HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/10/1942 r- 418 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington June 10, 1942 19_ .... The Commission met in regular session at 10 A.M. and was called to order by Mayor Beetle. Roll call showed the following officers present: Mayor Beetle, Cornnissioners Beam and Lind, Attorney Conniff and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of Applications for Building Permits and Licenses the following were granted: Henry Reis, Build Residence, Lots 16 & 17, Block 386, Townsite Habit Cleaners, Cleaning & l'ressing Olympic Laundry, . " " Olympic Recreation, 4 Pool & Billiard Tables Pa t terson Hotel, 6 rooms Brown Mattress Co., Second Hand Vealer Drovdahl's Fountain Lunch, Soft Drinks (7 Months) Pastime Tavern, Soft Drink The Marina, Restaurant Club Billiard Cafe, Restaurant, year ending June 30, 1942 \I II II II "30, 194:3 50, 1942 30, 1942 Union Drug Co., Restaurant II II II Soft Drink The Commission examined and allcwed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Port Angeles Evening News Quick Print Olympic Stationers The Stationers, Inc. Olympic StatIoners . " Publi cati ons Supplies Mimeo Bond Supplie s " Paper Clips & Punch Knives, etc. Enamel Soap Pawn Shop Reports Supplies Gas Wiene rs Lumber & Spring Varnish, etc. Ha rdwa re Repairs Gas " Gal v. ~ron Angle Iron, etc. Screen, Iron, etca Sharpen Lawn Mower Paper Towels, etc. Shop Work Parts Campaign Posters Freight Bill Premium on Bond Lumber Ind In s. & Med Aid 0.... ,.- ~yV Willson Hardware Co. Johnson & Bork J. E. Bernard Quick Print The Fehly Studio Standa rd Oil Co. Sequim Meat Co. Epperson & Sons, Inc. n II n Willson Hardware Co. Tower Super Service Tidewater Associated Oil Co. Standard l1ti ~o. Harris & Schuller n '1 IT Todd's Cycle Shop Fry Drug Co. Frank Macdonsld & iSons Loop Auto l~ecking Co. National Fire Protection Ass'n Puget Sound Navigation Co. Sunset Insurance Co. Epperson & Sons, Inc. State Treasurer CITY STREET FUND Olympic Stationers Peninsula Motors Macdonald & Sons Willson Hardware Co. Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Tidewater Associated Oil Co. Shell Oil Co. Standard Oil (;0. Union Oil Co. Stste Treasurer Correction Fluid Repa irs Shop Work Hardware Cement, ete. Oil Kerosene & Stove Oil Asphalt, etc. Grease Ind Ins & Med Aid WATER FUND Puget Sound ~avigation Co. Olympic Stationers V. ~. Samuelson & Co. Rensselaer Valve Co. State Treasurer Freight Charges Blue Prints Truck Parts Air Valves Ind Ins & Med Aid 1IGHT FUND City Treasurer Port Angele s Evening "News Olympic St.tioners V. A. Samuelson & Co. State ireasurer Cash Payments Adv. Supplies Car Parts Ind Ins & Med Aid CEMETERY FUND Tooker I 5 Motor Freight Freight on Lawn Mower PARK FUND City Water Dept. Olympic Stationers (Con'd on next page) Install Sprinkling Service Blue l'rin ts ~t 3q 2 ./ 3000.00 5.00 5.00 40.00 6.00 15.00 2.90 5.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 5.00 I I 38.55 8.24 1.34 6.S9 7.60 .72 18.08 2.06 4.38 4.64 3.07 55.27 4.75 LOS .88 8.49 32.72 37.75 48.22 30.95 38.93 17.87 1.55 34.50 S2.28 6.70 4.50 .7S 5.00 22.76 21.83 I .26 1.03 16.38 2.56 5.01 9.39 19.93 294.75 25.96 23.71 I zj- p' 12.52 3.70 2.83 97.78 17.06 I 13~ 71.21 25.26 19.95 3 y 3.34 ,....... IS .58 .80 22.42 .52 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington June 10. 1942 19_ "'lII 419 .."'... .."...A.....Af1'Ll'.n.;:'"'~."" "",.tUB. o,uoo I I I I I I Willson Hardware Co. I Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. I City Wa ter Dept. I Epperson & Sons, Inc. Willson Hardware Co. State Treasurer Lamps, etc. Sand Install Pipe Lumb er Hardwa re Ind Ins & Med !lid There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. ?J./~~~ City Cle rk 1d1h'3~ Mayor 0' i ~ t> .....- 7.47 18.54 29.93 16.48 1.39 3.28 ~