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Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
June 7 19~
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The City Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. and was called to order by Mayor Smith. Roll call
of officers revealed the following present: .~!a;yor Smith, Councilmen NeeI', Sandison, Matthieu, tlolfe,
McFadden am Maxfield, Manager Vergeer, Attorney Severyns and Clerk Law.
It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that minutes of the previous meeting be approved.. Secomed by Councilman
Sandison am carried.
First order of business was organization of Council and election of ~or. It was moved by Councilman
, McFadden that Jlmyor Smith continue to serve in that capacity for another two year term. Secomed by
, COWlcilman Sandison.. ~or Smith considered two terms sufficient for him to serve and others should be
wil:1ing to take over. COWlcilman Sandison nomiated Councilman NeeI', >lhich was secomed by Councilman
Wolfe. It was moved by Councilman tlolfe that nominations be closed and Wlanimous ballot cast for
COWlcilman NeeI' to serve as Mayor for t>lO year term. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried. Mr.
, Heer stated that he would not attempt to do the job as Hr. Smith has accomplished, time and .ability not
i permitting. Hr. NeeI' also thanked Jofr. Smith for fine job well done and considered it a pleasure tOlOrk
during his service at the helm.
; Under the head of unfinished business, bids f?r improvement of Cherry Hill, L.I.D. No. 171, were considered.!
1 Jack Loewen read letter \fhich he stated represents 400 property ""ners, also' petitiOns opposing the 'imProveJ
. ment.. J.lr. Vergeer recommended that petitions be placed on file, tids opened, read and tabled until I
petitions have been checked against assessment roll. l1ao'or NeeI' inquired why petitions had not been re-
leased for checldng before the meeting. Also informed that Consulting Engineers were engaged at request
of property owners and ci ted from records, of previous Ire eting that all conc erned would be satisfied with
I recomnendat-ions.
I Ed B. Teylor asked if Mr. Loewen had been tefused permission to which J.lr. Vergeer answered that nothing has
; been concealed and Jofr. Lce>len has been in many tines, the Engineer taking time from other work to check
said rolls. Also that rolls were requested for a specific purpose and Hr. Loewen should have been Oblig-
ated to su brni t petitions prior to meeting.
I ,
I It was moved by Coun:::ilman Wolfe that bide be opened and recorded and pre-qualification of each bidder
. determined. Motion secon:led by Councilman, Sandison and carried.
I ~
. Bids were opened as fo llews:
,001ENS BROTHERS OONSTilUCTIONGONPANY: Street work, $382,026.03., It ,;as moved by Councilman Smith that
:the contractor be qualified. Secomed by Councilman Wolfe am carried.
PIELER CONSTRUCTION ooMPANY: Street work, $336,986.54. ,Storm trunk and lateral Se>lers, $116,195.06.
. It >las moved by. Coun:::ilman. tlolfe that this contractor be qualified. Secomed by Councilman Smith and
I carried.
,LOUIS ELTERICH COJ.lPJil/Y: Street work, $299,666.10. Storm trunk and lateral Se>lers, $120,323.82. It was
:moved by Councilman McFadden that this, contractor be qualified. Seconded by Councilman Smith and carried.
MILONE AND TUCCI, INC., Storm sewers, $l06,277.40. It was moved by Councilman McFadden that the contractor
Ibe.qualified. Secomed by Councilman Wolfe and carried. .
THE HARRIESON BRO'lHEP.s OOMPANY, Street wrk, $278,528.16. It was moved by Councilman McFadden that the
contractor be qualified. Secomed by Councillmn Sandison and carried.
FRANK COLUCCIO CONSTRUCTION CCW'ANY: Storm sewers, $119,226.05. It was m"'[ed by Councilman Sandison that
the contractor be qualified. Secomed by Coun:::ilman. Wolfe and carried.
'DEL GUZZI CONSTRUCTION OOMPANY, INC.: Street work, $337,350.48. Storm trunk and lateral sewers, $112,855.56
It. was moved by Councilman Smith. that the contractor, be qualified.. Seconded by Councilman Sandison am
; carried.
'I~ASHINGTON DEVELOPMENr OOMPANY, INC., Storm sewers, $113,678.93. It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that
.'contractor be qualified. Seconied by Councilman l1atthieu and carried.
'.Pursuant to previous reconunendation, all bids were tabled to be considered at continued meeting.
i !
,The City Engineer filed pey estimates as follows: OSBERG ooNSTRUCTIONCD., 14th and , final estirna.te, Tum-
water Access Road, Unit "All, L.I.D. No. 167, $32,392.29. ,F. H. JARNAG:IN, 9th and final estimate, Front I
Street and Alley, Unit IIC", L.I.D. No. 167, $13,035.48. It was mCll"ed by Councilman McFadden that the
foregoing pey estimates. be approved and warrants issued on L. I.D. No. 167 Construction Fund in payment of
'same. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and unanimously carried. . .
Pa.y estimate to DONAi.IJ 'l~. CLOSE COMPANY in amount of $5,868.70 for Street Light ins1jallation was filed for
'approval. It was moved by Councilman J1atthieu that pay estimate be allowed and paid. Seconded by Council-
man Nolie and carried. ~
I ~
Fixed Estimate claims 1I',re filed for approval as folleMs: L.I.D. No. 167:
Pieler Comtruction Co., Force account, Cherry Street.
Robert Cla>lSon, mileage for ~
Jack Kil15, Labor on prints
Ald\fell and. Wenner, premium .on conte.cts
\'; 159.44
i L.I.D. GENERAL for L.I.D NO. 171:
I Hannnond, Collier am Isaac, services 350.00
It was moved by Councilman.1Yolfe that claims be approved and warrants issued in pa,yment of same. Seconied
by Councilman Saniison am carr,ied. '
I .
Claims paid May 29, June l, 4, and 6 were approred in total amount,.ct $63,880.21. It lfas moved by Council-
man Smith that claims be approved as paid. ,Secomed by Councilman Sandison and carried.
..J.'ll.r:>!l8llt,_~~..Irevious reque~t a=.to_poli~y for COllectillg.CQllll!IerCial,accounts,_CounCil.instructed.that,exist_1
~!!&_Or.<ti.rJal1ce govern_such collections and service .discontinued_if.deling)lent.over~sixty_days.,
The 'Planning Commission filed reCOlllll\endations. on 'request by Don Smith for variance to .zoning Ordinance at
Seventh and Chase Streets, lots 5 to 9, Block 229, reconmending that reque:,t be granted. It was '!lOved
'by Councilman Matthieu that recommendation be approved. Seconded by Counc~1.man McFadden and carned.,.
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
June 7 continued 19~
'01(< ~ ~Y~~". 11""'1.1. '''''ONIAI. I'1l:I~Tt"" Illl/all ~
Umer the head of new business, it was moved by Councilman McFadden that monthJ.,y budget reports and
work reports of the utilities be approved and placed on file., Seconded by Councilman Matthieu and carri:ll.
Two apartment operators appeared before Council complaing of disturbance caused by equipment dealers
demonstrating chain saws. It was moved by Councilman McFadden that complaint be referred to the Attorney
to ascertain if the distUrbance can legalJ.,ybaeclared a nuisance. Seconded by CouncilJIjan Matthieu and
Council received request that flood light interfere!C e to residents adjacent to service station at 1st
and Liberty Streets be eliminated. It was moved by Councilman tlolfe that the flood light interference
be declared a nuisance and proper action taken to correct. Seconded by Councilman Mat,thieu and carried.
A pr.oposed Ordinance licensing and contro1li~eddlers. and solicitors Has discussed. Action was post-
poned until the proposing committee, 11anager ,Attorney have net for dis cussion and due consideration
of Ordinance.
a portion o,f
Lions Club representatives submitted proposal for improvement of/Ediz Hook far recreational purposes.
, It was moved by Countilrnan JolcFadden that the matter be referred to the Park Board for comment and recommend-
, ations. Secomed by Councilman Matthieu and carried.
Petition for vacation of Alder Street from Secom to Third Streets was received. It was moved by,Co:iqcil-
man Smith that petition be referred to the Planning Convnission. Seconded by Councilman l'1olfe and carried.
Council authorized publication of bids for the improvement of alley as provided in Irnprovanent District
No. 172. It was moved by Councilman Matthieu that call for bids be published am opened Ju,.J.y 5. Seconded
by Councilman l'1olfe am carried.
It was moved by Councilman HcFadden that call for l1i.ds be published for Official City Publications during
, the year beginning July 1. Hotion seconded by Coun:::ilrnan YJatthieu and carried.
Re'luests for renewal and transfer of beverage licenses were received as follot1s: RENl!N1ALS: Clifford G.
Swain, Club Billiards, Palace Tavern, Harbor Tavern, Cherry-Eight Grocery, lfalt' s Service. and Grocery,
Port hlgeles, Marine Doc\<:, Tradeweli Stcres,Inc., Don Feeley, Inc., Chinook Tavern, Sunrise Grocery, K. and
K. Fine Foeds, Peninsula Distributing Co., Parkway Grocery. TR.AJEFEl/S: Harbor Tavern from Leis E. and
Robert E. Hinkleman to J.li1o M. vlet.herald. It was moved by Councilman.Smith that. requests be. approved.
Seconded by Councilman Saniison ,am carried.,
The Police Chief reported results of inspections as required for dance ani cabaret license:
TOOBOAT TAVDlN, neets requiremenLs of Ordinance No. 1366. It was moved by Councilman Mattl).ieu that appli-
cation be approved am license issued. Seconded by Councilman Ivolfe and carried.
PALACE TAVElUI, does not romply. No State authority, not enough .dancing area, not suitable for adequate
police inspection. Recommem license be denied. It waS moved by Councilman Matthieu that recom:nendation
be supported and application denied. Seconded by Councilman. Smith and earried.
Manager Vergeer announced that committes from the Fire and Police Departments have net wi. th Councilmen
for purpose of discussing salaries and >lages and working copdi tions. Also that the Press am Radio
have been notified of continuation of the present meeting, to Fridey, June 8 at 7:30 P.l~.
No objections haVing been made or filed on improvement of vlest. First Street by Sidewaik' Construction as
per Resolution No.4-56, the following Resolution was introduced am read for Council approval:
A RESOLlIl'ION assessing th9 cost of the construction of sidewalk in front of Lots 3 and 5 in Block 34 of
the Townsite of Port Angeles against, said Lots 3 and 5 in accordance with t he resolution heretofore
passed by the City Council and the statute. in such case made end provided.
It was moved by Councilman Smith that the,foregoing Resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by
Councilman Sarxlison and carried.
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles, Washington declaring the intention of the.Cit;y Council to im-
prove a certain area ,.;1 thin the city by the construction and installation of lateral, and sanitary
sewers therein by the construction and installation of a sanitary lateral Se\'ler including Wyes and by the
doing of all \'1Ork necessary in connection there>lith and fixing a time and date for the hearing on this
resolution of intention.
It was moved by Coun:::ilman lfolfe that the foregoing liesolution be appl'oved am adopted. Secon:led by
CouncilJIlan Sandison and car~ied.
No further business appearing, the meeting >Tas continued to Fridey, June 8 at 7:30 P .li.
City Clerk
-?jut!)# ~{'t.,. .I.
JUNE 8, 1956
The City Council met at 11;30 P.M., pursuant to continued ses'sion of June 7. Officers.present were:
~or NeeI', Councilmen SJIlj,th" Sandison, Matthieu, Wolfe, McFadden am Maxfidi, Manager Vergeer, Attorne;r
Severyns and Clerk Law.
~or NeeI' called the lICeting to order, informing that the purpose of continuing the meeting was to ascert-
ain effect of petil:.tions recentl;y filed, objecting to Ch~rry Hill improvement.
Mr. Vergeer filed results of t.abulation showing total protests amount to $197,188.73 or 45.601 percent of
assessment roll ani .Engineer's estimated amount of construction. '
No further objections being nade or filed, it was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the bid by The Harrison
Brothers Co. be accepted for street work in amount of $278,528.16, and..the bid by 1111000 and. Tucci, Inc.,
in amount of $106,277.40 for storm trunk and lateral Se>lers be accepted. Motion secorr.led by Councilman
Matthieu and unanimously carried.