Ze ./ n.68 .. 31. 95 Lime 8.95 Light 14.51 Light & W. tel' 17.20 Car ~xpense -1~ 35.75 Service 7.50 Films & Frames 110 11. 64 Nozzle 24.55 Light 13.01 Car Expense 17.50 Expense Account 10.53 Meals for Prisoners {,l 70.81 Merit CertificRtes /2, () 6.95 Service 11.88 Taxes & JIssessments 272.70 Victory TRx Withheld 1761. 94 LIBRARxJWI:l City Treasurer J ennilu Norris Pacific Tel & .Tel Co. Sunset . Magaz'ine A. C. McClurg & Co. , New Method Boo1< Bindery . Zellerb:lch ~aper Co. PJRK FUND P"cific Tel & Tel Go. , Clallam Grain Co. Anderson's Service City Treas)1rer II II i : Washington Coop. Egg & Poultry Assn. STA r:;: AID FUND City Treasurer ft " C. A. Nolvertor. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. The Fehly Studio Nelson Equipment Co. WAR LIQUOR TAX HIND City Troa surer R. O. Ide R. O. Ide Ia.rrick's Cafe Qui ck Pri nt : Pacific Tel & Tel Co. I L.I.D. GUARANTY l'UIID City Tr..surer VI CTORY TAX FUND. I City Treasurer I Under the head of Introduction of . Resolutions the following resolution was introduced: , i I I WHEREAS, The City. of Port "<Jgeles .1.s the owner of the follOlring described real property,!having.aCq1ired the same by Treasurer's deed, dated June 5, 1944, under and b.1 virtue of the authority of'Section 9593 I of Remington's Revised Statutes, Chapter 143, of the Laws of 19Z9, page 365, to-wit: ! RESOWTION Lots One (1) and Two (;t), Block One Hundred IlIld Ten (no), E. C. Baker's Subdtvision of Suburban Lot Nineteen (19), of Part Angeles, Clallam County, Washington, and . WHEREAS, Edward Ahlskog has offered to purchase from the City of Port Angeles the above described real . property for the sum of $275.00, and WHEREAS, lbe City !:ollDllission has viewad tha said property and is of the opinion that the offer is fair value and is in excess of the amount paid qy the City for said property, plus all t.LD. 89sessments, in- cludhg interest and' other charges against the same. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, tha~ the said offsr be accepted and that the City of Port Angeles sell the said propsrty at private sale to the sdid Edward Ahlskog for the S\I/Il hereinabove set forth, subject to any I valid liens against the same; that the City Attorney be instrocted to prepare a quit claim deed conveying said property to the purchaser, and that the Acting City Clerk of the City of Port Angeles be, and she is i hereby instructed to execute said quit claim deed, and that the Mayor of the City of Port Angeles be, and ,i I he is hereqy instructed to countersign said quit claim deed when the purchase pries and all! accroed interest ! thereon has been paid in full. ' I It waa moved by CoIlllIlissioner Beam that the fOl'sgoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by :1 Mayor Robinson. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. ~here being no fUrther business the Commission then adjourned. ~~ Acting Cl. ty Clerk ~MaJr oe~