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Minutes 06/10/1925
. P~ed~gs 'of the City ~~lof;;heCi~~~ttort l~ngeles,~'Wa;h~ngton ~L" L I oJ1=. 192~ _f! '. . ~ " ,I) L<"')~',- )....., .c.(,s ~-~<."'~ -:... 7'h.....:L _V"h _ _1-L r,f....'-L-l.L-.'l- __ ~.J.-~-4~ _...l... \...... _ L"'-~""~-S. _~____ ':;'J..U,,--;L_~ _t-;'L.L'"L '-_!-.J _7 t ~/3. ~t:I.-<-:<-,,--~!\._7? A[ "'::&.'L-LL. oJ/! .r-~r:~r_-:.-tt!-__. flill fl. ...:.. <h 0/. I". J . ' ,.r:"l-[r--::-:. \....(L...r:-,~ :;~.-:!..(..,.-'t.,1)---::::-u'l..<...~ l' L ~,,'....l\ ~--t...-J:':"'l-- _U.'_k;.(.-"::"'-~~W\.r--....{)..."11_'?"\_U oLLnu...l.J.__ J I /"~ ,., () () l . L f ~.' I' . ,-.. J P "-'~ _1-_La.I,:.>>, .v'^- <\ ~~fLL ~_~rcL-J, _~_'1.J..!-c.7J. ,-;t -=-"'~ _6_.,.ti..-'Z.'~"~1..22L'LCLu:'~' 'ct.. r n '<; U ---'.:- ~ . . 'I '/' . .'t.1'. _..0-('(..1.-1\, _&~_v ._I.~~'; ~, .' I.-if ,-..;.,. . (l n t_(1-l l'_LL-~~-n C-:-" _ _L-J\.~ _ ~ ~/_ 7'\~~ _-z..\.~ 1(." _ o.-jL-ftl~""-...,--:.~\ _ ~~~ '--_ L '! . /() ~/- ,.f- . r '. (J .r t7 .' --GLLu..,~, ~-r l.. rl...<./:i.I'~""1- "'-'r"-'-'V'!..t-J....~."-a/ _.J->~U1.,nrvr>1 c.,---t:. , I~~_{h.,-// I,_~<.~:;.(L.L. ..t<-;e..~,:~"'^iL _/-L_21I"'l.';j"'_1-_'?"n-::-.:..,;?~/L.:T= I C f' ' tiJ . '. () '. .' n f 'f- 1-- .; . u'-- --1t..::"Q"'~ _<A-~~ _S-t'i..C-'L~-<=-~~V\. '-""it 'L'-t-'<:"'~'\ -='-~J"';'/ '---:>'L'l-~hr'.:..!.<('- L tf) 0 ' - () n f'( f] . ,~f/!- ,-2 -' (7 ' " ~ __L-b. f.'AT:",.<\ _ a", ,\ _ cL.L~:,t!-I"..',I_a. H ,f'~.::tr,-"":-I9_cc", ,,'.:'1- . ,2 h''') _ -,~ "'.-1 ,<~~t;,-, __~_ ) rJ . V n I '. [-7;/", j/ - '_A/V'. - ~~ - e'::. ~ .C ,'" ",- r "'- - <Lt.<..TI "~'2n' )" ~'J _-::t { , - - -'- } "J'- '- o-r::,'J-'" ",...,-t '. _'1 ) /,,;;';:) - - . 0 0 f ..JJ . ,-I t';; (7 . (J jJ ol.---z..C-rt.,-d..Jc...t.)' _~,rtl_lOc7J1/nl <.~o.Ld.L~hLJ _ J.',ta- ,..-L---Aa....\,l_ "'~ \^- ,,\_ c.. ...t./L-/'l.(" Lt:--rl_ -!--t/_ ?/'-' 11 L-V n..v-'VV\. n.,.&'j 1\_../1_10 ojL -zr-rti_ -i _-i1L ...:6 a~"m ia.4J ;"J S./'v> .)j~ _71-~,J{'vl_J~ ~,(, u e"J:....-j) ,,~. 7.n:-t 'h'i.-;if!:_/~, J..'7t=,,-,~ 11. _I /:!. ~-\ a.~I:rW ~/f~:_ :l.~ji<-.. - .,,+ -- 7"~ (-ct~~1._'1- 4-L''''- - 0'1-,1, R, -;//!'--; Jt"t;- )l'niLf _tiar _JJ>.- .LF,v-vd _.u"q_ ~([ ~"L/fd"'~..(.cuv""', ~_, .....cp-....'--t-~)..~f!-=>l/- .h.1-_ d ~~ ~~ ;f~ '~;~ / --:;1 L- ~ ~fr' uc~.-l_ cV" ~ - a. J ~~C.;~ cu,- ,P _Jf.. _tee') _8'{t;;2h: ~ ;;./:''!.l.-v l[';p _f::' _ --k7' ~ :-o...~_.r:L d_........ "'~e" _ a..'-~JL--l-l:Jcl_lf,- .-'^"'-t'1....iY_E, ,,'[. ,:;i '-- }if;f~,-,..L""'.l~~J _-t/...::~n), ", ~:~"'uA-_,-'7/a...l!.d...l~_=-h'((.02. ..~'-.l..u j}__h) 7.vn CL"~ vV' <tV1-~ _If ~,,!I..:b "J!..I! _ )-rtL1..,--;t!~ ~d n h, '" ~.l-.L-, '..,..', c- . .. 7?h .L'<:'L-_~Lf,- ..:f'i.."--,:,e..Cf-_9-<"1.d::_l.~'L.l'-~~1_lr;< _U2l..jv~" "e'~-.J Ci.~'\_l.()L ,&.:w <LV' "\ _'''~~'~'v\ .c..W( -'- ""::'l<_'<<{ ;;"'.., _I.j_ '" ",Q _.2 J -1- ([2'LcL~, a.-~""" 72'7 /" ,_ ...vv.idf...f ~'clD:. .~([)~~~~<<_ __,.LLL....:/'~-/;; _-fl. _"W,v <4.r,,-r!..-.L7/!.-t_C'!I'~ '-1!~U1- It.. L,:t-~c<"Q - ~~. o-[';L",o- - ~~ _:1t....~~-~~1 ,~_'"1.~,t-~cj;L1.eu ~.; ',_'L'LtLlla~~:'1~ 'Ip" '\--: 71. 'lA..&1.A..h'~1_1['--_/..L.L<"', -.,'I ,d.<-. Ct." \ --=t1..~c.t-"K __d/.t.-..c..ov..:.., - LLV'L u:..,)., -' Lin"m'~ ill. (J P.. ;J /- (J I. 110. " ')2 / c ( tt...--...r-'i-<- /.f _ a/1~ ,'\ _-..t--<.--y.-L.-L~ -OR- 't.l ,:,u",c<-,-: _ d'1'\. i,l_ 'L'i:.....Q..1. cl.ru...""'V~-'.j _ ~ ...,.1...:[<:."\...\ a. \, e.(. _' (1. __~ <V 0/, ,,Ilt., . .. 1/ I,ll ~ (J ,.I' . ~ VL&-.l~ _ ...~L';{~lA ~a-'(~ _.:Vh~ t..-h. .ia;;. L-:'1--~. )\.L\A__~-;,~ ~D1-l. ,,\'\~L,L<... _ rlllJI_ ~ ('~'L c(~~,,l_Lc:~_ .rL-=-t""'IT;;, J'[ ~.cLiiA'WH C'<.-Q."<'~ G-<rV1fL.;.i- -I!~.. -wL c t_<C:Ld......:.. .,..e\.q('.= ~ ..:h.1 _~Ll ~ -=~::t:<'r.:dUh>F>-:"'''A''4~r?~ _ L~R _ :V~f"'- ,-y~T, R _ tVVl {kt"'L.ll'l (, VL._lJl'''-j.r'l- _.01 ~/f..._..25 iL1cul1: _Q~'- _/1.l4..; _a." ,r.l t.d.'",... ('1\.1-C"'"' ...<-->~ '''1-.,,,,/, . U U22..d'Uv,''''''-e{ .../7..1. j t/Vl/z-l (/ 'J l'-- '7 9...1+....,. .Lf .'f) /J J . .' ! 1il /J '7' I ,-/' 1,'1 . , .; W~_W,Y.Af..""':"-<U~'\..Vl~d_.f9Ita.,u'l/J"a;,~_l_..L/,,-_;lJ)<--'L~Iw>,t-D V,rzvl t_ 1 ~c11-l..:~:v.,,,::i!iL I .. ,vJrt-i 1d":'l- ~-f!l.- - 7-0~~ - J/~/ /1- -" S.-4i di~ tL>, "p. COY' G H.f-'-~n. -- ~_!.jfl.-4il1-"-:?JCv~-~1!t0-. .'. . . h J?~a07t.l~,~~~(~~ -~(t~ 'f' :J