HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/10/1936 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 395~ June 10. 1936 193_ I I I I I The Commission met in regular session at 10 A.M. and was callen to order by Mayor Davis. Roll call showed 'the following officers present: Mayor Davis, Commissioners Lutz and Masters, Attorney Conniff, and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of May 29th and June 3rd were read and approved. Under the head of "pplica tions for Licenses and Building Permi ts th e followin!'; were granted: Bonnie Hichards, Home Rooms (7 rooms) James}'. Shell, Chicken, HOlLse, I,ot 7, Blc,. 3:]8, 'l'oVlllsite 7.00 50.00 Under tile head of Introduction of Ordinances, the following Ordinance was introduced; read in fUll and placed on its first and second readings. AN ORDINANCE vacating certain portions of an alley in the City of Port Angeles, despribed as follows, to-wit: That portion of the alley between 17th and 18th "treets, "B" and "C" Streetp '!hich abuts the follJ7in.:; .1 ,,~ribed lots, to-wit: Lots One (1) to Ten (10), inclusive, and Lots Eleven (11) to Twenty (20), inclusive, Block Four Hundred Forty-nine (449), Townsite of Port Angeles, (;lallam County, '.Iashingtln. Police Judge, Thos. Geisness, reported 19 cases tried and :,~85.00 collected in fines for the month uf May, 1936. Report ordered filed. Under the head of New Business: The Superintendent of Utilities presented to the Commicsion an approved, contract Permit, B1910, with the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Compan:" to attach wires, cross-arms, etc. to two (2) poles belonging to the Port Angeles Light Department, being the first pole north (fB-IIIO) and the first pole suuth (#1-1113) of IThidby Ave. on the west side of Lineoln Street, at an annual rental of 50~ per pole, payable in advance, beginning June 1 , 1936. It appearing that the permit was in proper form and that its execution was desirable ani for the best interest of the ~i ty, the Commission instructed the i"ayor to sign the said permit on behalf of the City. Under the head of New Business, the Commission granted the American Le~ion all street concessions for the Fourth of July Celebration, and the privilerre of closin~ Front' Street to traffic, from Laurel Street to Oak Street from 8 a.m. to 1 p,m. on the 4th for the use of small sports. The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Trick & Murray Evening News Treasurer of the U.S. City Treasurer V. A. S~muelson & Co. Pacific Emblem Mfg. Co. Shell Oil Co. City Treasurer City Treasurer Port "ngeles iron ':Iorks Rilleon Hardware Co. Firestone Auto Supply & Service ~tore V. A.Samuelson &'Co. V. A. Samuelsen & Co. V. A, Samuelson & Co. M. R. Alleman Angelos Gravel & Supply ~o. Hau3en Sheet Metal Works State Treasurer State Treasurer .suppli es Publication Rental of Ediz Hook Cash ad vane ed Repairs School Boy PatrOl Buttons Gasoline ':Jater Cash advanced Repa irs Hardware Tires Ligh t Globe s Ti re rtepair H.epairs Lumber Lumber ,etc. Tank :;creen Ind Ins & ~ed Aid Ind Ins & Med "id 1/-(, Jt'+f '- 3.10 18.55 100.00 2.00 3.~5 1.07 3'1.70 420.00 2.00 2.00 10.45 212.56 .60 .50 1.90 19.14 921. n 3.05 76.68 1'1.40 iH TER FUND " E. A. Thomas Crane Co. Crane Co. ~ngeles Bravel Supply Co. Port "ngeles Iron '''ol'ks Haugen ~heet Metal Works ~laska Copper ~orks Cit'! Treaourcr City Light Department Lysall Uelding & ForGe ~orks ~90ker Electrochemical Co. ptate Troasurer {'" ---- J.~\ 6.13 18.13 66.59 3/50 9.76 1. 73 52.41 1.26 12.29 7.25 14.45 38.02 Repairs Truck Fi ttings Pipe Fi ttings Nail s Va Ive Key & ';hop "ork Meter Box Fittings Misc. Cash Payments Gasoline & Oil Shop ',Iork Chlorine Ind Ins & Med Aid tLIGHT FUnD J. Lloyd "ldwell, Inc. Shell Oil Co. A. S. Knight & Co. ~ysall ;Ielding & Forge Horks Hestinghouse Electric & Mfg. (;0. P.raybar Elect!'ic Co. Blackburn Printing Co. P~aybar Electric E~ee;p~e Co. Johnson & Bark rOOkS E:lectric Service Ins. on ranges Gasoline Meter Box Bushings Shop ;lork Me tor Sockets Tools Printinz Tools & Mater ial Paint Repair s 5.03 25.06 5.37 2.,~O 20.66 13.39 11.83 61.90 12.87 1.91 ~ ,... 396 June 10, 1936 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 193_ ll. V. A. Samuelson & "c. Evening News State Treasurer Truck Repairs Publications Ind. Ins & Med "'id CEMETERY FU11D Willson Hardware Co. Hardware LIBRARY FUND City Treasurer Via ter PARK FUND Wills on Hardware Co. Johnson & Bork Clicty 'rreasurer Dewey's Motor Service, Inc. The ~lallam Grain Co. Gran2'e .store Fred ~\'Iescott Uashington Pulp & Paper Co. Filion Mill & Lbr. vo. State ';'reasurer Hardware Red ;Jtain, etc. Cash advanced for seed Repairs Seed, etc. Fertilizer Repairs to LawmJower Canvas Lumber Ind Ins & Med "'id 8th ST. CONS'l'RUCTIOrr 1C\JIlD Pacific Testing Laborat6ries Laboratory Tests There being nu further business the Commission then adjourned. ~j -y'1b \11 ~ 7; ?;J;J~~ I , #~ City Clerk ,.. ~ Mayor 5.87 4-\,24 13.21 .50 2.2,5 I 1.05 t,.51 '1.00 3.55 66.10 2.30 6.10 5.00 1.83 14.40 I 7<:.00 I I :1