HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/11/1947 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 351 ~ .TnnA 11, 19..fl- TlllCO.' vu.......KAr..........-.. _,.... I..,.,.. ~ 'I I I. .~ I I The Commission met in regular session at 10 A.lt., and was called to order by Bayor Epperson. Roll Call of Officers showed the following present: Mayor Epperson, Corrunissioners Steele and Johnson and Clerk Law. . Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Iunde; the head of applications for building permits and licenses, the following'were granted: I Building permits: John .Gallacci j Campbell & McClanahan Jack DelGuz~i Jack Del Guzzi I' Cecil Il. Fitchard Lee Reily ilAlber-t A. Rol:ilan ,J. W. Loomis 'Walla'Ce B. Smith George 1. Adams fuild garage, Lot 9, Block 419, Townsite, Build marquet, Lot 18, Block 69, Townsite Build 5 room Dwelling, Lot 8, Block 222, Townsite Build 5 room Dwelling, Lot 9, Block 222, Townsite Add kitchen & bedroom, Lot 16, Block 206, Tmvnstie Build 2 kitchens on to existing houses, Lot 18, Blk 205 Tnst. Build do,velling, Lot 4, Block 195, Townsite, Build 4 room dwelling & garage, ~ Lot 1, Block 12 P & C C Build chimney and add fixtures, Lot 15, Blk 22, N.R. Smit~ Remodel Apt. house, Lot 11, Block 25, Townsite 150.00 200.00 5000.00 5000 .00 500.00 500 .00 3500.00 4000.00 500.00 2000 .00 Licenses: Rainbow Tavern Raiilbmv Tavern Rainbow Tavern I I Under the head of neVf business, a petition signed by property owners requestL-,g the alley in block 166 be ' II cut dOlm to grade from Laurel to Lincoln Streets was presented, and it was moved by Commissioner Johnson that I the petition be filed with the Engineer. Seconded by Commissioner Steele. All voted Aye. Motion carried. 2 amusement w~chines, 1 Music me chine, Soft drink, 6 mo:,;, 6 mo. 6 mo. 24.00 6.00 2.50 I The resignation of Roy Pike, Supt. of Sanitation Dept. was read before the Conmission, and ~ayor Epperson I ,moved that the said resignation be accepted. Sec5'nded by Commissioner Johmson. All voted Aye. I,lotion carrielld. i unde; the head of introduction of resolutions for the sale of real property by the City, the following was' ! I introduced: Walter J. Beutler Lot 13, Block 1, Hartt & Cook's SuW. of Sub. Elk. 51 Townsite, 1'75.00 I It was moved by Corr~issioner Steele that the foregoing resclution,be approved and the property sold. Seconded by Commissioner Johnson. All members voted Aye. The motion carried. I The Commission examined and approved the following claims, and ordered warrants issued in payment of the ,Q!!!:,rent Expense Fund: 'fl;2,tJ.W II Western Union Telegraph CO. I: William S, Johnson I', P. A. Evening Ne,vs i Epperson & Sons I' Hooker Storage Garage i D & B Battery & Electric Sta. 'i City Street Department I R. O. Ide I Hazel's Cafe t Clallam Crain Co. Automotive Parts Service I BrOlvu' s Second Hand Store 'I Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Olympic Laundry & Cleaners I General Electric Supply Corp. Willson Hdwe. Co. Smith Ice & Bottling Works Hward - Cooper Corp The Electric Co. P. A. Sigh Shcp Shell Oil Co. i ~ Street Fund: ,/"I.~. 3/1. Crmm Zellerbach Corp. P. A. Evening News Aumomoti ve Parts Ser. City Treasurer , D & B Battery & Electric Ser. "i Willson lIdwe. Co. '; Janish Motors Co. I: Shell Oil CO. I! Sanitation Fund: 15.1>'1: G. & W. Fireservice I Angeles Machine & Welding Works I City Street Dept. I Grandview Service Sta. OlJ~pic Stationers I Library ~: 3.11 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Park Fund: / !/"p. ~ z Eighth street Repair Shop School District No. 7 Willson, HdVfe. Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. City Street Dept. James Hdwe. Co. Cemetery Fund: r. 0 ~ City Street Dept. Willson Hdwe. Co. 2 telegrams Expense Publications Plywood Tire repair Parts Mechalical Labor Car mileage Meals for prisoners Straw Belt - pump Shovel PhIilne servic e Laundry, cleaning Portion of radio installation Plasti-cote - Lrilliantshine Refill - tovrels Distributor cap Tubes Repaint sign Shell d d t Brass stem - lime Calls for bids Parts License plates Parts Supplie s Dodge truck Shell d d t Extinguisher & refill Raising body Gas & oil Brake fluid stand Service Grinding mower Recreational Fund Supplies, Phone Service Gas & labor Rake Gas Couplings $ same: I I I .99 14.19 82.25 .'70 1.54 9.25 59.68 61.78 5.56 1.85 4.59 1.29 32.20 14.13 4399.54 5.52 12.62 2.52 8.81 6.18 25.75 56.58 4.06 50'.58 1.75 53.64 52.45 448'7.20 24.26., 2.85 3.09 75.24 1.29 15.1S 5.ll 3.61 100.00 47.58 6.12 21.06 2.55 5.40 2.65 ,.. 352 -- Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington .Tllnp. l' , 19-41- Water fund: .:J, 5''1 '1.111 ,General Electric Supply Corp. ilTooker~'s Motor Freight Klipfel IJfg. Co. Fcrd Meter Box Co. ,Automotive Parts Service Port Angeles Auto Supply Co. Shell ,Oil Co. City Street Department ISeattle Plumbing Supply Ce'. I Light :fund: IS, 'n:J. ~ General Electric Supply Corp. Line Ma terial ,[<). Pacific Tel & Tel Co. W. G. JI.a t thews Corp. City Street Dept Clallam County P U D No.1 James C. Martin Shell Oil Co. Home Electric Co. Automotive Parts Service Olympic Stationers !,D. W. Lean Parking Meter ~ Traffic Control FUnd: M? ,Olympic Stationers I; L. I. D. Genreal fund: I&', i>? 5lyiiipic StatioiWrS- P. A. Evening News Portion of Radio Installation Freight charges Supplies Coppersetters Parts Parts Shell d d t Gas & repairs Fittings $ 2298.35 5.64- 55.50 62.04 9.85 1.60 25.75 98.59 66.19 I Meters - Tubes - Hardware Service FUses Repairs May Power Bill Expense Shell D D T Wire Parts Supplies Expense 195.16 56,7], 45.46 82.00 41.65 15,507.65 18.41 25.75 82.41 4.70 7.21 28.'70 I Brush' - Tape 1.19 Prints - Envelopes Publication, Resolutiona 149, ISO 5.8l. 14.88 There ,being no further business, the session was declared adjourned. () t. ';i ~. (; City Clerk ...... \10 (0 ~:L'\.~!J_~ Mayor . 1 I I