HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/08/1956 r:-: . 502 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington June 7 continued 19.~ '"....."''"....,....'"''~....".....'''..- Un:!er the head .of new business, it was moved by Counci~ McFadden that monthly budget reports and >lOrk reports of the utilities be approved and placed on file.. Seconded by Councillnan )<!atthieu and carrm. Two apartment operators appeared before Council complaing of disturbance caused by equipment dealers demonstrating chain saws. It was moved by Councilman McFadden that complaint be referred 10 the Attorney to ascertain if the distill-bance can legallybaeclared a nuisance. Seconded by Counciln!an Matthieu and carried. I Council received request that flood light interfererc e to residcnts adjacent to service station at 1st and Liberty Streets be eliminated. It was moved by Councilman \,olfe that the flood light interference be declared a nuisance and proper action taken to correct. Seco.nded by Councilman Mat.thieu and cartied. II pr,oposed Ordinance licensing and controlli~eddlers. and solicitors ,'as dis cussed. Action was post- poned until the proposing committee, ).[anager ,Attorney have "",t for discussion and due consideration of Ordinance. a portion qf Lions Club represent atives submitted proposal for improvement of/Ediz Hook for recreational purposes. '. It was moved by Councilman )4c.Fadden that the matter be referred to the. Park Board for comment and recomnend- ations. Secon:!ed by Coun:ilman Matthieu and carried. Petition for vacation of Alder Street from Secon:! to Third Streets was received. It was moved by, 'COl1I\Cil- man Smith that petition be referred to the Planning Co.ssion. Seconded by Councilman \,olfe am carried. . . Council authorized publication of bids for the improvanent of alley as provided in Improvement .District No. 172. It "as moved by Councilman Matthieu that call for bids be published an:! opened Jw 5. Seconded by Councilman \,olfe an:! carried. . . It was moved by Councilman HcFadden that call for bids be published for Official City Publications during the year beginning July 1. Hotion secomed by Councilman Matthieu and carried. I Requests for renewal and transfer of beverage licenses were received as follOl"s: RENH'lAlS: Clifford G. Swain, Club Billiards, Palace Tavern, Harbor Tavern, Cherz:r-Eight Grocery, Halt's Service.and Grocery, Port Aqgeles Marine Docl<, Tradewell Stores,Inc., Don Feeley, Inc., Chinook Tavern, Sunrise Grocery, K. and I K. Fine Fools, Peninsula Distributing Co., Parkway Grocery. TRAI'lSFERS: Harbor Tavern from !,ois E. and Robert. E. llinkleman to Hilo M. vletherald. ~t was moved by CouncilmanJimith that. requests be. approved. Seconded by CoullCilman Saniison .an:! carried.. The Police Chief reported results of inspections as required for dance am cabaret license: TLGBOAT TAVERN, meets requirements of Ordinance No. 1366. It was JJlOV'ed by Councilman Hattl)ieu that appli- cation be approved am license is sued. Seconded by Counci lman \,olfe and carried. PALACE TAVERN, does not oompJ,v. No State authority, not enough .dancing area, not suitable for adequate police inspection. Recomm.em license be denied. It was moved by COUllCilman ).[atthieu that recommendation be supported and application denied. Seconded by Councilman. Smitl1 and Carried. ).[anager Vergeer announced that committes from the Fire and Police Departments have net with Councilmen for purpose of discussing salaries and wages and working cOnditions. Also that the Press am Radio have been notified of continuation of the present meeting, to Friday, June 8 at 7:30. P.M. No objections having been made or filed on improvement of West. First Street by Sidewalk Construction as per Resolution No.4-56, the following Resolution was introduced an:! read for Council approval: RESOLUTION NO. 21-56 A RESOLUTION assessing the cost of thc construction of sidewalk in front of Lots 3 and 5 in Block 34 of the Townsite of Port Angeles against. said !,ots 3 and 5 in accordance with t he resolution heretofore passed by the City Council and the statute. in such case made and provided. It was moved by Councilman Smith that the.foregoing Resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Councilman San:lison and carried. I IMli'ROVD'iliNf RESOLurION NO. 173 . A RE30LUTION of the City of Port Angeles, Washington declaring the intention of the .Citu Council to im- prove a certain area "i thin the ci tu by the construction and ins tallation of lateral, and sanitary se1<ers therein by the construction and installation of a sanitary lateral sewer including \ofyes and by the doing of all work necessary in connection therewith and fiXing a time and date for the hearing on this resolution of intention. It was moved by Councilman \lTolfe that t'he foregoing Resolution be ap,,",oved. am adopted. Secomed by Councilman Sandison and carried. No further business appearing, the meeting was continued to Friday, June 8 at 7:30 P.li. ~.e ;L~ City Clerk. . ) ;.-;' gul)-I/. :?'f'f.",/ Mayor . JUNE 8, 1956 The City Coumil met at 11;30 P.M., pursuant to continued session of June 7. Officers .present were: Y"Wor Neer, CouncilmEn S~th,. Sandison, Matthieu, vlolfe, Mcfadden ani Maxfi<il, ).[anager Vergeer, Attorney Severyns and Cle rk Law. ~layor Neer called the nesting to order, informing that the purpose of continuing the meeting was to ascert- ain effect of petil;tions recentJ,v filed, obj acting to Cherry Hill improvement. Mr. Vergeer filed results of t,abulation sho",ing total protests amount to $197,188.73 or 45.601 percent of assessment roll ani ~ineer's estimated amount of construction. . I No further objections being I1Bde or filed, it was moved by Councilman Wolfe thst the bid by The Harrison Brothers Co. be accepted far street "ark in amount of $278,528.16, and..the bid by Milone and. Tucci, Inc., in amount of $106,277.40 for storm trunk and lateral sewers be accepted. Motion s.econ:!ed by Councillnan Matthieu and unanimously carried. ~u I I '" I I 503 June B continued .... . -..... '''''''' .....~..,. .."".. ..... ...c.- I I I It was moved by Counci:J.mm Wolfe that the foregoing Resolution be approved am adopte(i. Secon:!ed by I Councilman Sandison and can;.ed. Mayor Neer thanked all who took interest in the project an:! assured that When contract is completed, all will be satisfied. The follCMing Resolution of acceptance was then intil'Od\lced and read for Council approval: RESOLUTION NO. 22-56 A RESOLUTION confirming publication ani call. for. bids am confirming and accepting bids on !,ocal Improve- ment District No. 171. Thers being no further business, the meeting ,',as adjourned. !J. - ~ - :7-C4.!r . . ..City Clerk. ~d"5N' )/,?"f... / Mayor LEO:fiL tUBI~ICATIO:S s~afooOTJCE Bm~re~v~ by NonCE TO OONTRALTQRS Ita. 01 ANGELES OALL FOR BIDS PORT HINOTON' se~l~r~~s i~illh11~e~.~er~~~nat-t~~~ \~~iCh tln'ie fbey wUl.~ ~'pe;;~ U~We flo th~~~tt)~~~~~ks~r~~.C $~~l i-~~erU&~~~~cttg~dOtB~r'6~~ f~1]~e~~'Hl~:I~~:~ot ~~C~r~kfo~:~e ~;;l~{.~rK~a:~l~~n lin~~ ~~~~wi~d a~a%~N~1~te quantities of tf:n g;~~~bs~tt~~~~nse~~~the~% 1975 Cu. Yds. unclassified E)C-' t street and .the Installf;Ltlon or 7~~a~~~iO~ds. BBnkrun Gravel !r~~~~r~rt ~~~~f:, ~R~~~~~~rt;l, 50:n~o~U8~~c st?,~, t1UX;~Y;~~.{.o B~~y()~e. ~tfit~ Qr3~~~W; Surfacing . OFII'ICE OF THE CITY MANA- 23 (.&~lpY~tm~)mcnt Concrete ~~C.O~T a~~~~Mate~ASH- 1 Man Hole 6:00 P.M.. pST,d Jl,lly 5, 19fijl, ~ ; ~p~~a~O~:t~ Basins '~abte~gt .b~OU~rler~~e~fn pe~~w 1913 Lln, Ft. 6" and 8" Sewer the .time of opening. All 'bi~ shnJ.I Pipe he Pialnlj;, mArked:: "TRANSMTS- l~~~..J';n;h Ft. to 8 Ft. ~b~-rku&:o^:~ ~~SMvWf. 1 Wet Pit Pump 000 Gal. Min. . TION NQ, 580-B2". Capacity) , Plana and. ,specifications may be Detailed piano> and specl!lcat~ons ':lxalTllned at the office of the City ::Tlay be .obtained from the office , Port Angeles. Washing. $to~hew~~~ 'W~ller:e ~~~ur~~os~ti~~ ~~f~f~ l~~~~~~gA~~~: Jonsfide )Jldde-rs. All bids shall be . Washington. Plans and ~~m~~l: ~ ~~O~ndofor5 c~ IOlfS9f~~lnt!:g ~~~a~~ cent 01 bjd submitted. The City se. 0 refund will be made' for COUDell reserves the right to reject ohm!> and Sp~Ic8.tlQn.s. any or llllJ~~~'LAW, City Clerk. ~~Nifedm~~rf~~:1~p~in-edop~~ b: J_uneJ~..~1~5JiT_ le~Rf;{:: :oI>f~eceCrt~ :;e P6~ro~~ ge~ -City .c~1l reserves uk ~t~~d rf;~~~Y&p~%-m~~id~ ~J.~s 'o/U1be eval\1ated on time of e~:~'is'()'Miea~t~r~~rd. Iric. ~kyJci~kLA.W June 22, 29, 1964'1\ ~