HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/09/1937 I 1 1 I 'I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ""II 495 Jure 9. 1937 193_ '""'. .. ","""n. "~'T\.Eo n."o~..... .......~.. ..... I The Commiss ion me t in reGUlar sess ion at 10 rt.U. , Roll call showed the follor/ing officers !1resent: : Masters Attorney Conniff and ~lerk Hawkins. [. ' 'I' The minutes of the previous sessi0n vlere read and approved. I Under the head of i"pplioations for Building Permits the following were grr,nted: Mrs. ;!;. J. McCfillness, Addition to holltse, Lot 1:5, Blk. 1<::2, J:ownsite A. ". Lanotot, Remodel House, Lot 19, BIle, 113, fownsite and was ca,led to ord~r by Mayor Davis. Mayor Davis, Commissioners Henson an~ ~ 60.00 150.00 The Commission instructed the Gi ty Clerk to issue a oall for bids to do the "i ty print- ing for the year ending June 30, 1938. Bids to be ollerned June 2:), 19:57. The Commission examined and allowed the follovlin" olaims and ord8re!l warrants draen for same: i _CU~ HEI< T E:Q>3NSE l'UlID Associated Oil Co. ~alkling Motor ~o. VI. D. Morrissey Packer-5cott Co. Glenn's Servioe Jt~tion Crescent Motors ~i ty Treasurer 11 II Gas Repairs Special Polioe Sweeping Compound Oil. etc. Tires Ind Ins & Med "id rt II II 19.00 n.60 15.00 5.50 2.80 15.94 l' I 1~ 3.57 16.34 31.61 8.0e 100.00 17.67 6.47 6.05 478.56 2.14 '515] 7.09 5.28 12.30 5<::.27 7.86 1\.80 1(1.44 34.3.68 ,'5.48 9.84 39.20 r 491.17 113 co;:.. 10.74 1..19 2.65 11. 07 2.01 :5.50 5?- oj 20.15 11.22 9.40 b .0.1 3.00 1'1.66 S' 4.81 .30 _ 4119.30 CITY STitEET FUND Pug~t Sound Navigation Co. Lysall~Ylelding & Gorge .Iorks V. A. Samuelson & ~o. 11 rl " II II Freight Repairs " Crescent Motops ' V. rt. Samuelson & ~o. Associated Oil ~o. Epperson & "'ons "'i ty Treasurer Gas Lumber Ind Ins & Med "id . VIA T',", FUlm , --- Ci ty Light Dellt. Lannoye Auto Rebuild Palmer Supply Co. Pacific Telephone & ielegraph Co. Lysall :/elding & Forge "orks Epperson & "'ons Federal Pipe & ~'ank Co. Seattle Plumbin~ Supply Co. 'IJames Hard~are ~o. 'Associated Oil Co. IRensselaer ~alve Co. City Treasurer Li~hts at reservoir Truck Repairs Pipe & Fi t tinge Servioe ;)hOll \'lor k Lumber ~Iood Pipe Pipe Fit tings Hose Gasoline' Valves & Hydrants Ind Ins & lied ~id LIGHT FUND 1 iPuget "'ound Navigation Co. .~ngeles Coonel'a ti ve Creamerv jOlympic rrin tery . ICi ty O/a teL' Dep t. Lysall Weldin5 & For~e Works Blackburn Printing Co. lCi ty Treasurer I LIBRARY "'UND I '~i ty Treasure r Fre ight Drinking Cups Supplies ~ater at Store Room Shop Ilor k Meter Bills Ind Ins & Med Aid Light & '.'Ia,ter !pARK FUND I James Hard~are Co. Herman Gas tman tity Treawurcr tity Treasurer ):,I:>HT INVESTJ,rilH nam bity Treasurer I Under the head of Introduotion of Resolutions the following resolution was introduced: Hardvlare Labor Cash ndvanced Ind Ins & Med .lid Warrants Purchased RESOLUTION VfflEREAS, the ~ity of PQrt dngeles is the owner of the following described real property, having acquired the same by Treasurer's deed dated May 25, 1937, under and by virtue of the authority of Section 9393 of Remington's Revised Statutes, Chapter 143 of' the 13.wS of 1929, page 365, to-wit: Lot ~ighteen (18) Blook Three Hundre~ Fifty-three (3~3) of the Government TO\'lns~ ~e of Port .(jngeles, (;lallam ~ounty, 'ilashw'gton. lAND ifflE:lEAS, J. F. Hilt has offered to purohase from the City of Port Angeles the above ;!described real property for the sum of ,;225.00, payable -:125.00 on the 2nd day of July, 1937, and $15.00 on tfue c:nd day of eaoh and every month thereafter until said ~225.00 ... "'" 496 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington June 9. 1937 _193~ . ll... u"'. .. "U~.". UATn~ nAnONl.... 'Il1NHU. nn. NOH, THEHEFORE, BE IT HESOLVED that said offer be aocepted and that the City of Port I JAngeleS sell the said property at private sale to' the said J. p. Hilt f"r the sum hereinabove set forth. subject to any other :va lid liens against same; that the uity ."ttorney be I instructed to p'repare a qui~ claim deed conveying said property to the purohaser, and ,that the City vlerk of the "it;1 of Port Angeles be and he, is hereby instruoted to 'Iexecute said q,ui t claim deed, and that the I,Tayor of the vi ty of Port Angeles be and he is hereby instruoted to countersi~ said quit claim deed, when the purchase price and all accrued interest thereon has been paid in full. It was moved by Commissioner Henson that the foregoin" resolution be aocepteil. Seconded by Commissioner Masters. On roll call all members voted aye. The J.1ayor drolared the mo tion carri cd. There being no further bus iness the Commis:Jion then adJourned. +~ 7), 7J11{.rAAT7~ Ci ty Cle rk l.Iayor '1 1 1 I I -i1