HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/11/1951 I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 137 " June 11, 19_5~ '"<. . ,,,m. ~m<. ",,".... ..,.".. "u. .... IThe Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Feeley. Officers present were: VJayor Feeley, Commissioner Taylor, Attorney Trwnbull and Clerk Law. . . Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. J \'Under the head of applications for building permits and licenses, the following were granted: . .' 'Building Permits: JiM - iInez V. McLaughlin Repairs and Addition to Garage; If Lots 8>'9, Blk. 223, Townsite ,T.,R. Mallory Build Garage, to be Used as Dwelling;.Lot 6, Blk. 319, Townsite ,Frank Pollow V.ove House; Lot 11, Blk. 4, Dyke Land Co. Mrs. Earl Coolidge Build Tool Shed; Repair Foundation of Home; Lot 9, Blk. 143, Townsite L., K. Farnsworth Put Net. Cement & Cement Blk. Foundation'under House; Lot 3, Blk. 208; Townsite :C. .C. Churchill Build Storage Shed; Lot 7, Blk. 25, N. R. Smith Add. 'E. V. Berg Build Part Basement under EKisting House; Lots 13-14, Blk. 1, Doyles Add. :Esther Egloff Remodel Basement, Back Porch; Lot 17, Blk. 200, Townsite I ,,' Licenses: c.tf- Crystal Bath House 'Crystal Bath House Holmer's Cafe Holmer's Cafe I ,Under the head of unfinished business, bids for City Official printing for the year beginning July 1, 1951, ,were opened as follows: Port Angeles Evening News, First Publication; non-tabulated matter, 12t, repeat, ,9t. Tabulated matter, first publication, 16t, repeat, 9t. The Olympic Tribune, non-tabulated matter, first publication, 3t, repeat 3t. Tabulated matter, first publication 6t, repeat 3t. It was moved by Commissioner ,Taylor that the contract be awarded to the Olympic Tribune. Seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. 'Motion carried. I \The Engineer filed first and final estimates for contracts by Owens Brothers as follows: Construction of storm sewers at Olympic Memorial Hospital, $1,456.95, less 15% retained, $218.54, amount due $1,238.41. 'Concrete sidewalk, north side of Fifth Street from "A" Street to "E" Street, $2,888.55 less 15% retained, $433.28. Fixed estimate, $481.25. Total due, $2,936.52. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the 'estimates be paid. Seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. 1 Under the head of new business, Commissioner Taylor was instructed to meet with the County Commissioners "regarding the Francis Street trunk sewer and county connection with the same at Fourth and Francis Streets. 'jThe Commission discussed the possibility of requesting the County to discontinue use of the Francis Street 'Itrunk due to overloading capacity of the same. ,Commissioner Taylor reported on attendance at Convention of Association of Washington Cities at Seattle, :and informed that numerous problems were discussed, the most important being necessity for Cities to provide (cost of local government and not depend uP9n'State assistance. Also that many Cities are planning ways and means of raising revenue. I (Mayor Feeley presented Chief Ide with a certificate of Honor Award for traffic safety, showing this City "sharing high honors with one other City of 10,000 to 20,000 population. I (The 14ayor then discussed installation of garbage disposals in homes, informing that the City might install 'and the cost be paid the same as garbage pick-up charges. No action is considered before thorough study and 'investigation. I Commissioner Taylor discussed refusal of the Water Foreman to remove a City car "mob was parked in an alley, "and expressed disappointment in such conduct by any City employee. Mr. Taylor then extended apologies to ) ,Iall individuals and departments involved. I ,The Commission examined and approved the folloldng claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: ff I ~'f 150.00 500.00 300.00 200. 00 150.00 2,000.00 100.00 400.00 Bath House and Massage Soft Drink Restaurant Soft Drink 25.00 5.00 24.00 10.00 CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: G. P. Lockwood First National Bank 'City Treasurer ,The Olympic Print ery Quick Print H. O. Ide Puget Sound Express, Inc. ~Fitchard I s Ass. Service D & B Battery & Elec. Stn. tannoye & Davidson "Tillson Hardware Co. Bussine Office Supply :C. A. Wolverton .J.3 CITY STREET FUND: 1'/5"- City Shop Dept. Willson Hardware Co. .The Electric Co. ,Peninsula Plywood Corp. 'Western Tractor & Equip. Co. ,Automotive Parts Service 'D & B Battery & Electric Stn. :Roberts & Nelson Ol;yjilpic Salvage ,Machinery Service & Supply Co. i ~~ CITY SHOP FUND: Jj-f.- G. & W. Fire Service McMahan Fue 1 Co. 'Olympi c Stationers 'Schreiner Chev. Co. : AutoIIIDti ve Parts Service 'D & B Battery & Electric Stn. I I State Examiner Income Tax \;ithheld Pos tage Ink, Erasers, Paper Let terheads Car Mileage fo r May Frt. Car Repair Generator Parts Balance vlbeel Lamps, Fittings Fire Alarm Repair Fire School Expense )12.00 ~34.30 17.00 2.99 7.73 22.05 1.43 10.92 17.09 5.92 10.72 5.15 46.04 Gas, Oil, Repairs Tools and Hdwe. Lock Nuts, Bushings, etc. Core Blocks Parts Fittings Disc, Exide Wood Screws Belting, Chain, Hammer Grader Blades, Brooms 652.32 24.10 8.45 8.24 31.75 2.10 28.57 3.15 7.91 178.74 Fire Ext. Fluid Sack of Blacksmith Coal Repair Orders Parts Parts Parts and Labor 4.94' 2.551 5.671 2.44 22.31 8.34' ..... "" 138 l Proceedings of the City Commission of lhe City of Pori Angeles, Washinglon ",., . ""-" .."". ""'-". ..,.".. "". ..... 1'1ATER FUND: (.,0/ ':<'i' Remingto n Rand, Inc. ~ Bow Lake Equipment Co. Arvid Vedin Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. E. N. Hallgren Co. Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. ,,; SANITATION FUND: I/J ' D & B Battery & Elec. Stn. PARKING METER & TRAFFIC CONTRCL FUND: Willson Hardware Co. Feiix Gallacci J une-..l1.th..~ntinued., Ribbons Shovel Parts Shar pening Tools Cement Pipe Fittings Bldg. Mat'l, Concrete Zenith Carbo Kit, Labor . 'f 60: ' Drills EXpense There being no further business, the meeting was then adjourned. p~x~ u City Clerk 195L_ _tb"L4 ;:;7 1 12.88 149.311 29.12; 1.34' 81. 99' 326.641 1 10.01,1 j 3.80 46.941 Mayor 1 I -I I I. i